Athena's POV
It's been a week since the pot luck and Caroline's dad did leave town. Tonight is senior prank night. I was going to hang out with Jeremy while the others pranked the school. But we cancelled as he was called into work at the grill. I'm chilling in my room playing my guitar. I'm just doing warm ups before playing a song I was working on.
Suddenly I get a jolt through my heart and gasp. The last time I felt this was when Mason died. "Tyler" I mutter. I place my guitar down and grab my keys running from the house. I get in the car and drive full speed to the high school. Not caring about the speed limit. Something is wrong with Tyler.
I reach the school and park. I get out locking the car and follow Tyler's scent to the gym. I see his lifeless body and growl. I look around to see Bonnie, Matt, Stefan, Elena, two humans, Klaus and another vampire. I notice Klaus standing over Tyler's body.
"Glad you could join us little wolf" he says smirking.
"You killed my brother" I growl as I feel my eyes change.
"Come now, surely we can discuss this" he states. "You know you can't beat me" he adds.
"Want a bet?" I demand and flash over to him. I go to punch him. He grabs my arm and twists it behind my back.
"I'm stronger then you little wolf" he whispers in my ear.
"Well I'm angrier" I snarl and elbow him in the gut. It winds him and I turn around snapping his neck.
"Now that is surprising" the blonde vampire states. I growl glaring at her and she raises her hands.
"Someone tell me, why my brother is dead now?" I demand.
"Klaus' hybrids aren't working. He wants Bonnie to find out why. Otherwise Tyler won't survive transition" Elena explains quickly.
"Well, then you better find a way to save my brother Bonnie. Or else" I snarl. "Now who are you?" I ask the blonde. She doesn't say anything.
"She's Klaus' sister" Bonnie states.
"Excellent" I say and flash over biting her neck. She screams in pain. "It might not kill you as quickly as it would on a full moon. But it'll be very painful. You see when a wolf is angry enough, they can summon their wolf strength and venom" I tell her then snap her neck. I pick up Tyler and grab Klaus sister.
"What are we suppose to do?" Matt asks me.
"Stay here until Bonnie finds a way to save my brother. Tell Klaus what I've done, he can find me once Bonnie has an answer" I tell them before leaving. I grab a syringe of vervain from my glove box and inject Klaus' sister with it. Before putting her in the trunk. I place Tyler in the back seat and drive to an abandoned building. I take them both inside and wait.
Soon Caroline appears and kneels beside Tyler. "The others filled me in, Klaus is pissed. But won't come until he gets an answer" she tells me. I nod my head. "What happened to her?" she asks looking at Klaus' sister.
"Bite her, snapped her neck and vervained her" I say shrugging.
"I thought your bites were harmless unless there's a full moon" she says confused.
"Usually they are, but my wolf and I were very pissed. So I was able to access my venom" I tell her. "Though I doubt it'll kill her, her being an original and all. But no doubt Klaus will heal her later" I state.
"You seem calmer now" she states.
"Got out a lot of my anger, but I'm still pissed Klaus is trying to turn my brother into a hybrid" I state. "But as long as he survives, I'll get over it" I state. Klaus sister begins to wake. "You're awake, was beginning to think I killed you" I drawl.
"Only a white oak stake can do that" she grumbles.
"I'll be sure to keep that in mind if my brother dies tonight" I tell her. Just then Tyler wakes up.
"Where am I? What happened?" he asks.
"Tyler" Care says relieved.
"Don't be shy about it" Klaus' sister tells us.
"What's going on?" Tyler asks.
"Klaus is turning you into a vampire. A hybrid. You're in transition" Care tells him.
"Don't leave out the hard part, sweets. You'll only survive if your witch is successful. If not...You're pretty much dead" Klaus' sister states. I growl glaring at her.
"So will you be if I find a white oak stake" I snarl. "If I lose a sibling, so does Klaus" I state.
"You're going to be okay. Okay? It's going to be okay" Care assures Tyler. We all sit in silence waiting for Klaus.
He finally arrives. "Well, the verdict's in. The original witch says the doppelgänger should be dead" he tells us.
"Does that mean we can kill her?" his sister asks him.
"No, I'm fairly certain it means the opposite" he states. "You horrible" he adds.
"I bite her, you may cure her if you save my brother" I tell him.
"Seems fair" he says taking out a test tube of blood. "Elena's blood. Drink it" he tells Tyler handing it to him. Care goes to stop him. But I growl.
"Stay out of this Care, it's between us wolves" I tell her.
"But..." she tries to protest.
"No buts, I let you deal with your father. You let me deal with my brother" I tell her I look at Tyler. "Drink it Tyler" I tell him. Tyler struggles but he finally drinks it.
"There we go. Good boy" Klaus says smirking. Tyler coughs, rolls over the desk, and falls to the floor, screaming and groaning and writhing. He holds his head and screams and his face finally changes. His eyes are yellow, he has fangs and veins under his eyes. "Well, that's a good sign" he states.
"Good, he'll live" I state and turn to Klaus. "Now I want you out of my territory. Take blood from Elena and leave. This is my home, my territory and Tyler remains here" I tel him.
"Seems fair little wolf, as long as I can come back whenever I need Elena's blood" he states.
"Of course" I tell him.
"Oh and if you ever snap my neck again. You're dead little wolf" he tells me.
"Only if you can catch me" I say smirking. "Lets go Tyler, Caroline" I say and we left the originals. We walk around town, Tyler fully recovered from his transition. Holding hands with Care.
"Are you sure you're okay?" Care asks him concerned.
"I'm great, Caroline. I mean, like, phenomenal. It's a rush. I wish I could explain it. Everything's just...Better" he tells her. He lifts her up in his arms and spins her around. She laughs. Then he kisses her.
"Ok, little sister and best friend still present" I remind them. Tyler puts Care down, holding her close smiling.
"This is going to be an amazing year" he tells us.
"Well lets go home, so that I can invite you in" I tell him. "We have school in under a week" I remind them.
"I'm surprised Klaus didn't turn you or retaliate for snapping his neck" Care states.
"He knows I was in the right, he snapped Tyler's neck and nearly got him killed. Besides if his hunch failed, he needed another wolf to threaten Bonnie with" I tell her. "He still might turn me one day. But right now he's not invited into my house and is leaving town. I feel quiet safe" I state. "See you around Care" I add hugging her. She hugs Tyler good night and we go our separate ways.
When Tyler and I arrive home. Mum is asleep and no one else is around. I invite him in. "I'm gonna shower and call it a night" he tells me. I nod my head and hug him.
"I'm glad you're alive bro" I tell him.
"Same here" he state. "Good night" he tells me.
"Good night" I say. I go to my room. I change into my pjs and do my teeth. Before crawling into bed and fall into a restless sleep.
Picture above of Rebekah and picture on the external link of hybrid Tyler.
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