Athena jumped at the sound of a car honk. Whimpering as her head slammed against the trashcan. She folded her ears to the back of her head in pain and fear.
The chain was still there and Athena didn't like it, it was really tight. Athena began to crawl out the trashcan and soon realized Buddy was gone.
As if on cue, the little mouse was scrambling to her holding a piece of small food. Buddy stood on his hind legs and held his little front paws out, it looked like he was offering her the piece of food.
That's when Athena realized her stomach was pretty much empty but she whined her no. She wanted to find her own food. Buddy soon munched it down without another thought and Athena leaned her head down.
Buddy soon scrambled onto her muzzle and onto her head. Afterwards, Athena began her way down the alley which soon led her to the street.
She sniffed the air for food but there was nothing but bunches of humans prancing up and down the sidewalk.
Athena thought little of it and headed toward the empty street. As soon as she was in the middle of the road, a semi-truck zoomed right toward her. Athena leaped out of the way and tried to get off the street but her paws got tangled up in the chain which made her fall over.
Though she landed head-first onto the sidewalk. Humans yelled and cursed at her when she fell into their way.
Athena shook out her fur and began to run down the sidewalk out of shock and fear. She was yelping while Buddy squeaked and squealed in annoyance.
She soon quieted down but Buddy didn't in fact he got louder. Athena ignored her companion and kept on charging down the street.
Athena soon darted into an alley and cowered while pressing herself up on the way. She looked at every human who passed by with anxiety.
Though after a while, her fur began flat on her back. Athena soon laid down and laid her head into her paws, she began to feel tired and hungry when a delicious scent reached her nose.
Athena perked up and so did Buddy. She stood up and sniffed again, it smelled like the meat Wash gave her but it was more juicy.
She soon began to follow the scent which quickly led her up street to a fast- food place. Athena's chains rattled behind her and people stared at her as she walked.
Athena sat down on her haunches as she stared at the title. Even though she couldn't read, the place smell good.
That was until a human in white pelt came out with a broom. He began to shoo her away viciously, Athena yelped and barked at him before running away.
She stopped a few meters away and licked around her mouth hungrily. Athena whined as she walked away.
Soon, she found a bench and squeezed under it. Athena began to doze off as Buddy went in between her front paws and nuzzled into them.
Athena yelped as she felt something nudge her. She looked up to see a maroon-armored person. Athena whimpered as he kneeled down. He looked familiar but Athena could give it a name.
Buddy squeaked as he saw the person. The human soon slid a wrapper but on it was a half-eaten sandwich.
"Simmons! Why'd you have to give it my sandwich?" Another human demanded and Athena perked up at the name. She began to crawl out from underneath the bench.
Simmons stepped back a little bit as Athena poked her head out. She soon began to eat the sandwich "Now why do you look so familiar?" He asked gently as he went to fondle with the chain.
"Simmons is now a dog-whisperer." Another replied sarcastically and Athena looked up to see a man, a turquoise woman, and..... WASH!
Athena bolted past Simmons and leaped onto Wash, who caught her front legs quickly. "Woah! Shit!" He yelled as Athena barked happily and let her tongue loll.
"I think she knows you from somewhere..." Simmons said and he quickly trailed off "Athena?" He abruptly said and Athena went ballistic "Who's Athena?" The woman asked "Athena and Markaira were the wolves guarding your body." Wash stated "If she's a wolf.. Why is she in the city?" The yellow-orange man asked "Dunno... But where's Markaira?" Wash asked seemingly worried
"Maybe Athena wandered off to start her own pack." Simmons suggested as he came up behind Athena and started to remove the chain.
Once it was off Athena began to muzzle Simmons gently. "Jeez, you're too loving." Simmons yelped as she gave him some fierce licks.
Wash started to scratch behind her ear "What to do with you..." He smiled and a dark blue man gasped "Can we keep her?" He asked eagerly "Maybe Caboose.. If it's alright with Carolina." Wash muttered, looking up at the woman.
Carolina sighed "I......"
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