The Demon
Hey Epic Gamers! Ali-A here! Don't forget to vote for this book and comment your thoughts! Thanks!
(Spider-Man's POV)
Barely managing to arrive back to the Trost district in a single day, I make my way swinging towards the headquarters of the garrisons to look for Annie.
I think with all the technology at Ernst's disposal, I would need all the help I can get.
I landed in the middle of the base in the open area and asked around for her. But then the shockingly sad news came in.
"Annie Leonhart is in the infirmary. She is extremely ill."
I immediately rushed in, passing through garrisons like there's no tomorrow. Because I'm sure there might not be one for Annie.
My mind was rushing into conclusions I could not tell whether they were rational or not.
'Please don't tell me she's pregnant! Please don't tell me she's pregnant! I used a condom dammit!'
I thought to myself 'Well a condom made out of webs but still! It should have worked fine!'
When I entered the infirmary I found her next to the bed Connie was lying on. I walked to her slowly, not even wanting to see her like this. She was unconscious, and I could not tell if she was getting better of whatever hit her.
I placed the back of my hand on her forehead to measure how hot her temperature was. And it wasn't good.
The nurse came in and let me finish before talking to me.
"Sir. Annie Leonhart was not diagnosed with anything that's official in the medical records. This disease, whatever it is could be new. It did not show any signs of being an infectious disease, but we will keep watching her for the time being."
"Could this be due to an outside agent? Not a virus or anything, but like, an attack? A forced injection? Anything?"
"I believe not. When we were checking up on her, she did not have any signs of struggle and no needle marks."
"Can you... identify if... she's..."
The nurse was taken back by this but she remained professional.
"I'll try and see if she is. For now she needs rest."
"Yea. I was about to leave."
"Don't!" I heard Connie say while still lying on his bed.
Confused, I walked to him to see what's wrong.
"Ernst... Mikasa went to face him and I have a feeling she's not gonna have a good time doing so. You better help her."
"Not giving it a second thought. Thanks Electro."
I heard him laugh as I jumped out of the window.
I made my way back to my horse. The same one Annie gave me when we had our own uninterrupted conversation for the first time.
"If Annie's pregnant than I... what should I do?!" I said to myself out loud as I rode my horse outside the district and to the laboratory base Shadis gave me a map for.
"Let's just hope he hasn't done anything to Mikasa or I will not know what to do to myself."
After a long trek I finally arrived. But before I enterer this large building in the middle of nowhere, I took a second to marvel at this huge structure that is seemingly more futuristic than anything else I've seen.
"Now this is going to be one hell of a night."
I opened the large gate entrance and walked in. I was greeted by a giant room filled with metal containers and wooden boxes that probably carry all the materials and equipment he needs to build and arm his army.
"Wow... this place is something else."
"It is, isn't it?" I heard a startling disembodied voice came from somewhere that I could not identify. It was as if someone was speaking directly from the ceiling.
"I'm sorry I didn't extend an invitation myself but you're already here. Next time I'll make sure I do."
"There won't be a next time!" I said in my serious tone "But, if for whatever reason there was, don't forget to put a hyphen between 'Spider' and 'Man'." I stated in my jokey tone.
"I will not. I apologize for not introducing myself properly, my name is Ernst Yurvass Diabolus. But I have to tell you that was not the name given to me at birth."
"I do not care what your name is!" I yelled. "Where's Mikasa Ackerman?!"
"You'll be reunited with her soon. But first. I think someone wants to meet you. He is so excited to see you."
That's when a man with a green armor and a long green tail jumped down from the ceiling and landed on a container. He then jumped from one container to the next and finally landed on the floor in front of me.
"The time has finally come for me to face you, Spider-Man!"
I could clearly tell it was Jean Kirstein from within the helmet that had his mouth and chin exposed but I still wanted to know what he calls himself, so I asked.
"And you are?"
"I am the scorpion. You might have managed to defeat every one of my teammates but I'm definitely someone you will not enjoy dealing with! Now show me what you got, Spider-Man!"
He lunged at me like a predator lunging at its prey. I immediately slid on the ground, using my webs to pull me a further distance away.
"You have nice moves there, bud!" I complemented.
