Chapter 9
Wooyoung woke up to a heavy pain in his side and he held back a gasp. It's only been three days since the incident with Yeosang and everything had been going fine up until this point. He whimpered slightly and moved his hand to his side, pressing down slightly before letting out a gasp and letting go. It was pretty much pitch black but when he lifted his hand, he could see a dark patch on it. That's when he realised he was bleeding again. It's not life-threatening, not yet, that much he knows but it hurts a lot and he also knows that he will still need help. He slowly and gently pulled his shirt up over his head, holding back a cry of pain before he pressed it on his wound. He had told San and Yeosang that he wanted to sleep alone for the night because they hadn't really let him out of his sights but after this, they're going to be even worse. He sat up and slipped out of bed, heading over to the door and slipping into the hall. He hobbled along and over to Yeosang's room, trailing his hand along the wall as a stabiliser and a guide. He grabbed the door handle and pushed the door open, moving to lean against the doorframe as he looked inside. The candle was still lit so he could see the two bodies curled up together on the bed and he let out a breath.
"Guys, guys, wake up," he called out. San's head shot up in an instant, on high alert as he sat up quickly. The movement jostled Yeosang and caused him to wake up as well. San looked around quickly before his eyes landed on Wooyoung and deflated slightly.
"Youngie? What's up? Did you start missing us already," he joked tiredly.
"No, I, I need Yeosang," Wooyoung said quietly to keep his voice level. Yeosang furrowed his eyebrows in concern and sat up, studying Wooyoung closely. He noticed immediately how he was leaning against the doorframe not wearing his shirt, instead using it to press against his side. He shot out of bed immediately and rushed over.
"What happened? Are you bleeding again," he asked quickly, making San get up and hurry over as well.
"I think so, I'm not sure how much," Wooyoung admitted.
"Come on, let's get you to the medical room," Yeosang said. San quickly wrapped his arm around Wooyoung's waist, taking over to hold his shirt into his wound as they walked to the infirmary.
"Help him lay down," Yeosang said as he turned on the light. San helped Wooyoung over to the bed and lifted him up gently, keeping a good grip on the shirt.
"It's going to be ok," he whispered, running his fingers his hair gently to soothe him. Yeosang grabbed his first aid kit and walked back over, frowning when he saw the tenseness in Wooyoung's face.
"Are you in a lot of pain," he asked.
"A bit but nothing I can't handle and not as bad as when it first happened," Wooyoung replied.
"Ok. Sannie can you move the shirt so I can see what's happened," Yeosang asked. San nodded and gently moved the shirt away. Yeosang inspected what was wrong and relaxed as he realised that it was only one stitch that had pulled and there wasn't too much blood, an easy fix.
"One of your stitches came out so I'll just give you a sedative and stich it back up and then you'll be ok again," he informed Wooyoung quickly.
"Will the sedative stop it from hurting," Wooyoung asked.
"Oh stop your whining. I know for a fact you've had way worse than this," Yeosang scoffed. Wooyoung grinned at that, knowing it was true even though it did still hurt. He would've teased Yeosang about being the reason he was like this but in this instance, it would've done way more harm than good.
"Just stitch me back up doc," Wooyoung said quietly. Yeosang nodded and gave him a sedative which definitely made the pain recede more. He quickly put in an extra two stitches before cleaning the excess blood off and applying a special cream to help it heal quicker. San held Wooyoung's hand throughout the entire time, squeezing gently to relax him more.
"You all good," Yeosang asked once he was done.
"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm sorry for waking you guys this late, especially you Sannie. I know you were navigating for a while and needed a good rest," Wooyoung said with a sigh.
"Nonsense, you are way more important than any old sleep. Plus Hongjoong or Yunho can take over for a while. We're getting close to one the path the ghost ship has been taking, we should be there tomorrow," San said.
"You guys can head back to be-."
"Yeah not happening."
"Nope, not at all. You're delusional." I pouted at their interruptions.
"Either you come back to my bed or we're coming to yours," Yeosang said.
"Fine, I'm going to yours. Mine probably has blood on it," Wooyoung replied.
"Alright, come here," San said, holding out his arms. Wooyoung slid forwards and San lifted him up bridal style, carrying him back to Yeosang's room. They all climbed into bed together with Wooyoung lying in the middle with the others curled up on either side, careful not to hurt him or reaggravate the stitches.
