Friends to humanity AU
It was an amazing sight to see.
All the shifters helping decorate for Christmas. There was a tree as tall as Reiner's titan, which was, as we all know, the Armored titan.
It was weird for a tree to be that tall, but honestly no one gave a shit. Jean had to put the decorations for the middle part of the tree, along with Eren -Marco had to stop them from fighting each other over where to put a red ornament- since they were close to the same height as titans. Ymir did the bottom of the tree with a half frightened Krista on her shoulder. Reiner decorated the top part by himself, though as he was doing so, Bertolt kept poking his head. The tree was nearly done.
Bertolt was too tall to decorate said tree so he had to make sure there were no hostile titans around. Once he was done with that, he bring a few friendly titans to join the party. After which, he annoyed a smaller titan by poking him in the head, causing the armored beast to roar at him a few times, resulting in a colossal hearty laugh.
After decorating, the shifters relaxed and turned back, except for a lazy wild titan known as Jean. Petra & Hanji squealed and fangirled over Marco cuddling the smaller titan to death. "Petra, Hanji, & Mina you girls are gonna get your nose bleeds all over the table." Nanaba states, rolling her eyes. "Leave us beeeeeee!" The fangirl trio responded, doing dramatic poses.
Sasha and Connie were eating the snacks everytime Olou turned his back. "I swear, one of you crappy brats are stealing the snacks." He said, not being able to curse since it was Christmas. Sasha and Connie giggled at the fact that he was clueless to them stealing the food.
Reiner was currently trying to escape Bertholdt's flirting tactics, which were making the short blonde's face as red as a scarf, Mikasa's scarf. "Bertl, stooooooop." "Nu." Armin was sitting next to Erwin, trying to gather courage to get closer to him. The titans that came around were running around and playing with things. Mikasa was secretly putting whiskey in the Eggnog with Annie, who had visited from the Military Police to see her friends.
Erwin has accidentally started a pun war by making a titan pun that was so cringe-worthy, it was funny. Armin's name was put into the the mix when he made a couple of jokes. "It's just, Armin, Armout, & Arm off." Arm in said, joking about his missing right arm, making everyone laugh. Eren on the other hand was not having any of that.
"Guys please, stop before I scream." "Come on, make a joke Eren." "No." "Pleeeeaaase?" "No! Now leaf me alone darnit....wait...DANGIT!"
Jean turned back into a human. Once the food was almost done cooking, the eggnog was being passed out by Annie, who couldn't stop giggling.
It was the most perfect Christmas they ever had since ever. Nothing could ruin how perfect if was, not even a very drunk Marco -After being cut out from his titan after fully healing- who kept kissing Jean and blabbering about how cute Jean was and what happened to him as a titan and they're child hood together.
"I'll tell ya, Jean was the smallest boy I've ever seen. It was like he ain't never ate befo'." Marco said, remembering the old days, "he was kinda scared of me, considerin' that I killed a titan with a dull hatchet outta anger after it had ate my momma, heck I'd be scared of myself too, but we ended up getting along. We even got to travel with the Corps back when we were 'bout 6 & 7." "It's true, those two always got into trouble when they were little brats, so I took up the job of watching them some times." Levi said. "They used to give the squad the cutest nicknames!" Petra said, remembering how Marco would always call her PeRal or leafy since she loved trees, "Levi hated it when Marco had kept calling him Shortpral." Marco countinued his story getting toward the part when he became a titan.
"Y'know, it's like, if I never died I wouldn't be, like *Hic* super in love with this guy as I am now. Y'know, with him saving me from being eaten to death again by hostile titans. You will not BELIEVE how scared I was when those things came after me, tryin' to eat me and crap. Then here came Jean, swingin' through the air with his 3DMG like a flyin' knight, killin' titans left and right with those swordy thangies! Then the next thing I know, in havin' flashbacks of all of Y'all and I was tryin' to communicate and all to tell Y'all *Hic* who I was. Then I met nice ol' Hanji over 'here. She was all nice and cool, but weird at the same time. I instantly wanted to be 'er friend! She a *Hic* good person to be around. She got a always happy persona." Marco went on, talking about what he thought about the team, finally getting to the last person which was Mikasa.
"I'm not gone say we was friends, but I ain't gone say we was A-nemies! At first, back in the trainee days, I got irritated with 'er after Jean kept talkin' 'bout 'er like she was the world to 'im. But that was just my mind flowing like a jealous puppy! Of course we get along better now."
Yes, this was the best Christmas they've had in years. After eating, everyone enjoyed Marco's funny stories of when he & Jean were kids, Mikasa and Annie telling everyone they spiked the EggNog, Reiner and Olou's lovely baking, and other things that were going about that day.
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