VS Electro
(Eren's POV)
Staying at home today was the best option I had. No crime, no one on the streets, nothing. Rain, rain, and more rain. That's what's happening outside.
"Oh man... rain really does bring moods down. I bet even criminals feel the same too. Is that a good thing?" I asked myself out loud. "Is rain a good thing or a bad thing?"
All I had to look forward to was the vegetable soup I made for myself. I made sure I selected the healthiest and tastiest of ingredients... and just mixed them up together.
"This looks... delicious." I said to myself as I marveled at my own creation. "You... my friend are gonna be my very first love interest!"
Once I had a taste of the delicious soup, I realized how good it tasted. I sat back and started to swallow the food as slowly as possible to not burn my mouth. It was like a party in my mouth. I could taste the cooked carrots and other vegetables as I crunched them in my mouth.
"Mmm... I should practice the culinary arts!" I said with mouth stuffed with food. "I'm the chef humanity needs but does not want!"
But then it dawned on me. As I was thinking of cooking food and being Spider-Man, I could balance the two with "I'll make my own Spider-Man restaurant with then web delivery service!"
But then I realized that although the delivery would be fast. The food would be delivered fast... and smashed.
"Oh... okay only the restaurant then!"
It started to thunder outside while I was announcing my future job with passion and complete optimism.
"Okay... I was going for the optimistic vibe, not the evil genius maniac type of vibe."
But then I realized that the lightning was focused on one location. And that was on the wall.
"Well... maybe it wasn't me who was going for the evil genius vibe."
I quickly ran into the closet and put on my suit.
"This is a job for...
Freaking Mother Nature! But whatever. She doesn't super hero around, does she? I ain't afraid of no lightning!" I said in a completely scared voice.
(Spider-Man's POV)
"If lighting strikes in your neighborhood, who you don't call? Spider-Man!" I sang.
Then I quickly came to the realization that eating soup and swinging through the district was a pretty bad idea.
"The soup I'll puke and I don't feel so good, who you don't call? Spider-Man!"
I stopped on a rooftop and then I took my mask off and puked my life out!
"Next time... I'll just jump from rooftop... EWHGHGH!"
After 5 minutes of puking under the rain I felt better and quickly got back into the lightning business and headed to the source.
I webbed the wall and ran to the top as fast as I could knowing that this is something not natural.
And right then and there, I knew I was going to face my very first supernatural enemy.
I saw a person raising their hand up and having lighting strike on it. He seemed pretty unharmed, actually on second thought he seemed to be absorbing the lightning!
He looked at me and my heart dropped at the realization of his identity. He was Connie.
"Ah! Webhead! Nice suit! How do you like mine?" He asked.
"Dashing. Where'd you get it?" I asked.
"It's an exclusive club."
And then as soon as he said that. Mikasa also arrived. Her also donning an upgraded version of her previous suit.
"Great! So we all have new suits. What's next? One of you with mechanical wings in their back?"
"Maybe? I'll pitch the idea to Ernst and then he'll make it. But after I kill you that is!"
Connie then summoned a hold of lightning and threw it at me. I dodged it once, then he threw another one at me. He kept doing the same thing over and over again until I had no choice but to take a jump away from the wall and back down to the district.
Bad decision.
He summoned a lighting bolt right at me as I was jumping midair.
The feeling of the lightning hitting me was quick but very painful. I started to fall to the ground, hitting the roof of some noble household.
"Man, I can't work in these conditions!" I said to myself out loud.
I got myself back up and then wall-ran back to the top of the wall. When I reached the top I leapt up high and then used my reinforced web to blast Connie to the ground.
"Feel the power of Electro!" Connie exclaimed as he zapped my webs off him.
"Man, you really are a pain in the ass. I was enjoying a soup but you had to come today and make me puke it along the way here, huh?"
"Well too bad it's going to be your last meal." Con- I mean Electro stated before I webbed his face up.
Mikasa, who was now behind Electro, she leapt high in the sky, over Electro and while holding her new sword, she came down on me like a cannon round. But before she could hit me, she was tackled down by a cadet with a hoodie.
"Oh no..." I said to myself before jumping after the both of them. "Hang on, ladies!"
