Chapter 2
After assessing all of the mysterious boys' injuries, Yeosang was glad that he had convinced Hongjoong not to throw him overboard. The poor guy had bruises scattered all over his body, a fractured wrist, a shallow but long cut along his side and looked like he hadn't eaten in weeks. Yeosang had never seen someone in a worse state than this person. How could someone do this to another person? To one of their crew? The poor boy looked like he was beaten regularly and judging from the bags under his eyes, he didn't sleep much to top it off. Yeosang put a splint on his wrist, disinfected and stitched the cut closed and put a special cream on every bruise he could find. To be honest, judging from the state he is in, it would be a wonder if he even woke up, his body might just decide it had enough and give up.
"Youngie," Yeosang said, gaining the attention of the boy in the corner who was twirling his dagger.
"What's wrong? You ok," Wooyoung asked, sitting up quickly, his eyes scanning over Yeosang to make sure nothing was wrong.
"Yeah, I'm fine but his wrist is broken and in a splint,, can we get rid of the chain please," Yeosang asked him.
"Absolutely not. He could be dange-."
"Wooyoung he's been beaten. And he's been starved and probably hasn't slept properly in months, judging from the eyebags. It would be a miracle if he even wakes up from this, so please just take it off. At least the one on his hurt wrist. For me Youngie," Yeosang pleaded. Wooyoung's eyes shifted over to the boy in the bed, running over Yeosang's words. If what Yeosang said is true, which it will be because Yeosang is a good medic, then this poor guy has been through a lot. He actually feels a little bad for punching him, but he still can't let his guard down completely. However, he can give him this small courtesy. He stood up quickly and walked over, pulling a key from his pocket and leaning over, delicately unlocking the chain on his right wrist, placing his hand down on the bed.
"The other one is staying on Sang, just in case," Wooyoung told him.
"Thank you," Yeosang said quietly, thankful that he listened for once.
"I only do this to protect you, you know," Wooyoung said quietly, wrapping his arm around the blond's shoulder.
"I know. But you realise I can fight right? Not as well as you, but I can still protect myself," Yeosang said softly, turning into Wooyoung's side and wrapping both arms around him, resting his head on his shoulder.
"Still never going to stop protecting you," Wooyoung said with a half shrug, making Yeosang chuckle.
"Whatever. You stay here and keep an eye on him while I go talk to the Captain," Yeosang said, pulling away.
"Don't worry, I'll be fine," Wooyoung said with a grin, swirling his dagger.
"No. Dagger here, now," Yeosang said, holding out his hand. Wooyoung frowned and raised an eyebrow up at him. Yeosang just stood his ground and glared until Wooyoung relented and held out the dagger. Yeosang snatched it from him quickly and left the room, leaving Wooyoung to watch over the boy, knowing full well he had a second dagger in his boot for protection. Yeosang walked quickly onto the main deck and made his way over to the captains' quarters. He paused by the door and decided to knock, knowing Hongjoong was supposed to be deciding a punishment for Mingi. It was quiet for a few seconds before there was a soft 'come in' and he opened the door stepping inside. He scanned the room before his eyes landed on a teary-eyed Mingi who was laying on the bed, curled into Hongjoong's side as the Captain sat against the wall and held him. Hongjoong seemed indifferent but Yeosang knew he was doing what he could to comfort Mingi. Hongjoong isn't always the one that's up for physical contact but they get away with small things occasionally. Contact like this, he only let's go when he's looking after one of the crewmembers.
When Mingi first came in, Hongjoong had fully intended to scold him and think of a proper punishment for him, like perhaps extra night lookouts for a week. That all went down the drain immediately as the minute Mingi stepped into his quarters, he burst into tears and apologised profusely. Punishments aren't to just punish someone for doing something wrong, they are to teach them not to repeat those actions again. It was clear from the look of guilt in Mingi's eyes and the way he was crying that he knew it was wrong and he wouldn't be doing it again. Plus, in the 4 years Mingi has been on Hongjoong's crew, this is one of the first times he's ever gone against his orders and the very first time he's been the first one to speak up. So Hongjoong pulled the younger boy over to his bed and sat down, allowing Mingi to cuddle him closely to calm down and be reassured he wasn't mad about him.
"I-I can come back another time," Yeosang said quietly.
"Just come sit down and tell me what you know Yeosang," Hongjoong said. There's no point holding this off and he would like to know how much danger he has put his crew in by letting this person stay on board. Yeosang nodded and went over to the chair by the desk to sit down.
"Give me the rundown," Hongjoong said.
"I did a full assessment on him to see all of his injuries and it's not great. He has a fractured wrist and a cut along his side, so I put a brace on his wrist and stitched up his cut. He is severely malnourished, and it looks like he hasn't eaten properly for months. He has deep eyebags under his eyes which tells me that he hasn't slept properly in weeks. And to top everything off, he has bruises all over his body and they're different colours which means some are old and some are new," Yeosang said. Hongjoong's face remained passive as he took in the information but Mingi started crying again. He knew something was wrong, he knew they couldn't just leave him to die.
