Chapter 14
"Come on, you two seriously need to get up and walk around. You haven't been out of these beds for three days," Yeosang said with a frown as he placed his hands on his hips and looked between San and Seonghwa who were curled up together on the infirmary bed, San's back resting on Seonghwa's chest.
"We're dying, cut us some slack," San said with a frown.
"You aren't dying. It's been two weeks since the attack and you two are perfectly fine. Seonghwa your cut has healed and Sannie your burns are barely even burns now," Yeosang said, rolling his eyes.
"Hey, I almost died," Seonghwa said with a gasp.
"I did die. I think. Wait, my heart stopping counts as dying right? Ooo, do you think I went to the afterlife before being ripped back," San said thoughtfully.
"Too soon Sannie. Don't forget who the person was sobbing over your dead body and trying to get your heart beating again," Yeosang said quietly. San frowned at that and sat up, holding out his arms.
"I'm sorry, come here," he said softly. Yeosang shuffled over and hugged San, making sure not to press too hard on his injuries. San hugged him back and tugged him up onto the bed with them, rolling so he was between the two of them.
"Wait, Captain told me to get you two lazy bums out of bed not to join you guys," Yeosang said, trying to sit up but Seonghwa and San hugged him tightly, squishing him down between the two of them.
"Guys come on, Hongjoong is going to be mad. We're reaching land soon so you two need to get up," Yeosang mumbled.
"But being in bed is so much more comfortable," San whined.
"Seriously though, you two need to get out of bed right now. San, Seonghwa needs to make sure he gets good blood flow in his body considering two weeks ago there was barely any blood left in there. And Seonghwa, San has major burns on his bodies that though they are healing, needs some open air to air out completely," Yeosang said. San and Seonghwa glanced at each other before sitting up and getting out of bed.
"Thank you. Now come on, let's get you two some fresh air," Yeosang said. The three of them walked up to the top deck, Yeosang slipping his hand into San's and holding it tightly.
"Wow, welcome to the land of the living you two-."
"Too soon guys, seriously," Yeosang groaned, cutting Mingi off.
"Right. Sorry," Mingi said guiltily as San wrapped his right arm around Yeosang's shoulder and tugged him into his side.
"I'm ok, you kept me alive and safe," he whispered and Yeosang nodded, exhaling shakily.
"You're finally up. I was beginning to think you guys really were dead," Wooyoung said with a giggle.
"Oh for god's sake guys, too soon," Yeosang groaned, hugging San tightly.
"Sorry dark jokes are my way of coping. Truthfully San scared the shit out of me and I thought he was actually dead when I found him so-."
"Ok guys, I'm not dead. I'm standing right here very alive and well so no more dark jokes for a bit and no more dwelling on the past of what ifs," San said quickly.
"I agree, let's not talk about what ifs. Seongie, can you come up and join me, I'm bored," Hongjoong called out from over at the helm. Seonghwa smiled softly and walked all the way over to Hongjoong, standing behind him and wrapping his arms around his waist. He gently rested his chin onto his shoulder and snuggled close.
"You're awfully clinging," Hongjoong said softly, smiling fondly as he rested his head against Seonghwa's.
"I feel like we haven't hugged in ages, I miss feeling you in my arms," Seonghwa whispered.
"To be fair it is your fault. You've spent the past three days cuddling with Sannie and not me," Hongjoong said with a shrug.
"Wow, way to ruin the moment Joongie," Seonghwa said with a sigh.
"You're the one who spent three days cuddling with someone who wasn't me," Hongjoong pointed out. Seonghwa frowned and shuffled around so he was in front of Hongjoong, seeing the pout on his face.
"Oh my god, are you jealous," Seonghwa asked in disbelief.
"No. I just, I miss you. You almost died on me and I've been a bit sentimental lately," Hongjoong admitted.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to worry you so much," Seonghwa said quietly.
"It's fine, you didn't do anything wrong. I just, it reminded me of how easily things can change, how quickly you could be gone," Hongjoong whispered. Seonghwa sighed and wrapped his arms around Hongjoong, cuddling up to him. Hongjoong sighed and hugged him back before quickly letting go and grabbing the wheel again.
"Yunho, would you mind coming here and navigating for a bit," he called out. Yunho jogged up a few seconds later with a chuckle.
