Chapter 3
"I'm so bored. Seonghwa play with me," Wooyoung said with a pout as he walked into the Captain's quarters and sat down on the bed. Hongjoong didn't look up from where he was leaning over the desk and studying a map. He just sighed at the interruption.
"Go be bored with someone else, Seonghwa is helping me," Hongjoong said. Wooyoung raised an eyebrow, noting how Seonghwa was just standing behind Hongjoong, back hugging him with his head on his shoulder.
"He definitely seems like he's helping," Wooyoung said sarcastically. Seonghwa glanced back and grinned at the younger before leaning down and placing a soft kiss to Hongjoong's shoulder to calm him down, noting that he seemed a bit agitated.
"I'm bored," Wooyoung whined.
"Then go bother someone else. Go find Yeosang," Hongjoong said in exasperation.
"He's up in the crow's nest with Sannie," Wooyoung said with a groan.
"Then go find someone else, Seonghwa is staying with me," Hongjoong said sharply.
"Stop gatekeeping your boyfriend," Wooyoung said with a frown. Hongjoong sighed and stood up, turning around to face Wooyoung.
"I'm not gatekeeping my boyfriend, I'm saving him from being harassed and annoyed by you. I've said he isn't going which means he isn't going. Stop bothering us and go find someone else to annoy," Hongjoong said firmly, a twinge of anger in voice. Wooyoung went silent at that, feeling hurt but guilty. He didn't mean to be so annoying he just wanted someone to talk to.
"I'm sorry Captain," he whispered sadly, getting up and leaving the room. Seonghwa let go of Hongjoong immediately and turned to him with a frown.
"Hongjoong that was uncalled for," he scolded him.
"I really can't deal with him right now," Hongjoong said with a shrug.
"Hongjoong seriously? That boy idolizes you as his Captain and just wanted to spend time with someone and you had a go at him. We haven't docked anywhere in over a month and you know the boys have been getting a little bored lately. You had no right to say what you just did," Seonghwa said angrily. Hongjoong started to feel a little guilty at that.
"I'm sure he's fine," he said quietly.
"No he isn't. You just called him annoying and a bother and made out you have no time for him. You're the Captain, you're supposed to lead by example and make sure everyone is ok. Go and apologise to him right now or I'm sleeping with one of the boys and you can sleep alone," Seonghwa said sternly. Hongjoong pouted but Seonghwa just frowned even more so he sighed.
"I'll go check on him," he said quietly. Seonghwa nodded so Hongjoong spun around and left the quarters quickly. He went to the kitchens first in search of Wooyoung but the younger boy was nowhere in sight so he decided to go below deck and check Wooyoung's room. As he got closer he begun to hear sniffles and he felt a pang of guilt shoot through his chest. He walked over to the door and opened it gently, looking inside. Wooyoung was sitting on the bed with one of his knees drawn up, his elbow resting on it while he had his head dropped into his hand.
"Stupid, so stupid. Why do you have to be so annoying," Wooyoung whispered to himself, clenching his hair in his hand. Hongjoong sighed to himself and walked into the room.
"Youngie," he said softly. Wooyoung's head snapped up and he turned to Hongjoong. His eyes were red and his lavender hair was flattened down over his foreheads, a few tears falling down his face.
"Oh, Captain. Sorry, I just had something in my eye. I didn't realise you needed to come here, I'll get out of your hair," Wooyoung rushed out quickly as he ducked his head and hurriedly wiped his eyes. He stood up quickly and rushed to leave the room but Hongjoong caught his arm before he could pass and tugged him into a hug. Wooyoung froze in surprise but Hongjoong wrapped an arm around his waist before lifting his other hand and running it through the younger's hair gently. Wooyoung slowly relaxed, melting into Hongjoong's arms and hugging him tightly.
"I'm so sorry Wooyoung, I've been frustrated lately and I took that out on you. I should never have done that," Hongjoong said softly.
"It's ok, it's true anyway," Wooyoung said quietly.