"These receiving end of these moves will be the last thing you feel!" He jumped on the side of a container and used his legs to push himself off of it and launch himself right at me. I jumped out of the way, using his back to propel myself upward as he passed directly under me.
He then used his tail to stab me twice, twice the times I avoided his attack, only for him to try and spin his tail low enough that he'd hit my legs and make me fall. He was so fast that unfortunately he was able to do so and knock me off my feet. But I immediately got back on my feet and attached a web to the ceiling swinging off of it and hitting him in the face with my feet, effectively swing-kicking him.
He landed on top of a container that was noticeably higher than the others and used his tail to shoot some type of green liquid at me that I dodged with ease multiple times in a row.
"You've hurt my Mikasa more times than I could count!" He stated.
"Your Mikasa?! Hahahahahahaha! Dude, love your optimism, but you have no chance." I replied.
"As if you do, freakshow?!"
"Trust me, if I tried I might as well have a chance!"
I webbed him up with my shooters so fast that he could not be able to free himself and cut the webs.
Then I attached a web to him and pulled myself towards him and punched him in the face right before delivering a kick to said face and jump on his back to web him further. I then attached a my webs to him and web-threw him to the ground. Then I webbed the ground and pulled myself down to slam the ground with force but he dodged and I ended up just leaving a huge crack in the ground.
He tried to stab me with his tail but I grabbed it and tried to push it off. He had strength to him and I struggled a little but I managed to out-power him and push his tail away before webbing his feet and pulling him off the ground. He used his tail to cut the webs and then got on top of yet another container and started firing his liquid thingy all over the place.
I then decided to fire a web at his tail and then drag him down, but he was the one who pulled me upward. And while I was in midair flying to his direction he hit me with his tail. I was going to land chest first on a container but I regained balance and did a backwards corkscrew spin and landed like the superhero I am on it.
"So, we got Taskmaster, Electro, Vuture, and now Scorpion two more villains and you truly will become the Sinister Six I once called you!"
"Good name, but how about the 'We Obliterated Spider-Man And Danced On His corpse' six?"
"First, don't you think that's a little too long? And second, quips and jokes are supposed to be MY thing!"
I waited for him to lunge at me so I can lunge at him as well. But I started to shoot him with my webs midair and try to prevent him from fighting. I then punched him down to the ground and pulled myself towards him for a punch so hard it cracked his helmet.
Then I webbed his tail and pulled it to the ground before webbing it to the and then jumping on the arc his tail made, webbing the ground next to him and then pulling myself forward, hitting him with my feet in his face, destroying his helmet even further.
He then jumped back and tried to lunge at me once again with his tail and try to either stab or spin his tail to hit me. I dodged all his attacks and then webbed his face to blind him. Then I pulled a container open and jumped back.
I webbed Scorpion then threw him close enough to the open container that I would web the two containers to the left and the right and pull myself towards him, kicking him inside and sealing the container by closing it and webbing it shut.
I made my way throughout Ernst's facility, always expected to be jumped from every corner. For some reason, I wasn't. The entire place was devoid of human life.
In fact the path was so linear and empty I'd say he's taking me by the hand.
"That's it. A little closer..." He stated.
I made my way inside a cube-like object. Once I was inside it started to move itself up.
"This is an elevator, dear boy." He informed.
"Just take me to her."
"Sure thing. Just go walk out of the elevator and follow my directions as you were doing."
The path I took became even more linear as I continued through. It eventually became a corridor that I had no option but to go forward.
I made my way there until I finally got up a 5 steps stairs and opened a door that led me into a metal industrial catwalk over a room similar to the other room that was filled with containers and boxes, except this one is much more bigger and had was empty.
I eventually made my way inside a spherical room that is suspended in midair by large thick chains connecting it to the walls of the room below. It was sort of like a room within a gigantic room.
Inside I found Mikasa lying on the ground unconscious while wearing her own armor bar the helmet.
I ran to her aid and sat on my knees and lifted her chest off the ground and sat her on my chest. I started to shake her in an effort to wake her, but all that seemed to do nothing.
"Mikasa! Wake up!" I shouted, but she didn't. She was alive, but unconscious.
