Chapter 5
Hongjoong woke up to the feeling of movement against him. His eyes snapped open in alert and he sat up slightly, his arms instinctively wrapping around the body on top of his own. He glanced around the room quickly but found there was no danger so he looked down at his chest to find a head of pink hair. San shuffled around slightly, lifting his head and blinking sleepily up at his Captain. Hongjoong softened at the sight of his droopy eyes and smiled softly, running his fingers through his hair softly. San's eyes slipped closed and he snuggled down, humming in content. Hongjoong cooed softly and moved his hand to scratch San's chin gently, watching as he leant into it and practically purred, reminding him of a cat.
"Morning Sannie," he whispered.
"Good morning Hongjoongie," San said softly, slipping his eyes open.
"Are you ok if we have a little chat? If you don't feel up to it then we don't have to talk just yet," Hongjoong said gently.
"No, we can talk," San said quietly as he slipped off and sat up beside him. He wasn't hung over, he doesn't get them much and he can remember everything that happened the night before. Hongjoong sighed and sat up as well, placing a hand on San's thigh gently in reassurance. San jolted slightly in surprise but relaxed quickly and gave a small smile.
"First of all, I just want to make sure you're ok," Hongjoong said softly. San took a deep breath and clenched his hands anxiously.
"I'm ok," he said, his voice small.
"Sannie, it's alright to be a bit rattled from this. You've gone through so much in your life, you've had so much trauma and you've always pushed through. It's ok if it scared you, it's ok if you aren't feeling amazing," Hongjoong assured him. San's eyes watered slightly and his sniffled, trying to keep them at bay but a few slipped through.
"I just feel so stupid. I didn't even want to go out, I only went to look after Wooyoung and Mingi but then I got carried away. God, I was such an idiot," San whimpered.
"Hey, hey none of that. Nothing that happened was your fault ok. And what do you mean you only went for Mingi and Wooyoung," Hongjoong asked with a frown. San shook his head and pulled up one of his legs, resting his elbow on his knee and his head on his hand.
"Wooyoung kept whining about wanting to go out and wouldn't take no as an answer and you told me to make sure he didn't get into any trouble. I guess it was me you should've worried about," San said sadly. Hongjoong felt his blood boil as he realised what San was saying. Wooyoung made San go to look after him even though he didn't want to and then he left San alone when he wanted to leave.
"So they made you come, and then they just left you," he asked slowly. San side and dropped his head down into the crook of his elbow, still rested on his knee.
"Just please don't Hongjoong," he whispered. Hongjoong furrowed his eyebrows in worry and placed his hand on San's back, rubbing lightly.
"Please don't what," he asked quickly.
"Just please don't make a big deal about this, please don't get angry at them," San said quietly.
"San, they were selfish and almost caused something bad to happen to you," Hongjoong said, frowning in confusion. San shook his head again before lifting his head and dropping it into his hand again, gripping his hair slightly.
"I don't want to tell them," San said.
"San," Hongjoong said with a sigh.
"No, I don't want to tell them," San said, shaking his head frantically as the tears fell quicker. Hongjoong's heart broke and he gently pulled San into his arms. San didn't protest at all and leaned heavily against him as he started to sob.
"Do you want to tell Yeosang," Hongjoong asked softly as he ran his fingers through the younger's hair. San continued to cry but after a few seconds, he nodded softly.
"I don't want to leave you alone when you need comfort. Do you want me to get him now or stay with you," Hongjoong asked. San took a few deep breaths to calm down his sobs, settling down so he was only crying quietly.
"Get Sangie, please," he asked quietly.
"Ok, I'll be back soon alright," Hongjoong said, leaning down to place a kiss on the top of San's hair. He stood up and watched as San laid down and pulled a pillow into his arms to cuddle up to. Hongjoong felt awful and didn't want to leave him but he also knew Yeosang would help him a lot. He left the room quickly, and rushed down to where Yeosang was staying, knocking on the door quickly. When it opened, he was caught off guard when he came face to face with Seonghwa. Seonghwa glanced at him before frowning and blocking the doorway.
"If you're going to yell at Wooyoung again without giving him any idea of why you're so angry, then you can go Hongjoong," he said with a frown.
