Carla Jäeger logged on
Mikasa Ackerman logged on
Carla: Mikasa?!
Mikasa: Step-Mom?!
Carla: Your alive!
Mikasa: How are you not dead?
Carla: I am dead but, I live an after-life
Mikasa: :o
Carla: Where is Eren?
Carla: Have you been protecting him???
Mikasa: Yes
Mikasa: Idk were he is
Mikasa: When did you take human form?
Carla: 13 minuets ago tho
Eren Jäeger logged on
Eren: Mom?!
Carla: Eren!
Mikasa: Eren
Eren: I thought you died! Nvm
Carla: Were are you guys right now?!
Mikasa: uhhh...Foster Home...
Carla: Oh
Carla: Did you get hurt?
Mikasa: no...
Carla: Are you guys okay?
Eren: Forgive me
Carla: For what?
Eren: For not listening to you in the past
Carla: That was the past donut worry
Mikasa: I am in on this too actually...
Carla: Oh?
Eren: I don't mean everything I said
Eren: I did something you will never forgive me for
Mikasa: I did too!
Carla: Oh god you guys aren't thugs are you?
Mikasa: No
Carla: Good 👌
Eren: I became something you won't forgive
Carla: Eren donut worry just tell me
Eren: Me and Armin and Mikasa.....
Eren: We all joined......the Survey Corps
Mikasa: ...
Carla: WHAT?! I thought I told you it was dangerous! You could die!
Mikasa: I told him that
Eren: I wanted to kill all the was the...only way forgive me...
Carla: Thats why there is Survey Corps! They kill them for you
Eren: I won't be satisfied until I kill them
Reiner Braun logged on
Reiner: Heh...killing your own kind? Nice
Carla: Own kind?!!
Mikasa: Uh
Reiner: Not the first time a titan would kill another titan I mean, you did it many times
Mikasa: Reiner shuddup!
Carla: What is going on?!
Eren: I have to tell you the truth! Please forgive me and don't get scared!
Carla: Wha?
Eren: I am a Titan Shifter
Mikasa: Phew it's over
Reiner: Heh
Reiner Braun logged off
Carla: .....
Carla: E-eren you're joking....aren't you....I A shifter?......
Mikasa: Nope not a joke
Carla: .
Eren: you hate me?
Carla Jäeger logged off
Mikasa: Eren calm down! You're not a monster!
Eren: ....I wish....
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