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(Eren's POV)
It was nearing midnight. Annie was fully naked and asleep next to me. And I was sitting on my bed, contemplating the stars.
From the second I took off my mask she said she will not tell a soul. I didn't think Annie would fall in love, let alone with me.
After we finished she asked me how. I told her I was bit by a spider and all of that and she did believe me. But I'm still not sure I'll be used to this 'Annie and I are together' bit. But It'll get normal in no time.
Annie didn't want me to tell anybody either. As if she understood what this all means all too clearly. I'd say she's feeling empathetic.
I looked back at her in the bed and realized how her entire image in my head changed from this angry stoic dead girl to this beautiful angel. Did I really change her?
Before she fell asleep she asked me if I can go back in the ring and fight once more. She promised the boss she'd tell me. Say, I didn't get the boss' name.
"What are you thinking about?" She asked with her sweet voice that I didn't know she had.
"Me? Power, Responsibility, Food, stuff like that."
"Mmmm... food. What are you thinking?" She asked.
"Maybe... steak?"
"Steak..." She trailed off with her sleepy mind. "Yea I'd like some meat in me right now..."
"Aw come on! Wasn't the past two hours enough?" I asked.
"I'll never have enough of you..."
I looked back at the window and realized it's late.
"You have to go. It's late."
"Five more minutes..."
"No Annie. Mikasa'll get angry."
"Alright, alright..."
She got up and lazily got ready. She was too tired. I just can't believe how much she could handle herself in the sheets. She's definitely badass.
I made sure I don't get a mini Eren running around though. No need for that, no sir.
"So what are you gonna do?" She asked.
"Me? I'll just swing around the city and blow off some steam."
"I could blow off your steam if you like..." She teased.
"You've blown, alright. And you're tongue is really good." I replied. "Now go."
"What should I tell Mikasa?"
"Hmm... I don't know... that you found out that a... uh..." I realized that getting a good excuse to Mikasa isn't going to be easy. But then an idea dawned on me. I got up and went to get one of my worn out shoes.
"Here you go. Give these to Mikasa and tell her you found them off a homeless guy in the streets near the crime scene. They..." I paused for a second and went to smell them. "Eww! They definitely have my smell! Oh, lords above!"
"Okay. I do have my clipper on hand."
She placed her clipper on and went off back to HQ.
And since it was close to midnight, I decided to go and buy myself some new pair of clothes with the money I have from the last time I fought.
I went down to the streets wearing nothing but my trusty disguise cloak and some clothes I cleaned a day ago.
Taking to the streets was really easy in this time of day. Especially knowing that Mikasa isn't planning anything now. Her squad is tired and one of them is injured. I wonder how Connie is doing. Poor bastard got dragged into this...
I found myself in front of a luxury store. A place most people can't afford to get their clothes from. Inside was an extremely clean shop where ensembles of clothes and outfits were on display. As I walked I looked around for the clothes that are my size and look cool. I could afford anything in this place since I do have lots of remaining money. I paid my rent and I have enough food to last me three months. And this cash is enough to spare.
I found myself eyeing a red legion vest over a white shirt with luxury pants and deluxe boots. I got myself a cowboy hat and deluxe gloves and then, the rest is history. I paid for the ensemble and then I went back to my place while wearing the new outfit.
I realized that this outfit wouldn't be complete without a gun holster and... a gun.
I opened a drawer in my room and pulled out guns I took as a souvenir from a fight. It was a bet I had with one of the wrestlers and I won, thus getting the guns.
At one point I was so depressed I was going to snap. I had in my mind the idea that I should go in the night and scare criminals with a black costume and kill the ones who try to fight me with a gun.
But then I got myself out of this depression stage and got back to my main costume after patrolling the streets for one night with that dark costume. I was oh so close to pull the trigger on someone that night.
Anyway I got back to my place and readied the outfit for tomorrow.
The next day was very exciting. I got to go to a local bar and then drink some nice cold beers. Even though I'm way too young for that. My metabolism and powers somehow prevent me from getting drunk.
"Hello sir." A guy asked. When I looked at him I realized it was Armin.
"Hey there, feller. Whatcha doin?" I asked.
"I am looking for witnesses of this man." He showed me a drawing of myself. "He died a year ago. And I'm looking for him."