"Excuse me," Hongjoong scoffed, frowning angrily. Do they not know him by now? After the years of knowing him, do they still seriously think he would get so mad over NOTHING.
"Seonghwa I love you, so I'm going to forget about you being an idiot but right now I need to talk to Yeosang," Hongjoong said.
"Hongjoong do you hear yourself right now," Seonghwa asked with a frown.
"No are you hearing yourself right now. Do you think I would seriously get this mad over nothing," Hongjoong snapped.
"Whoa, what's going on," Yeosang asked as he hurried up behind Seonghwa, hearing the arguing from inside.
"San wants to see you," Hongjoong said, turning his attention away from Seonghwa. Yeosang's stomach dropped at that and he nodded quickly.
"Yeah, of course. Just let me put on some shoes," Yeosang said quick, hurrying back inside the room. He came back in less than a minute, in which time Hongjoong and Seonghwa didn't speak.
"Ok, let's go," Yeosang said.
"Tell the boys they have two hours to do whatever they want and then get on the ship. We'll do some repairs and then we're setting out again. Before you argue with me, it's orders from the Captain," Hongjoong said. Seonghwa frowned but nodded firmly, knowing he would never disobey his Captain's orders. Hongjoong quickly grabbed Yeosang's hand and left, heading over to the room Hongjoong was staying in.
"Before you go in, I need to tell yo-."
"Someone tried to take advantage of San last night, I know," Yeosang said, cutting him off.
"Wait, how do you know that," Hongjoong asked in shock.
"How you acted last night gave it away. You only get really mad if someone tries to hurt one of us. And for you to get that angry at your own crew when you never do, it means something really bad almost happened and you were scared enough of it that you'd yell at us. Given how San was acting as well and that he was probably drunk. I just put the facts together," Yeosang said with a sigh. Yeosang's words made Hongjoong pause and feel odd. It was like a mixture of relief and distress. Relief that someone knew him well enough to understand but distressed that no one else had any clue. He felt stupid but his eyes started to water so he quickly turned away to hide it from Yeosang.
"He's uh, he's inside so you can go talk to him," he said.
"You're upset," Yeosang said softly.
"Of course I'm upset Yeosang, I love San so much," Hongjoong mumbled quietly.
"No, you're upset about something else," Yeosang said with a frown.
"I'm fine, why don't you just go and talk to San," Hongjoong said.
"He'll want you in there as well Hongjoong. He's going to be nervous to tell me and he will want you there for extra comfort and reassurance," Yeosang pointed out gently.
"Yeah, of course. I just meant you come in and I'll follow you," Hongjoong said, steeling his emotions and smiling softly. Yeosang knew it was fake but let it go, knowing Hongjoong didn't want to delve into it and they needed to look after San. They went into the room and found San sitting on the bed with a pillow in his lap. San smiled gently and held out his arms, Yeosang quickly padding over and climbing onto the bed beside him.
"You ok," Yeosang asked softly as he gave him a hug.
"Of course," San said with a soft nod. He asked Hongjoong to get Yeosang so he could tell him but now that he's here, he thinks it might be better to just leave it. Yeosang's been through a lot, he doesn't need to add to all of that.
"You wanted to talk to me," Yeosang prodded, knowing San seemed hesitant to say anything. Even years and years later, San and Wooyoung still think of him as a little kid they need to protect.
"Just wanted to cuddle," San whispered. Hongjoong frowned at that, noticing how San was holding himself back, just hugging Yeosang and nibbling on his lower lip.
"San look at me," Yeosang said, pulling back and reaching down to hold San's hands. San quickly smiled and squeezed Yeosang's hands.
"What's up," he asked.
"It's ok. I love you and I am here for you. I promise you can talk to me," Yeosang said softly.
"I know," San said with a nod.
"Good. So now I want you to tell me what happened last night. Can you do that for me," Yeosang asked softly. San drew in a shaky breath before nodding. Yeosang squeezed his hands in reassurance.
"Nothing really happened last night. Hongjoong found me so nothing happened," San said quietly.
"And I'm really thankful that he found you before anything worse could happen but something still happened right," Yeosang said.
"I guess," San whispered.
"So can you tell me what happened please? You know I won't judge you," Yeosang said. San glanced over at Hongjoong who was standing in the corner of the room before holding out his hand to him. Hongjoong quickly came over and sat down on the bed beside the two.