Seonghwa woke up to light peaking through the gaps in the wall as he usually does, only this time his bed was cold and empty. He huffed and rolled over patting the bed next to him but that was also cold, meaning Hongjoong had left a while ago. Seonghwa quickly lifted the blankets and slipped out of bed, getting changed and putting on some shoes before heading out. He glanced towards the helm and smiled softly when he saw the blue hair on the person standing there. He quickly walked over and walked up the steps. He stepped up behind his boyfriend, wrapping his arms around his waist and resting his head on the shorter shoulder.
"Good morning love," Hongjoong said softly, turning his head to the side and placing a soft kiss to his cheek. Seonghwa smiled and tightened his hold around his waist, cuddling closer.
"Morning. How long have you been out here," he asked.
"Since this morning. Yunho took over from San briefly last night so he could get some sleep and then I took over from Yunho," Hongjoong replied softly.
"We still on track," Seonghwa asked.
"Of course we're still on track, it's me," Hongjoong huffed. Seonghwa chuckled lightly before placing a delicate kiss to Hongjoong's neck and stepping back. Hongjoong turned his head around immediately, searching for Seonghwa who just moved to stand beside him.
"What do you think we're going to find when we finally catch up to this ghost ship," Seonghwa asked.
"I'm more worried about what we're going to find along the way," Hongjoong said with a sigh.
"If what the little ones said is true, there might not be much left to find," Seonghwa said quietly. Hongjoong frowned at that, a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach. Seonghwa was right though, they should be prepared for what they might find.
"What are you two moping about up here," Jongho asked as he walked up, having seen the two up by the helm.
"Nothing. What's everyone doing," Hongjoong replied quickly.
"Wooyoung, San and Yeosang are all asleep on Yeosang's bed, Yunho is sleeping in Mingi's bed and Mingi is um, he's plating up some food. Wooyoung's still hurt so I wanted to help him out by making some breakfast," Jongho said nervously.
"It might not be any good though," he added quietly.
"You're awesome Jongho, I'm starving. Can you bring me a plate," Hongjoong asked.
"I think I burnt the eggs," Jongho said, chuckling weakly.
"I didn't even know you could do that," Hongjoong said slowly.
"Apparently you can," Jongho said with a shrug.
"Ok, well I'm eager to try," Hongjoong said with a grin. Jongho smiled softly and nodded before hurrying off.
"I like seeing you so soft," Seonghwa said quietly as he watched the youngest retreat.
"Once again Seonghwa, I'm not soft. You can't go around calling the Pirate King soft," Hongjoong said with a frown.
"I'm not going around calling the Pirate King anything, I'm just adoring my boyfriend," Seonghwa said.
"More like being disgusting," Yeosang said as he walked up, having heard the back end of the conversation.
"Don't be such a downer Sangie, they're in love," Wooyoung said with a grin. Hongjoong took immediate note of how Yeosang had an arm around Wooyoung's waist and Wooyoung was leaning heavily against him. He frowned worriedly at that, knowing his injury was still quite recent.
"I heard Jongho made us breakfast," San said quietly, running his fingers through his hair to tame it a bit. Seonghwa instinctively stepped forwards, taking over to fix up San's hair. San just stood still and let him, his eyes slipping closed at the comforting feeling.
"San, you should still be in bed, what're you doing up," Hongjoong asked.
"I'm fine, I can nap again later," San said quietly.
"Not happening. Seonghwa, remember that stuff I've been teaching you about navigating," Hongjoong asked.
"Yeah," Seonghwa nodded with a frown of confusion.
"I just need you to keep the ship straight while I get Sannie back to bed," Hongjoong said.
"I can help him as well," Wooyoung said. He's watched San enough and has gotten tips from him.
"Ok, come here," Hongjoong said. Wooyoung hobbled over and took the wheel, Seonghwa stepping up behind him to help guide him as well.
"You healing up at all," Hongjoong asked.
"Yeah, he just accidentally pulled a stitch last night," Yeosang replied.
"Alright, well look after yourself. You're coming with me," Hongjoong said, slipping a hand into San's and pulling him along. He took San over to his quarters, nudging him inside before following and closing the door behind the two of them.
"You really need to get better sleep habits San," Hongjoong said with a sigh as San sat down on the edge of the bed.
"I'm a navigator, we don't even have sleeping habits. We just sleep whenever," San said with a shrug.
"Well when you've stayed awake for that long and finally get a break, you're supposed to actually get some sleep," Hongjoong said, going over to his chest and rummaging through.
