Eren VS Noctis
The True King of Lucis arrived with his royal Retinue at Zegnautus Keep. The seat of the Niflheim Empire. After a long and tedious trek through the many halls of the keep, fighting through daemons and rogue magitek troops alike, Noctis found himself alone, standing in front of the sacred crystal.
Noctis reaches his hand to the crystal and says:
"Please. Help me stop the daemons." But he was shocked when the crystal started to pull him inside of it.
"Unharmed by the light. The chosen king indeed."
Ardyn Izunia, the chancellor of Niflheim said as he walked towards Noctis from behind. "Allow me to regale you with a tale."
"In an age long past, an incurable scourge ravaged mankind. A tiny menace that twisted men into monsters, the likes of which you've seen. In Lucis lived a savior that could cure the afflicted. His body would come to host myriad daemons, that countless lives be spared." Ardyn explained as Noctis was getting pulled inside the crystal even further.
"But a jealous king, one not yet chosen by the Crystal, ostracized and demonized this healer of the people. Making a true monster of him." He continued.
"I gave you my name earlier, but you should know that it was not the name given to me at birth." He paused for a simple moment, he then looked at Noctis.
"Ardyn Lucis Caelum is my proper name. You'll never guess whose name Izunia was." Ardyn stated, much to the shock of Noctis.
"Noct, killing you as a mortal will bring me scant satisfaction. Claim the Crystal's power. Arise as its champion. Only once the Crystal and King are no more...can I know redemption." Ardyn paused once more before addressing Noctis for the final time.
"Come back soon. I shall keep your friends company until you are ready."
Noctis was pulled inside the crystal as he screamed. Ardyn stood in his place and did not seem to care that noctis' friends have arrived. He simply turned around and walked away.
Noctis found himself floating in a realm made of light. He seemed to be falling at a slow pace.
"Gather strength, O chosen." An extremely deep voice spoke.
Noctis soon lands in the hand of the Astral Bahamut. Where Noctis realized that he is inside the astral world.
"The fate of this world falls to the King of Kings." Bahamut said to Noctis who gets shocked after seeing him. "His providence consecrated in the divine light of the crystal."
"So it is ordained-the revelation of Bahamut."
Bahamut then proceeded to explain to Noctis who Ardyn really was and what he has become and informed him that his friends are safe and are still fighting for the light and the future of the world, sustained by faith unfaltering that their king shall arise and bring deliverance.
Bahamut then tells Noctis of his role and duty as the true king, foretelling a sacrifice that is needed to destroy Ardyn the accursed.
"The usurper is traveling to a realm beyond that of the six. A world that shares many similarities to Eos. A world where the accused intends on unleashing the scourge of the daemons." Bahamut explained before letting Noctis fall once more.
"Now head into the realm beyond the reaches of the six and thwart the plans of the usurper. Only then can the true king ensure the end of the accursed's schemes."
Noctis then finds himself falling from the sky at an alarming rate. Finding no way of smoothly making his way onto the ground, Noctis point-warps to the ground using his ultima blade.
"Phew! That was something I plan never to try again." Noctis said to himself.
He looked around and found himself in a town surrounded by walls of ridiculous heights. He took the time to process what was happening and try to come up with a plan, but much to Noctis' self-disappointment, that was ignis' speciality and not him.
"Ugh! Just when I needed your tactical plans, Iggy!" Noctis said to himself.
"You! Stop right there!" A person screamed at Noctis from afar.
"Huh?" Noctis, puzzled by what he heard, turned around only to be met by the gaze of a young person who seems to be part of a special group. Noctis looked at the insignia on the kid's shoulder and saw a white wing on a blue wing.
"What do you want?" Noctis asked.
"It's you! You're the guy on the wanted list!" The kid pulled out a wanted poster which showed the face of Noctis on it.
'Damn! That must be Ardyn's work!' Noctis thought to himself. "Look. There must be a misunderstanding. I'm new around here."
"Liar! I don't know what you're wanted for but I'll make sure you get jailed for it!" The man replied.
"This is getting us nowhere, kid! Leave now and don't make things more complicated!" Noctis said but he was met by a swift strike from a sword. Before he could get hit, Noctis used his Ultima Blade to block the attack.
The conjuring of the sword shocked the soldier beyond words. The only thing he uttered was "What the... !"
Noctis pushed his adversary away with his sword. He then dematerialized the sword and stood in a neutral stance.
"I'm not here to fight, kid. I am looking for someone and I'm here to stop him. Don't let me do something I don't want to do." Noctis threatened.
"What kind of sorcery is this?! I can't let you walk away! You die now, freak!" The soldier said before starting to attack the king of Lucis with his swords. Noctis started to phase between his attacks to avoid them, which startled the soldier even more.
Noctis then conjured the shield of the just and pushed his opponent away from him with it.
"I'm telling you! Stop right now! You can't defeat me! Not today, not ever!" Noctis said before warping away to the top of a building and from there, continuously point-warping from one building to another in search of Ardyn.
Not long after, and after searching for 15 minutes, Noctis decided to sit down and relax for a moment before resuming his search. But his moment of peace was cut short by the sounds of hooks and the sound of the release of pressured gas that was coming in his direction.
