The New Adversary
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(Mikasa's POV)
Connie and I followed Ernst over to the cart that is supposed to be taking us to his lab. Connie has never been there before. I was the only one to go there. Which begs the question. Why am I the only one getting all his attention up until now and why was I the first one to be picked for this job?
Connie and Mikasa, eh? Where have I seen this team up before? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Does he really care about my vengeance or is he only using my anger and hatred towards that arachnid to further his own gains? Up until now this suspicion of mine I cannot confirm.
It's been only a day since Spider-Man and I last fought. And I nearly had him last time, I even unmasked him! If it weren't for those citizens there I would have ridden us of that menace.
But he does seem to care about them and they the same. He really became angry when I threatened those people. And said people really weren't afraid to protect him.
But what bothers me most is the aid of the garrisons. They indeed cared about him and acted outside of the established laws. I even got dirty looks from everyone in the headquarters.
I think Spider-Man really is a hero who saves the people.
But that matters little as I will indeed make him pay for killing Eren.
Ernst grabbed his hat and ducked his head inside the cart as he entered. Connie followed behind and I was the last to enter. The three of us were traveling alone. Our cart did not have any escort.
"You think that fight was useless?" Ernst asked me in a tone that suggest he already knows the answer.
"Yes. I failed. Spider-Man is still alive and your precious armor is broken." I replied and then looked down, not wanting to talk.
"It was not." My head shot back up.
"In fact, I'd say it was a success. You might not have defeated the spider but we did learn a lot of information."
"Like what?" I asked.
"Like the fact that he deeply cares for his people and the people do the same. That he does not reach his full potential usually while fighting you and he would do anything for the safety of his people. We also learned that the armor needs a lot of improvements and remodeling. Again, we also leaned that the garrisons, or a large number of them, somewhat close to the majority, are indeed willing to work outside protocol to ensure that Spider-Man does not die. Maybe they owe it to him, or maybe they just want their lazy jobs even lazier. Who knows?"
"I think I have an idea." Connie jumped in. "When Mikasa and him fought the cannons were fired at the HQ in an attempt to kill him. They were both in the HQ fighting. It was a loss but when the base was crumbling down he did risk life and limb to save all of us. He held large chunks of the base with nothing but webs and raw strength and endurance"
"Hmm... interesting." Ernst exclaimed. "And what did he do after everyone escaped?"
"He let go of the debris and just left."
"Even more interesting..."
I looked back down and just tried to cancel all the noise and drift away in my thoughts and think about what Spider-Man is really up to and who he is.
My mind was filled with grief and my willpower to continue on living is fueled by rage. I could not get out of bed for quite a while. Not until Shadis issued a hunt for Spider-Man. After our first attempt I tried to find any information about where Eren's body could have been burnt and where the rest of his stuff is, but nothing. His body was not found but the clothes they gave me to inspect were indeed his. They were tattered and shredded. Bloodied and damaged. But all the clothes were indeed his.
"That scarf." Ernst said, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Where did you get it from?"
"Why are you asking?"
"Because you were gripping it hardly all day long. Is it from someone?"
"Yes. It is from Eren."
"Oh. That poor soul. See? This is why he needs to be taken down. He may save people and they do love him and embrace him as their savior, but they do not see him for who he truly is, he's a cold blooded killer. A menace to the safety of the walls. He needs to be stopped, otherwise the higher ups inside the inner walls, those people will not rest until he is either brought to justice or brought down."
"Is that what's in it for you?"
"No. I'd get... rewarded for my efforts in a proper and more appropriate manner."
"More than money. I'd get the green light to act as I please with the military and be able to work on better weapons and get paid more for it."
"So more money."
"And with money comes influence. I'll turn this world around."
"What about the titans?" Connie asked.
"Minor Inconvenience."
"Minor?!" I exclaimed.
"Yes. Once everything is set in stone the titan problem will only be a matter of time."
I didn't know how I should feel about this. That Eren's dream is going to be realized is a good thing but the way he said it leaves much to be desired.
I felt uncomfortable about this.
We arrived at his lab at 3:00 AM. Connie has already fell asleep and I was slowly doing the same.
Ernst on the other hand, he's as wide awake as he's gonna get.
I woke Connie up and he was barely able to get on his feet.
Ernst got off the cart first. I followed behind and Connie was on my shoulder. I set him down on the ground harshly. Just to make him wake up a little.
I pulled out my hand for him to reach and he did so. I then pulled him up and he walked after me to the lab.
Before we entered I passed the cart drivers. Both of them were wearing black hoods that covered their face. They were silent and didn't say a word. As if they are soul reapers or something.
"They work with me. Now get inside." Ernst called out as he got inside.
Connie and I entered and followed Ernst through the lab. He had apparently started to move equipment in. The lab main area was large and wide, able to fit an entire horse stable.
Most of the stuff I've seen inside was very futuristic looking. Something out of this world.
Connie did not believe what his eyes showed him. He was looking all over the place, marveling at all the equipment and armor blueprints. Most of the blueprints Connie and I laid or eyes on were too complex for us to understand. It had scientific units, numbers, among other things.
"All of these are not yours." Ernst said. "Follow me. I'll show you your new and improved anti-spider gear."
We got inside one room that was similar to the main lab area, but this one had all the projects that were being worked on finished and ready to go.
There were two armors in there. One had a leather jacket that was similar to the military uniform of ours but had equipments attached to it. It had sparks flowing through it like some kind of a lightning machine. The boots and gloves of it were stylized in the same manner. But they were implemented in a way that would make them work with whatever this armor set does. The gloves were attached to the rest of the suit with shoulder pads that connected to the chest and back area of the entire armor. The boots on the other hand were independent of the rest of the set.
All the while the other armor was the same as my old one but it was improved in many ways.
For one, the suit was more metal on the outside with a thinner layer of flexible hard material that is worn on the inside. It had a similar take to the armor titan where the skinless part of the titan were the flexible material on the inside and the hard layer of metal that composed the main armor was on the outside. But the weird thing to me is having a hood on the thing. The helmet's visor was vastly improved, with it now hiding the entire eye section of the face while the nose and mouth had their own removable mouthpiece.
I also apparently was not informed of adding guns into my arsenal.
The sniper rifle was apparently improved by adding a tranquilizer option. So it's now a lethal-tactical hybrid sniper rifle. The guns worked the same way apparently.
The armor gloves apparently were redesigned from scratch to have the ability to stick to walls with some kind of adhesive material that will allow me to stick to surfaces if I apply enough force into the surface I'm trying to climb.
My sword was apparently modified to become a photogenic energy sword. And now apparently I can use a shield with it.
"I wanted to add a 'T' to the shield so I can make it look more of a taskmaster thing but we don't have time. Now! Connie let's see your suit."
"Ever had the time to bask at the power of lighting? To marvel at all the things lighting can do? Ever dreamt about harnessing that electric power and use it yourself? Become one with lightning?" Ernst asked.
"No I haven't, to be honest with ya. I mean something like this does not cross my mind often."
"Then you've been dreaming too low. Connie, I introduce you to the lighting armor! A new suit of armor that can harness the power of lightning to its full potential!"
"Oh wow! I can definitely take down Spider-Man with this!" Connie stated, oblivious.
"While Mikasa is fighting Spider-Man you would swoop in and finish the job! You'll end that spider for good!"
"Wow! I want a cool name too! You have taskmaster and I'll call myself, uh... Aha! I've got it! Electro!" Connie exclaimed.
Ernst then walked away and went to take a look at the rest of the schematics and blueprints he had.
"Fist, we kill the Spider-Man. And then... The real work begins."
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