Chapter 5
Seonghwa sat on the bed in the med bay as Yeosang looked him over, making sure that he didn't get hurt from the fall like Hongjoong did.
"How's your wrist feeling," Yeosang asked, checking over Seonghwa's braced wrist.
"It's fine. San and Hongjoong grabbed my other wrist," Seonghwa replied, lifting his arms and showing the bruising on his wrist. Yeosang pouted worriedly and grabbed his hand, checking over the bruises.
"Does it hurt," Yeosang asked him.
"Not really, it's only bruised. My shoulder is a little sore but no where near as bad as the Captain's," Seonghwa said with a sigh. Yeosang glanced up at the older medic and frowned.
"You can call him Hongjoong you know. We only call him Captain if we're in trouble or something, if he's giving us orders," Yeosang said.
"We aren't really on first name basis. Evident in how he calls me Park and not Seonghwa," Seonghwa said with a sigh.
"Ok, fair point. But you still don't need to call him Captain. Call him Kim or something," Yeosang said with a shrug.
"I'm gonna stick with Captain. I'd rather not give him more reasons to hate me," Seonghwa said with a sigh.
"Seonghwa he doesn't hate you, he just saved your life," Yeosang pointed out. He grabbed a cold pack from his chest and got it prepped, placing it on Seonghwa's wrist softly.
"I know and I'm thankful for that but he didn't do it for me, he did it for San," Seonghwa said quietly.
"Oh come on, give him more credit Seonghwa, he isn't that bad. I'm sure he-."
"He literally told me he only did it for Sannie," Seonghwa interrupted. Yeosang went quiet at that and sighed, thinking over his next words.
"Hongjoong just isn't good at showing emotion and it takes him a really long time to trust someone. He doesn't hate you, he's just wary of you still. He just needs to warm up to you more," Yeosang said softly.
"Fine, whatever," Seonghwa said with a shrug, holding the icepack on his wrist and leaning back against the wall.
"Can I ask you a question," Yeosang asked quietly.
"What is it," Seonghwa asked.
"San said you fell from the crows nest. How did you fall," Yeosang asked, nibbling his bottom lip nervously. Seonghwa frowned and drew his knees up to his chest slowly as he thought back to the fear he felt in that moment.
"I panicked and then I tripped," he said with a sigh.
"Are you scared of heights," Yeosang asked quickly.
"No, I'm not. Not that I know of anyway," Seonghwa said, shaking his head.
"Then what was it," Yeosang asked, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion. Seonghwa thought for a few seconds about the reason, glancing at Yeosang. He can trust him, he knows he can trust him.
"I um, I'm not a very good swimmer. Actually, that's a lie, I can't swim at all. Th-The old crew found out about it," Seonghwa said, pausing to take a deep breath and try to keep calm.
"Hey, you don't need to tell me if you don't want to," Yeosang said softly, noticing how uncomfortable Seonghwa seemed.
"No. No, I need to talk about this. Is, is this ok," Seonghwa asked quickly.
"Of course, you can tell me anything," Yeosang said with a reassuring nod.
"Um, they found out about me not being able to sw-swim. They had this sp-special little g-game they liked to play-." Seonghwa cut himself off as he took deep breaths to remain calm. Yeosang just remained patient and stayed quiet, allowing Seonghwa to tell him in his own time.
"Th-they would throw me o-overboard and w-wait for me to almost drown," Seonghwa whispered, his eyes welling up with tears before they overflowed and begun to fall. Yeosang's eyes widened and he gasped softly at his words.
"O-Only when I was s-seconds away from dr-drowning. Only th-then would they t-tie rope around me and dr-drag me up the side of the sh-ship," Seonghwa said, beginning to sob.
"It h-hurt every time and I h-hated it. I c-can't, I can't go in o-open water. I can't swim, I'm gonna-."
"Shh, I get it. It's ok," Yeosang interrupted quickly. He climbed onto the bed and hugged him tightly, allowing the older to curl into his side and cry into his shoulder. Seonghwa held him tightly and sobbed harshly into his shoulder. His body was shaking with each sob but Yeosang just held him tightly, consoled him gently.