"Sure, you two can go have some cuddle time. We have about 2 hours before we reach Basilan," Yunho said as he nudged the two of them away.
"Thanks Yunnie," Hongjoong said with a grin, grabbing Seonghwa's hand and tugging him down from the helm. The two of them went over to their quarters, slipping inside and closing the door. Seonghwa immediately dragged Hongjoong over to the bed and the two of them dropped down. Hongjoong chuckled and moved so he was laying down on top of Seonghwa, looking down at him with a fond smile on his face.
"I love you," he said softly.
"I love you too," Seonghwa replied with a gentle smile. Hongjoong's eyes trailed over Seonghwa's face and he couldn't help but to feel a bit sentimental.
"I can't believe I almost threw you off the ship," he said quietly. Seonghwa burst into giggles, shaking his head.
"That certainly would have been interesting. Do you remember when you jumped into the ocean during that storm because I couldn't swim," Seonghwa said.
"Yeah, I couldn't just let you drown," Hongjoong replied with a nod.
"I think that was when I really started to fall for you," Seonghwa admitted.
"Huh, really," Hongjoong asked in surprise.
"Yeah. What about you? When did you think you might, you know like me," Seonghwa asked.
"You protected me, even though I was such a dick to you. It showed that you really were a decent person and I found my perception of you changing completely," Hongjoong admitted. Seonghwa's eyes widened at his words.
"Wait, at Port Osburn? That was like a week before me. How did you start liking me before I started liking you? You hated me," Seonghwa said in shock.
"What can I say, you were this beautiful, kind person who despite the shit I put you through, you still remained nice. You literally took a beating for me and I don't know, I think things started to change when I was there holding you in my arms. It was like really solidified when I saved you and we were both just lying on the deck but that was the first moment that I started to see you differently," Hongjoong said.
"Well shit, how did I never know that," Seonghwa asked.
"Because I never really bought it up," Hongjoong said with a shrug.
"I can't believe you fell for me first," Seonghwa said with a pout.
"It's not really a competition Seongie," Hongjoong said with a chuckle.
"No, but it's sweet," Seonghwa said with a grin.
"Hey look, we're going to be anchoring in for a few days in like 2 hours," Hongjoong said.
"Yeah I know," Seonghwa said with a nod.
"I was maybe hoping that we could go on a date together. You know, have some time away from the kids with just the two of us," Hongjoong said.
"That sounds lovely, I would love that," Seonghwa said with a nod.
"Great. I was thinking maybe a stroll down to the beach to watch the sun set would be nice," Hongjoong proposed.
"Yeah, I'd like that. It will be good to have a little relaxing time after everything that's happened. We deserve a proper break before we start going after those bad crews again," Seonghwa said with a nod.
"Of course. You'll love what I have planned out, I promise. Or at least I hope," Hongjoong said.
"Hongjoong, I literally love everything that you do so I know that I'm going love our sunset date," Seonghwa said. Hongjoong grinned and dropped down on top of Seonghwa, curling up against him and relaxing.
"I can't be bothered getting up."
"Seriously? You spent literally 3 days in bed and now you still don't get up?"
"Those three days were great, I literally did nothing."
"You're being lazy my love."
"I like being lazy. Let's just stay on the shit and have some us time while the kids go out and have fun."
"And leave them to spend all our money, get drunk, buy random shit and pass out in a barrel half naked, no chance."
"You never did tell me how Wooyoung ended up like that."
"Trust me, you don't wanna know. Now come on, it's time to get up," Hongjoong said, standing up and shaking Seonghwa's shoulder. Seonghwa groaned but reluctantly sat up in bed with a pout.
"Don't pout at me, that's not going to work," Hongjoong said with a frown.
"Oh, but doesn't it always work," Seonghwa said with a grin.
"Nope, now get up. I need to brief the boys on what we're doing while we're here. I'll see you out there in a few minutes," Hongjoong said.
"Fine. I will see you out there in a bit," Seonghwa said with a nod. Hongjoong grinned before leaving their quarters and heading over to the helm where the others were all milling around.
"It feels like so long since we were last on land but compared to other times it really hasn't been that long," Mingi said thoughtfully.
"How far off are we," Hongjoong asked, making the others turn to him as he walked up towards them.
"5 minutes I'd say," Yunho replied.
