telling the truth
A figure walked down a dark corridor, he was dressed in filthy grimy black clothing the sound of his boots echoed as he approached a guard and pulls out his ID. The guard nods and opens the door. "Ah Arbiter you've returned." A voice from the shadows said with pride.
"I told you master that he'd come back." The person said. "Silence." Another voice growled.
The man, out of fear, gets down on one knee, all that could be seen in front of him was a pair of crimson red eyes of his master.
"I don't care if he didn't come back, I only care about results Herobrine." The other man growled and looked to their silent spectator. "Did you kill the Atlantean captain." He asked.
The Arbiter shook his head no making the red eyed man growl in anger. "Sir if I may ask why hold a grudge against one man?" Herobrine asked. The red eyed man lashed out in a fit of rage.
He grabs the supposed "God" by the throat, throws him against the wall, picks him up and slams him down onto a table breaking it.
"He is not an ordinary man! He's a alpha five, I grew up watching them, he bears every trait!" The still unseen man roared. "B-But I wiped them all out master!" Herobrine stated as he struggled to his feet. "You white eyed fool one of them escaped and hid from you now the last one walks this Earth and he will interfere with my plans." The man growled. "The reason I had you wipe out their race is because their the only ones that can beat powerful beings such as us." Herobrine stands to his feet and puts his helmet back on. "I swear he will be dealt with." He said as his eyes narrowed. "Do not disappoint me." The man said and disappears like he was never there.
"Arbiter fetch me my scythe and have Ghidorah report to my office." Herobrine growled. "And be snappy about it." The silent assassin backed up and exited the room doing as he was told.
Tristan tossed and turned in his sleep, small whimpers left his lips as he dreamed. Take my son and run! The young man tosses again and the look of fear is as clear as day on his face. Sid! Nooo! I said run! When you're old enough look for a village to the east you'll find your answers there, now go! His breathing picks up and he continues to have the nightmare until he jolted awake.
"Are you ok?" A voiced asked. Tristan turns his head to see Cody sitting in a chair next to the bed. "Yeah, I'm fine." He replied and shifted his eyes away from Cody's. The King knew something was wrong, he saw the captain tossing and turning. He heard him whimpering in fear. He used to be plagued with nightmares about his father but he stopped having them.
"Have you ever felt like you the entire world is on your shoulders?" Tristan asked all of a sudden. "Sometimes yes." Cody replied. "I want to know why you kept yourself a secret, why lie on your file?" The young king asked him.
"Since the secret is out you deserve to know." He said and sits up. "I knew who and what my parents were they wanted to raise me to be the next Alpha five but then the entire village was attacked by mobs and I was forced to leave along with my siblings Cameron and Jordan." He explained. Cody listened in silence as the the young man told his tale.
"Cameron and Jordan aren't like me but they have unnatural abilities just like I do. I'm able to push myself further during a fight, Jordan gets stronger with each punishing blow he takes and Cameron... well he...." He stops talking and from the back of his head he hears a deafening high pitched screech.
"The truth captain." Cody said staring into his eyes. Tristan sighs and takes a deep breath.
"Cameron is no longer considered a member of the family after what he's done. He turned to the side of evil after coming across a powerful creature called a symbiote." He explained.
"I'm sorry to hear that." Cody replied. "Can I tell you something." Tristan asked. "Of course." Cody replied. "My parents and their families sacrificed themselves to save me and my brothers, I tried so hard to save Cameron when he turned but I failed and now I'm worried that I'll fail again if something happens here." He said. "Hey nobody is perfect, I've made mistakes when I first became king, me and my brother spend to much money trying to help people." Cody replied. "Now rest your still recovering." The captain nods and lays back down.
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