The door opened suddenly and Wooyoung walked in, planning to check on Seonghwa, make sure he wasn't injured but he froze when he saw him crying into Yeosang's shoulder. He frowned worriedly and hurried over, climbing onto the bed.
"It's Wooyoung," he said softly, making sure his presence was known so it wouldn't scare Seonghwa. He came up behind Seonghwa and softly wrapped his arms around his waist. Seonghwa sniffled and leaned back slightly into the contact, not letting go of Yeosang.
"Are you ok? What's wrong," Wooyoung asked worriedly.
"He's just a little upset," Yeosang said softly.
"I can see that Sangie, he's crying. What I'm wondering, is why. Is he in pain," Wooyoung asked.
"I'm not in pain," Seonghwa sniffled.
"Then why are you crying," Wooyoung asked with a worried pout.
"Youngie, maybe don't push it," Yeosang said quickly.
"It's fine Yeo. I'm just a bit scared at the moment," Seonghwa whispered.
"Do you wanna talk about it? Or you know, talk about it again anyway," Wooyoung asked quietly.
"I don't wanna talk about it, but Yeo can tell you later. But, can it just stay between you two," Seonghwa asked quietly.
"Yeah, of course. I won't tell anyone," Wooyoung said with a nod.
"Neither will I," Yeosang said softly. Seonghwa smiled softly and tugged the two of them close into his side.
"Thank you," he whispered.
"No problem, whatever you need," Yeosang replied softly.
"You need to stop being an ass."
"You need to shut up."
"Hongjoong, he just reset your shoulder and you're still being an asshole," Yunho said with a frown.
"What part of me saving him from falling to his death and dislocating my shoulder in the process is me being an asshole," Hongjoong said with a frown. He was still propped up on his bed with his arm in a brace which meant it was easy for Yunho to corner him.
"Ok. So you saved his life, that means you don't hate him right? Which means you can stop being an asshole to him," Yunho pointed out. He doesn't understand why Hongjoong insists on being so rude to Seonghwa. He understood for the first few days, but it's been over 2 weeks now and he's still being so rude.
"I didn't save him because I liked him. I saved him because Sannie screamed and when I looked at him, I saw him more scared than I ever had. If Seonghwa slipped from San's arms, he would've been devastated. I knew I would get hurt, but I did it to protect San, not Park," Hongjoong said with a frown.
"Seriously Hongjoong. It's Seonghwa. You can't even call him by his first name," Yunho said with a frown.
"He hasn't earnt it," Hongjoong said with a shrug.
"No, Joong, that's not how it works. He hasn't done anything to deserve you hating him," Yunho said in annoyance.
"I never said I hate him. He just annoys me and we still don't know if he's going to hurt one of you," Hongjoong said.
"He hasn't hurt us Hongjoong, hasn't even seemed like he's going hurt us. He's just someone who was kidnapped by assholes and forced to look after them while he was locked up. He's not a bad person. If you actually took the time to realise that, then you'd know he isn't bad," Yunho said angrily.
"Just drop it Yunho," Hongjoong said with a frown. Yunho didn't want to drop it, he wanted to talk some sense into the Captain but he knew he couldn't push it any further.
"One day you'll realise how much of an ass you've been, and then you'll feel bad about it," Yunho said with a sigh, turning around and walking out of the room. Hongjoong groaned and ran his fingers through his hair, dropping his head against the wall with a dull thud. He just doesn't understand why they're pushing him so much. He doesn't like or trust Seonghwa, it's as simple as that.
