20s Dance
Athena's POV
Tyler broke his sire bond after turning a hundred times in the mountains. Hayley won our bet, so I gave her $50. Anyway Klaus and his family have been causing mischief at home. Tyler and I have finally returned. Just in time for the next decade dance. Which is now the 20s instead of the 70s. Anyway while Tyler caught up with Caroline, I decide to go to the boarding house.
I arrive to see Damon on the phone to Ric and eavesdrop. "I don't know if right now is the best time for you to be going on a spirit quest, Ric" Damon tells him.
"It's just for a couple of days. I'm stocked up on Bonnie's herbs, so I should be fine. I gotta go" Ric states and hangs up.
"Sounds like you need a new partner in crime" I say smirking.
"If it isn't my favourite wolf, hello Athena" Damon says. "Didn't know you were back in town" he states.
"Just got back, so how are we killing Klaus?" I ask him.
"Allow me to fill you in" he says. We grab a drink and fills me in on everything.
"Sounds like you've had an eventful couple of weeks" I state. "You know I'm going to the dance tonight and could use a dance partner" I tell him.
"I'd be honoured" he says with a smile. "Anyway, I'll see you tonight. I have some errands to run" he states.
"Of course, have a good day Damon" I tell him and leave. I go home and get ready for the dance. I just finished getting ready when Tyler appeared in my door way. Dressed for the dance also.
"You ready?" he asks me.
"Yes" I tell him. We leave and he drives us to the school. We arrive to see the dance in fall swing. Matt and Care spot us. "Enjoy" I tell my brother and head over to Matt. "Don't you look damper, a dance?" I ask.
"Of course" he says and we start to dance. "So are you both back for good?" he asks me
"That's the plan" I tell him.
"Good, I know Caroline has missed you both" he states. "Though I think she missed Tyler more" he adds looking at them. I follow his gaze to see Tyler and Caroline having the time of their lives.
"I think you're right" I say. "Which hurts a little, but I'm happy for them" I state.
"Now we just have to find you a boyfriend" he states and spins me.
"Yeah, like that'd ever happen" I say with a laugh. "Besides, I enjoy being single" I tell him. "Look at what the cat dragged in" I say as Klaus appears dressed in white. "Excuse me" I say and head over to him, Care and Tyler.
"That's funny, I don't recall giving you permission to leave in the first place" Klaus states.
"I did, he is in my pack after all" I state as I join them. "Hello Klaus" I say.
"Athena" he says. "You don't mind if I cut in, do you?" he asks Tyler gesturing to Caroline.
"Yes! Actually we do" Care states.
"No, it's fine" Tyler assures her. "A dance sister?" he asks me. I smile accepting his hand and he leads me away from the pair. "You were right" he states.
"I know" I say with a smile. I notice Klaus leave. "Ready for phase two?" I ask him.
"Of course, we're gonna free them all" he says with a smile.
"Yes, we are" I say smiling back. "Go dance with Caroline, I need the loo" I tell him. He nods and left. I went to the loo when I left I notice Matt heading for a classroom and follow.
"People are walking right out of the dance, past the barrier" Matt states. I enter the room to see Bonnie, Damon, Stefan, Klaus, Jamie and Jeremy.
"Matt and I can leave, we can stop Esther ourselves. We just gotta find out where she is" Jeremy states.
"It's suicide Jeremy" Stefan states.
"Let me guess Esther?" I ask.
"Yep" Damon says.
"Well lets see if her barrier stops a werewolf, shall we?" I ask them and left. I went outside and spot the line of salt. I raise my hand in front of me. It cross the barrier. I smirk and exit the school. I call Damon. "I'm out and I'm going to go kill Esther" I tell him.
"She has Elena" he tells me. "Careful Athena" he states.
"Always am" I tell him and hang up. I pick up Elena's scent and follow it. All the way to the cemetery. To the Salvatore tomb. I arrive to see a dead Alaric. "Elena" I say.
"Athena" she says. I notice a blonde woman.
"You must be Ester, the witch trying to kill her children. Which in turn would kill my brother" I state. "That's not happening" I tell her.
"You can't beat me" she tells me.
"I look forward to proving you wrong" I state. I remove my jacket and she raises her hand pointing it my way. I gasp in pain.
"No, leave her alone!" Elena shouts.
"I transform without pain, you're going to hit me harder then that" I tell Esther.
"You were a fool to face me alone" she states.
"She's not alone" Matt states as he appears with Jeremy. Both holding a weapon pointing them at Esther.
"How foolish of you, to risk your lives in defense of those who will kill you. But if that is your choice" Esther states. She uses her powers and makes Jeremy and Matt turn their hands and point their weapons at each other. But in doing so, she forgets about me.
"Esther stop it!" Elena shouts. I go to kill Esther. But Alaric beats me to it. Stabbing her in the back with a stake.
"Oh my god. Where's my ring? Tell me what happened" he tells us.
"I'll leave it to you guys, I'm sorry Alaric. I hope you find peace with Jenna" I state. I grab Esther and take her to the Mikaelson house. "Thought you'd want her" I state tossing her body onto the ground. "She's dead and hopefully for good this time" I tell him.
"Thank you" he says.
"It was Alaric who killed her, but now he'll die" I state. "Klaus remember our deal, you leave my brother alone and you can stay as long as you want" I tell him. "Know this I won't let the others kill you. As it'd kill my brother, so you can count on me" I state.
"Thank you Athena" he says. "I'm glad I can count on you" he states. I nod and left. I return home and got ready for bed. Before calling it a night.
Picture above of Athena's 20s outfit and picture on the external link of Tyler with Caroline at the dance.
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