"What happened Sannie," Yeosang asked again.
"I feel so stupid about it," San whispered.
"You aren't stupid, what happened wasn't your fault," Yeosang said, making San chuckle lightly.
"You don't even know what happened," San said.
"So why don't you tell me what happened then," Yeosang said. He knows it will take quite a bit to get San to open up but he can be patient.
"I was coming back to the ship and I stumbled because I had too much to drink. These guys came up to me and said they'd help me sit down but they bought me into an alley. I was like really out of it so I didn't really comprehend what was happening until a little bit later," San whispered.
"That's ok. What happened in the alley," Yeosang asked gently. San squeezed his hand nervously before continuing.
"They just started calling me cute and stuff and then they tried to remove my clothes. I tried my best to push them away I think but I was too drunk to do much," San said, his voice small.
"I tried to stop them, I swear," San whispered, his eyes welling up again. Yeosang quickly hugged him tightly and rested his head on top of his. Hongjoong also shuffled closer and rested his head on the small of his back, rubbing softly. San desperately fought back the tears, taking deep breaths to calm down. He did however, relish in the comfort he got from two people he is the most close to in life, there's just one missing.
"Can you go get Wooyoung," he whispered, turning his head to face Hongjoong. Hongjoong frowned and went to protest but Yeosang beat him to it.
"San I know you don't want to but you need to tell them ok. At the very least you need to tell Wooyoung and probably Seonghwa," Yeosang said.
"I don't want to," San said, shaking his head.
"San look at me," Yeosang said softly. San sighed but followed his order and lifted up his head, pulling back slightly.
"Hongjoong was angry, he was furious and for a good reason. Wooyoung and Mingi left you alone when you were vulnerable. They don't know that, they aren't smart enough to put this pieces together and they're going to take it out on Hongjoong. I know you're scared of what everyone will think of you but I promise they will all know it wasn't your fault a-." Yeosang stopped suddenly, his eyebrows furrowing as he regarded San.
"You aren't scared of what they'll think of you. You know none of us would ever blame you for what happened because it wasn't your fault and you know that. You don't want to tell anyone because you don't want Wooyoung to feel bad. You know he and Mingi were at fault but you don't want Youngie to feel guilty," Yeosang said with a frown. Hongjoong's eyes widened at that before he groaned. Of course that would be what's stopping San.
"It's not his fault," San whispered. Hongjoong felt his blood boiling yet again. First Wooyoung went out and almost got his soul mate hurt for being selfish and now said soul mate isn't saying anything because they don't want him to be too upset about it.
"I am going to give him every single bad chore I can think of for the next two months," Hongjoong growled.
"Joong, please don't," San said.
"Sannie you need to tell them. What happened is serious thing and it's going to cause tensions within the crew. You are going to be on edge for a while and no one is going to understand. They're going to make jokes to get through it and you're going to get uncomfortable and then Hongjoong will get angry. He'll yell at Wooyoung and Mingi and then Yunho will defend them and Seonghwa will get angry at Hongjoong. The parents will be arguing an-."
"Oh just shut up, I get it," San interrupted quickly with a sigh.
"Sannie, I want you to know if it is going to make you uncomfortable, you don't have to do it. But if you're doing this to protect Wooyoung, you are only going to hurt him more," Hongjoong said.
"What do you mean," San asked, frowning in confusion. How is saving him from guilt going to hurt him more.
"Wooyoung is going to find out, no matter how much you want to hide from it. And when he does, he's not only going to feel guilty for what he did but he's also going to feel ten times more guilty knowing you kept it hidden and dealt with it alone because of him," Hongjoong explained. San's stomach dropped as he thought it over.
"I will tell them. I don't want to make Wooyoung feel worse and I don't want to cause more tensions," San said quietly.
"No Sannie. Do it because you are comfortable enough to do it, not because we're telling you to do it," Hongjoong said.
"I'm nervous but I want to do it," San said firmly.
"Ok, then we'll do it," Hongjoong said softly. San nodded and leant forwards, wrapping his arms around the Captain and holding him tightly.
"Thank you," he whispered.
"Always," Hongjoong replied.
The three of them walked together through the streets and over to the docks, climbing on board where everyone was already working to get it fixed up.