"No. No it isn't Wooyoung, I'm just, I wasn't thinking right," Hongjoong said firmly.
"My dad always said I was a waste of space," Wooyoung whispered. Hongjoong froze at that and his eyes went wide, guilt hitting him like a truck. Never has he ever wanted Wooyoung or Yeosang to use their dads in a sentence to do with him. He quickly bent down and scooped Wooyoung up, carrying him over to the bed and placing him down before climbing up beside him. He then grabbed him and pulled him into his lap so he was facing him, his legs on either side of his body.
"Wooyoung you are not a waste of space. How could you even think that," Hongjoong said sadly.
"Just cos," Wooyoung said with a shrug, glancing down so he didn't have to look Hongjoong in the eye.
"Talk to me Wooyoung," Hongjoong said. Wooyoung still wouldn't look at him so Hongjoong placed two fingers on his chin and tilted it up gently. Wooyoung's eyes were wide and watery and Hongjoong frowned gently.
"What's going on," he asked again.
"Nothing. It's just no one has time for me, they don't want me around," Wooyoung said with a small shrug.
"What do you mean," Hongjoong asked gently.
"I went to everyone else before I came in to you guys and no one wanted to hang out," Wooyoung said quietly. Hongjoong's heart broke and he cursed himself internally. He should never have let his temper get the better of him he told himself he would never do that.
"I'm sorry Wooyoung I was way out of line with what I said. We all want to spend time with you, we love you so much. Everyone was just probably busy today," Hongjoong said softly.
"I love you too," Wooyoung said quietly.
"Are you sure though," he added.
"Positive. I tell you what, why don't you hang with me for the rest of the day and then we can all have some bonding tonight," Hongjoong said. Wooyoung smiled softly and nodded quickly.
"Good, now cheer up," Hongjoong said, rubbing Wooyoung's sides softly.
"I'm sorry for crying. I'm not usually this emotional," Wooyoung said quietly. Hongjoong knows very well that Wooyoung can be touch and go whether he will close off or let himself be emotional.
"Don't be sorry for crying," Hongjoong said quietly. Wooyoung let out a breath before nodding. Hongjoong went to speak again but there was a sudden loud bang and the entire ship lurched sideways. The two of them were flung from the bed but Hongjoong managed to react quickly, flipping them over so his back hit the floor and Wooyoung landed on top of him.
"What the hell," Wooyoung said with a groan as they both sat up. Before they could do anything else, there was another bang, making the ship sway again.
"Holy shit," Wooyoung gasped. Hongjoong jumped to his feet quickly, tugging Wooyoung up with him. Something is definitely going on and it isn't good, that is clear but neither of them would've guessed what is was.
"KRAKEN." San's voice rung out through the entire ship and Hongjoong felt his blood run cold. In all his years of being a pirate he's never come in contact with a Kraken but he's heard the stories and none of them were good. The Kraken is over 30m tall with 8 large tentacles. They are near impossible to kill, the only way to beat them is to hurt it enough that it gives up and leaves. That is much easier said than done though. There was another crash and the sound of splintering wood above deck. Hongjoong's heart stop as he suddenly realised something. Seonghwa was still in the Captain's quarters above deck, right in the clutches of the Kraken. Hongjoong immediately sprinted from the room, running up the stairs above deck before freezing. His heart stopped as his eyes landed on the Kraken for the first time. It was massive, it's body protruding from the water and towering over the Illusion. Hongjoong's almost always been confident going into fights, the crew of ATEEZ has overcome so much but this is monster, a literal monster. It's had two large tentacles grasping the side of the Illusion, another two were in the air and most likely what had been crashing into the ship. While Hongjoong was glancing around and surveying the situation, Wooyoung was looking up. He heart stopped and he felt dread and fear set into his bones. San was up in the crow's nest, his bow in hand pointed at the Kraken. That wasn't what scared him the most though. What scared him the most was the smaller white haired boy cowering behind him. Yeosang's was still up on the crow's nest with San, right in the line of danger, somewhere he should in no way be right now.