He's so dense! He could not identify me with the new outfit! In his defense, I did change my voice tone, accent, hid my eyes with my hat and had grown facial hair due to excessive hormones.
"I'm sorry, I ain't seen no kid like that around these parts. Them kids are either in the military with you folks or anywhere else but not here."
"Yes. Thank you for your time." He said before getting pulled away by who I assume is Jean.
"Armin, what the hell?! You're not supposed to be in here!" Jean whispered but my loud senses picked them up.
"I was desperate! We've been looking the entire day!" Armin replies.
"Still! You don't go inside a goddamn bar!"
"I'm sorry!"
"Ah, forget it. Let's look elsewhere."
I waited for them to walk away before I paid the bartender and walked out.
They were still in the vicinity so I only had to listen to them and find out where they are.
I passed by the alleyway behind the bar only to see Jean alone pissing. I approached him, now with my face hidden behind a bandanna.
"Hey there, mister." I called out.
"Oh! Oh my god! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"
"You know you ain't supposed to be back here. This ain't no goddamn water closet!"
"I apologize! It'll never happen again!"
I stepped aside and pointed at him to go.
"Now gallop outta here before I put a bullet through those eyes of yours!" I exclaimed.
He then ran away as fast as he could. He was so afraid he was going to run on all fours just to get some speed.
"And that motherfucker wants to be in the goddamn Military Police. Them cocksuckers!"
I left the vicinity and headed to a location where I told Annie we could meet. I told her to wait for me somewhere near the headquarters so that I can be close to her. She still doesn't know that I will be coming with my new civilian uniform and so I took that chance to play a little game with her.
As I arrived to our meeting spot, behind a building just south of the base, I found her already there, her back against the wall and her hoodie on.
"Hello there miss." I said with my cowboy voice.
She looked at me very confused. Even she did not recognize me!
"You looking for someone?" I asked. No response.
"Can I... help you?" No response either.
"Well if you're not gonna respond I suggest you leave before you cause any trouble."
"Who are you?" She asked.
"The kinda guy you don't wanna mess with, beautiful."
I approached her.
She got ready for a fight. I pulled out my gun.
"Wanna fistfight now?" I asked.
"What a coward. Hiding behind a gun. You can't even try to fight me one on one." She stated.
"Well the way I see it, you're the one who's trespassing." I opined. "But whatever."
I put the gun away and got ready for a fistfight. I thrower the first punch. She grabbed me and tried to throw me to the ground but since I was close to the wall I ran along it and then threw her instead.
"Damn, you chick know how to fight. Just the way I like my women. Tell me, honey. What's your name?"
"None of your business." She said before she tried to throw another punch.
"Big mistake." I said before grabbing her fist and throwing her at the ground with full force.
I then sat on top of her and just stared at her. Bandanna, hat and everything.
"Just wait till Spider-Man comes and you'll regret this!"
I started to laugh. She looked at me with a death glare that gives Mikasa's a run for her money. I took off my bandanna and smiled at her. Her face changed from that of anger to shock and then happiness. I got closer to her and kissed her.
"How's it going miss?" I teased as I got up and got her up as well.
"Pretty well."
"So what did you find?" I asked with my regular voice finally.
"Mikasa seemed to believe what we came up with. I also told her that a homeless man saw you being carried into a cart and taken away. I also told her that the same man has fled the scene."
"Ha! That's awesome!"
"What's with this new apparel?" She asked while moving her finger up and down on my new getup.
"A disguise. Just in case I needed to switch identities."
"Have you come up with a name?"
"No. Should I?"
"Of course! That's a great way to start. Hmm... what shall we call you..." She really zoned out to think about it. I snapped my fingers in front of her, snapping her back into reality.
"Let's think about this later." I stated. "Hey do you know a garrison by the name of Hannes?"
"No. Who is he?"
"A family friend. Also he's the one who apparently found the evidence."
"I'll contact him if you want." She asked.
"Sure. I'll go with you but stay as far away as I can. I'll try and eavesdrop on you from somewhere." Before I went she grabbed my hand.
"Speaking of eavesdropping, remember the last time when you were listening in on Mikasa and Ernst the day before the battle with them?" She asked.
"Yea. I took you to the top of the walls and we watched the district lit up at night, the view was amazing and romantic..."