"Hahahahaha..." I heard a faint laugh coming from behind me, the same way I came in, accompanied by the slow clapping of Ernst. I got up and left Mikasa lying on the ground behind me to protect her.
"Oh how wonderful. How caring of you. She kept trying to kill you time and time again and here you are rushing to her aid..."
"You know nothing about me." I replied.
"Oh, quite the contrary. Eren Jaeger!"
My heart dropped. I found myself staring at him with disbelief. He knew my identity. And he didn't bother to tell anyone.
"You knew?!" I asked.
"Ever since the beginning, when you first became Spider-Man!"
"Well... I have told you earlier that Ernst is not the name given to me at birth..."
Purple smoke started to appear out of nowhere and form around him. It did so for a few seconds but after it disappeared. The haunting face that emerged was all too familiar to me.
It was my face.
"I always recognize myself. Anytime, anywhere."
His visage still had slight variations to mine. His hair was black and his eyes were red. He had a devilish demonic grin on his face that screamed evil.
"What is this witchcraft?!" I exclaimed.
"Let me explain to you the concept of a multiverse. You've experienced the past, are experiencing the present and will experience the future, there's no doubt about it. But have you ever thought that there could be an alternate reality where something happened differently, earlier than it did or later than it did? Or even never happened at all? Well that concept is reality. And I came from one such reality where I was consumed by the remains of an evil entity having that essence of it become part of me, breaking me and demonizing me into becoming this evil, bloodthirsty and power hungry maniac. And to be honest with you. It's the best thing that has ever happened to me. Hahahaha!"
"You really are one sick maniac." I stated.
"Oh yeah. You're not the only one to tell me that. All the countless versions of ourself that I slaughtered and consumed have all at one point said the same thing."
"What do you aim to do here? What's your goal?"
I asked.
"What I usually do is travel across dimensions, finding different versions of ourself and others to consume and absorb their powers and abilities. But, after suffering that grueling defeat at the hands of the Jaeger corps... I had to start planning more carefully."
"Jaeger corps?"
"Yes. Well apparently my actions across dimensions did not go by unnoticed. And to be frank, it is my fault, I was a beginner when I first started. Anyways a group of Erens have banded together and are trying to fight me to stop me from conquering more dimensions and killing more Jaegers. So in this world I'm trying to assemble an army of all the closest people to ourself and make them fight Eren's after taking control of their souls. And since I feel generous I will give you a choice. Either join me on this ignoble, corrupt, and despicable quest to conquer all realms and I will spare your allies. Or, refuse and I will kill you, consume you, and then make your friends my mindless slaves."
"I'll never let you take my friends, nor would I join you." I stated.
"Is that so? Oh well... it's your loss."
Suddenly red, spectral versions of the 3dmg blade were conjured around my evil self and were spinning around him. With one move of his hand they were all launched at me, knocking me off balance. He then warped from his location to mine with a beam of light and tried to strike me with an actual blade but I dodged, not without getting a tear in my suit.
I tried to punch him but he warped away and then came back with another swing of the blade, hitting me in the left shoulder.
I fell on my knees and was powerless to stop him from kicking me a few feet away. I started rolling on the catwalk, unable to stop myself from coming to a halt. But when I eventually did, I looked at where my evil self kicked me but saw only Mikasa's unconscious body. I turned to the other side, only to see that he is now sporting a black version of the shit I wore in the training camp, military pants, and had his fedora on.
He then grabbed his fedora smiling, and then threw it away and off the catwalk down to the larger room below. He then summoned five spectral 3dmg blade to his right, and then another five to his left.
And then he summoned dozens upon dozens of 3dmg blades all around him, all pointing at the spherical room I was in.
With a gesture of his hand the blades all launched in at the room, exploding on impact and causing the entire place to shake violently with us on it.
I got up but was hit with a spectral sword, not exploding on my chest but trying to knock me down again. I kept my stance and had my arms held up against my face as more and more swords came at me, all of them disappearing on impact but with enough force to knock me back a little. Eventually I was not able to keep myself standing as I fell to the ground once more. I lifted my head up to see what my other self was doing, only to see him grabbing a spectral blade and throwing it right at my face, knocking me out cold.
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