San felt off, like weirdly off. He was at the helm, navigating like Hongjoong asked but he didn't feel right. His body was buzzing, his fingers twitching and his heart pounding. His mind felt numb and he was just staring blankly at the water in front of him, his hands walking on autopilot whenever he needed to adjust the ship. He sighed and dropped his head onto the wheel lightly, trying to calm himself down but it didn't help much, he still couldn't stand still. He glanced around to see if anyone was around but none of the boys were out and about near him. He nibbled his lips nervously and looked back out on the water. He knows this part of the sea like the back of his hand and he won't really need to adjust the ship for a few hours but Hongjoong said to navigate so he has to stay navigating. He thought back to what just happened. Seonghwa almost died, then Hongjoong was in danger and possibly could've died, then he actually got badly hurt but he just yelled at him before making sure he was ok. He's a horrible person. He almost got them killed because he wanted to have some fun and then he had the audacity to yell at his Captain who saved Seonghwa's life without question. He was stupid and reckless and now people are hurt because of it. His vision blurred slightly and he shook his head in confusion to try and clear it. It didn't help though so he quickly lifted his hand and rubbed his eyes. When he brought it back down, it was wet and he frowned. Why is it wet? He felt something trailing down his cheek and he wiped it quickly, his hand coming back wet once again. Oh, he's crying. His heartrate begun to quicken and he sniffled, the tears falling faster. He tried to focus back on the sea but his hands were shaking and he couldn't focus enough. He quickly let go of the helm and stepped back, bringing his shaking hands up to his face. He doesn't understand what's happening, why he's feeling this way. He feels like he's sinking, like he's sinking and there's nothing he can do to stop it. He stumbled back slightly, looking around quickly to try and see if anyone was there. He doesn't understand what's going on, but he knows he needs to find someone. He hurried down the steps and rand do the other side of the ship where the Captains quarters are. He quickly climbed up the steps and knocked on the door quickly.
"Go away Yunho. I already said I'm not changing my mind," Hongjoong called out. San paused, not knowing what he should do so he just stood there crying with his lower lip trembling.
"I know you're still there Yunho. Either come in or go away like I asked. Don't just stand outside and do nothing," Hongjoong called out again. He sounded annoyed and the tears begun to fall faster as his breathing picked up. He raised his hand to the doorknob, noticing it was shaking quite a bit. He grabbed the doorknob, slowly turned it and opened it, poking his head inside. Hongjoong glanced over and his eyes went wide as he saw San standing in the doorway with tears streaming down his face.
"I-I'm sorry if I'm in-interrupting I-I ju-."
"Sannie, come here," Hongjoong said quickly, cutting him off.
"It's ok, come here," Hongjoong said, sitting up more and lifting the cover for San. San whimpered but hurried forwards and crawled beside him. Hongjoong was instantly worried as he saw how distraught San seemed and he felt like such an idiot. San just went through something he would count as traumatic and he just shoved him off to navigate instead of checking in on him and making sure he was ok. San sat down and tensed, trying not to get too close even though he wanted to. Hongjoong noticed and quickly turned around, slipping his free arm around San's waist and pulling him close.
"Sannie, I need you to take deep breaths for me," Hongjoong said softly. San shook his head and choked slightly, finding it harder and harder to breathe. Hongjoong cursed and wrapped his arm tighter around his waist before heaving him up and into his lap. He turned San around slightly so he was sitting sideways in his lap, his good arm resting around San's back and leaving his injured arm as it was. San curled up and rested his head on his chest.
"I want you to listen to my heartbeat and try to match your breathing with mine ok," Hongjoong said.
"I-I can't. I'm s-sorry. I d-didn-."
"Don't stress, it's all ok. I want you to just take your time and try to breathe ok," Hongjoong said softly. Hongjoong moved his arm up to wrap around the back of San's head softly, holding it to his chest.
"Just listen and feel it ok, match my breathing," Hongjoong whispered. San closed his eyes, listening to the steady thump, thump of Hongjoong's heartbeat and feeling the rise and fall of his chest. It took a few minutes but Hongjoong waited patiently, listening as San's breathing slowed down and his cries came to a stop.
"That's it, you're ok," Hongjoong said softly. San sniffled once more and slipped his arms around Hongjoong's waist, clinging to him tightly. Hongjoong just stayed quiet, allowing San to get some comfort.
"M'sorry," San mumbled into his chest.
"You don't need be sorry Sannie, I should be. I am so sorry for not checking in on you after what happened," Hongjoong said softly.