"Alright. Jongho go get ready to drop the anchor," Hongjoong said. The younger nodded and walked off, tapping Hongjoong's shoulder as he passed. That was his way of telling Hongjoong that they were good and there were no hard feelings.
"Hey San, can we chat for a moment," Hongjoong asked. San glanced over from where he was huddled between Yeosang and Wooyoung.
"Yeah, sure. What's up," he asked as he moved over, the other two following him as well.
"You two don't need to just follow me around everywhere," San said with a sigh.
"We just want the reassurance that you're ok Sannie," Yeosang said quietly.
"Well I am, I'm ok," San said with a nod.
"Plus Youngie shouldn't you be resting your ankle," he added.
"He doesn't really need to. It's been two weeks and he's got it braced so he's fine to walk around," Yeosang said.
"Fine. Anyway, what did you want to talk about. Sorry but these two nosy-heads are going to be listening in," San said.
"That's fine. You remember what we were talking about two weeks ago in the infirmary. About you know, the sunset stuff," Hongjoong said. San frowned in confusion before his eyes widened and he grinned.
"Wait, seriously? Here? You're going to do it here," he asked quickly.
"I um, I think so. I was thinking maybe tonight," Hongjoong said.
"Wait, what's he talking about," Wooyoung asked in confusion.
"Hey Seonghwa, you're looking a lot more awake," Mingi said happily.
"I'll tell you two later and Hongjoong, go for it," San said quickly.
"We're coming up to docking, everyone get ready," Yunho called out.
"Come on, let's get ready. Everyone be on alert in case we encounter an altercation during docking," Hongjoong said sharply. Everyone snapped into action, getting into position to make sure everything went smoothly. San took over from Yunho who with Mingi went over to make sure the masts were all in check. Wooyoung and Yeosang shuffled back to stay out of the way while Seonghwa and Hongjoong kept an eye out on what was happening around them.
Before long they were docked in at the pier and were climbing down the ladder to hit land. Hongjoong went down before Wooyoung, keeping a close eye on him as he went down to make sure he didn't falter with his ankle. Thankfully he got down just fine and didn't slip. San was the one that required the most attention, everyone stressing about his burns but he got down just fine as well, as did Seonghwa.
"Alright guys, you all know your jobs for today. Yeosang, San and Wooyoung are going to get more medical supplies. Jongho and Mingi are going to get more food supplies. Wooyoung has written a list for you two so make sure you get everything that is on it. Yunho is going to scan for any new parts he wants for the ship and Seonghwa and I are going to just listen in to the gossip. We won't be heading out for at least another week though. I want everyone to meet up back here at no later than about 5 with everything already back on the ship ok," Hongjoong said.
"How about we meet up at 1 instead, for lunch. If we don't have everything then we can just keep looking after lunch," Yunho said.
"That sounds good. I'll see you all back here at 1," Hongjoong said with a nod. Everyone parted ways and Hongjoong kept close to Seonghwa.
"You ready to get some intel," he asked with a grin.
"Of course. I wonder if word has spread about the Ghost Pirates being gone," Seonghwa said as they walked through the streets.
"Someone will find them eventually. We left their ship with their bodies," Hongjoong said.
"I still can't believe we all made it out of there alive," Seonghwa said quietly. Hongjoong glanced over at him and gently pat his back before pulling away once again.
"We're skilled, I knew we could do it," Hongjoong said.
"I know you did. You always have faith in us," Seonghwa said softly.
"Come on, let's get hunting," Hongjoong said.
"This is so good," Mingi said happily as he bit into his sandwich.
"We seriously need to come to this place whenever we dock here," Yunho agreed, offering a bite of his to Wooyoung who eagerly took a bite.
"We can do that," Hongjoong said with a nod. The others all grinned happily before they continued to eat. It was quite calm and peaceful, though Hongjoong wouldn't exactly use those words considering Mingi and Wooyoung were very loud but it was relaxing because they were all together and weren't in any danger. Seonghwa smiled softly and slipped his hand into Hongjoong's under the table, giving it a gentle squeeze. Hongjoong squeezed back and continued eating. Seonghwa was finished eating so he was glanced around the streets to see if there was anything of interest. It was then that his eyes landed on a face that seemed familiar. He frowned and looked closer at the face before his eyes widened in shock. It was a face he hadn't seen in years and he thought that he was seeing a ghost.