"I just wanted to keep a closer eye on Wooyoung, make sure he was alright this morning," San said with a sigh, wiping his eyes tiredly. Hongjoong just hummed in reply as he stood up and moved over to San, wrapping a fur coat around his shoulders. San smiled softly and slipped his arms into the holes of the coat. Hongjoong knelt and took off San's shoes before helping him get into bed properly, covering him with the blanket. San yawned and curled up and snuggled his head down on the pillow, blinking tiredly.
"Get some sleep San, you need to rest," Hongjoong whispered, running his fingers through his hair gently.
"Love you Joongie," San said with a yawn as his eyes slipped closed.
"Love you too Sannie," Hongjoong replied softly. Hongjoong stayed with him for a while just playing with his hair until he fell asleep. He smiled fondly, giving him one last pat before standing up and leaving the room for him to sleep.
"How are you two going, we haven't crashed yet have we," he asked as he jogged up to the helm.
"You would've heard if we crashed Hongjoong," Seonghwa said, rolling his eyes. Hongjoong chuckled but took over from the two of them, smiling to himself as he realised they remained right on path. Sure, he was only gone for a few minutes but that's still good for them.
"Food's ready," Jongho called out as he walked over with a plate for Hongjoong.
"Food not cooked by me," Wooyoung cheered as he hurried forwards. He winced almost immediately though and he paused as Yeosang chuckled.
"You're still hurt stupid," he said, smacking the back of his head lightly.
"Rude," Wooyoung said with a pout but gladly accepted as Yeosang helped him forwards.
"I've got your food for you Hongjoong," Jongho said, walking over.
"Thanks Jongho," Hongjoong said, reaching out and grabbing the plate from Jongho. Seonghwa stepped up quickly and grabbed the plate from Hongjoong so he could continue to navigate.
"You go and eat, we'll be fine here," Seonghwa said. Jongho nodded and went back to the kitchen area where Wooyoung and Yeosang were sitting, the younger gulping down food.
"Does it taste good," Jongho asked. Wooyoung could instantly tell that he was nervous so he grinned and nodded.
"I love it," he said quickly. Jongho smiled happily and walked off, leaving Wooyoung and Yeosang alone. Yeosang stayed quiet, just watching Wooyoung eating, frowning when he noticed the younger wincing every so often. He still felt incredibly guilty for what happened, even though Wooyoung has said he forgives him many times.
"Stop frowning, it's fine Yeosang," Wooyoung said with a sigh, noticing the sad looks Yeosang was giving him.
"I'm so sorr-."
"Stop it Yeosang. I've told you that I'm fine and it was just an accident. You know these things happen, I've hurt Sannie before by accident," Wooyoung pointed out.
"I know but this time it was me. I shouldn't have been so reckless when I don't know how to hold a sword properly anyway," Yeosang said with a sigh. He felt the need to be closer to Wooyoung so he shifted his seat closer and wrapped an arm around his waist, cuddling closer to his side. Wooyoung smiled softly and continued to eat, allowing Yeosang to continue to cuddle him as he did so.
"I'm going to be fine. I'll heal up in a few days with this special ointment," Wooyoung said softly. Yeosang sighed, letting out a deep breath before leaning his head against Wooyoung's.
Hongjoong navigated for another four hours before switching over with Yunho. They were getting closer to where he had calculated the Ghost ship would have crossed.
"You alright to navigate," Hongjoong asked Yunho.
"Of course, I'm all good," Yunho said with a smile as he grabbed the helm. Hongjoong nodded and walked off, heading over to his quarters to quickly check in on San. When he opened the door and stepped inside, San's eyes immediately slipped open, blinking slowly as he looked over at him.
"I'm sorry Sannie, I didn't mean to wake you," Hongjoong said quietly as he walked over and sat on the edge of the bed.
"S'Ok," San whispered, sitting up slightly.
"No, don't get up. You should get some more sleep," Hongjoong said.
"I won't be able to sleep now," San said quietly.
"What if I cuddle you back to bed," Hongjoong asked. San smiled softly before nodding quickly. Hongjoong loves moments like these when the boys don't have to worry about the struggles of being a pirate. He quickly took off his shoes and slid in bed beside San as the younger shuffled over to give him some room.
"Come here," he said softly, holding out his arms. San quickly rolled over to him and Hongjoong bundled him up, fur coat and all. San tucked his head under Hongjoong's chin and Hongjoong let out a breath, rubbing San's back gently.