"SANGIE," he screamed. Hongjoong noticed a tentacle raise in the air right as Wooyoung start to run forwards. His eyes went wide and he lunged at the younger boy, tackling him to the deck and covering him with his own body. He felt a rush of air pass over him, no doubt the swinging of a tentacle passing over them. There was a crunch and the sound of splintering and bangs. Hongjoong lifted his head to see half of the wall from the kitchen completely smashed and gone. Wooyoung whimpered in shock and Hongjoong quickly scooped him up, tugging him back to the stairs below deck. Mingi and Yunho were already there with their uniform and weapons.
"Get Jongho on the cannons now. I don't want to put too much pressure on him but that's about the only hope we have to get out of here alive," Hongjoong said. Yunho nodded and rushed to get to the weapons room where Jongho was already getting ready.
"Wooyoung, you need to grab a sword, your daggers will do nothing against the Kraken. I need to get to Seonghwa," Hongjoong said. Mingi glanced over at where the Captain's quarters used to be and his stomach dropped.
"Captain," he whispered.
"What," Hongjoong asked, turning back to him.
"Where's Seonghwa," Mingi asked. Both of Hongjoong and Wooyoung spun around at that, looking towards the Captain's quarters only to find a pile of food and rubble strewn across the ship. Hongjoong's heart stopped and he desperately searched around the ship, trying to find any sign of Seonghwa but he couldn't. The kraken started moving again, it's tentacle going for the Crow's nest where San was still diligently firing arrows at it. Another tentacle came up onto the deck, piercing through the deck and clinging tightly. Hongjoong couldn't find Seonghwa and it was killing him to not be able to make sure he was safe but he doesn't have time to do anything about it right now. Right now they need to deal with the big giant monster attached to the side of the ship or they're all dead anyway. Hongjoong's eyes landed on the hilt of a purple sword. It's Seonghwa's but it's an exact replica of his own sword so it will work just as well.
"Mingi, aim for the tentacles on the ship. Hack them off as best as you can and try not to get caught in one," Hongjoong said before sprinting onto the deck. He ran straight for the sword, sliding along and scooping it up as a tentacle shot at him. Another one came straight for him and he was about to duck but it moved off course with a growl as an arrow lodged into it. Mingi followed Hongjoong, drawing his sword and rushing out to the tentacle buried into the deck. Hongjoong rushed over to help him and they both swung their swords down at the same time, severing the tentacle completely. The kraken roared out and the severed tentacle flung back, sending Mingi flying and landing on his back against the deck with a groan. Hongjoong managed to duck to the deck just in time to dodge the tentacle shooting out to hit him.
"Shit these things are fast," Mingi groaned out.
"It's a kraken you dickhead, what did you expect," Hongjoong yelled out, rolling over and back to his feet.
"JONGHO HURRY UP WITH THOSE CANNONS," he yelled out, hoping the other would hear him. The kraken roared again, rearing up before crashing back down on the ship even further, making it shake and move, tugging against the anchor.
"It's going to rip the anchor right out," San yelled. Hongjoong cursed to himself before running towards the kraken, dodging another tentacle before hacking at one on the side of the ship. He got halfway through before San yelled out to him.
"Captain, behind you!" Hongjoong jumped back just in time for a tentacle to come crashing down where he was just standing, smashing through the deck.
"It's gonna sink the ship," he whispered in horror. This is not good.
San was panicking, really panicking. He was up on the crow's nest with Yeosang, enjoying the view when the kraken just came out of nowhere. It latched onto the ship and just started to attack the ship. The first place it took out was the Captain's quarter, a tentacle smashing right through it as if it was nothing. San was terrified for Hongjoong and Seonghwa because last time he checked, they were in there but there was nothing he could do about it. He was more concern with the fact that there was an actual kraken right there attacking the ship and Yeosang was stuck up with him on the crow's nest, the most fragile thing on the ship. He immediately grabbed him and pushed him down behind him to keep him safe.