"My god," he whispered. Hongjoong glanced over at him in confusion, seeing him staring off into the distance.
"What's wrong," he asked. Seonghwa didn't respond but he suddenly shot up from the table and rushed off.
"Seonghwa," Hongjoong yelped, jumping up and following him hurriedly. The others though not done with their food all followed, not wanting to be separated.
Seonghwa rushed through the streets, his eyes fixated on the person who was walking the opposite direction. He dodged through a few crowds before he was a few feet behind them.
"Oh my god," he gasped making them turn around. The minute Seonghwa saw his face close up he knew he wasn't seeing a ghost. He lunged forwards and hugged him tightly, making the boy freeze before Seonghwa pulled back with watery eyes. The other studied him for a few seconds before his eyes widened in recognition as his hands came up to cup Seonghwa's face.
"I thought you were dead," Seonghwa whispered. The man shook his head quickly.
'The ship was attacked with no survivors. I thought you were dead Seonghwa,' he signed.
"No, no they didn't hurt me. They um, they kept me alive and they took me in," Seonghwa said shakily, feeling tears form in his eyes.
'You're with ATEEZ? With the Pirate King,' the other signed.
"I am Zeke, I am. They saved me and they protected me," Seonghwa said with a wet chuckle as he nodded.
'They're crazy pirates and they're dangerous,' Zeke signed quickly and Seonghwa chuckled again.
"They're really harmless unless you hurt innocent people. If you're a good person then you have nothing to fear," Seonghwa said.
"But how are you still alive? Zeke I thought you died. I thought ATEEZ killed you because you associated with Vixon and they didn't know you were good," Seonghwa said, receiving a smile from Zeke.
'I ran away when they stopped at a Port about 3 days before that for an hour,' Zeke explained.
'I thought you died during the attack though. I felt so guilty for leaving you behind,' Zeke signed sadly.
"Well I'm ok. I'm just so thankful that you're still alive as well. I'm so happy," Seonghwa said, pulling Zeke into another tight hug. This time Zeke hugged him back just as tightly.
"I owe my life to you Zeke. I never would have made it through those years without you. I'm so glad you're alive," Seonghwa whispered, receiving a squeeze in return from Zeke. They remained hugging for a few more seconds before they finally pulled apart. Seonghwa was smiled but Zeke suddenly shifted uncomfortably.
"What's wrong," Seonghwa asked with a frown. Zeke shifted slightly again before nodding behind Seonghwa. Seonghwa turned around in confusion before giggling at what he saw. The boys were all standing a few meters away, Hongjoong at the front glaring angrily.
"Oh hey guys. Come here, come meet my friend," Seonghwa said, beckoning them over. They all walked over, Hongjoong pressing up against his back and wrapping an arm possessively around his waist, tugging him closer. Seonghwa blushed slightly at the possessive edge that he doesn't see a lot but grinned happily.
"Guys I want you to meet Zeke. He was my only ally on the Vixon and is the reason I survived long enough for you guys to save me," Seonghwa said. The others greeted Zek enthusiastically with a few hi's and waves. Hongjoong however continued to hug Seonghwa and placed a soft kiss to his neck. Zeke's eyes went wide at the action.
'The Pirate King is your boyfriend,' Zeke signed frantically.
"I am," Hongjoong said with a nod, moving to Seonghwa's side and removing his arm, except leaving one wrapped around Seonghwa's waist. Zeke and Seonghwa both startled in surprise.
"You know sign language," Seonghwa asked.
"Yes. Evident in how I just knew that he was saying the Pirate King is your boyfriend. Which is me and is also true," Hongjoong said.
"How did I not know you knew sign language," Seonghwa asked.
"Because it literally has never come up before," Hongjoong said with a shrug.
'You guys took Seonghwa in? You didn't kill him,' Zeke asked.
"No, we didn't kill him," Hongjoong said.
'Why,' Zeke asked.
"Because my crew is a bunch of softies and they saw he was hurt and wanted to help. It was obvious he was captive and not someone who was working with them," Hongjoong said.
"Hongjoong actually didn't want me on the ship and was going to kill me but these kids convinced him to let me stay. And now here we are almost three years later, a big happy family," Seonghwa said.
'I'm very happy for you. I'm glad you're doing ok,' Zeke signed happily.
"What about you, how's everything going for you. Are you doing ok," Seonghwa asked quickly.