"Anyway!" She cut me off while blushing. "Ernst knew you were there the whole time... and didn't say a thing."
The feeling of shock and fear overcame me as I froze in my place. "He knew? How?" I asked Annie who was apparently as clueless as I was.
"Let's just get to the bottom of this later. Anyway, your friend Hannes should know something?"
Annie asked.
"He'll probably know who tipped him off about the location."
Annie walked all the way to where Hannes was patrolling, down at the gates. I stood silently not too far from her place.
I overheard the entire talk.
Apparently Ernst was the one who tipped him off. And he was the one to create this Anti-Spider-Man Death Squad.
He planned this all along. He knew from the beginning.
Ernst was behind this whole ordeal from the beginning and we had no clue!
Annie finished talking and apparently Hannes also told her that despite everyone abandoning the search for the body. Hannes still has not lost hope. Neither he nor Mikasa.
She came back to me with a sad face.
I asked her what's wrong. She said:
"Eren. They need you in their life. The only thing they are holding on to is your dream of a titan-free world... you need to come back."
"Trust me Annie. If I came back I'd cause more trouble than I'd fix. I will be hunted down, Mikasa would want to involve herself with me, Armin, Hannes and the rest of our comrades. If the situation did not require my anonymity, I would have revealed myself long ago."
"Okay... I promise you I won't tell anybody."
"Thanks... now... all we need to do is convince Mikasa to stop working with Ernst and then stop him ourselves. Now let's head to my place."
"Sorry. I'm gonna have to return to the base. I'll... talk to you soon..." she got close to me and made out with me for a few seconds before leaving and thrusting away.
I made my way back to my place and then I wore my suit and swung back to the district to check for some crimes.
And as I was swinging I heard the sound of something flying towards me and grabbing me before flying up towards the sky.
"Finally! I have got to meet you after all this time, Spider-Man!"
"Who are you?!" I asked the man carrying me to the sky.
"My name is Thomas Wagner! And I am THE VULTURE!"
"So Ernst did take my idea for a flying suit!" I said to myself.
"And thanks to you, I get to kill you myself!"
"Think again!"
I started punching him multiple times in the face but that didn't seem to affect him. I had to do something else. I decided that the best course of action is to web his face, and that I did.
"Agh! You fool!"
As he was focused on getting the webs out I was able to release myself of his grasp. But I did not anticipate the altitude. It was thrice the height of the walls. And I was falling down quick.
"Ah! Ah! What do I do?! WHAT DO I DO?!"
And then it dawned on me. Why not make wings myself?
I webbed the area around my armpits and then I stretched my body as wide as possible. And that's when I found myself gliding through the air with wings made out of webs.
"Woohoo!" I exclaimed out loud as I soared through the air and felt the breeze against my suit.
But I realized that I was only gliding down and my flying. And that had to stop at some point. So I webbed the top of the walls and pulled myself on there.
The vulture has come down and tried to grab me again but I jumped over him. He flew away to gain enough distance for another dive then he flew towards me with the intent of grabbing me once again. This time I jumped over him and webbed his back with the intent of pulling him towards me from behind. This failed and I found myself hanging on for dear life as he flew around the district trying to ram me into buildings.
I was able to try and avoid having the buildings swept with my face and managed to shift the balance of my body so that I was running on the building sides while also hanging on by my webs and trying not to get killed.
I tried to web him a few times but it was harder than it looked. The webs just did not reach him. And those that I was hanging on with were going to tear apart so I decided that this fun ride has to come to an end. I pulled myself towards him so hard he hit the other buildings and we both went through them while pummeling one another.
He tried to fly away but I unleashed all my webs and grabbed his wings with them and then I spun him around before throwing him on the ground at street level.
I went down to his level and webbed his limbs before removing his helmet.
"Where is Ernst?" I asked.
"The hell should I know?! He just comes out of nowhere and vanished the way he comes! Not even Mikasa knows that about him!"
"Where is his lab?!"
"I don't know! He brought this suit to HQ!"
"Oh yea? Well have fun fixing it!"
I grabbed his wings and ripped them off his suit with my sheer strength and then decided that the best course of action is to take them to my place and analyze the living hell out of them.
I swung out of the vicinity and left Thomas Wagner there, webbed on the street, defeated, humiliated and being mocked by civilians.
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