"KRAKEN," he yelled out to the rest of the crew before grabbing his bow and arrow. He began firing out at the kraken who didn't seem to like that very much. A tentacle shot out and swiped towards him but got caught on one of the smaller masts, smashing through it and making it splinter. Yeosang whimpered in fear, knowing he was basically a sitting duck, forcing San to have to focus on trying to keep him safe as well.
"Sang, do your best to try and see if you can spot Hongjoong or Seonghwa through the rubble," San said quickly, keeping his eyes focused on the kraken and its many, many tentacles. He thought they were only supposed to have 8 tentacles? That does not look like only 8 tentacles. Yeosang peaked through the gaps in the crow's nest, desperately looking for any sign of their Captain or quartermaster. The kraken was terrifying, it was massive, with large tentacles, big yellow eyes and spikes all over what seemed to be its head.
"God this thing is ugly," San said with a wince as he shot another arrow towards one of the tentacles clinging to the side of the ship. As Yeosang continued looking, he noticed Wooyoung and Hongjoong appear from below deck.
"Hongjoong's ok, he's with Wooyoung," Yeosang told San quickly.
"Good, keep searching for Seonghwa though," San said. I nodded even though he couldn't see it though I continued to watch Wooyoung and Hongjoong as they looked around. Wooyoung almost immediately looked up towards San and I and I could see the minute the panic set in.
"SANGIE," Wooyoung screamed out, gaining everyone and everything's attention. San's eyes went wide as he saw the kraken lock in on Wooyoung who was rushing forwards. Hongjoong was running for him but the kraken was striking down and across, meaning it would smash them both. He quickly notched and arrow and shot it just as Hongjoong tackled Wooyoung. It lodged into the krakens tentacle making it change course and go sideways straight into the kitchen. San let out a breath of relief as Hongjoong grabbed Wooyoung and brought him back to safety. San turned his attention back to the kraken and continued firing the arrows, trying his best to aim for weak points. Yeosang watched as Hongjoong suddenly run forwards and he gasped as he noticed the kraken look towards him. San noticed as well and quickly shot an arrow to the tentacle that shot out, making the kraken growl but move it away from the Captain.
"Ouch, that's gotta hurt," San said, wincing as Mingi was flung back. Mingi and Hongjoong bickered for a few seconds before Hongjoong yelled out.
"Yes Jongho, bloody hurry up," San said with a groan. The kraken then crashed into the ship again and San flung back, almost tipping off the side of the crow's nest but Yeosang shot up and grabbed him quickly. San felt the boat crash forwards but stop as it was held back. The anchor.
"It's going to rip the anchor right out," he yelled. He watched as Hongjoong sprinted forwards and brought his sword down on the krakens tentacle attached to the side of the ship. He got a few swings in before San noticed the tentacle raising to drop down on him.
"Captain behind you," he yelled out quickly. Hongjoong dodged it just in time and both San and Yeosang gasped at the tentacle crashed down on the ship.
"Please hurry Jongho," San whispered. He notched another arrow and fired it right towards the kraken, landing it right beside its eye as it moved at the last second. San grated his teeth together in annoyance and continued on. He was too focused on its body that he didn't notice another longer tentacle unfurling above water. Yeosang did however and he only had a few seconds to lunge up and push San down before a tentacle smashed into him and he was flung back out of the crow's nest.
"YEOSANG," San screamed out in horror as he fell. He didn't fall far though as the kraken curled its tentacle around him and pulled him off the ship, hovering him by its body above the water. Wooyoung cried out as he saw Yeosang get grabbed but he didn't have a sword, he didn't have a weapon, there was nothing he could do. San stood back up and his eyes landed on the limp form of Yeosang being squeezed by the kraken. That's his family right there, someone he's been protecting for as long as he can remember. He's not about to stop now. He dropped his bow and jumped over the side of the crow's nest and onto the ladder, hurrying halfway as quickly as he could before jumping the rest of the way and doing a forward roll to lessen the impact. He sprung to his feet immediately and sprinted forwards, drawing his sword. Hongjoong was busy trying to do as much damage to whatever parts of the kraken he could reach but he heard San's scream and he was terrified when he saw Yeosang in the kraken's clutches. He was even more worried however when he noticed San running straight for him.
