The Final Showdown
Hey, fellow Attack On Titan and Spider-Man fans! Don't forget to vote and comment what you think about this chapter! Thanks!
(Spider-Man's POV)
I came to, feeling debris on my back with only my hands free. Slowly breathing I opened my eyes and looked around. Only to see the evil version of myself punching Mikasa in the face and kicking her around. I looked at her face and saw tears in her eyes as she took punches after punches and still not being able to fight back.
She could not fight back. She does not want to fight back. What she sees in front of her is Eren Jaeger. The kid who saved her when she was a child. But she did not see the cheerful boy with the ambitions and belief of a titan-free world, she saw a hideous, evil monster beating her up and intending to turn her into his slave for his own uses. But that beast was still Eren Jaeger.
She could not bring herself to fight him.
"Mikasa!" I yelled. "He's not the Eren you know!"
Evil me noticed that I was wide awake and approached me after knocking Mikasa out. He got on one knee and smiled at me with his red eyes and evil grin.
"Glad you could join us, I would like to inform your that Mikasa is already aware of who I am and what I do. I told her just before you arrived, and I just wish. I wish you were there to see the look on her face once she saw who I am. But... I have a tendency to... spoil things. She basically fell on her knees and began crying, believing me a demon revenant from hell coming back to haunt her or something. I laughed at her and her ideas as she cried my name!" He then proceeded to mimic her in means of mocking her. "Oh Eren... Bwah Bwah Bwah!!! Hahahaha! Ah, I love watching her suffer over and over again as I kill her, over and over again."
"I don't know what... happened to you but... I will not let you take her away from me..."
"Oh you wanna know what happened to me?" He asked. "Sure. I'll tell you. In fact, I'll let you see, hear and experience it all for yourself!"
He immediately took off my mask and threw it right in front of me. Right before he placed his fingers on my forehead, causing me an excruciating headache, prompting me to scream in pain.
I started to see memories... of me when I was in training... but those memories did not happen! I also started to see the wall being attacked by the colossal titan... but this time I was on top of the wall, with my cadet uniform and other cadets. Then I witnessed the murder of dozens of cadets, me turning into a titan and wrecking the hell out of other titans, placing a boulder in front of the gates to Trost district, Levi, me joining the scouts, Annie... a titan, Reiner, Bertholdt... as well as a guy called... Rod Reiss... Kri-Historia?!
And now it was time for me to see the true even that changed that version of me to the worst. It was at at a nighttime. The night that will haunt evil me for the rest of his cursed life.
Evil me stumbled upon a... a relic... a crystal of sorts that was black in color but had something glowing inside it. Once I picked it up I felt heavy... then glowing red hands emerged out of the red core of the crystal and grabbed my wrist, merging themselves with me and implanting those evil demonic thoughts and feelings into myself. I felt the burn of the crystal's touch emerging from my hands and traversing it's way throughout my body. All I could do was scream in pain as it took over my mind, heart and soul. My vision started to turn red and everything around me turned into dark, chaotic versions of themselves. I fell on my knees, unable to stand due to the immense pain and shift I was going through that I could not withstand. My hair turned black, my eyes turned red, and my soul... was destroyed. Broken and reassembled by the evil that courses through my veins and resides within my very being, into a demon.
And then I felt it.
Bloodlust. A thirst for murder and chaos. A desire to destroy every living thing that has ever walked this world and more...
And I felt power, power, and a craving for more power.
The tears of fear and pain were replaced by a demonic grin... follows by a deafening laugh of evil.
I've then seen the death of multiple versions of me and others.
I experienced everything my other self experienced through his own perspective. Vision, sound, feeling, everything.
I knew how he felt about himself and the world. He was no longer himself. He is an incarnation of Eren Jaeger that is driven by spite and bent on destroying existence and beyond. He has killed countless people and countless other versions of those people and especially himself. And he grew all the more powerful because of it.
He removed his thumb off my forehead and got off his knees and looked down on me.
"Now you know who I truly am." He said. "And I believe you'll know what will happen to her." He pointed at Mikasa with a 3dmg blade in his hand. He then walked towards her and grabbed her by the hair and walked away, pulling her on the ground.
"I might have failed to turn you before but I will not fail now. Too bad Spider-Man over there did not comply otherwise you would have lived a happy normal life without all the worry in the world." He said to Mikasa as he pulled her away by her hair and dragging her on the ground.