'I'm good. I was going around doing odd jobs but about 6 months ago I got a permanent job. I'm an advisor for a pirate crew though this one is a lot better than our old one. They're young but they're nice and they're good people,' Zeke said.
"That's great, I'm so happy for you," Seonghwa said with a grin. Zeke smiled as well and held out his arms. Seonghwa moved into them and hugged him tightly once more.
"I'm so glad you're alive," he whispered again as they pulled back.
'I missed you. Hopefully we'll see each other more often,' Zeke signed.
"Definitely," Seonghwa said with a nod.
"Zeke, there you are." Everyone turned at the new voice, Hongjoong recognising them immediately.
"Hey, Jake isn't it," he said. The younger boys eyes widened as they landed on the others there.
"Holy shit. You guys defeated the Ghost Pirates. Oh my god, I just swore in front of the Pirate King," Jake gasped, slapping a hand over his mouth.
"You're fine. And yes, we did. Thanks to your help," Hongjoong said with a nod.
"Oh, we were more than happy to help," Jake said, blushing bashfully.
"Well it helped us tremendously. You guys always remember that we're here to help if you ever need it," Hongjoong said.
"We will. Also I see you guys met Zeke. He's our advisor and he's a great guy," Jake said, wrapping his arm around Zeke's shoulder. Zeke grinned happily and wrapped his arm around the others shoulder as well. Seonghwa was happy to see the smile on Zeke's face, something he didn't really see over the years on Vixon's ship.
"He really is great," he said softly.
"Well I'm stoked to see you all again but we have to go. I'm glad you all made it out alive and the others will be as well," Jake said, bowing down.
"It was good to see you again Zeke," Seonghwa said. Zeke nodded before slipping his hand into Jake's, the younger waving as they walked off.
"So who is Jake," Jongho asked.
"A crewmember from Enhypen, the crew that gave us the map and information about the Ghost Ship. They're young but they're good," Hongjoong said.
"Great, now we never got to finish our lunch so let's go get more food," Mingi said. Hongjoong chuckled but nodded, dropping his hand into Seonghwa's and linking their fingers. Seonghwa was caught off guard, knowing Hongjoong isn't usually the most keen to show off their relationship in new places like this island in case of people taking advantage but he appreciated it.
"I love you," Hongjoong whispered softly. Seonghwa smiled and squeezed Hongjoong's hand back. I love you too.
"The sky is so pretty," Seonghwa said softly as he and Hongjoong walked down the beach hand in hand, watching the sun slowly set over the horizon.
"I can think of prettier things," Hongjoong whispered as he stopped walking and turned to face Seonghwa. Seonghwa chuckled at the sickly sweet words but allowed Hongjoong to interlock both of their hands together firmly.
"I love you so much, you know that right," Hongjoong whispered.
"I do know that. You never fail to make me aware of just how much you love and cherish me," Seonghwa said softly, squeezing Hongjoong's hand.
"You're it for me. You're the love of my life, I will never find someone kinder, sweeter, more beautiful than you. Ever," Hongjoong said firmly. Seonghwa blushed at the smallers words.
"You're being very sentimental. I'm not going anywhere, promise. You're it for me as well. You can be stubborn and be a bit of a grump but I love that, I love you," Seonghwa whispered, leaning forwards and pecking Hongjoong's lips softly. Hongjoong's heart started racing, his palms feeling sweaty as he clasped them in Seonghwa's. Seonghwa noticed his nervousness and frowned in worry.
"Are you ok Joongie? You seem nervous," Seonghwa said.
"I just, I love you so much," Hongjoong said and Seonghwa nodded.
"I know that Hongjoong, you don't need to stress," Seonghwa assured him.
"Yeah, I just. Can you please do something for me my love," Hongjoong asked shakily. Seonghwa continued to frown in concern but nodded quickly.
"Of course I can," he said.
"Just close your eyes and face the ocean for me," Hongjoong said. Seonghwa was confused but complied, closing his eyes and turning to face the ocean. Hongjoong took a deep breath before slipping his hand into his pocket and pulling out the ring he had kept there. He shrugged off the coat and let it fall to the sand before fixing up his shirt and rolling up the cuffs a bit. He drew in a deep breath before kneeling down on one knee in front of Seonghwa and holding the ring up in his fingers.
