Spider-Man VS Everyone
(Spider-Man's POV)
I found myself at my house, sitting down on a chair. Looking at my injuries and trying to fix my costume.
The things that caught my eyes was that steam was coming out of my body. I didn't know why's that, but I am sure this has to do with being injured as the steam was coming out of my wounds.
I had to investigate what is the source of the steam but that was for another time. Right now I cut the hair on the back since it was getting too long and I returned it to it's regular length.
The thing that was haunting me is the fact that Mikasa is so determined on beating me that she got to her limits. I've never seen her reach her limits except for that time... when I saved her.
I still couldn't wrap my head around this. Why were they sent to arrest me? Where are the Military Police?
Well who knows really. Those MPs are probably sitting on their asses doing nothing while I do their work. Disgusting.
It was nearly midnight and I felt like I needed to do a stroll around town. One last shift.
That's when I opened the window of my apartment and web-slung away. Slinging across town, minding my own business and guarding the safety of the people.
And then I spotted her. Mikasa. Again...
This time she was just roaming around the place, no entourage whatsoever. She was probably doing a simple patrol. I approached her with extreme caution.
"Hello there!" I said.
The reaction on her face was priceless.
"You're here?!" She exclaimed.
"Yea. Can we PLEEEAAASSEEE talk normally and not fight?" I asked her.
She answered with a direct attack that I dodged. We started to fight mid-air.
It was mostly me trying to web her up or web-shoot her and her trying to slash and cut me with her blades. None of us was able to achieve anything. Sometimes I'd land a hit or two with my fists and sometimes she'd do the same thing, but neither of us was able to get the upper hand no matter what.
We both landed on a rooftop and ran towards each other, fists colliding, fingers interlocking, trying to push one another...
"Why are you so determined on taking me down?!" I shouted.
"You killed someone close to me!" She shouted back. "YOU KILLED EREN!"
That caught me off guard. It was too late as I found myself getting kneed in the stomach and falling on the ground.
I looked at Mikasa and saw the tears in her eyes. I just could not believe what words came out of her mouth.
'You killed Eren?! But I AM EREN!!'
And yet she still doesn't know that...
"You killed him... I found his clothes in a bloody mess... and your WEBS attached to it!" She shouted.
She tried to stab me with her swords but I evaded just in time and took the battle back in Mid-Air.
And that's when my spider-sense went off like crazy.
I was suddenly surrounded by lots of garrison and MPs alike, all ready to strike.
I evaded all of them and landed on the ground. I then took to the sky again as I slung across the town as fast as I can with great momentum.
They were very determined to catch me this time. They were giving chase.
Their numbers increased by the second. I kept trying to dodge them all by going up, down, left, right... in between buildings, through buildings, between pedestrians on the ground and sometimes even going as far up as I can go to try and web-shoot them away, failing each time.
I didn't stop moving. I was exhausting myself and I was barely able to keep the same pace and momentum. Soon, all of Mikasa's team caught up along with dozens of MPs and garrisons and more cadets as well.
After 2 hours of chase, I found myself exhausting my powers and unable to fire my webs anymore as I crash-landed in the Trost HQ.
As I slowly got up, my body shaking all over and trying to recover from the huge impact, all my hunters have surrounded me and locked me in a circle.
Everywhere I looked, cadets, garrisons, MPs, everyone was landing at my location.
"Surrender!" I heard Mikasa shout. "We've got you surrounded!"
I slowly got up from the ground and stood in front of them all, still ready for a final showdown.
"It took all of you to try and stop me! And yet here I am! I am still ready to fight and I will never give up as long as I have one blood drop left in my body!" I shouted.
They all started running towards me, all at the same time, all of them tried to grab me and knocked me out but I endured. I continued fighting no matter what.
Everyone tried to get a piece of me but they all failed. The one that was able to land most of the hits was Annie Leonhart who I was able to knock out.
I punched, kicked, uppercut, flipped, beat, and webbed my way through them all. I left no one standing... except Mikasa.
At that point, parts of my costume were ripped apart and shredded.
My mask was shredded in a way that the lower right portion of my mouth was visible.
Even with this condition I was still undiscoverable. And I was ready to fight as always.
"How are you still standing?!" Mikasa shouted. "Those were a 120 soldiers?!"
"Because... I do not fear any of you..." I replied. "I am strong... I have power..."
"And with my great power, comes great responsibility!"
Mikasa seemed moved by those words, but nonetheless, we still fought each other.
Mikasa was basically trying her best to kill me at this point, while all I was doing was trying to knock her out, but to no avail.
She was stronger than all of them combined. She could withstand most of what I could offer.
At one point during this godly clash, we even took the fight to the inside of the HQ when she rammed me through the window.
I started using everything inside to my advantage. From the fact that I can climb to the ceiling and web Mikasa up, to the fact that I can web some stuff up and throw them as projectiles.
I took both opportunities, but still, Mikasa was still a tough nut to crack. A nut? More like a ROCK!
In the end, there was nothing much for the imagination. Both of us were tired and catching our breaths.
I swear, I could kill Mikasa with ease but why would I ever do that? I was holding back as much as I can.
Suddenly, my spider-sense started tingling as the sounds of the turrets on the walls could be heard.
I moved as fast as possible, webbing Mikasa's face and grabbing her before jumping out of another window, and landing safely outside of the HQ.
Everyone was awake and recovering from the fights when they noticed me saving their strongest cadet. All of them were in shock that despite their best attempts to kill me, I still saved them.
The Cannons Of The Walls have already destroyed the HQ.
I could here people whispering to each other 'he saved her.' 'Spider-Man saved Ackerman.'
'Ackerman was saved...' 'Mikasa is okay...'
'She's saved.' 'England is my City.' 'Mikasa is safe...' 'Is she Okay?"
But then I felt my spider-sense again as I looked at the HQ and saw that the entire building was going to collapse on everyone.
I quickly rushed to the building and started webbing walls together and making supports for the building using some of my web and also connecting some walls to another walls in order to protect them from falling. But I needed to be faster.
I saw one last part of the building that was going to collapse on everyone in front of the HQ.
I moved as fast as I could to save everybody.
I attached webs to the entire section of the building and web-roped it all up and was holding It all together with the strength of my own arms and the thickness of the webs.
And as I was holding the building, everyone realized that they should leg it out of there. Everyone started running away.
I kept holding it long enough until I knew everyone was out of harms way. That's when I released the section of the building and relaxed my muscles before I left the scene and went back to my house to relax.
"With great power, comes great responsibility, Eren. Remember that." I said to myself.
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