"San don't," he yelled out but it was too late. San continued running, jumping and pushing off with one foot on the side of the rail and launching himself into the air. He wasn't aiming to kill the kraken, he knew he couldn't. He was aiming to do what was practically embedded into his DNA now, protect Yeosang. He drew his sword back with both hands before swinging it down as hard and quick as he could. It sliced straight through the krakens tentacle, making it drop towards the water and subsequently drop Yeosang as well. San plunged into the water within seconds but instantly resurfaced and swam to Yeosang, yanking him above water. Yeosang coughed and wheezed, spluttering and whimpering at the pain in his ribs.
"Hold onto me baby, hold me," San said quickly. Yeosang held back tears as he raised his arms and wrapped them around his neck. San quickly swum back towards the ship as best as he could, pushing through the waves created by the kraken. Every movement caused the pain in Yeosang's ribs to increase and he began crying. It was clear that he had bruised, if not cracked a rib.
"I've got you, I've got you," San whispered as he finally managed to reach up and grab one of the loops. Jongho really needs to hurry, he doesn't know how long he can hold on for.
"What the hell is taking Jongho so long," Mingi asked as he lunged away from a tentacle. His back was hurting from earlier but he had to keep vigilant and aware so he wouldn't get hurt more. Hongjoong was getting tired as well, doing his best to stay away from the tentacles while attacking as much as he can. Everyone heard as there was a sudden click before there was a bang and the kraken cried out, jolting back. It's tentacles rose in the air and flailed about before there was another bang, making it jolt again.
Yeosang sobbed out at each bang, his ears ringing as he clung to San tightly. San winced as well, knowing the cannons weren't very good for them.
"Hold your breath Sangie," he said. When he noticed Yeosang do as asked, he let go over the loop and they sunk into the water, just in time for another cannon shot to ring out, mostly muted by the water. Yeosang went to cry out from the pain in his ribs but San slapped a hand over his mouth quickly to stop him from accidentally inhaling water. There was another bang and the krakens tentacles suddenly came plunging down into the water, one hitting San on the head. He cried out, inhaling water but he kept and arm around Yeosang and stayed down. Yeosang realised what happened and pushed through the pain, swimming them to the surface.
"San, are you ok," he asked quickly.
"Get down," San said immediately, tugging him behind some wood that had broken off from the ship. They both turned and watched as the kraken turned around and slinked off, diving under the water.
"It's l-leaving," Yeosang said, his teeth chattering slightly as the pain continued to flow through his body.
"Yeah, we need to get back on the ship when someone drops us down a ladder," San said. Yeosang nodded and huddled closer to San, doing his best to ignore the pain in his ribs, not wanting to draw too much attention to it when they could still be in danger.
Hongjoong let out a breath of relief as the kraken drew back and left. He ran to the edge and watched just be sure but it left completely. He sighed before looking around the water, hoping and praying that he would find San and Yeosang still alive. Sure enough they were by the side of the ship, Yeosang clinging to San who was keeping them above water.
"Hang in there guys, I'm lowering the ladder," Hongjoong said quickly. Wooyoung rushed out as well and helped him lower the ladder. San directed Yeosang to go up first and Yeosang begun to climb. The pain in his ribs intensified and he started crying as he continued climbing. When he finally got to the top, he climbed over the edge and was immediately drawn into Wooyoung's arms.
"Oh thank god. You scared me so much. I'm so glad you're ok," Wooyoung whispered, a few tears falling down his face at the thought of Yeosang being killed. San climbed up quickly as well, joining the embrace quickly.
"I'm so sorry I took so long. The ammunition and the cannons were all over the place from the original hits to the ship," Jongho rushed out as he and Yunho ran up onto the deck.