"Ok, now open," he whispered. Seonghwa's eyes slipped open and he looked out across the water, smiling softly as he saw the sunset reflecting across the sea. The purple and pink was beautiful, so serene.
"Seonghwa, my love." Seonghwa's head snapped down and his eyes widened in shock at what he saw. Hongjoong was watching him nervously, his hand slightly shaking where he held the ring.
"Seongie you're it for me, I really mean that. I-I know we had a less than ideal start to our relationship but these past two years I have been the happiest I've ever been. Waking up to you ever day is the most amazing thing ever and I want to do it for the rest of my life. It's ok if you don't want to but if it's something you want, I would love it if you would marry me Park Seonghwa," Hongjoong said, shakily. Seonghwa's hands came up to cover his mouth as his eyes welled up with tears.
"Kim Hongjoong," he gasped. He placed his hand over his heart and let out a sniff, wiping his eyes.
"Baby, I'm going to need an answer because contrary to popular belief, kneeling down on grainy sand is not a good feeling at all," Hongjoong said, trying to be humorous when he was really just freaking out. Seonghwa chuckled and shook his head.
"You're an idiot. Of course I will marry you," Seonghwa said, chuckling wetly. Hongjoong let out a whoop of joy and jumped up, embracing Seonghwa tightly before kissing him happily. Seonghwa wrapped his arms around Hongjoong's neck and kissed him back, the kiss becoming wet as they were both crying with joy.
"W-Wait I need to put the ring on," Hongjoong said. Seonghwa chuckled and held out his hand, allowing Hongjoong to slip the finger onto his ring finger for marriage. Now both of his hands had symbolic rings from Hongjoong.
"I love you so much," Seonghwa whispered, pulling Hongjoong in for another kiss. They were kissing for a few seconds before they were interrupted by screams and rushed footsteps. They both turned just in time to be embraced by the rest of the crew.
"Our parents are getting married, they're getting married," Mingi said happily.
"I can't believe they're getting married," Wooyoung said with a happy clap.
"May I just point out that I gave Hongjoong the idea of how to propose. All me," San said with a smug grin.
"Hey, I was the one wanting to propose," Hongjoong said, rolling his eyes.
"You guys are going to look so good as husbands," Jongho said, patting their back.
"Hey, and we don't look good as boyfriends," Seonghwa said with a pout.
"You look good as anything. We look good as anything. As long as we're together we can do anything, Yunho said, wrapping his arms around Wooyoung and Yeosang. The others all took the hint and soon they were all in a circle with their arms wrapped around each other's shoulders.
"You've all done so well, beating the Ghost Pirates wasn't easy and I am so proud of all of you," Hongjoong said.
"Yeah, you guys did good," Yeosang said with a nod.
"Yeah, we all did," Jongho added.
"We're a family and we protect each other. We're going to keep protecting each other and together we can overcome anything," Seonghwa said, glancing around at the boys.
"Except maybe Mingi and splinters, he'll never overcome those," Wooyoung said, making everyone except Mingi laugh.
"Rude. Those things terrorise me on purpose," he said with a pout. Seonghwa laughed with the others, glancing around at them all. This is his family. He'll go to the ends of the earth with them if they wanted to go there. Their adventure of stopping the Ghost Pirates has ended but their next adventure waits just over the horizon...
Here you guys have it, the final chapter of ATEEZ Still Present! I made sure it was nice and fluffy with some fun moments for the final chapter.
Thank you to everyone who has stuck with this story and continued to read each chapter I put out, as well as those who have been following since when I first started writing ATEEZ Present, the first Book to this series.
How did you guys like the little surprise I put in for you, the returning of Zeke. I know a few people were hoping in the last book that he would still be alive and I was happy about that because I was planning to have him return.
Also Hongjoong and Seonghwa are now engaged together and their relationship is still growing and getting sweeter. And the others are just loving it.
Let me know your thoughts on this chapter or just this story in general. If you have the time I would love to hear about your top three moments in this story and why. If not, no stress.
One last thing as well. If I was to in future add another story to this series, what would you guys rather? Option 1: I continue on with the story from where it ended here and onto the next adventure. Or Option 2: I do a prequel, delving into the backstories of the boys and how they came together. (Also if you can, let me know why you picked which option and what you would like to see in it if I did choose to write another story)
Once again, thank you everyone for reading this story and for all your support throughout it!
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