"Wh-What," San questioned in confusion, lifting his head to look at the Captain.
"What happened scared you, a lot and I didn't even bother to think about that, I didn't even check to make sure you're ok," Hongjoong said guiltily.
"You, you aren't mad," San asked. Why is he apologizing when San was the one that caused everything to happen, caused him to get hurt.
"Of course not. Why would I be mad," Hongjoong asked in confusion.
"Because of what happened. I yelled at you when you were hurt," San said quietly, his eyes dropping to his lap.
"San, what happened isn't your fault and you had no idea I was hurt," Hongjoong said.
"I was the one who told Hwa to go up there and if I didn't then none of this would've happened," San said, his eyes glancing over at the brace around Hongjoong's arm. Hongjoong frowned at the use of a nickname for Seonghwa but brushed it off, more concerned for the younger.
"That is not your fault San. You couldn't have known he would be stupid enough to fall from up there," Hongjoong said.
"Are you sure? You aren't mad," San asked quietly. He looked small in Hongjoong's lap and he didn't like how unsure he looked.
"Of course not San. I promise you, you did nothing wrong," Hongjoong said firmly. San let out a breath of relief, dropping his head to the side and onto Hongjoong's shoulder.
"I'm really sorry Hongjoong, I don't know what happened. I was navigating like you asked me to but everything just felt off and then I started crying. I don't even know why I was crying and then I couldn't breathe, I just-."
"You were having a panic attack," Hongjoong interrupted gently.
"I was what," San asked in confusion.
"I told you to go navigate before you properly registered what had happened, before you knew everything was ok. You were scared, even if you knew we were going to be safe and you didn't get a chance to process it. I'm surprised it didn't happen sooner but when you were alone, it just sort of built up, the fear and anxiety of what happened and then it bubbled over," Hongjoong explained. San was quiet for a few seconds, thinking over what he said. It did actually sound an awful lot like what had happened.
"H-How do you know so much about it," San asked in surprise. Hongjoong chuckled and ruffled the youngers hair softly.
"My dad had a library on his ship and I used read the books he had there. One of them mentioned stuff like that," he explained. That made sense.
"How're you feeling now. Do you still have a bad feeling," Hongjoong asked softly, running his fingers through San's hair softly.
"No, I think I'm ok now," San said with a firm nod.
"Good. You should go relax now. You shouldn't need to be at the helm for a few hours and I'll get Yunho to cover the first half of your shift. I don't want you to burn out, especially after you just had a panic attack," Hongjoong said softly.
"Oh, I'm fine. I can go back and make sure we're on course," San said quickly.
"No San, you're relaxing until tonight. You may seem fine now but you're gonna crash sooner or later. I want you to go lie down for a bit ok, that's an order," Hongjoong said. San pouted but he nodded.
"Ok, I'll go and lie down once I leave," San replied quietly.
"How's um, how's your shoulder feeling," he added.
"Not too bad. It's still a little sore but nowhere near as bad as earlier. It's like I've just got a sore bruise," Hongjoong said.
"Can I ask a question," San asked slowly.
"I mean, that's what you're doing already so yeah," Hongjoong said with a nod.
"What made you do it," San asked him.
"Do what," Hongjoong asked in confusion.
"Save him and put yourself in danger to do it," San said quietly. Hongjoong frowned and shrugged.
"You were scared and if something happened to him, you would've been distraught," Hongjoong replied. San frowned and tilted his head in thought.
"That's not true and you know it," San said quietly. Hongjoong frowned and looked away.
"You claim to hate him but we both know you didn't save him for me," San said.
"And how exactly do we know that," Hongjoong asked tightly.
"Because the minute you heard me scream and you saw him hanging over that edge, you went into Captain mode and you were protecting your crew. Not just me, your crew," San said.
"He isn't a part of the crew," Hongjoong said instantly.
"But in that moment he was. You can hate him as much as you want but in that moment, you didn't have time to think about how I would feel. Your only thoughts were to protect your crew. Seonghwa was a part of your crew then," San said firmly.