"No! Let her go! Stop, dammit!" I yelled, but all my yelling fell on deaf ears. "Let her go!!!"
Eventually, I was left alone, under a pile of debris left to cry knowing I failed her. Knowing that Mikasa will either be turned against her will, or perish under the hand of an evil incarnation of mine.
"I cannot save you, Mikasa! I'm sorry!" I cried to myself. "I'm weak! Very weak! I'm nothing but a worthless idiot! I... I'm..."
Then my eyes fell on the mask that was on the ground, under my face. It was Spider-Man's mask. My mask.
I then started to recall all the words that made an impact on me and made me the hero I am today.
"It took all of you to try and stop me! And yet here I am! I am still ready to fight and I will never give up as long as I have one blood drop left in my body!"
"Because... I do not fear any of you..."
"I am strong... I have power..."
"And with my great power, comes great responsibility!"
"Have you heard? The Spider-Man saved a family from being robbed and killed!" I heard two people talking.
"You heard that Spider-Man bloke delivered a baby back to his mum?"
"From the hands of traffickers, yes."
"Man, this guy's my idol."
"I hope those bastard MPs will let him mind his own business."
"Yea! More power to him!"
"Spider-Man saved my business! Tonight, we drink a toast to him!"
"Nuff said, Nuff said. Thanks Spider-Man. Not just for saving my life, but for inspiring me and giving me new ideas!"
"I'm not sure man. But lemme tell you something. He saved my life back there. And yours. And our buddies. And I'm grateful."
"Yea man same here."
"You saved my daughter from the burning building a while ago! I can't thank you enough! This wheel is on the house!"
"I don't kill because I do not see lives as mere inconveniences. Why should I save lives and end others? If I wanna achieve a goal, with people standing in my way, I don't start slaughtering everybody in my path. I do not see the lives of others below mine. If I kill, what makes me better than the criminals I take down? Because in the eyes of the public I'd be just a killer who kills other killers. I want criminals to face justice the correct way. Placed behind bars. And in the end, if it end up saving lives and steering humanity towards the path of light, the only life I'd be happy to end is my own."
"You'd sacrifice your life to save others?"
"Yes. Even if it means saving just one person. If my life is all that it takes. I'm willing to do the right thing... even when it hurts like hell."
"I wish someone would put themselves on the line for me."
"I would. Only if you're willing to do the right thing."
"We will not let you lay your dirty hands on him!"
"He has helped us all and kept us safe and asked for nothing in return! If you want to kill him you're gonna have to go through all of us!"
"He's a hero who saves everyone even if they don't like him!"
"If it wasn't for you, most of us would be hungry and dying. Now go get her, hero." Ironic was the last phrase, since that's what I am trying to do.
Feeling the strength come back to me, I grabbed the debris with my hands and started to lift. I was able to lift the debris with some effort, but still it wasn't enough.
"I'm Spider-Man... I'M SPIDER-MAN!"
"Come on, Eren! Come on... SPIDER-MAN!" I shouted at myself.
"Come on Spider-Man!" I kept lifting with all I've got, thinking of all the people I've saved, all the good that I have done... all the people who think about me.
"This... is for... Annie... Armin... Mikasa... And everybody else! COME ON SPIDER-MAN!"
I eventually got the debris off of me with enough force. I was able to get my legs out first, and then I used all of my body's force to push the rest of the debris away.
I got on one knee and stared at the mask I wore for all this time. For me it was a means of hiding my identity, of not showing fear in the face of danger. But for many people. This is a symbol of a hero. A savior. And people need that savior. People need Spider-Man.
I grabbed my mask, put it back on and swung back to the action.
Following the sounds of struggling, I ran along the walls that were crumbled by debris and barely standing, and jumped from one wall to the other, while also pulling myself with the webs and swinging.
Eventually I got to where Mikasa has come to and was fighting evil me. But she was not winning. She could not bring herself to hit him. She only cried as she received beating upon beating from him.
I swung right at him and swing-kicked him in the face. Then I turned to Mikasa who was on her knees crying and dripping blood.
"Mikasa! What's wrong?!" I asked.
"I can't! I can't fight him! I can't bring myself to even hit him!" She cried.
"He's not the Eren you know. Trust me, you should fight him, otherwise everything else you know and love will die with us."
"What's this world without Eren? I have nothing left..."