"S-See C-Captain. He needs h-help," Mingi cried, looking up at him through his tears.
"Shh, don't cry. You don't need to call me Captain right now Min," Hongjoong said, using his coat to brush away some of the youngers tears.
"We need to h-help him," Mingi sniffled. Hongjoong frowned slightly and sighed, glancing over at Yeosang whose eyes were focused on him.
"We still know nothing about him, so we don't know how he ended up like this. For all we know he could've just been getting into fights and hurting others just as much as they hurt him. For now, I want you to keep him chained up and keep an eye on him at all times. Come and get me when he wakes up and I will figure out how to proceed from there," Hongjoong said.
"But Hongjoong, he might not even wake up. His body is too tired, we can at least make him a bit more comfortable," Yeosang pleaded.
"No Yeosang. This is my final decision and you will abide by it, you understand me," Hongjoong said firmly. Yeosang pouted slightly and looked down, nodding in affirmation. What the Captain says, goes. It's already pushing it that they got Hongjoong to keep the boy on the ship in the first place. Hongjoong sighed and deflated a little. He doesn't like having to be this stern with the boys and having to go against what they want but as the Captain, it's his duty to keep his crew safe.
"Thank you Sangie," he said softly. Yeosang just looked up and nodded again before standing.
"I'm going to go back down and keep an eye on him. Wooyoung's watching him at the moment but I don't know how much I trust him," Yeosang said.
"Very well," Hongjoong said, nodding in dismissal. Yeosang left the room and Hongjoong sighed, pulling Mingi closer to him.
Yeosang left the room and was going to go down to the med bay straight away, but he decided to pay San a visit first. He walked over to the helm where San was standing, looking out over the water. San turned around when he heard footsteps and smiled softly when he saw Yeosang walk up.
"Everything ok," he asked softly, holding out his arm and beckoning Yeosang over. Yeosang smiled and walked over, snuggling up to his side.
"You should put on some more layers Sannie. The sun is almost down and it's going to get colder, I don't want you to get a cold," Yeosang said quietly.
"I'll be fine," San said with a soft chuckle.
"As the ships medic, that's an order," Yeosang said with a frown.
"You're cute when you try to be demanding," San said. He noticed they were drifting off course, so he kept one arm around Yeosang and used the other to steer the ship back on course.
"I'm not being demanding; I'm stopping you from getting sick and therefor stopping me from having to do extra work looking after you. When you're sick, you get even more clingy then usual and you get emotional which means I'm stuck having to stay with you 24-7," Yeosang pointed out. San blushed in embarrassment, knowing what he said was true as it's happened before.
"I'll get Jongho to grab me one when he comes out in a bit," San resigned.
"Good. I'm going to go back to my patient to make sure Wooyoung hasn't done anything," Yeosang said with a sigh, pulling away from San. He turned around and started to walk down the steps before pausing when he heard a whine. He turned around with a raised eyebrow, seeing San pouting at him. San scrunched up his nose before ducking his head down, hoping Yeosang would get the hint. Yeosang chuckled softly before walking back, lifting his hand to pat San's head softly.
"Keep us on course Sannie," he said softly before pulling back again. San grinned, giving a little happy shiver at the contact.
"Love you Yeosangie," he singsonged.
"I love you too, now pay attention before you crash the ship," Yeosang said.
"We're in the open sea Sang, there's nothing to crash into," San pointed out.
"It's you Sannie," Yeosang shrugged before finally walking off. He walked back down below deck and over to the med bay. Wooyoung glanced up from where he was sitting in the corner of the room again to see Yeosang walking in.
"He still alive," Yeosang asked him.
"I guess. What did the Cap say," Wooyoung asked.
"He needs to remain chained up, but he can stay," Yeosang said with a sigh.
"Good. I'm going to head out and start cooking so we can have dinner tonight. Let's go," Wooyoung said.
"No, I'm, I'm gonna stay here, keep an eye on him for a bit," Yeosang said, glancing back over at the boy in the bed.
"Sang, I don't want you alone with him," Wooyoung said with a frown. He doesn't care if he's bruised and unconscious, there's still no way to know what could happen.
"Wooyoung, he is unconscious. How do you not understand that," Yeosang groaned.