"Is everyone ok," Yunho asked quickly. Hongjoong's heart clenched at that and his eyes began to water. Now that the kraken was gone and the others were safe, he could finally focus on the crushing weight on his heart.
"H-Hwa. Seonghwa. SEONGHWA WHERE ARE YOU," he cried out, dropping Seonghwa's sword and running to the rubble that was once the Captain's quarters. He started frantically grabbing at the bits off wood and yanking them away, trying to get underneath to find Seonghwa. Everyone else froze at that, taking a few seconds to process what was happening. Yunho, Mingi and Jongho immediately rushed forwards and begun helping, desperately looking for their oldest. Wooyoung glanced at Yeosang and San once more to make sure they were ok before hurrying over and helping.
"He's over here," Jongho yelled out as he found a hand. Hongjoong was beside him within seconds, frantically ripping away the wood to get to Seonghwa, not caring if it hurt his hands. This is the love of his life, he doesn't know what he would do if he isn't alive. Before long they had Seonghwa uncovered and Hongjoong let out a sob as saw that he was unconscious, scrapes on his face and arms.
"Seongie," he whimpered, wrapping his arms around his back delicately and sitting him up, holding him against his chest. Yunho's stomach dropped and hoped beyond everything that Seonghwa would be ok. There's only one thing in this world that can make Hongjoong break down completely and that is Seonghwa.
"Y-Yeosang. Yeosang what's wrong with him," Hongjoong asked, glancing up at him with teary eyes. Yeosang moved away from San and hurrying over, kneeling beside Hongjoong. He held back a whimper at the pain, not wanting to draw attention to him when Seonghwa is unconscious. Hongjoong sniffled however, noticing the obvious tears on Yeosang's face.
"What's wrong? Why are you crying," he asked quietly.
"I'm ok, it doesn't hurt much. Let me look at Seonghwa," Yeosang said.
"Doesn't hurt much? What doesn't hurt much," Hongjoong asked with a frown. Seonghwa may be unconscious right now but Yeosang was also banged up pretty good and if he has an injury that could be severe then he needs to be looked after as well.
"Captain just let me look at Seonghwa," Yeosang said sharply. He just needs to focus on something else rather than the pain in his ribs. Hongjoong frowned but nodded and turned around slightly. Yeosang placed his fingers on Seonghwa's neck, checking for his pulse and letting out a breath of relief at the steady pulse he found underneath. He then gently went all over San's arms legs and ribs, pressing down to see if he could feel any breaks anywhere but there were none.
"Hongjoong he's going to be ok. His pulse is good and I can't feel any broken bones. When the kraken broke the quarters down, Seonghwa must've gotten hit in the head and it's knocked him out," Yeosang said.
"H-He's gonna be ok," Hongjoong whispered.
"Yeah, Hwa's going to be fine," Yeosang said with a nod. Hongjoong let out a breath of relief and dropped his head down, nosing into Seonghwa's hair as he started sobbing. He was so scared that Seonghwa was gone when Mingi first pointed out what happened, he thought he was dead but couldn't do anything about it, he had to protect his crew. Jongho glanced around nervously before slowly moving forwards and sitting down beside Hongjoong, placing a hand on his shoulder for comfort. Hongjoong took a deep breath and sniffled before lifting his head up again. Seonghwa is ok, he's going to be fine but the ship is severely damaged so he needs to do his duties.
"Is everyone else all ok? Yeosang how bad are you hurt," he asked quickly.
"I'm fine, just a bit shaken up," Yeosang lied. He can deal with his injury later but right now they need to get everything else in order.
"How bad is the damage to the ship," Hongjoong asked with a sigh.
"There's some pretty big damage but it's things that we can do without until we can find somewhere to dock. Kitchen is pretty much gone, your quarters are destroyed, there's holes in the deck that lead to the storage areas but we have spare wood to cover them up for now so no water get's in. We lost one of the small masts but the propellers will work just fine," Yunho informed him, glancing around to make sure he wasn't missing anything.