"No, you still do. You have the dreams of Eren still within you. You can realize what he wanted knowing that he will be happy and proud in the afterlife."
"You... you really believe that?" She said looking up and at me finally.
"Yes! He will rest easy knowing-" before I could finish, a lighting strike hit somewhere behind me.
I looked back, only to see a large, 17 meter tall dark titan with glowing red eyes and a demonic grin.
It was evil me, I'm sure of it.
He can turn into a titan and I can too, as I've recently discovered, thanks to my dad.
"You will die here... both of you!" The titan spoke.
"I wouldn't keep my hope up, bud!" I replied before getting kicked away with Mikasa.
We landed on the ground, just a little distance out between one another. I tried to get on my feet but it was painful. I needed to wait for my enhanced healing factor to do it's thing before I can get up.
The titan got close to Mikasa and grabbed her with his two fingers. He looked at her with his demonic smirk. But Mikasa knew better as she pulled out her sword and stabbed him in the fingers, prompting him to throw her up in the air and punch her as soon as she was falling within punching range.
She hit a wall, making a large hole in it through the power of the punch accompanied by the durability of the armor.
"I will make you mine, but first let us see how long you can suffer before making you bend to my will."
The titan of my evil self approached Mikasa as I tried to get up. But I could not intervene as two cloaked individuals appears in front of me. When they removed the hoods off their faces I realized who they were. A dark version of Annie and a dark version of Reiner.
"So you are the two who he turned to the dark side huh?" They did not reply.
Annie pulled her swords out and tried to swing but I jumped over her and attached a web to her back before pulling her up midair and throwing her down after spinning her over my head. Reiner then thrusted himself up and tried to strike me but I webbed his face and kicked him down before pulling myself down and punching the ground with enough force to create a crack under my fist and knock the two back.
I then pulled myself towards Reiner with my webs and punched him in the face. I then started delivering a series of kicks before hitting him with an uppercut so hard it threw him up in the air. I then yanked him down with my webs and webbed him to the ground, ending his effort in this fight.
I then looked at Annie who grabbed me and did her throwing move on me. I immediately got up and started firing all my webs at her before attaching my own webs to her, spinning her around and then throwing her at a wall. She stuck there for the duration of the fight.
I then swung right to where Mikasa was and got between her and a punch from my evil self's titan.
I grabbed the punch and landed on my feet, trying with all the strength I got to prevent the punch from hitting her.
I turned around to look at Mikasa only to see her on her knees looking down.
"Mikasa! Come on! You can do it!" I shouted, no response. I then heard the laughter of the titan, knowing that he is mocking my efforts to get to her.
And then... I decided that it was finally time.
"Mikasa! You have to fight!" The second I said that her head popped up, remembering those words. "If you win, you live. If you lose, you die. If you don't fight, you can't win! I fight for the weak and defenseless! I fight for the young, the innocent! Those with a bright future ahead of them! Those who did nothing wrong! Because if they cannot fight, who will do it for them? That's my job! I fight for them! And now, I'm fighting for You! Now get up and FIGHT!"
I got enough strength to push the titan hand away. Mikasa immediately after that, pulled out her sniper rifle and shot my other self's titan in the head. He backed away to recover.
I looked at her, finally knowing that I cannot keep my identity a secret from her. I slowly walked towards her with her looking at me with tears in her eyes. I could barely bring myself to look at her.
When I was close to her I sat on my knees. My hands were shaking as I took off my mask.
"I... I am sorry. For not telling you. I wanted to keep us both safe. When I learned you believed I was dead, I... I really wanted to tell you..." I started crying myself as I spoke.
"But I knew that if I did... I wouldn't be able to keep you away... I did not want to see you so destroyed, but you kept coming back to fight me again and again... I did not ever want to fight you, nor did I have the stomach for it each and every time we did... I could not bring myself to tell you... because I knew deep down that you would not forgive yourself for trying to kill me, over and over again. I... I did not want you to worry..."
"I... I thought you were dead... and all this time I was trying to kill you for... killing yourself."
I chuckled at that.
"Yea, that was a weird situation. But now..." I grabbed her face. "I need you with me. We must fight... together."
"You do not know how much I missed you."
"You do not even have the slightest idea of how much I missed you."
She hugged me and started crying on my shoulder I hugged her back and only teared up.
"I... I'm sorry!" I exclaimed.
