- you were wearing his shorts and one of his shirts
- thinks you look good with his clothes on
- doesn't care if you wear his clothes, as long as it's not his exspensive clothes
- whenever you cuddle he gives you on of his shirts
" You look so good in my clothes, you should wear them more often "
- wearing one of his sweaters
- finds you adorable with sweater paws
- you hit him the sweater paws so he gets annoyed
- tries to take the sweater off of you
" Is that my sweater- ow! hey come back here! "
- your wearing one of his shirts
- his shirt is way to big on you so it almost looks like a dress
- makes you twirl in his shirt
- hugs you 24/7
" That shirt looks like a dress on you! Your so tiny "
- your were wearing one of his hoodies
- blushes so hard when he sees you walking around with his hoodie
- loves it when you roll the sleeves down to make sweater paws
- ruffle your hair
" You look so fluffy with my hoodie on "
- you were wearing one of his white t-shirts
- thinks your hot with his shirts
- arms wrapped around you waist
- can smell his cologne on you
" Damn baby, even you smell like me "
- one of his hoodies
- you look like a ghost when you put on the hoodie cause it covers your whole face and the hoodie is HUGE
- C U D D L E S
- takes so many pictures of you
" Ahhh- oh it's just you Y/N "
- one of his shirts
- secret photos that you didn't know he had of you in his shirts
- kisses you on the cheek because you look so adorable
- back hugs 24/7
" Let you go? Never "
- his boxers
- you thought they would be comfortable to wear around the house
- S H 👀 K
- tells you to take them off, but you refuse
" Are those my boxers?! "
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