Chapter 8
"You're upset and don't bother lying about it because I can read you like a book," Wooyoung said as walked over to Yeosang who was folding up his blanket. They had been at the island for the designated two days that had set aside and were now packing up and preparing to set sail once again.
"I'm fine Wooyoung," Yeosang said with a sigh. Wooyoung knows him better than that though and could tell something was bothering the younger. He glanced around at the others who were still packing before deeming the two of them unneeded in this instance. He quickly grabbed Yeosang's wrist and tugged him away from their campsite and over into the woods slightly.
"You can talk to me Yeo, you know that. You're my brother and I hate seeing you bottling things up inside," Wooyoung said quietly, moving his hand down slightly to hold Yeosang's hand gently. Yeosang smiled softly and stepped closer, resting his forehead against the others.
"Wooyoung I am fine, I promise," he whispered.
"But you don't seem fine, you look really on edge," Wooyoung said as he took a step back.
"I talked to Seonghwa the first night we came here, told him about what happened when we were kids. It's just got me a little down after thinking about everything again," Yeosang said with a sigh.
"Oh Sangie, I'm sorry you had to relive that," Wooyoung said softly.
"It's fine Youngie, I wanted to tell him about it. It makes me sad to think about what we went through but also proud of how far we've come," Yeosang said with a small smile. Wooyoung was relieved that it wasn't anything too big and Yeosang was going to be ok. However he still wrapped his arms around Yeosang's shoulders and tugged him into a hug, holding him tightly. Yeosang smiled softly and hugged Wooyoung tightly.
"I love you," Wooyoung whispered.
"I love you too," Yeosang replied softly.
"You're so cuddly and cute sometimes you know," Wooyoung said absentmindedly, patting Yeosang's back. Yeosang rolled his eyes but paused when he noticed movement off to the side. He frowned slightly and looked over to where the movement was. He didn't see anything but it started to make him feel slightly unsettled. Wooyoung however, had no idea and continued on.
"I could just stay here all day hugging you, you know," Wooyoung said, rocking them side to side with a giggle. Yeosang started to feel even more on edge, his hands instinctively reaching up to grip Wooyoung's shirt in his hands.
It all happened so quickly, he barely had time to react and Wooyoung wasn't able to register what happened in any way. Out of the trees lunged a large brown bear, letting out a growl and head straight for them. Yeosang cried out and gripped Wooyoung's shirt tighter and spinning him around. He held him tighter and bent down to try and shield him, Wooyoung's eyes going wide in panic as he saw the bear lunging for Yeosang's. He saw their life flashing through his eyes, the intense fear that this was it, his brother was about to get ripped open by a bear. He closed his eyes and held Yeosang tighter as Yeosang braced himself for what was to come. However no pain came, just two whistling sounds, a growl of pain and a thud. Yeosang and Wooyoung remained holding each other tightly with their eyes closed, not wanting to open their eyes in case the illusion of comfort would go away when they opened. After a few more seconds though, they slowly separated and turned around to see what happened.
"San," Wooyoung breathed out in relief, his knees almost buckling as he saw the older boy standing over the bear with his bow, two arrows lodge in its throat. Yeosang breathed out in relief as well and immediately turned into Wooyoung's side, burying his face in his neck as his body shook slightly. San glanced over to the two of them with a frown and sighed.
"What happened to the don't go anywhere without telling someone and make sure you have weapons on you," San asked as he knelt down and pulled out the arrows, wiping the blood off in the grass before standing back up.
"How did you know we needed help," Wooyoung asked quietly.
"I've been hearing noises around here lately so I was worried when I saw the two of you sneak off over here. Don't worry, I didn't listen in on what you were talking about, I was just keeping an eye out in case," San explained. Yeosang let out a quiet sob of relief that San heard. He rushed forwards, dropping his bow and wrapping his arms around the two of them tightly, letting out a shaky breath of relief. He may be acting like everything was fine and there wasn't an issue but he was terrified when the bear lunged, terrified that he wouldn't be quick enough, terrified that he wouldn't kill it in time, terrified for his Youngie and Sangie.