"I love you," he whispered. It isn't something he says often to his crew, but it doesn't make it any less true.
"I love you too," San said quietly. Hongjoong held him softly and continued to rub his back, lulling him slowly to sleep.
"HONGJOONG. HONGJOONG GET OUT HERE." Both Hongjoong and San jumped up quickly, instantly awake as Yunho called out not even 10 minutes later. They ran from the room, San shrugging off the coat as he hurried out.
"What's going on? Is everyone ok," Hongjoong asked quickly, his hand instinctively resting on the hilt of his sword as he scanned for any danger.
"We're fine, they are not," Mingi said, nodding out across the water. It was then as Hongjoong looked out across the water that he noticed it. There was a ship, or at least parts of a ship. They were spread out across the water, broken, splintered and burning in the wake of an attack.
"Holy shit," San whispered as they all looked out across the carnage as they slowly drifted by.
"They really meant no survivors," Jongho said quietly as they continued to look over the wreck.
"Maybe not, look over there," Yunho called out. The others looked to where he pointed and noticed there was someone floating on a plank of wood. They weren't moving which meant they were either unconscious or already dead.
"What do we do," Wooyoung asked. Before Hongjoong could reply, San suddenly gasped, recognition hitting him in an instant.
"Stop the ship," he yelled out. He jumped onto the railing and dived off the edge of the ship into the water, ignoring the yells from the others. Jongho rushed off to anchor in so they wouldn't leave San behind and Hongjoong groaned in frustration. What is with the boys and jumping overboard without thinking.
"Get your weapons out and be prepared in case of an attack," he yelled before he quickly followed San, jumping over the edge to give him backup. San swam all the way over the person on the plank and Hongjoong followed him quickly. When San got there, he tilted the persons head to get a better look and confirm it was who he thought it was. The remains of the ship didn't have the right markings or colour but it was definitely who he thought it was.
"San, what are you doing," Hongjoong asked him as he finally caught up.
"I know him. He's in my cousin's crew," San explained quickly.
"You know him well," Hongjoong asked and San nodded quickly.
"They used to visit me on the odd occasion whenever they could when I was younger. They'd bring me food and stuff," San replied. Hongjoong sighed at that, knowing that there was no way he could leave him here if he's still alive. He swam closer and placed his two fingers against his neck, feeling a steady thrum beneath them.
"He's still alive, let's get him back to the ship and see what we can do," Hongjoong said.
"Thank you," San said with a breath of relief.
"GUYS HE'S STILL ALIVE, WE'RE BRINGING HIM UP," Hongjoong yelled out as the two of them started tugging the plank with the boy closer to the ship. When the others heard what Hongjoong said, they sprung in to action. Over the past few years they've figure out new systems, including one to get injured crew back onto the ship easier. Jongho and Yunho quickly lowered down the ropes with the crate down into the water. Hongjoong and San struggled slightly to get the boy into the crate but after a few minutes, they finally managed.
"He's secure, bring it back up," Hongjoong called out. Yunho and Jongho started pulling it back up, Mingi moving to help Yunho as well. As they were doing that, Seonghwa flung the ladder over for Hongjoong and San to climb down. Hongjoong let San go first before following him up to the deck. San immediately rushed over to where the boy was now laid down with Yeosang beside him.
"What's wrong with him? Is he going to be ok," he asked quickly.
"I don't know for sure just yet, I need to get him down to the infirmary first and give him a proper check up," Yeosang replied. Jongho quickly scooped him up and carried him off with both Yeosang and San following.
"Who is it," Seonghwa asked, turning to Hongjoong.
"San said he knows him. Apparently he is apart of his cousin's crew or something. Point is, San clearly cares about him so we're going to do what we can for him," Hongjoong said.
"So is the ship theirs or what," Mingi asked.
"I'm sure. I'm thinking perhaps no. San would've reacted pretty badly if it was their ship. The others would be basically confirmed dead," Hongjoong said.
"I hope it's not that crew. I don't want San going through anything else," Seonghwa said with a sigh. Hongjoong frowned but nodded at that.
"Yunho, we'll stay anchored in for a little bit. Seonghwa I need to discuss something with you but the rest of you can just relax for a bit but keep high vigilance," Hongjoong said. The others nodded before disbursing, leaving Hongjoong and Seonghwa alone.
"Let's go to our quarters," Hongjoong said. Seonghwa nodded and the two of them quickly went inside. Before Hongjoong could open his mouth, Seonghwa cut him off.
