Growing Pains
Athena's POV
"Got it" I state as I put the coffin down and opened the lead. Klaus' desiccated body is lying in a coffin. Pretty much intact. Bonnie stares at it.
"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Klaus asks her. Bonnie turns around and sees Klaus in Tyler's body entering the cellar.
"What is that doing here, Klaus? The deal we made with Tyler was that you'd leave his body and jump into someone else's the first chance you got" she reminds him.
"Yes, when I assumed I'd be a pile of ash. But apparently, fate and oxygen intervened and there I am" Klaus says. "Put me back" he tells Bonnie.
"I can't right now" she states.
"Why not?" I ask her confused.
"Your history teacher outed Tyler and Caroline to the Council. They're on a war path and this body's vulnerable" Klaus states.
"Not really, everyone thinks Tyler is dead. Mum has been trying to get my opinion on a funeral and it hasn't even been a day" I tell him. "Besides I'm the one being hunted, along with Caroline. Which is why we're supposed to skip town" I add.
"And I have to help Elena before she has to feed" Bonnie adds.
"Elena's dead and no longer my concern" Klaus tells her.
"You're forgetting who just saved your life" she reminds him. Klaus grabs Bonnie by the throat. I growl. "It's fine" Bonnie tells me.
"And you're forgetting that I could rip your tongue out. Now put me back" he demands.
"If I can keep Elena human, you'll still have an endless blood supply to make your hybrids. Isn't that what you really want?" she asks him. He releases her. Bonnie starts to leave, but Klaus super speeds in front of her and blocks her way out.
"Same rules apply. No one knows. No one. Do you understand me, Bonnie?" he asks her. She nods her head and left.
"If you want to be back in your body so bad. Why don't we leave town and find one of your witch allies and have them do the spell?" I ask him.
"Because only the witch who did the spell, can undo it" he states.
"Really?" I ask and he nods his head. "Guess we're stuck here then, but once you're back in your body. Tyler and I can run by ourselves. While you take care of yourself" I state.
"Sounds fair little wolf" he states.
"Can you not say that in my brother's body, it's weird" I tell him.
"Then what should I call you?" he asks me.
"Athena" I say.
"Fine" he says. "How long have you been a wolf?" he asks me.
"We bonding now?" I ask him as I take out my song book.
"Well we're alone, why not talk?" he asks me.
"Fine, it was freshmen year. My friends and I got drunk. I was behind the wheel and crashed the car. Resulting in my friends death" I state.
"Two years" he says.
"Yep" I say.
"You wouldn't of been driving age" he states.
"Neither was my friend, she wasn't a good influence on me. Got me into drinking, partying and drugs. Hooked me up with my boyfriend, who cheated on me the night I triggered my curse. Anyway I thought I was ok to drive and she was pretty much unconscious" I state.
"You did drugs?" he asks surprised.
"Not anymore, though I still drink a little. Not a lot and only on special occasions" I state. "I wonder if Care has told my mum yet?" I muse changing the subject. Tyler's phone rings.
"Ah, you incessant woman!" he snaps.
"Who is it?" I ask him confused. He ignores me and answers the phone.
"Hey, mom. What's up?" he asks pretending to be Tyler. I eavesdrop.
"Tyler, thank God. Are – are you and Athena okay?" mum asks him.
"Yeah, we're fine" he tells her. "Why? What's going on?" he asks her.
"Pastor Young had me arrested this morning. The Council grilled me on your whereabouts. Tyler, don't tell me where you guys are, the less I know the better" she tells him. I take the phone from him.
"Mum, we're ok" I assure her.
"Athena, thank god you both are ok" mum says sighing in relief. "I was so scared that you were with Caroline" she states.
"Why? What happened to Caroline?" we ask her.
"The council took her" she tells us. Klaus takes the phone back.
"What do you mean they took her?" he demands. I grab my coat ignoring them. I put it on and go to leave as he hang up. "Where are you going little wolf?" he asks me.
"To save my best friend" I tell him.
"And get yourself killed also, no you stay here. I'll go" he states.
"Everyone thinks Tyler is dead, it has to stay that way for all your safeties" I tell him.
"You can't take on the council alone" he tells me.
"It's my best friend" I remind him. "And you've seen what I can do when I get pissed off" I remind him.
"I'm coming too, whether you like it or not" he tells me.
"Fine, lets go" I tell him and we left. I catch Care's scent. "Follow me" I tell him and take off running. Suddenly Klaus picks me up and carries me. We stop at a tree line over looking a road and he put me down. We see a black van being escorted by two police cars.
"Wait here" he tells me and crashes the van. Along with one of the cars. I ran down and opened the back of the van. To see Caroline and Rebekah tied up. Klaus joins me opening the other door.