"It's ok, you're both ok," he whispered, kissing them both on the sides of their heads. Yeosang was still shaking so San gently pulled him into his arms, holding him gently. Yeosang let out another sob and clung to San tightly, Wooyoung doing the same. They remained like that, both clinging to San with a dead bear a few metres away. They were interrupted by the sound of footsteps and San glanced back to see Seonghwa emerging from the tree line. Seonghwa paused in confusion when he saw the bear and the three boys hugging each other tightly. He came to let them know that they were leaving soon and Hongjoong wanted them back. It wasn't hard to realise they had almost been attacked by the bear.
"Good thing you listened to Hongjoong," he said quietly. Yeosang let out another sob at that, Wooyoung clutching San tighter and San sighed.
"Can you help carry Yeosang out, I think they both need some cuddles," San said. Seonghwa nodded and hurried over, pulling Yeosang into his arms before picking him up. San then slipped his hand into Wooyoung and guided him back out to the beach while Seonghwa followed with Yeosang safe in his arms. When they got back to the beach, they immediately drew the attention of the others who seemed confused and concerned when the noticed Wooyoung and Yeosang's state.
"What's wrong? What happened," Hongjoong asked as he hurried over. Yeosang sniffled slightly, getting a better grip on his emotions now that the original scare had receded. He moved from Seonghwa hold and shuffled over to Hongjoong, giving him a hug that the Captain reciprocated quickly.
"What happened," he repeated.
"Youngie and Sangie ducked into the forest to have a quick chat but were caught off guard by a stray bear," San explained. Hongjoong's eyes widened in worry but San was quick to reassure him.
"I was there, don't worry. I never would have let them go off alone," he said. Hongjoong let out a breath of relief and pat Yeosang's back softly.
"You two ok," Jongho asked worriedly, seeing how rattled Wooyoung and Yeosang seemed.
"We're fine, Sannie killed it before it even touched us. Just gave me a scare is all," Yeosang said.
"I guess the island just didn't want to us to leave without some excitement," Yunho said.
"Yeah, like getting mauled by a bear," Mingi said with a nod, making everyone chuckle, even the two upset boys.
"Alright boys, lets get the ship on the water," Hongjoong said. They all headed to the ladder leading up to the ship and climbed up one at a time. When it was Yeosang's turn, he got about half way up before his foot slipped and he didn't have a good enough grip on the rung of the ladder, leaving him to fall down. San was below however and he immediately held out his arms, catching Yeosang and plunging back into the water from the force.
"Boys," Hongjoong cried out, jumping over the side of the ship and into the water. He swam over to the two of them and pulled them up out of the water, San coughing and spluttering slightly.
"I'm ok, I'm ok. You good Sang," San asked quickly.
"Yeah I'm fine. I kind of think I should just lock myself up in my room tonight. It appears that I have really bad luck today," Yeosang said with a sigh. San smiled softly and wrapped an arm around his shoulders, tugging him to his side and placing a soft kiss to his cheek.
"You'll be fine. Now go up and don't slip this time," San said. Yeosang nodded and climbed up, not slipping this time. Once he was gone, Hongjoong turned to San.
"Where does it hurt," he asked quietly.
"My shoulder knocked on the ground but it's just sore, nothing too bad," San said quietly.
"You alright to climb up and navigate," Hongjoong asked.
"Yeah, I'm fine," San said with a nod, moving to the ladder and climbing up quickly. Hongjoong followed up soon after and everyone was ready to go.
"Alright guys, let's get this ship sailing. Jongho pull up the anchor, Sannie get navigating," Hongjoong called out.
"Where are we heading Cap," San asked.
"Head west and we'll go from there once I go over the maps again," Hongjoong said. San nodded saluted quickly, making Hongjoong roll his eyes and cuff him on the back of the head before he cackled and ran off. Hongjoong just rolled his eyes once again and went to his quarters, going inside over to the desk to look over the maps he received from Enhypen. A few seconds later the door opened and Seonghwa walked inside.
"So where to, any idea," Seonghwa asked quietly, walking behind him and wrapping his arms around his waist, looking at the maps over his shoulder.