"Before we get into any talking, you need to get changed into some dry clothes, I don't want you getting a cold," Seonghwa said. Hongjoong smiled softly at his concern but nodded and turned around to his chest. He got undressed quickly before rummaging through the chest, pulling out dry clothes and getting redressed. Once he closed the lid and turned around, Seonghwa placed his hands on his waist and pushed him back softly. Hongjoong stumbled back slightly and sat down on the lid of the chest. Seonghwa had a clean towel in his hands and placed it on Hongjoong's hair, rubbing it through gently to dry his hair.
"I'm fine Hwa," Hongjoong whispered softly.
"You can't be getting sick now Hongjoong so I'm drying it," Seonghwa snapped softly. Hongjoong sighed but didn't say anything else, allowing Seonghwa to dry his hair. Once the hair was semi dry, Seonghwa stepped back and sat down on the bed.
"So San knows this person," Seonghwa said quietly.
"Yeah, he seemed pretty distraught over him being hurt so it's clear he cares for him," Hongjoong said with a nod.
"Well we're going to have to help him then. What happens to the hunt," Seonghwa asked.
"We pause for now and resume it once we get this guy somewhere safe. As much as I want to find this crew, especially after what we just saw, San is more important right now," Hongjoong said.
"Exactly what I was thinking," Seonghwa said with a nod.
"Glad we're on the same page," Hongjoong said with a raised eyebrow. Seonghwa frowned at that, clenching his hand in the bed sheets nervously.
"Sorry, I know you're the Captain and it's your decision. I was ju-."
"Seonghwa stop," Hongjoong cut in, standing up and moving closer quickly.
"I didn't mean to seem condescending. You're my quarter master Seonghwa, my second in command. I genuinely do like when we're on the same page," Hongjoong said softly, cupping his jaw and tilting up softly.
"I didn't mean to overstep," Seonghwa whispered. Hongjoong smiled softly before leaning down and placing a quick peck to his lips.
"You didn't overstep. It's literally your position to tell me if you agree or disagree with me," Hongjoong said.
"I know, I just don't like upsetting you," Seonghwa said. Hongjoong groaned and hugged Seonghwa softly.
"God we really have got to get our acts together. We just have to do what we believe is right, even if it goes agaisnt the other ok," Hongjoong said.
"Ok," Seonghwa said softly.
"Good, now let's go and figure out what's happening with this mysterious stranger so we can get a plan worked out," Hongjoong said. The two of them left the quarters and went below deck to the medical room. Hongjoong frowned worriedly when he saw that San was on a chair beside the boy, holding his hand and crying quietly as Yeosang checked the unconscious boy over. Seonghwa quickly walked over and wrapped his arms around San's shoulders, resting his head on the youngers and hugging him softly.
"Take a breath Sannie," Seonghwa said softly. San drew in a shaky breath but didn't remove his eyes from the boy as Yeosang checked him over.
"He's going to be fine San, he's just knocked out and a bit malnourished," Yeosang said softly. San instantly let out a breath of relief and clutched Seonghwa's arm tightly while squeezing the other boys hand.
"I do want to note that he has some bruises on his body, some that could be up to a couple weeks old," Yeosang added.
"Yeah, the ship wasn't theirs so it's likely he was captured and tortured. Better than him being dead though," San said with a sigh.
"Yeah, definitely Sannie," Yeosang said with a nod, squeezing San's thigh softly to calm him down.
"What're we going to do Captain," San asked, looking up at Hongjoong with watery eyes.
"We're going to look after him, I promise. We'll help him heal up and we'll get him back to his crew," Hongjoong said firmly. San smiled weakly and nodded before turning back to the boy on the bed.
"Chances are they'll already be looking for him so we should just continue on the path we're on and we'll hopefully come across them," he said quietly.
"Are you sure San? We can go looking," Hongjoong said.
"There's no point, we don't know where to look. This is the best course of action," San said with a nod. He knows without a doubt that the crew will already be searching for their missing crew member, he just hopes the others are all ok.
"Ok, we'll keep going. You just stay here and relax," Hongjoong said softly, placing a kiss to the top of his head gently.
"Everything's going to be ok," he whispered to soothe San as he hugged him. San nodded and curled closer to him, basking in the comfort from the three of them.
Here is Chapter 9 everyone, I hope you enjoyed it.
Let me know what your favourite parts were.
Who do you think this new mystery person might be?
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