"Why're we talking about this? I told you to go get some sleep," Hongjoong said with a frown. San knew he was trying to avoid the conversation, trying to deflect.
"You can deflect as much as you want but we both know why you did what you did. You can say you hate him as much as you want, but I have a feeling that one day, you're going to be good friends," San said.
"Yeah, and that will be the day hell freezes over. Now go get some sleep," Hongjoong said. San sighed but nodded, hugging him gently before slipping off the bed.
"You probably shouldn't move around too much, it will hurt your shoulder more," San said before turning around and leaving. Hongjoong sighed and laid down, letting his eyes slip closed. It isn't night time yet, but he's exhausted so he could use some rest.
San knows that Hongjoong said to get some rest, but he felt fine so instead, he decided to go to the kitchen where he knew Wooyoung would be cooking. Sure enough, the younger was making some soup. Wooyoung turned his head when he heard movement and smiled when he saw San walking over.
"Hi there. I thought you were supposed to be navigating still," Wooyoung said.
"The ship doesn't need to be adjusted for at least another few hours," San said with a shrug. Wooyoung nodded and went to turn back to the soup but doubled back and studied San's face.
"You've been crying. You tried to wipe away your tears and hide it, but I can tell," Wooyoung said with a frown. San internally cursed Wooyoung's ability to always know when he's upset.
"It's ok, I'm fine," he said quickly.
"What happened," Wooyoung asked, moving to stir the pot.
"Hongjoong said I had a panic attack," San said. Wooyoung cursed as his hand slipped and hit the side of the pot, spinning around and running his eyes worriedly over San.
"You had a panic attack," he exclaimed.
"I said I'm fine Youngie," San said, rolling his eyes.
"Is your hand ok," he added worriedly.
"Yeah, yeah, it doesn't matter. What does matter, is that you had a panic attack. How? What happened," Wooyoung asked.
"Hongjoong said I just didn't get the comfort and reassurance after what happened and the fear and anxiety built up until I panicked. He handled it though. I went to him and I he calmed me down, he knew what to do immediately," San reassured him. Wooyoung frowned before nodding and turning back to the pot.
"Are you sure you're ok," he asked.
"Yeah, I'm sure," San said firmly.
"Good," Wooyoung said with a nod.
"How's Seonghwa? Have you seen him," San asked.
"Yeah, I was with him before I came here. He was a bit upset to begin with but Sangie and I calmed him down and he's fine now," Wooyoung said. San sighed, feeling bad for what happened but glad that Seonghwa was doing ok.
"Hey, can you go down to storage and get some vegetables for the soup? We're out of them in all the cupboards up here," Wooyoung said, checking through the cupboards but finding nothing.
"Yeah, sure. I'll be back in a bit," San said with a nod. He turned around and left the kitchen, walking down to the storage area in the very back compartment of the ship. He opened the door and walked inside, walking through the pathway between the different boxes until he got to the food section. He checked the labels on the boxes until he finally found the fruit and vegetables box. He tugged it out and opened the lid, gagging instantly and backing away as he covered his nose. It took a few breaths to compose himself before holding his nose and looking back into the box. His stomach dropped and he groaned. The entire box was rotten, all of the fruits and vegetables. These fruits and vegetables and the container were specifically designed so they would last up to three months. It has been barely two since they were bought and stored. Something must've been rotting when they were bought or close to rotting and it went through the entire container. This is bad, this is really bad. They're supposed to last another month so they could get more when they made it to Port Arland. Wooyoung uses a lot of fruits and vegetables when he cooks.
"Crap," he explained. He spun around and ran out of the room, up the stairs and towards the bell on the deck, ringing it quickly. Barely a minute later and everyone began filing onto the deck, Hongjoong opening his door and stepping out, confusion evident in his eyes.
"San? What's going on," he asked with a frown.
"There's something we need to discuss and it's urgent," San said.
"I tell you to go to sleep and you have an urgent issue," he said with a sigh. San nibbled his lip nervously.