Both Annie and Mikasa were fighting each other while falling to their death. I dove down, increasing my speed and then when I was at a good distance above them I webbed them up together and then attached a web rope to them while swinging back to the top. I let them go near one of the anti-titan cannons. I then web zipped myself back to Electro and then punched a part of his suit off. The punch landed on the left side of his chest and before I could move away he placed his hand on my back, electrocuting me in the process.
I fell on the ground at his feet, nearly unconscious. As I tried to get myself back up he stepped on my back and pushed me down with his foot.
"You killed a friend of mine." He stated.
"Wrong... I don't kill..." I said as I winced in pain.
"And I'll make you suffer for that." He continued.
He then took his leg off me and used it to kick me so I can lay on my back.
"I wanna see your face as you die."
"You wanna see my face? Too bad, because I don't wanna see yours!" I used my old truck of webbing my enemies in the face for comedic effect before webbing and pulling off the loose parts of his armor from the side I destroyed.
"What are you doing?!" He shouted.
"Ending this."
I then kicked him off me and then jumped back to my feet.
Electro then raised his right hand up and summoned a surge of lighting he directed at me. I dodged and webbed his left hand and jumped behind him while pulling on the webs, making him slap himself.
"Aw, little sparky! I know you're sad you can't finish me, but there's no need to slap yourself!"
"I'll zap you to shreds!" He charged his right hand again but before he could summon lighting I webbed his hand.
"That's not how it works! You can rip me to shreds, or at least try." I whispered the last part. "But zapping? You can zap me to death sure, but not shreds. Make a coherent sentence please!"
I failed to realize that while he was indeed missing large chunks of his armor and had his arm webbed up, he did succeed in summoning lighting. But it only electrocuted him, knocking him out in an instant.
"Oh no!" I immediately grabbed him and took him to the garrison HQ for nursing.
(Annie's POV)
I pulled myself out of Spider-Man's webs and crawled out of the mess he made.
As I was on my knees, removing strands of web stuck to my jacket, I witnessed a pair of legs in front of me. I looked up and saw Mikasa in her new armor, staring at me. I could clearly see that she was angry.
"You helped him..." She stated. Her voice was deep and robotic. It did not sound like her, and the voice came from the helmet and not from her mouth. She really did get some improvements.
"I did."
"Because he's not what you make him out to be."
"He did not murder Jaeger."
"He did. The evidence is in the headquarters."
"If he did kill him, then he would have killed you, and all of us too! Get it through that stupid mind of yours!" I yelled at her.
"How can you be so sure?" She asked. Her voice showing that she did not care for the answer and was just trying to find an excuse not to kill me right now.
"Why didn't he kill the criminals he instead brought to justice? Why not murder us the second we fought him the very first time? Someone wanted him brought down and the murder of Eren was the convenient story they shared around to point fingers."
"His webs were there."
"His webs are everywhere. It takes around two to three hours for the webs to dissolve. He had webs everywhere. All over the district, like on people's houses, shops, carts, everywhere he stopped crimes! He might have webbed Eren's clothes for the Military Police to find as evidence to find the real killer, but instead it was used to frame him. Think about it!"
Mikasa stood silent. She only stared at me with her cold dead eyes that sometimes were colder than mine.
"Listen. With given time, I could search around and gather clues and evidence. In a place like this evidence can stay visible for a long time. I can investigate this. Just give me time."
"Why should I?"
"Look, do you want to find Eren's murderer or not?" That question hit her hard, she had to change the subject.
"What do you want in return?"
"I'm not doing it for you, I'm doing it for him."
"Why do you care?" She asked. That question hit me out of nowhere. I did not expect it at all.
"I... I have my reasons."
"You like him, don't you?" And that was another question that hit me out of nowhere. Harder than the last, I should add. With that said, I stayed silent.
"We have but one week here before returning to training back at camp. If you want to investigate, I'll give you the green light to do so. But I expect answers. Results. Evidence. You'll operate my The means given to you by the jurisdiction given to us to hunt down the Spider-Man. If anyone asks, it's a Spider-Man investigation."
"Good. You'll have your answer by the time I'm done. Starting tomorrow."
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