"Yunho, how's the ship looking? Are we ready to set sail," Hongjoong asked. Yunho frowned at him but held his tongue. He had to tell with a crying and confused Wooyoung last night and it was all Hongjoong's fault. He can address that issue later once they've already set sail.
"Everything has been fixed, we just need to lift the sails and anchor," he said.
"Jongho get to the anchor. Mingi and Yunho get going with the sails, Wooyoung and Seonghwa can help," Hongjoong said.
"You two go to my quarters and relax, I'll steer the ship," Hongjoong said. Yeosang nodded and guided San away while Hongjoong turned to see what the others were doing, noticing they hadn't really moved.
"I said now," he snapped. Seonghwa frowned angrily at that and went to step forwards but Jongho stopped him and shook his head. Seonghwa shrugged him off but didn't say anything, going over and helping to get the sails pulled up and put in place will Jongho got the anchor pulled up. The ship slowly drifted away from the docks and Seonghwa went below deck, spending a few minutes getting the anchor spinning so they'd be able to get moving quicker. Hongjoong steered the ship out to see, waiting until the docks were lost in the distance and he knew the course was set properly before he stepped back. He blew three sharp whistles, a signal for everyone to come up on deck. Yeosang and San came out of the Captain's quarters, the younger immediately hurrying over to Hongjoong. Hongjoong frowned as he noticed how nervous San seemed and he worried he was pushing him too far with this.
"You don't ha-."
"I'm ok, just nervous," San whispered, dropping his hand down to hold Hongjoong's tightly. Hongjoong let him, knowing the physical comfort would help calm him down. The other's all came over and milled around, Seonghwa and Yunho both frowning angrily as they stood beside Wooyoung. Everyone's eyes landed on San however, and the sight of how unsure he seemed made them settle down.
"What's going on? Why are we having a meeting? Are you here to apologise for yelling at us last night," Mingi asked with a frown. Hongjoong's hands clenched into fists tightly but San squeezed back and made him realise what he was doing. He took a deep breath and relaxed, unclenching his hand.
"San has something he would like to tell you guys," Hongjoong said. Yunho wanted to scoff at the blatant disregard and flippancy but San seemed like he really wanted to say something so he remained silent.
"I um, I got quite drunk last night," San began nervously before pausing.
"Yeah we know. But that's nothing new for us, we all get drunk sometimes apart from Seonghwa and Hongjoong now," Mingi said with a shrug. San took in a deep shuddering breath before looking down at the deck. He was nervous to tell them but they've been hassling Hongjoong about how he acted the night before and he can't let them think badly of him.
"Hongjoong is a good person and a good leader, we all know that. Do you guys seriously think he would've acted how he did over nothing," San asked, his voice steady as he looked up at the others. No one said anything so he took that as his cue to continue. No point beating around the bush, it's better for him to just tell them how it was.
"Hongjoong was pissed because he found me drunk in an alley with three guys trying to take my clothes off. They didn't manage to do anything before Hongjoong came and well, killed them. That's why Hongjoong was pissed and stayed with me. He was just looking after me," San rushed out. As soon as he said it, all of his confidence let him. His head immediately snapped down to look at the deck while the others all processed what he said. Wooyoung was frozen with shock, the realisation of what had almost happened, what did happen to his soul mate, came crashing down on him. It clicked just how selfish and reckless he was with one of his closest friends. He was the reason San stayed out the night before and he was also the one too impatient to stay and wait for him. He left him vulnerable and something unthinkable almost happened. He wanted to run off and cry in shame that would've been selfish yet again. It would have drawn the attention and comfort to him when it is San who needs it right now. He knows that despite acting ok, San was still very shook up from what happened and was just trying to hold it together in front of them. Wooyoung took a deep breath and straightened out, steeling his emotions and keeping his face blank.
"Shit San, I'm so sorry," Yunho said softly, moving closer and holding out his arms. San looked up before hurrying over and sinking into Yunho's arms as the elder held him tightly. Mingi also quickly moved over and hugged him from behind as well. Wooyoung stayed back guiltily, not knowing what to do except to leave the others to comfort San. Seonghwa sighed and walked over, reaching his hand up to run it through San hair, raking his nails through gently.
"I'm sorry you had to go through that San," Seonghwa whispered.
