Spider-Man VS Squad Mikasa Part 1
(Mikasa's POV)
We arrived at Ehrmich district, where the most reports of sightings of this 'Spider-Man' take place.
I couldn't wait to see if I can find Eren there. I might be able to do that but there is a chance that he is not there.
I wondered why Shadis sent us to take care of this spider person. Why weren't the Military Police dispatched after him? Why weren't the Garrison dispatched after him?
If Spider-Man was such a nuisance, why us?
"Now how are we gonna find him?" Jean snapped me out of my thoughts.
"Let's go to the rooftops and check." I said as I readied my gear.
"That is easier said than done." Armin said. "We can't just go flying all around town looking for Spider-Man, we have to make a plan that can easily make us cover the entire perimeter."
"Mikasa and I will go to the north end, Reiner and Annie can take the east, Ymir will go to the south. Jean and Sasha will go to the west. Got it?"And with that, we all spread out and searched for the Spider-Man.
Armin and I headed north. For some reason I felt I was being watched. There was a weird sensation all over my body.
When we landed on top of a high rooftop up north, I felt tingles running trough my limbs.
I felt a sensation of cold. I could not make out if the presence was good or bad, I could only feel it.
Armin looked at me and noticed that I didn't feel okay. He took his guard down and approached me.
"Mikasa, are you alright? You don't look so well." He said with worrying eyes staring at my face.
"Yea I'm fine. I just... I feel like I'm being watched." I said as my eyes slowly scanned my surroundings.
"Yes I felt that too." Armin said. "I'm pretty sure we're being watched."
We looked around us, but there was nobody. The feeling persisted. There was a presence, we were sure of it. We were being watched and we were aware of it and still we couldn't find who was watching us!
I couldn't handle it anymore. I needed to face this person.
"SHOW YOURSELF!" I yelled at what seemed to be nothing. "I know you're watching so don't stay behind like a coward and come out and fight us!"
"I think you should calm down, Mikasa." Armin opined but I persisted.
I pulled out by swords and got ready for combat.
"I know you're a coward! Show yourself so I can put an end to you and your-" I was cut out by some sort of an adhesive-like material hitting my mouth and preventing me from speaking.
"Sorry to interrupt you guys, but you seem intriguing."
I looked behind me and I saw a person in a red and blue costume doing the three point landing.
"Uh, sorry. Forgot to introduce myself. I'm Spider-Man." The masked figure said.
I quickly removed the adhesive material out of my mouth and charged at him with my blades ready to strike but he was too fast.
He quickly jumped out of the way and landed on the other side of the rooftop... behind Armin.
"Whoa, Whoa, Whoa! You got the moves there, girl!" He said with a bright and cheerful and happy voice.
"Armin! Watch out!" I shouted as I ran at Spider-Man, preparing to strike. He dodged again.
"Hold on, guys! I come in peace!" Spider-Man affirmed. But I didn't buy it.
"What are your intentions, freak?!" I asked.
"Who, Me?" He said as he pointed his index finger at his chest. "I am just your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man!"
"I believe you are a threat to the safety of the citizens of these fine districts." I stated with a deadly glare.
"What? I'm more of a sun and fun guy! In fact, you're the one who's causing a lot of trouble!" He said.
"Trouble to whom?" I asked while rolling my eyes and Armin hiding behind me.
"Trouble to me!" He replied.
"That's from your perspective and is your issue to handle. You cause a lot of disturbance in this place and you are under arrest." I said while pointing a blade at him.
"Ha! You? You're just a cadet! You and what army?" He said.
"Us!" Annie Leonhart replied as she landed behind Spider-Man along with the rest of the squad.
Even though I couldn't see his face, I could assume he felt that he is done for and regrets what he said.
"I gladly swallow my own words." He said as he made two steps away from the entire group. "I heard a lot of stories about you guys... and I didn't expect all of you to be here all at once so... excuse me, I have to continue developing my flying monkey project... bye!"
And then Spider-Man jumped out of view and started swinging with his webs away from us at high speeds.
I didn't wait for the others and instantly jumped after him.
I fired an anchor that seemed to nearly hit him, but he dodged fairly quickly. The dodge was very impressive. The anchors are fired at very high speeds and if someone is unlucky that it was fired in his direction, there is no way they could possibly see it in time, let alone dodge it!
This guy, not only did he sense it somehow, but was fast enough to move out of it's way while traversing the area mid-air at super high speeds without even seeing it!
Now I understood that this person is not to be treated lightly and is to be taken very seriously.
I felt a need to finish him off quickly before any major collateral damage could be caused.
I was catching up to him slowly but surely. It was about 20 seconds until I got close enough to land a hit, but even then, he dodged me and kicked me in the face.
I lost my balance for a while and started to fall to the ground but I regained control and focus mid-air and I was able to safely land on a nearby rooftop.
The entire squad saw what happened and landed next to me.
"You okay, Mikasa?" Jean asked. "I just want to know who the heck is that guy!"
"He's far more dangerous than we thought." I said.
"And how did you get to your conclusion?" Sasha asked.
"An anchor I fired was nearly going to hit him in the back but he dodged very quickly and was able to resume his escape like it never happened." I explained and watched as the entire squad was in shock. "He didn't even look back to see it nearly hit him."
"But how?!" Armin asked.
"I don't know... but we must catch him soon or we won't know what will happen." I said before I jumped and continued my search for the masked man.
I kept looking around for 10 minutes until I saw someone in a red and blue suit wave at me from a rooftop. I knew that it was him and I landed on the same rooftop along with the rest of the squad.
"Hey guys... let's not fight. Listen. You are cool people and I have responsibilities here and I need to take care of a few things, okay? Let's make a truce and call it quits. What do you say?" Spider-Man said. He then raised his hand for a handshake and waited for one of us to come and shake it.
I slapped his hand away.
"Owwww! That hurts! I was expecting you to shake it, not break it!" He said with a disappointed tone.
"You are not welcome here. We will give you this one chance to leave. If you do leave, we won't have to deal with you anymore. If you decide to stay, than we are going to take you down." I said while staring at his completely white eyes.
"Thanks... but no thanks... I prefer option 2. It's more of my style and it pays off in the end, so I will kindly refuse the first option." He said.
I responded by pulling out my blades.
"Whoa whoa! Calm down! I'm not trying to be harmful or all! I'm not causing any trouble!" He said.
We all started to attack him at the same time, trying to deliver an additional attack method of a few kicks here and there along with our sword swings to try and hurt him.
But to our surprise, he was able to evade our attacks and managed to web Reiner's eyes, Annie's hands, Armin and Sasha's mouths, Ymir's legs, and then Jean's entire head for some comedic purposes.
Jean was already on the ground and I was the only one standing.
"You guys really were interesting. But I gotta go. Catch up with you later!"
Spider-Man web-zipped away and left me to see to my comrades' wounds. Jean was moaning in pain while the others were mostly dizzy and had a few headaches. I was the only one who was left the most undamaged after the attack.
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