"Tyler? Athena?" Care asks shocked. As Klaus goes to free her. I notice the other cop car heading our way.
"Hurry up" I tell him.
"I'm harder to kill than you think" he tells Care. He rips off the vervain ropes tying her down as she cries.
"You're alive? How are you alive?" Care asks him.
"Long story, tell you later" I tell her.
"Come on, we've got to go" Klaus tells us.
"What about Rebekah?" I ask once Care got out of the van. Klaus looks down at Rebekah.
"Keep 'em busy, little sister" he tells her lowly. He left following Care. I curse and look back at the cop car. Before looking down at Rebekah.
"No. That's not possible!" she cries.
"Is for a witch, I'm sorry Rebekah" I tell her and left. I track Care and Tyler's scent. To find Care putting her shir back on while a shirtless Tyler smirks at her.
"Oh, I need to go sanitize my mouth!" She exclaims.
"Guess you realized that's not my brother" I say amused.
"So not funny Athena!" she snaps.
"Your mouth was all over me. I was an innocent victim" Klaus tells her.
"Put Tyler back" she tells him annoyed.
"Gladly" he tells her. "Then maybe I'll take you up on your offer of hot hybrid sex" he says with a smirk. Before putting Tyler's shirt on and walking away.
"Sorry Care, it was the only way to save Tyler and all of you" I tell her as we followed him. "Look we'll switch them back and we can run while the others deal with Alaric" I state.
"You won't tell Tyler right?" she asks me.
"That you made out with Klaus while he was in his body?" I ask. "Of course not" I tell her. "Anyway, Bonnie should be at the witch house. Lets all go see her" I tell them and we went there.
We find her with Jeremy. I ask her to put Klaus back into his body. "She said she's not strong enough" Jeremy tells us.
"You were strong enough to put me in here. Surely, you're strong enough to get me out" Klaus says.
"I upset the spirits trying to save Elena. I can't use that kind of magic again. It's too dangerous" Bonnie tells us.
"Bonnie, do the bloody spell!" Klaus demands.
"She said she can't okay" I tell him annoyed.
"We'll just wait a few days until you're strong enough to do it with traditional magic, right Bonnie?" Care asks her. Klaus rips open Tyler's shirt, takes a deep breath, and extends his claws on his right hand. He punctures Tyler's chest with his claws and grabs Tyler's heart and begins to rip it out.
"What are you doing?!" Care and I demand in alarm.
"Ripping Tyler's heart out. I'll jump into someone else" Klaus states and looks at Jeremy. "Maybe you" he says.
"Oh my God!" Bonnie exclaims.
"You're hurting him! Stop!" Care shouts.
"He's bluffing. He needs a witch to do that" Jeremy states.
"What makes you think I don't have one? Or ten? Pick, Bonnie! You or Tyler!" Klaus demands.
"Stop, please! You're killing him!" I shout.
"Fine, I'll do it! Just stop" Bonnie tells him. He takes his hand out leaving Tyler's heart where is belongs.
"Good. Let's begin" he states. We go back to the cellar. Klaus lays beside his body on the ground in Tyler's. Bonnie begins the spell.
"Phasmatos Tribum, Nas Ex Veras, Raverus En Phasmatos Ex Sonos. Resistamus Et Veram Vatus. Raverus Phasmatos Ex Sonos" she chants.
"This is black magic. She shouldn't be doing this" Jeremy tells us. Tyler's eyes suddenly open.
"Tyler" Care and I say.
"Caroline, Athena hey" he says smiling at us. Tyler tries to get up, but falls down to the ground. As Bonnie continued chanting and Care ran to his side.
"Bonnie, what are you doing?" Jeremy asks her.
"Bonnie it worked, stop" I tell her.
"Bonnie, what's happening?" Care asks her as black veins appear on Bonnie's arms. "Bonnie, stop!" I shout with Care. Bonnie falls down on her knees, crying. Jeremy gets down next to her and tries to comfort her. As Klaus wakes in his body. Care hugs Tyler. Klaus left us.
I get a text from mum. The council threatening us was gone. There had been an explosion at the Young farm, which killed them. I told the others. We could all go home and continue on with our lives. Jeremy took Bonnie, while Tyler took Care home. I go home alone and was hugged to death by mum. Well not literally, but she was so relieved that I was ok and home.
Picture above of Rebekah tied up and gif on the external link of Caroline.
Next two chapters will be summaries of the episodes; Memorial, The Rager, The Five, The Killer, We All Go a Little Mad Sometimes, My Brother's Keeper, We'll Always Have Bourbon Street, Oh Come All Ye Faithful.
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