The soldier that fought Noctis from before landed on the rooftop Noctis was on. The latter immediately got up and readied himself for a fierce fight.
"I, Eren Jaeger, son of Grisha Jaeger, have made a promise to kill the titans and any other thing I see as a threat to my world! A promise I intend to keep! And I see you as a threat! And I will not let you get out of here alive!"
"Unbelievable!" Noctis said to himself before conjuring the Ultima Blade and starting to clash with Eren, swords hitting swords and dodges avoiding attacks, then blocks, parries and counter attacks.
Noct then conjured the bow of the clever and started firing at Eren but the latter dodged all projectiles quickly and smoothly with his 3dm gears.
Eren then flew up in the sky and descended down on Noctis, slashing his swords before impact. But Noctis warped away and then returned the attack with a warp strike, hitting Eren on one of his blades, breaking it and prompting him for a quick change. Eren immediately changed his broken blade and replaced it with a new one, but he did not realize that Noctis threw the trident of the oracle at him, hitting Eren in the shoulder and making him fall off the roof of the building down towards the ground.
Noctis took a few seconds to take a breather and stretched his upper body, readying himself to continue the search, but as soon as he turned around to leave, lightning struck the spot where Eren was last seen.
Noctis turned around only to be frozen in place by the sight of a large humanoid creature staring at him with all the rage such humongous creature can bear.
The titan then roared with all it's might and punched the building where Noctis stood, the latter warping away to another building to avoid his doom.
Noctis didn't catch a break as the titan soon ran after him and started punching every building Noctis landed on as he warped away, fleeing from the angry titan behind him.
After a considerable amount of time, Noctis decided to stop fleeing and then warp struck the titan's right eye which prompted him to punch Noctis off him, who had already warped away and struck the titan's left ear, cutting it off completely with the sword of the tall.
The titan was quick to recover and swiftly grabbed Noctis off the roof of a building as the latter was catching his breath. The titan roared at Noctis who conjured the blade of the mystic and stabbed him in the thumb, prompting the titan to let go of the prince.
Noctis then warped away and then warp struck the titan on his right arm with the axe of the conqueror, slicing it completely off.
Noctis landed on the ground and watched the titan grabbing his arm in pain, who in turn saw Noctis on the ground and tried to squash him with his bare foot.
Noctis kept warping away while the titan ran after him, trying to squash him with every chance he got.
Eventually, Noctis got tired of the chase and didn't have any more magic to warp and was not capable of stopping the kick from the titan that sent him flying across the sky and landing on top of the wall.
Noctis used an elixir to get him back to shape and then got back up and warped down to the level of the titan.
Noctis saw that the titan did not notice him yet so he warped to a building and yelled at the titan.
"Hey! You big idiot! I'm here!" Noctis yelled.
The titan noticed him and tried to deliver a punch but using the power of the sacred Ring of the Lucii, Noctis blocked the punch and struck back with the 'holy' attack, which caused the titan to stagger backwards.
Noctis then tried to strike a deadly blow at the titan but before he could do anything, the building on which he stood was demolished in a second by another titan.
Noctis fell on the ground while the first titan recovered. Noctis then looked at the other titan and saw it to be one with a thick layer of armor covering it.
"Argh! Two of you?! The more the merrier I guess." Noctis said to himself. "Guess I have no choice!"
Noctis warped and tried to hit the titan with everything he's got but was not able to even scratch the armor. The armored titan then hit him with a swat and sent him crashing down towards the ground.
Noctis' eyes turned red as he slowly got up. The two titans were ready to finish Noctis for good.
Suddenly a gigantic sword came falling down from the sky, blocking the path between Noctis and the titans.
Noctis heard a huge roar as Bahamut came down and grabbed the sword before flying up in the sky and conjuring more of the same sword.
The swords Bahamut conjured started circling around him before he pointed the sword in his hands at the titans.
Bahamut's swords came crashing down on the titans. Hitting the armored titan everywhere, impaling, maiming and decapitating him while another sword fell through his nape. Noctis then realized the weak spot of the titans.
The rest of the swords came falling around the first titan as he watched helplessly.
Bahamut himself then came down with his sword to impale the titan.
Noctis then conjured the sword of the father and warped high up in the sky and descended down on the nape of the titan, cutting it to shreds with a single slash of king Regis' sword.
Eren came falling down from the titan and hit the ground in front of Noctis. Eren got up and was helpless as Noctis unleashed the Armiger on him.
Noctis then used his kingly powers to send Eren high in the sky and started hitting him with every royal arm at his disposal before finally ending the fight by beheading Eren with the Ultima Blade.
As Noctis finally ended the fight with Eren, he started to hear clapping from behind him. He turned around only to witness Ardyn himself clapping and smiling at him.
"Oh joy. You did marvelously, Noct. I wanted to daemonize the boy and take him to Lucis. But I see the crystal was not to keen on letting me carry out my plans. Alright then. I shall see you in Lucis, don't keep your kingdom waiting, your majesty. Ardyn said as he laughed before a portal opened and he walked through it.
Noctis was then teleported by a large beam of light from the sky back to the crystal that would shed it's light unto the ring of the Lucii so that Noctis can dispel the darkness and save his world.
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