"I'm ok guys, really. I'm just a little rattled," San said quietly. Yunho glanced up from San to look over at Hongjoong who was just standing to the side quietly, his mouth turned down in a frown.
"Hongjoong," he said quietly, guiltily. He jumped to conclusions far too quickly and didn't even think about the reason why Hongjoong would be so mad. Hongjoong remained quiet but glanced over.
"I'm sorry for getting angry at you. I should have trust trusted your judgement, but you shouldn't have yelled at them. People makes mistakes, we all know that but we should have a proper conversation instead of yelling," Yunho said. Hongjoong frowned at the fact that Yunho was still telling him off despite what had happened.
"I'm sorry, that came out wrong. Point is, I apologise for yelling at you last night," Yunho added quickly. Despite Yunho apologising, Hongjoong didn't quite forgive him. How he instinctively reacted hurt him quite a bit so he didn't say anything, just nodded in reply.
They all continued to hug and comfort San for half an hour, the navigator basking in the closeness and comfort.
"We've been drifting for a while, it's best to get on course. San is going to get some more rest so Yunho, you will need to navigate. The rest of you can do what you need to do, I'll be going over some maps," Hongjoong said.
"Seonghwa can go over our medical supplies we've just bought and make sure they're put away properly," Yeosang asked. Seonghwa knows that Yeosang wants to stay with San so he nods and agrees. Everyone dispersed after that, Wooyoung, Yeosang and San heading to San's room below deck. San immediately went onto the bed and held out his arms, the other two hurrying over and laying down beside him on either side.
"I'm ok," San whispered for what felt like the hundredth time.
"You're not ok San, you just don't want us upset," Wooyoung said quietly. San sighed and curled up, cuddling to his side and tucking his head against his neck. Wooyoung tensed up at that, his eyes beginning to water. San was ok, he was cuddled against him and ok but he almost wasn't. He left San drunk and alone and if Hongjoong didn't go and find him, then they may never have seen him again.
"I'm s-sorry," he whispered, his voice cracking. San made a soft noise of discontent and lifted his head, frowning when he saw the tears in Wooyoung's eyes.
"I'm ok Wooyoung. You made a mistake but you won't make it again," San said gently.
"But I still did it Sannie. I still left you to get hurt," Wooyoung said as the tears begun to fall. San sighed and gently brushed away the tears as they fell.
"It was stupid yes, but I'm going to be just fine. Let's not think about what ifs ok," San said.
"I'm sorry," Wooyoung whimpered, hugging San tightly and crying into his shoulder.
"It's ok, you just need to not to it again," San said.
"I won't, I promise I won't," Wooyoung said.
"And just next time if I say I don't want to do something, I would appreciate if you respect my wishes," San said.
"I promise," Wooyoung said with a nod and a sniffle.
"Then we're ok, right Sangie," San said. Yeosang smiled softly and nodded, knowing San wanted him to agree.
"Now come on, let's cuddle properly," San said. Wooyoung nodded and they laid back down, all three of them cuddling up together and relaxing in comfort.
It was close to sunset before Seonghwa decided to go into the Captain's quarters where Hongjoong was still sitting at his desk and looking over the map they had received the night before.
"You've been in here all day. One would think you would come out and say hello, eat with us or I don't know, spend some time with your boyfriend," he said with slight anger to his voice, making Hongjoong lift up his head to look at him. Hongjoong sighed and leant back, knowing an argument was going to ensue but not being in the mood for it.
"Look Seonghwa, I really am not in the mood to argue," he said, turning back to the maps.
"Are you kidding me," Seonghwa exclaimed.
"I'm busy Hwa, just go and do something else," Hongjoong said.
"I cannot believe the nerve of you Kim Hongjoong. First you just leave me to sleep alone last night without a second thought-."
"YOU COULD HAVE AT LEAST TOLD ME," Seonghwa yelled back.
"Are you for real right now? It just happened and Sannie was scared. He didn't want to tell anyone, I'm not going to betray his trust like that," Hongjoong said angrily.
"You didn't give me any explanation. You just gave me the cold shoulder and left me alone with no warning," Seonghwa said in frustration.