"It's my fault... even though I was told you died I always had this feeling deep inside me that you are still alive!"
I broke off from the hug and got on my feet. Then I extended my hand for her to grab. She did and I lifted her up to her feet.
"Together now."
The titan roared behind us. Mikasa pulled out her sword and readied herself for an attack on the nape, but until then she was using her sniper rifle in order to weaken him just enough.
I swung around him, dodging his attacks while trying to web his hands to his body, but he was too fast, even for a titan.
He ripped and teared through my webs like it was nothing. And that's when Mikasa shot him in the left eye.
I then got the idea to tie his legs together so he could not be able to walk anymore. I quickly spun my webs around him as I swung for dear life, feeling more dizzy as I swung around him more and more.
Mikasa kept taking shots at his arms and torso to keep him occupied. When I finished I swung all the way to his back and made a web slingshot. I readied myself for when Mikasa would shoot him in the other eye and when she did, I threw myself at his back, hitting him with my feet and making him fall to the ground.
Mikasa then immediately jumped from her position and with her sword, she stabbed the nape of the titan.
"Go, Mikasa!" I exclaimed.
Mikasa then made an incision with her sword to pull my evil self out of the nape. As she was reaching for him, steam started emanating from the nape. She kept cutting through the meat and pulling out bits and pieces in order to reach him.
But when she did, a hand stuck out of the nape and started strangling her. I immediately swung down to help her, but I was hit with a dozen spectral 3dmg swords. I fell to the ground, unable to get back up.
Evil me pulled himself out of the nape while still strangling Mikasa who was now gasping for air, nearly fainting.
"That... was merely a test of your potential. And I can see that you two would work so perfectly together. And so I've decided that both of you will join my ranks. And after that I will take control of all your squad mates that I have enhanced. And then I will exact vengeance on the Eren Corps and have that inconvenience obliterated. But first... I will deal with your precious Eren."
Mikasa then lost consciousness and was thrown away by my evil self. As his titan vanished into nothingness he approached me with his evil grin on his face, his eyes showing a lust for power.
"You know... most of the time, I only go and kill other versions of myself just to absorb their powers, the destruction of their worlds is only... collateral damage."
He placed his foot on my chest and continued talking as I lied on the floor, my body in pain.
"But, in some cases, I destroy worlds that have more power than that version of myself possesses. And so I proceed to wreak havoc with my army of titans, killing Mikasas, Levis, Annies and many, many more."
He then conjured an actual 3dmg blade in his right hand that he raised up and planned to stab me with.
"It's too bad you did not prove much of a fight, Spider-Man. Nevertheless I believe you will be a key part in my conquest!" He said the last part as he tried to plunge the sword in my shoulder, but I dodged just in time.
I got on my feet, my right hand clenched into a fist. If my spider powers are not enough to stop him, then I have no choice but to use the last thing I have.
"My life... means nothing to me. Do with it as you wish..." I stated as I got on my feet
"Hahaha! What are you planning to do, eh?" He asked.
"But I REFUSE to let you destroy my world and then corrupt and enslave my friends for your evil deeds... I will not let you take everything away... even if it meant my own demise in the end... I WILL PAY THAT PRICE!"
I bit my hand... and my titan body was formed and ready for battle.
I roared at him with all my might.
"Heh... okay. So I accidentally made you realize what you truly are... no matter." He said before turning into his own titan himself. "I will end this quick. Now OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!"
He tried to punch me but I grabbed his fist and punched him back, sending him flying away. I roared at him again as he got back into the fight.
We ran at each other with fists colliding, his other hand grabbed me by the neck and started to choke my titan. I then punched him in the abdomen, prompting him to release me before hitting him with an uppercut so strong it sent him flying upward. I jumped after him, joining my hands together and hitting him down towards the ground. I then pounded his chest with a punch so hard that he spit blood in large quantities. I then grabbed him and threw him away, but he managed to spin midair and land on his feet.
"Impressive, but you still lack what it takes."
He stomped the ground, making a large piece of it fly off for him to grab. He then threw it at me, which prompted me to punch it to pieces with a single fist. He then threw another, which made me grab it and split it to two. He then ran at me with a punch but I moved to the side and hit his arm with my elbow before grabbing him and throwing him in the ground with an elbow grapple.