"Those kids did a darn good job at analysing their movements and where they've been, I'm impressed. Remind me to find them after this so I can I praise them," Hongjoong said absentmindedly as he continued to look over the maps.
"I'm thinking we head down to this passageway, and pop out over here. From what has been noted down and their movements, I'm fairly certain they will have passed through there," Hongjoong said.
"Ok, that's a good start then," Seonghwa said softly.
"It is, it's the best we've got," Hongjoong said quietly.
"How long do you think it should take us to get there," Seonghwa asked.
"Judging from the winds at the moment and where we currently are, I'd say maybe a day and half, give or take. I'm hoping Sannie can get us there by midday tomorrow," Hongjoong said.
"You gonna map out a little journey for us," Seonghwa asked.
"Yeah, do you wanna help," Hongjoong asked. Seonghwa nodded and quickly moved over, sitting beside him.
"I'm bored," Wooyoung whined as he walked into the medic room, flopping down onto one of the beds.
"So just don't be bored," Yeosang said with a shrug as he continued going over the supplies they had.
"Yeosang, that's not how it works," Wooyoung whined, stomping his feet. Yeosang sighed and put down what he was holding before turning around.
"What do you want me to do Youngie," he asked.
"Not be boring," Wooyoung said, rolling his eyes.
"You only just walked in," Yeosang pointed out with a raised eyebrow.
"Can we do something please," Wooyoung asked.
"Do you want to go up and say hello to Sannie," Yeosang asked. Wooyoung grinned and nodded so Yeosang put his stuff down and the two of them walked above deck. They went over the helm where San was standing and navigating.
"How's it going," Yeosang asked while Wooyoung quickly went over and gave San a back hug.
"It's good. You do know it's only been a couple of hours though right? We're just on open sea," San pointed out.
"Sannie I'm bored," Wooyoung said. San chuckled at that and briefly used one hand to pat the youngers head before placing it back on the wheel.
"Go do something fun then," San said.
"Like what," Wooyoung asked with a sigh.
"Why don't you teach Yeosang some more sword skills," San said. He and Wooyoung over the years have been teaching Yeosang defensive skills and though he doesn't really like hurting people, it means he can protect himself if it really comes down to it.
"Omg, that's such a good idea," Wooyoung said, clapping his hands excitedly.
"You need to ask Yeosang first Youngie," San said with a chuckle. Wooyoung quickly spun around to look at Yeosang who just shrugged.
"I'll go get the swords," Wooyoung said before running off quickly.
"Next time we stop somewhere we really need to get more entertainment for him because he's going to end up causing mischief," Yeosang said.
"I'll let him get a few trinkets and games," San said with a nod.
"Now go have fun with a hyperactive maniac," San said with a chuckle. Yeosang grinned at that and chuckled before walking away and over to the main deck where Wooyoung was waiting with two swords.
"You really need a new hobby Wooyoung if this excites you this much," Yeosang chuckled, grabbing the sword that was held out to him. Wooyoung giggled before twirling the sword around quickly. Yeosang smiled softly, always mesmerised by how good Wooyoung was with a sword. Seeing him with daggers is something else, but he's still quite good with a sword.
"You ready," Wooyoung asked. Yeosang nodded and held up the sword, deliberately not holding it the right way because he knew it would entertain Wooyoung. Sure enough, Wooyoung burst into a fit of giggles before hurrying over and readjusting Yeosang's grip.
"If you aren't comfortable with dying just yet, you hold it like this Sangie," he giggled. Yeosang let out a small smile, happy to see Wooyoung so excited.
"Bold of you to assume-."
"You don't want to die Sangie, then you wouldn't be able to stop Sannie and I from doing stupid things," Wooyoung interrupted. Yeosang snapped his mouth closed and nodded thoughtfully, noting what Wooyoung said was very true.
"So let me get this straight, I have to live because you two are stupid," Yeosang said slowly.
"Sounds about right," Wooyoung said with a nod. Yeosang scoffed and rolled his eyes but smiled softly.