"It's serious," he said quietly. Hongjoong's eyes widened and he nodded, knowing the look in San's eyes to mean he was dead serious.
"What's going on? What's the meeting for," Jongho asked in confusion. He, Yunho and Mingi had been playing a game of cards when they heard the bell.
"San has something he wants to discuss," Hongjoong said. Wooyoung furrowed his eyebrows in confusion before they widened. He sent San to get vegetables and now there's an issue, that isn't good.
"So, what is it," Mingi asked. San nibbled his lip nervously before taking a deep breath.
"We need to stop at the nearest port, we can't wait until Port Arland," he said.
"What, why," Yeosang asked in confusion. They aren't supposed to be stopping anywhere for close to a month.
"Something happened with the food," Wooyoung groaned.
"What happened with the food," Hongjoong asked quickly. If there's an issue with their food supply then they definitely need to find the nearest port. He's not going to risk them getting sick or starving because they run out of food.
"All of the fruit and vegetables are rotten. The entire container that is supposed to last a month is inedible," San said.
"Shit, how the hell did that happen," Hongjoong asked quickly. That's worse than he expected.
"I'm not sure. I think maybe some of them were starting to go off when we got them and it's infected everything else," San said with a sigh.
"Wooyoung, I thought you checked them. It's your job to check the produce and make sure they're all ok and not contaminated," Hongjoong said, groaning in frustration.
"I highly doubt it's his fault Captain," Seonghwa said with a frown, noticing Wooyoung's crestfallen face.
"Shut up Park, I wasn't asking you," Hongjoong snapped in annoyance, making Seonghwa go silent. He did however, glance back at Wooyoung and noticed how upset he looked.
"But he's right, I highly doubt it's your fault. You always checked everything just as you're supposed to and you've never missed anything. Someone probably hid it so they could get rid of their produce. I shouldn't have said that," Hongjoong said, looking Wooyoung in the eye. Wooyoung smiled softly and nodded.
"Thank you Captain," he said quietly.
"So, what're we going to do now. How long can we last without the fruit and vegetables," Yunho asked.
"Wooyoung, how long," Hongjoong asked. Wooyoung took a deep breath and thought for a few seconds.
"No more than a week I'd say. We have enough food to get by but we need fruits and vegetables to stay healthy. If we're talking about food supply depleting, I'd say about two weeks tops before we need to restock," Wooyoung said.
"Good. Now San, where's the closest Ports we can go to and how long will it take to get there," Hongjoong asked. San thought for a few seconds, plotting where they were and the different paths that they can take.
"Judging that the weather stays ok and the wind isn't too against us, there's three ports that fit in the two week limit. There's Port Highland that's about four days away, but it's not really a great place to stop in. That's where all the gruesome and terrible crews go. Port Osburn is about weeks trip away and then Port Jaguar is thirteen days away," San listed.
"Very good. We're heading to Port Osburn. San, talk with Yunho and get him to adjust course, Jongho make sure our weapons are clean and ready to use in case and Wooyoung, make the healthiest meals you can make with what we have left," Hongjoong instructed.
"Ho-Captain, I can navigate," San said.
"Nope, absolutely not. You're going to lay down and get some rest like I told you to do earlier. Park, I want you stay with him and make sure he sleeps. Cuddle with him if he wants you to," Hongjoong said.
"Yes Captain," Seonghwa said with a nod. He doesn't appreciate how Hongjoong acts with him, but if San needs rest and he needs to be there then he will do it gladly.
"Alright, get to it everyone," Hongjoong said. It surprised Seonghwa how Hongjoong handled the issue. Sure he originally snapped at Wooyoung when he was stressed, but he apologised the minute he realised and he dealt with it easily. He listened to his crew on their suggested courses of action and chose the best one. That's what a Captain is supposed to do. He may not like Hongjoong very much, but he's starting to see what the boys all say about him being a good Captain for them.
Here is Chapter 5 everyone, I hope you enjoyed it
Poor Sannie got a bit scared, but luckily Hongjoong was there to look after his crew
What do you think might happen now that there's a problem with the food?
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