As we were on the ground, he started to bite my neck, which prompted me to place my thumbs on his eyes and pressing as hard as I can. He eventually released which made me able to get on my feet and pull him up to deliver a series of punches so strong, they started to break his bones on the inside. I then hit him with one final punch that sent him flying, hitting a wall in the process.
He then lunged at me, pushing me to the ground and then following that with a series of relentless punches.
"I will make you suffer physically and emotionally! I will break every bone in your body and then kill everything and everyone you love right in front of your eyes!"
That made me enraged. I grabbed his fists and pushed them to the side before punching him in the face and throwing him off me.
I got up and roared at him, to which he roared back. He was getting angry. Turns out my titan has more power than he had in mind. I had a chance at winning.
He then punched me so hard I was the one who was sent flying this time. I landed near a pillar of debris. As he got closer, I grabbed the pillar and hit him with it. I kept hitting him with it until it nearly broke. Then I used it to push him to a nearby wall. Once he collided with it, he grabbed the pillar and broke it into pieces with a punch from his hand. Then he kicked me away.
"Care to try harder?" He mocked.
He lunged at me with his fist but I jumped to the side and then got him into a neck lock. I then kicked one of his legs so hard it broke in the knee area.
He then hit me with his elbow, prompting me to release it. He had to grab his knee and try to put it back together for it to heal, as if he dislocated it. I then got the feeling that he is getting tired and his healing factor was failing him.
He ran at me and pushed me, then he hit me in the stomach. He hit me a second time, making me fly higher in midair before grabbing my legs and yanking me down, making me hit my face in the ground. He then threw me up in the sky and leapt after me, grappling me before we both started to fall down. Once we landed on the ground he started to unleash his punches once again.
"Surrender now, pain stops. Real simple!" He exclaimed.
I then grabbed his head and pushed him off me while rolling him down, making me the one on top and delivering the punches. He then got a hold of my head and head butted me hard enough to make me lose balance and then he threw me off him. I immediately got up and so did he. We lunged at each other, hitting one another in the face.
We both got tired and our titans fell on their knees before disintegrating, making me fall out of my titan.
I got up, barely having enough energy to stand up. I took a second to take a deep breath and regain some of my energy in order to finish this fight.
And then I saw my evil self, recovering as well.
"I will give credit, when credit's due. You are strong, Spider-Man. Which makes it all the more pleasing when I kill you and consume you for your powers!"
I could not allow him to heal, and so I lunged at him and punched him in the face.
The punch threw him into another piece of debris, those were lying everywhere by then as we wrecked the entire place as we fought in our titan selves.
I ran at him again and grabbed his head, immediately starting to smash it against the debris. He stated to spit blood and a scar formed on the right side of his face from the constant smashing against the debris. I then grabbed said debris and threw it at him, burying him under a giant piece of a wall.
I saw Mikasa, still unconscious but lucky for her, no debris hit her as I managed to take the fight far enough from her that nothing can hit her.
My legs were tired and I could barely walk on them. The sight of Mikasa was the thing that kept me on my feet.
But then I heard the sound of rocks being destroyed and I turned around, seeing my other self has broke free and was angrier than ever.
He lunged at me once again, trying to hit me, but I grabbed his hands and tried to twist them. In the end we were pushing each other so strong that the ground beneath us started to crack, shake and separate from itself with tremors following.
"You think you've won? Oh, no no no! Because I am still here and I am not stopping anytime soon! If you want to end this you will either submit and die, or you would have to kill me!" He stated.
"I am not a killer!" I replied.
"Then throw whatever you have at me, I'll keep comin'. In the end you will give out. And I will put you out of your misery!"
"You can only dream!" I hit him with my knee so hard he was sent flying. I then pulled myself to him with my webs and started to pummel him everywhere I could reach with my right hand while grabbing his neck with the left. Then I kicked him down to the ground and followed that with a ground slam so hard it shook the ground even further. The shock was so strong he was sent flying away.
He got back on his feet, all bloodied and beaten. And yet he still had the strength to continue fighting.
"You... will not win!" He exclaimed. "You cannot kill me, and yet you keep trying to take me down, believing you have a chance!"
"I know for a fact you are tired. And so am I, but here's the thing. As long as I am standing, I will never give up." I stated.
"If you had just ACCEPTED my offer and JOINED me, none of this would have happened! You would have lived forever, knowing you would be unstoppable! But no..."
He then leapt with a punch, but I moved to the side.