"Now let's get into it," Wooyoung said with a grin. Yeosang nodded and lunged forward with his sword but Wooyoung was quick to deflect it. He then countered with his own move but made sure to do it slower than usual because Yeosang's skill levels weren't up to par and he didn't want to accidentally hurt him. Yeosang moved as quick as he could and block Wooyoung's swing. He giggled happily and Wooyoung's heart swooped in his chest. The two of them started to go back and forth together, mucking around more than seriously practicing. Yeosang swung his sword low but Wooyoung was quick to deflect it with a cackle.
"You'll never get me, you'll never get me," he chanted, bouncing and moving around Yeosang. Yeosang spun around as well, swinging his sword again with more than enough time for Wooyoung to block it. Only fate had other plans. As Wooyoung was moving around, he didn't notice a wet patch off to the side. His foot landed in it and he slipped, losing his balance and focus so he didn't raise his sword in time. Yeosang wasn't skilled enough to stop himself, used to Wooyoung blocking it easily so he could to do nothing but watch in horror as the sword sliced into Wooyoung's side. Wooyoung cried out in pain and fell to the ground, his hands moving to his side quickly as red seeped onto them. Yeosang's froze in horror, his eyes drifting down to his sword, seeing red dripping from part of one edge. His hand started to shake and the sword slipped from it, falling to the dead with a clatter. Wooyoung remained laying on the deck, his hands clasped to his side as he whimpered in pain. His side was burning and his eyes were welled up with tears.
"Yeosang, Wooyoung, is everything ok," San called out from the helm. He had heard Wooyoung's yell and he got a bit worried but he didn't hear anything else.
"Y-Yeosang. Y-Yeosang I n-need help," Wooyoung gasped out. That snapped Yeosang out of whatever shock he was in as his eyes focused on his best friend who was beginning to get more pale by the second, blood slowly pooling onto the deck. He dropped to his knees hastily and ripped off his shirt, pressing it down onto Wooyoung's wound quickly, pushing down hard to try and slow the blood flow.
"H-Help. HELP. YOUNGIE IS BLEEDING, I NEED HELP," Yeosang screamed as his eyes welled up with tears. Oh god, what did he do. San was shocked at those words and sprinted away from the helm and around the Captain's quarters, his eyes landed on the two on the ground with the blood on the deck. The door the Captain's quarters swung open as well, Hongjoong and Seonghwa rushing out in confusion and worry.
"What happened," Hongjoong asked quickly. Yeosang let out a sob and shook his head in reply, pressing down harder to stop the bleeding. Wooyoung cried out in pain and reached out a bloody hand, placing it on top of Yeosang's and squeezing it weakly.
"Oh god, that's a lot of blood," Mingi gasped out as he arrived on the deck to see what was going on. Seonghwa quickly moved and knelt beside Wooyoung, running his fingers through his sweaty hair.
"Yeosang, I need you to stop panicking and let me know what happened. You need to do this to look after Wooyoung ok," Seonghwa said quickly. Yeosang is a medic, he's used to dire situations and looking after his family but he isn't used to being the reason any of them need the help.
"H-He slipped and I sliced o-open his side," Yeosang whispered. Seonghwa cursed quietly and forced himself to calm down and not panic.
"We need to get him down to the medical bay and get blood into him right now," Seonghwa said.
"What did I do, what did I do," Yeosang whispered in horror.
"San, you need to grab him," Seonghwa said, moving his hands into place where Yeosang's were. San nodded and quickly moved forwards and grabbed Yeosang's shoulders, pulling him away. Yeosang went willingly, still slightly frozen from the shock of what happened.
"Wooyoung, you with me," Seonghwa asked gently.
"Y-Yeah. Is Yeo ok," Wooyoung mumbled, blinking slowly to try and keep awake.
"He'll be fine, let's just worry about you right now ok," Seonghwa replied. San held Yeosang tightly, feeling his own heart pounding as he looked down at Wooyoung on the ground.
"It was an accident, not his fault," Wooyoung whispered.
"We know that Youngie, no one is in trouble," Seonghwa said.