"Ok. We can do without all of that until we find somewhere for repairs. Sorry Wooyoung, you're not going to have a functioning kitchen for meals. Seonghwa will need to me in the infirmary at the moment but after that we'll stay in the spare room below deck. Mingi, Jongho and San, I need you to get the spare wood and board up these holes. Wooyoung, start making some food, just whatever you can is fine. Yeosang, I'll take Seonghwa down to the infirmary and you can tend to him. Yunho when I get back we'll go through this rubble and salvage whatever we can. Can you bring a crate upstairs please," Hongjoong said. Everyone immediately nodded and got right to it. Hongjoong brought Seonghwa down to the infirmary and left him with Yeosang before going back up to Yunho.
"Where are we going to go after this," Yunho asked as they began searching through things and placing what is still ok into the crate.
"Dawn is only three days around here, we'll have to stop there. Repairs will probably take a few weeks so I'll get us some rooms in an inn," Hongjoong replied. Yunho nodded at that, knowing it was probably the best option. They just have to get the ship patched up a bit before they can set off again.
Later that night when everyone was asleep, Yeosang slipped out from his room and went to the infirmary. Seonghwa was still unconscious but Yeosang moved him to the spare room with Hongjoong as he didn't need any more medical attention. He closed the door to the infirmary and flicked on one of the old lights. He had stayed quiet the entire night, not wanting to alarm anyone about his ribs, waiting until later in the night to look after himself. He slowly peeled off his shirt, wincing at the pain shooting through his ribs. He glanced down and groaned, seeing the large bruise blossoming across his ribs. It's bad but not unbearable. He grabs some salve cloths that help bruises heal quickly. He slowly begun placing them on his ribs, whimpering at every press against the bruises. He has to twist slightly to reach the bruise that wraps around the side of his ribs but whimpers at the pain it causes. He clenches his eyes closed and tries again but it still hurts. He goes to try again but before he can he feels a hand on his and he jolts, his eyes opening wide as he sees the door open and Hongjoong now standing beside him.
"Let me do it," Hongjoong says softly. Yeosang nibbles his lip nervously, knowing he was in for a reprimand but hands the cloths over. Hongjoong sighs and delicately places them on the bruises, trying not to press too hard. One he was done, he sat on the bed and pat beside him. Yeosang sighed but sat down as well.
"Those are pretty bad bruises Sangie," Hongjoong said softly.
"I mean I got whacked straight in the ribs by one of the tentacles and squeezed, it's understandable," Yeosang said quietly.
"And yet you told no one and you wouldn't have mentioned anything if I didn't catch you in here," Hongjoong said with a frown.
"I'm sorry, I just didn't want to burden anyone more. We're already having so much trouble and I don't really do much so I don't need to cause more issues," Yeosang said quietly.
"Yeosang, you're the person we want to protect the most on this ship. Knowing you're hurt and hiding it from us will make us constantly on edge and worried from you," Hongjoong said softly.
"I just didn't want to worry everyone," Yeosang said with a sigh.
"Sangie you had me worried anyway. The second I saw you beside me with Seonghwa, I knew something was wrong. I stayed up because I wanted to see if you were hiding something," Hongjoong said.
"I'm sorry Captain," Yeosang whispered.
"Hongjoong Sangie, Hongjoong," Hongjoong said softly.
"I'm sorry Hongjoong," Yeosang said quietly.
"It's ok, just promise me you won't try to hide an injury again ok," Hongjoong said.
"I promise," Yeosang said with a nod.
"Good. Now go get some rest, we have a long few weeks ahead of us. Go join Wooyoung, he seemed anxious earlier and he'll most likely have a nightmare if he sleeps alone," Hongjoong said, placing a gentle kiss to Yeosang's forehead. Yeosang smiled softly and nodded before leaving. Hongjoong let out a breath and rubbed his face. They were attacked by a literal kraken earlier but they're ok. They're all ok.
Here is Chapter 3 everyone, I hope you enjoyed it
This was a bit eventful and hard to right but I hope you guys still liked it anyway
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