"CAN'T YOU JUST BE A LITTLE UNDERSTANDING? MY OLDEST FRIEND COULD'VE BEEN ASSAULTED," Hongjoong shouted, slamming his hand down on the table.
"It's not just that Hongjoong. You were yelled out Mingi and Wooyoung which is something you never do-."
"None of them have almost been assaulted because of the stupidity and selfishness of the others," Hongjoong said with a frown.
"They didn't know, they were just stupid," Seonghwa said.
"It doesn't matter," Hongjoong said with a frown.
"Hongjoong, you were way out of line t-."
"Oh fuck off. I tell you what, you can sleep alone tonight, then you can have something to really complain about," Hongjoong spat in anger.
"Fine, I don't want to be near you anyway," Seonghwa grumbled.
"Fine," Hongjoong said firmly. He walked to his chest of clothes and grabbed some clothes before leaving his quarters and slamming the door closed. He's angry with Seonghwa but he still loves him with all of his heart and he would rather give him the more comfortable bed.
That night Hongjoong and Seonghwa went to bed alone yet again, Seonghwa sleeping in their quarters while Hongjoong laid in the spare room below deck. Despite being the one to force them to sleep alone, Hongjoong couldn't fall asleep. He felt lonely and cold inside. Only he felt absolutely boiling on the outside, his skin sweating, making his shirt stick to him slightly. After trying to fall asleep for three hours with no success, he groaned and slipped out of his bed. If he can't sleep and is too hot, he may as well go outside and steer the ship. He slipped on his coat despite feeling hot and he climbed up the steps to the deck. He was making his way up over to the helm before he paused and glanced over at his quarters. He nibbled his bottom lip anxiously before walking to his quarters and slowly opening the door, slipping inside silently. He glanced over at the bed to see Seonghwa curled up and fast asleep, the blanket pooling around his waist. Hongjoong smiled fondly before walking over and grabbing the blanket, delicately pulling it up and laying it over Seonghwa's body. Seonghwa's hands came up to clutch at the blanket and Hongjoong remembered how he sometimes likes to sleep holding something, more specifically himself. But given Seonghwa is mad at him, it probably isn't the best idea to try and cuddle with him. Instead, Hongjoong grabbed a pillow and slipped it between Seonghwa's arms, watching as the elder immediately hugged it and settle back down a bit more. Hongjoong sighed and softly brushed the hair from Seonghwa's forehead before leaning down and placing a soft kiss to his forehead. They don't argue much but when they do, it can be bad. However Hongjoong never likes being mad at Seonghwa and he certainly doesn't like hurting or upsetting him. He vows to himself that in the morning he will talk to Seonghwa and apologise. He draws back from the bed before leaving the quarters, closing the door quietly. He then went up to the helm, annoyed to find San there.
"Sannie, I thought I told you not to navigate tonight," Hongjoong said with a sigh. San turned his head around to face him before smiling sheepishly.
"I just couldn't sleep so I asked Yunho if I could take over," San admitted.
"Why don't you try to get some more sleep, I'm going to navigate for a bit," Hongjoong said.
"You don't have to Joong, I'll be fine," San said.
"I know, but I can't sleep so I'd rather just navigate and give you a break," Hongjoong said. San was quiet for a few seconds before glancing at Hongjoong.
"We heard you and Seonghwa, how you were arguing," he said quietly. Hongjoong smiled softly and reached up to ruffle his hair.
"We'll be fine San, we were just arguing a little bit," Hongjoong assured him.
"I'm sorry I caused you guys to argue," San whispered.
"It's not your fault Sannie, it never is," Hongjoong said firmly.
"Now go join Youngie and get some sleep," Hongjoong added softly. San sighed but nodded and moved away from the wheel, allowing Hongjoong to step up.
"Get rest, I'll talk to you when the sun's up," Hongjoong told him. San gave him a quick hug before leaving and Hongjoong just grabbed the wheel and looked out across the water.