"Hongjoong, we need to get him to the medical bay," he added quickly. Hongjoong nodded and hurried over with Jongho. Seonghwa whispered gently in Wooyoung's ear to give him the heads up before they lifted him into the air and he cried out again. Yeosang sobbed in San's arms when he heard it but San just held him tightly and rocked him gently. Jongho and Hongjoong carried Wooyoung quickly, Seonghwa doing his best to keep pressure on the wound. They laid him down on one of the beds and Hongjoong took over from Seonghwa so he could get the medical equipment.
"You good with this," Hongjoong asked.
"Yeah, I'm fine. There's no way I'm going to make Yeosang try to stich him up, he's not in the right state of mind," Seonghwa said. He hurried back over to Wooyoung and injected him with a numbing agent and Wooyoung relaxed visibly in an instant.
"There you go, just relax. Do your best to stay awake but if you can't then that's ok. We'll be here when you wake up," Seonghwa said softly. Wooyoung blinked slowly before nodding his head.
"We need someone to giv-."
"I can give him some blood," Jongho said quickly, already sitting on a nearby chair and rolling up his sleeve.
"We've got a supply of blood guys, it's in the fridge over there," Hongjoong said quickly.
"Oh, right," Seonghwa said with a nod, hurrying over to the said fridge. He grabbed out one of the bags that were labelled with Wooyoung's name and hurried back. He moved quickly, hanging up the back and injecting it into Wooyoung's vein on his arm before grabbing the stiches.
"I've got from here Hongjoong," he said. Hongjoong moved off to the side and Seonghwa moved quickly, cleaning out the wound and stitching it back up as fast as he could.
"M'tired," Wooyoung whispered, his eyes slipping closed for a few seconds before he forced them back open.
"That's ok, you can sleep. I'm almost done here anyway, it might be good for you to get some rest," Seonghwa said softly.
"I can sleep," Wooyoung whispered. Hongjoong moved forwards quickly and ran his fingers through his hair.
"You can sleep Woo," Seonghwa said.
"I'm sorry, didn't mean to get hurt," Wooyoung whispered, just as Seonghwa finished stitching.
"Don't worry about anything Youngie, just worry about getting better," Hongjoong said quickly. Wooyoung gave a slight nod before slowly drifting off to sleep. Once he was asleep, Seonghwa let out a breath of relief.
"How bad is it," Hongjoong asked quietly.
"It was quite deep and he lost a fair bit of blood but he should be fine after this blood bag circulates through," Seonghwa said with a sigh.
"Yeosang in going to be devastated," Jongho whispered.
"Was anyone there? Does anyone know exactly what happened," Hongjoong asked.
"I don't think so. San got there first and he was by the helm," Seonghwa said.
"We should go check up on Yeosang. Jongho, can you stay here and keep an eye on Wooyoung. Come get us if you notice any changes," Hongjoong said. Jongho nodded quickly so the two eldest left the room and went above deck again. The other four were all there, Yunho and Mingi just watching sadly as Yeosang sobbed in San's arms.
"Yunho, can you get us back on course please," Hongjoong asked quietly as he passed. Yunho nodded and hurried off quickly. Hongjoong stopped beside the two hugging boys and San looked up with slightly misty eyes.
"He going to be ok," he asked quietly.
"Yeah, he's going to be fine," Seonghwa said with a nod. San let out a breath he didn't realise he had been holding and squeezed Yeosang tighter.
"He's going to be ok Sangie, he's going to be ok," he whispered softly. Yeosang only sobbed harder and San let out a sigh.
"He's not going to calm down for a while," San said with a sigh.
"Take him down to the showers and get him cleaned up," Hongjoong said with a sigh. San nodded quickly and placed his arm under Yeosang's legs, lifting him up into his arms to carry him. He walked away quickly, heading to the stairs and Mingi followed to make sure San could get them down the stairs without falling.
"This is not good," Hongjoong said, running his fingers through his hair in frustration and worry.
"They'll get through this, they always do," Seonghwa said quietly.