"Fine. Let's end this." He said before conjuring his 3dmg blades and trying to fight me with them.
He started to swing his blades left and right, with me avoiding them and trying to land my punches and kicks. Occasionally, his swords would slash me and I would land a fist or a kick.
My costume was shredded at that point and I was bleeding all over but I continued. I needed to end this once and for all. I got my composure together and focused on ending this.
He started to slash and slash, but I dodged all his attacks and then webbed his weapons and threw one of them away before running at him and stabbing him with the other in his shoulder. I then grabbed him and threw him on the ground, following that with a series of powerful furious fists, giving it all I've got. I kept punching him until I felt that I could not punch anymore.
I left him on the ground and went to check on Mikasa. But before I could've gotten to her, I fell on my knees.
I heard the sound of my evil self getting up and approaching me while I turned around so that I was on my knees and facing him.
"That... was everything you could muster, eh?" He asked. "No, it wasn't. You could've done more."
"Everything you did may have thwarted my plans and eluded me... for now. But rest assured. I am coming back... and I will have... my revenge."
He then vanished into thin air with his dark smoke thing that he used to transform and hide his identity.
"Diabolus... A play on devil... I got it now..." I said to myself as I sighed in relief.
I got on my feet and made my way to Mikasa. She was on her knees as well, not knowing what has happened. The shock and horror on her face was something words cannot describe. I fell on my knees once again in front of her.
"It is done... he left." I said to her as I was on my knees coughing.
"You did good. Now be still. Conserve your strength." She said as she got her hands on me and laid me on her knees.
"Don't worry... I'll be back in no time."
She pulled out my mask and gave it to me. She placed it in my hands and smiled... finally she smiled.
"I am so proud of you."
"And I am so happy that finally I get to see your face, not angry or sad, but happy and smiling."
"I wish you would've told me sooner." She stated.
"I really-" she cut me off.
"But. I understand your reasons and I respect them."
"Awesome... so you're not my babysitter anymore?" She chucked at that.
"No I am not. Not was I ever. I only was... overprotective. But now I know that you are not only capable of protecting yourself, but able to protect the people that are in need of you. And you proved that today, and all the days we... fought."
"Am I hearing this correctly, or is this what my fading life is making me hear?"
Mikasa and I made our way to the top of the wall. It was at night, finally after defeating my evil self and closing the case on who killed Eren Jaeger.
"So... what do you think we should do about your murder case?" Mikasa asked.
"It's time people knew I was alive."
"Are you... revealing your identity?" Mikasa asked.
"No, it's just... let's say... you confronted Ernst and... you found out I was alive and he kidnapped me for his own experiments and stuff... and that you and I fought our way out after thwarting his evil schemes. I'm not letting you take all the glory. Don't even dream about that."
She laid her head on my shoulder. Finally I could relax and just have a night off, with my closest friend and ally.
"What will you do with the armor?" I asked.
"I will... I don't know."
"Keep it." I suggested.
"Well, we might still find it useful. Titans and whatnot."
"Alright. You have a point. Also I might talk to Keith, make sure he can get you back to the trainee corps."
"No, I think my days there are over. You could still make me an honorary graduate if that would please you."
"Sure. I'll make you number 1."
"No that's a spot only you are worthy of being in. I say... maybe number 5? Others deserve the spots two, three and four."
"Sure. Only we have a few years left for that." She informed.
"Meh, I don't need them. When my evil self made me share his memories, he also gave me all his expertise as well as his maneuver gear and titan prowess. I have already graduated and learned everything I needed in a single moment, how about that!"
"Good for you."
"Hey, leave the armor case right here, I'll take it with me. You already have your uniform on you and all."
"Sure. Just be careful, alright?"
"I will."
Before she got up, she gave me a kiss on the cheek. My heart was sent to the moon and back. I started to blush and looked away feeling shy. She thrusted away back to the headquarters. I got up and put on my mask before grabbing the armor casing and swinging with it, all the way to my place.
This is an adventure completed. A journey of a superhero with his fight against evil and the people that are corrupted by it.
I fought for the people of the walls, for Mikasa and all my friends. And now, knowing that the people are safe and sound. I can relax and rest, knowing my job for today is done. But a new day is on the horizon, and with it, a new adventure waiting for me. And I couldn't be any more excited.
I am Eren Jaeger.
I am Spider-Man.
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