Everything was fine for about 10 minutes before the cool air stopped feeling cool and he started to realise just how hot he still was. He was sweating and had beads of it pooling up in his hairline. He groaned and shrugged off his coat quickly, chucking it off to the side on the ground. He thought it would help but it did nothing to help him cool down. He groaned and rubbed up at the back of his neck, feeling how sweaty it was. He took deep breaths to try and feel better, to try and calm down but it just continued to get worse. His limbs felt heavy and his head was beginning to pound. He gripped the wheel tightly, groaning as his legs wobbled slightly. He let go of the wheel and stumbled back slightly, almost tripping down the steps but he leaned forwards at the last moment and stumbled that way instead. His legs gave out and he crashed to the deck, luckily managing to land half on his coat. He groaned again and curled up in a ball, panting at the ache in his body and heat on his skin. It was getting too much so he squeezed his eyes closed and tried to calm down and take deep breaths. He needed to try down and hopefully get rid of the intense pain in his body.
Seonghwa didn't sleep well during the night, more drifting in and out of sleep. At some point he could've sworn that someone was with him but he must've been dreaming. He woke up quite early in the morning, earlier than he usually does. He knew it was early because the sun was barely peeking into the room as it was only just rising. Seonghwa was still tired but he felt bad about arguing with Hongjoong the night before and not being understanding. He made him have to sleep in one of the harder beds because Hongjoong is too much of a gentleman to take the better bed. Seonghwa sighed and got up out of bed, deciding to go and check on Hongjoong, make sure he was ok and sleeping well. He put on some new clothes before leaving his quarters. He was about to go below deck but stopped when he glanced towards the helm and found that there was no one there. They have a set course which means there is definitely supposed to be someone manning the helm and navigating. He started to get worried and hurried over, gasping as he saw the blue haired male laying on the ground. He sprinted up the steps and dropped to his knees, shaking Hongjoong frantically as he felt his blood turn to ice. He let out a breath as Hongjoong stirred and his eyes peeled open. Seonghwa helped Hongjoong sit up gently and watched as he glanced around in confusion.
"What time is it," Hongjoong asked, his mind a little foggy.
"It's sunrise Joongie. Are you ok? Why're you on the ground," Seonghwa asked. Hongjoong blinked in confusion, trying to figure out the events of the night before.
"Oh," Hongjoong said quietly.
"What happened? Are you ok," Seonghwa asked worriedly.
"Um, yeah, I'm fine. I just felt really weird last night and my body ached. I fell and was so tired that I just curled up. I guess I must've fallen asleep," Hongjoong said quietly.
"Are you sure? You didn't pass out," Seonghwa asked, brushing his hair back gently.
"I don't think so. I was just really tired, still am," Hongjoong said quietly.
"Why don't we get you to bed then, the boys will be fine without you for a few hours," Seonghwa said. Hongjoong glanced over at him and smiled involuntary before sighing.
"I'm sorry for arguing with you last night Seongie," Hongjoong said quietly.
"It's fine Joong, I'm just worried about you now," Seonghwa said, cupping the youngers jaw softly.
"I'm ok, just tired," Hongjoong whispered, blinking lazily.
"Ok, let's get you to bed then," Seonghwa said softly.
"It's alright, you don't have to. I know you're mad at me," Hongjoong said quietly.
"I'm not mad Hongjoong, I was just frustrated and took it out on you. I did exactly what I was telling you not to do," Seonghwa said with a sigh. He felt guilty for how he acted but he knew they both said some things they regret and it's best to move on.
"I'm sorry," Seonghwa whispered.
"It's ok," Hongjoong said, nuzzling into Seonghwa's neck softly. Seonghwa gently stood up before scooping Hongjoong up and carried him back to their quarters, laying him down on the bed. He closed the door and climbed into the bed beside the other, pulling him into his arms quickly. Hongjoong yawned and cuddled up to Seonghwa's chest, leaning his head up to place a kiss on Seonghwa's neck. Seonghwa smiled softly and leant down, nuzzling his nose into Hongjoong's hair.
"I hate being angry with you," Seonghwa whispered. Hongjoong hummed, his eyes closed as he rested calmly against the others.
"Then don't be angry with me," Hongjoong whispered.
"A little bit of fighting every once in a while is healthy," Seonghwa pointed out. Hongjoong chuckled lightly but nodded.
"I love you, get some sleep," Seonghwa said softly.
"Love you too sweetheart," Hongjoong replied gently.
It's been a few weeks since I have posted for this book so I apologise but here is the long awaited Chapter 5 and I hope you enjoyed it.
Let me know your thoughts on this chapter and what you enjoyed.
What do you think might happen next?
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