"Why does this have to keep happening to them, I just want them to not have to go through anything else in life," Hongjoong said sadly. Seonghwa nodded with a sigh and reached out, gently pulling Hongjoong into a hug as he could tell the other was stressed.
"I just want everything to be ok. Maybe we should stop doing this, to keep the boys safe," Hongjoong whispered.
"No, absolutely not. We all know the risks, they all know the risks. We do what we do because we love it, we want to protect those who need protecting and stop those who are cruel and ruthless. This is our life, to the end," Seonghwa whispered, placing a soft kiss to the top of Hongjoong's head. Hongjoong sighed but nodded, cuddling closer.
"We should probably clean our hands and get changed," Seonghwa whispered, making Hongjoong chuckle weakly.
"Yeah, let's go," he said with a nod.
San carried Yeosang into the bathing room and over to the showers, connecting up the hose and getting it running. They usually don't take the longest showers but Yeosang is definitely going to need it. And so is he. Once the water heating kicked in, San got undressed and gently help Yeosang remove the rest of his clothes before tugging the both of them under the water. Yeosang was still crying so San just cleaned up his hands before pulling him into another hug under the water.
"I didn't mean to hurt him," Yeosang said after he calmed down. San sighed and pulled back slightly, grabbing some soap to begin washing Yeosang.
"No one is blaming you Sangie, no one thinks you did it on purpose. It was a freak accident that happened and Wooyoung will say the exact same thing," San said.
"I feel so bad San," Yeosang said honestly.
"I know you do and I know you will for a while," San replied softly.
"We were just having fun and then he slipped and suddenly I was staring at him bleeding out on the deck. I'm a medic for god's sake and I couldn't even help him, I just froze up," Yeosang said with a frown.
"You're only human Yeosang, you aren't expected to be like a robot. You weren't in a medic mindset, you were in the mindset of someone having fun with their best friend," San said, tugging Yeosang closer to wash over his shoulders.
"Can you stay close to me tonight please. I know I'm going to have nightmares," Yeosang said quietly.
"I won't let you be alone at all ok. We can even sleep on the spare bed in the medical room if you would feel better," San said.
"I want to sleep with Youngie, we can push the bed next to his," Yeosang said.
"Of course we can do that," San said firmly. Yeosang let out a breath and relaxed slightly, allowing San to continue washing him, getting any trace of blood removed from his body. While they were washing, Mingi popped in briefly and put down some clothes for them, taking their dirty clothes away.
"Do you want to keep washing a bit more or do you think you're clean enough," San asked.
"I'm good, I just want to get to Wooyoung as soon as I can," Yeosang replied quickly.
"Ok, let's get dried off then," San said. He quickly turned off the water and brought them over to the towels. He dried them both off as quickly as he could before they got changed. Yeosang quickly grabbed San's hand and pulled him away from the room and down the hall to the medical bay. He went over to Wooyoung and checked in on him, making sure he was breathing and was doing ok. Seonghwa had stitched him up nicely which Yeosang was thankful for.
"I'm going to stay here with Wooyoung, keep an eye on him. You can go if you want Jongho," he said, turning to the youngest who was sitting in the chair beside Wooyoung's bed.
"Why don't we both wait here with you," Jongho said, glancing at San who nodded.
"Are you sure," Yeosang asked nervously.
"Positive, come sit here," Jongho replied, patting his thighs. Yeosang moved over in an instant and sat down in his lap, snuggling up quickly and letting out a breath. San grabbed the other chair and pulled it over next to them and sitting down as well. He let out a quiet breath of relief when he saw Wooyoung was doing ok. He hid it well, but he was just as scared as Yeosang. Wooyoung will forever be his first friend, his soulmate.
Here is Chapter 8 everyone. I'm not going to lie, I haven't done any writing in close to a month but I still have a few prewritten chapters so I wanted to get something out for you guys.
Let me know what you thought of this chapter, your favourite parts in it. I don't want to guilt you guys into commenting so if you don't want to, you don't have to but I could really use some positive feedback and I love hearing about the parts you guys enjoyed.
As always, thank you for reading this chapter and I hope you guys enjoyed it.
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