Get to Know the Author! 100 Chapters!
Hai! Anyways, this is not a text, sorru I have no ideas 😂😂. I will be doing a 20 Day Attack on Titan challenge! But, I will answer all 20 questtions all today! This is to Celebrate my 100th Chapter!
P.S Please give me text ideas *^*
1. Favorite Male Character
It's obvious who! The one I use most in my chapters! I would have to say Eren because, he never gives up even when about to die, he thinks about his dream and gets back up. He has lots of confidence to say what he thought in the Courtoom even if it meant to give him a beating.
2. Favorite Female Character
Hanji or Hange. I like how she is so energetic and eccentric! She is always so happy when she sees Titans and is usually in a good mood. She is also funny when talking in general. :3
3. Least Favorite Male Character
Reiner. I wish it was HATED CHARACTER
OMG I hate him so much! He always said how important it was to be a good soldier even tho he is a huge enemy of humanity!
4. Least Favorite Female Character
5. Your OTP
WELL, IT'S OBVIOUS! Eremin is my #1 OTP because, they always help each other, worry for each other and have a strong bond. People call them 'Just Friends' but I know they think of it more than that.
6. Favorite Friendship
Whale, Springles is my #3 Otp but, they are also great friends and it defines it in Attack on Titan: Junior High. They are both funny, goofy and just perfect.
7. Favorite Opening
UM...... UHHHHHH......Either, Jiyuu no Tsubasa or Shinzou wo Sasageyo. I like Guren no Yumiya it is life but, I guess those OP's are a TINY bit better. Only HALF as better. Sorry, that was a HALF-assed joke.
8. Favorite Ending
Great Escape or This Beautiful Cruel world. I can't choose between those two!!! The Season Two ending is creepy o.o
9. Favorite OST
That is hard but, my #1 favorite is Barricades. It is the best! It sounds so epic and the lyrics are so meaningful. The song is obviously pointed towards Eren and Armin.
10. Favorite Titan
The big naked one 😂😂😂😂
11. Least Favorite Titan
Smiling Titan or Di- NO SPOILING ALLOWED
12. Funniest Titan
The Running Titan. Nuff said, it's simply just fabulous. It runs just like they found out about Black Friday. Oh jeez that brings back memories.
13. Weirdest Titan
The big-butted one from Season Two 😂.
14. Favorite Squad
Squad Levi from the Manga, Levi, Armin, Mikasa, Sasha, Connie, Jean and Eren. 👌Perfect👌 Running from Military Police so fabulously.
15. Favorite Titan Shifter
Rogue Titan-Eren. Eren's titan is very strong and learned the hardening technique which helped fix Wall Maria. Also a great weapon for the Survey Corps.
16. Least Favorite Titan Shifter
Reiner and Bertholdt (Armoured and Colossus Titan) they are enemy's of humanity. Well, Bert died so nvm.
17. Favorite Division
SURVEY CORPS. I like how they dedicate their hearts to killing titans and sacrificing theirselves to save the walls and humanity. They really are the bravest division.
18. Favorite Commander
Eyebr- I mean Erwin 😂. SHINZOU WO SASAGE- -arm get bitten off- He still is going and working even with one arm. How majestic is that? Very.
19. Favorite Squad Leader
Hange, still Hange. Hange is love Hange is life. The on-topic of a current situation is kind of slim tho because of how she talks about titans every second even if it's not about titans 😂. In a good way. She is still responsible.
20. A character that is most like you
Eren. We both have anger problems and share the same heat of hating Reiner. We also believe in a dream that is crazy for others and doesn't give up about fighting. Like tbh, I never back out of fights 😂😂😂.
Well, I guess that is the, Attack on Titan 20-Day Challenge. In one day! I hope my answers were good enough and I suggest you to do this also!
The header picture is the challenge picture.
NEXT CHAPTER: Oioioio Squad
P.S Happy 100 Chapters!!!!
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