"I'm gonna get Jongho to come down here and keep an eye on you. I'll bring your food down when it's done," Wooyoung said, leaving the room quickly and with no room for argument. Yeosang sighed and ran his fingers through his hair in annoyance. He understands that the crew they killed were very bad people, but this person looks like a victim as well. He doesn't understand why Wooyoung and Hongjoong are so uptight and angry with them. He sighed and moved over to the bed, reaching out to brush the hair from the others forehead. His hair was quite long, longer than Hongjoong's so it covered his face a bit. Despite the dirt and grime on his face, Yeosang thought he would actually be quite handsome. He sighed before turning around and grabbing a cloth from his bench, wetting it before ringing it out. He went back to the boy and used the cloth to wipe as much of the dirt and grime off his face as he could. He frowned slightly when the back of his hand brushed against their forehead. He quickly chucked the cloth away and wiped his hand before placing it properly against their forehead. They were burning up, badly.
"Shit," he gasped, grabbing the sheets and pulling them back, off of the boy so he wouldn't overheat. He grabbed out cold packs from he is draws and quickly made sure they were cold enough before placing them under the boy's knees, under the small of his back and the back of his neck. Then he grabbed the cloth again and dipped it in some cold water before wiping the boys face with it. When doing the earlier assessment, he had to remove the shirt he had and replaced it with a button up. Yeosang undid those buttons an pulled the shirt apart so he could rub down his chest and try to get his temperature down more. The door opened and Yeosang looked over to see Jongho walking in. Jongho paused when he saw what Yeosang was doing.
"What's wrong," he asked, walking over.
"He has a high fever, I'm trying to bring it down," Yeosang replied quickly. Jongho nodded and walked over to the bench, grabbing a cloth and wetting it before joining Yeosang's side and running the cloth over the unconscious boys' torso. Yeosang glanced up in surprised before smiling softly.
"Didn't Wooyoung send you here to keep me away from him, not encourage me to get close to him," Yeosang said.
"I'm curious about this one now. I want him to wake up so I can see if you and Mingi are right about him. Prove Hongjoong and Wooyoung wrong," Jongho said with a shrug.
"I don't know if he is going to wake up Jongho. His body is weak, I mean you can see his ribs and the bruises. It's up to him, if he's a fighter he'll wake up but if he's had enough, he won't make it," Yeosang said with a sigh.
"That's depressing," Jongho said quietly.
"It's life," Yeosang said with a sigh.
"Well I think he's a fighter. I believe he's gonna wake up," Jongho said firmly. Yeosang sighed and nodded, glancing back at the boys' face.
"I hope so. I wanna meet him, find out if he really is a good person," Yeosang said quietly. He wants to find out what this person is really like.
Yeosang managed to get his fever down and was able to get rid of the cold packs and lay a light blanket over his body. Jongho left later to have dinner and Wooyoung joined Yeosang with some soup to eat. Once dinner was done, San stopped by to say hello and took their dishes back to the kitchen. As the ships cook, Wooyoung usually cooks their meals and cleans the dishes but Mingi volunteered to because Wooyoung wanted to stay with Yeosang.
"We should get some sleep Yeosang, it's late," Wooyoung said quietly.
"I'm staying here tonight, to keep an eye on him," Yeosang said. Wooyoung clenched his jaw, his grip on his dagger tightening. He wanted to yell at his friend and tell him to be more wary, to take more precautions because what he's doing is stupid, but he knows he can't do that. Yeosang is a good person who always tries to see the best in people.
"We sleep in the corner then. Grab your chair and pull it over," he said. Yeosang grinned and grabbed his chair, dragging it back to beside the chair Wooyoung was sitting in. Wooyoung yawned and stretched out, tugging Yeosang's chair closer. Yeosang sat down and watched as Wooyoung curled close to him, resting his head on his shoulder.
"Sangie," Wooyoung said quietly.
"Yeah," Yeosang hummed.
"I love you, you know that right," Wooyoung whispered.
"Of course I do," Yeosang replied.
"Good. Because that's why I look out for you, because I don't want to see you get hurt," Wooyoung said.
"I know that Woo. It's the same with everyone on this ship, we all care for each other. But people get hurt sometimes, you get hurt sometimes. Do you know how many times I've had to stitch your wounds? I mean you almost died once when you were stabbed and I had to stitch you back together, to save your life while everyone was stressing out and crying or yelling," Yeosang pointed out. Wooyoung felt guilty and went quiet, slipping his hand into Yeosang's and squeezing.
"I'm sorry," he said quietly.
"I know that as well. I'm not trying to make you guilty; I'm just trying to point out that being a pirate is a dangerous occupation," Yeosang said quickly. Wooyoung sighed but nodded.
"I know," he whispered. Yeosang glanced down at the younger boy cuddled up beside him and sighed softly.
"You should get some rest, you had a long day," he said gently, grabbing the dagger from Wooyoung's hand and placing it beside him on the chair. Wooyoung whined and grabbed the dagger, tucking it into it's place in his pants. He then cuddled closer to Yeosang and let his eyes slip closed.
"If anything happens, wake me up and I'll look after you," he mumbled softly.
"Will do," Yeosang said, running his fingers through Wooyoung's hair to calm him down. He knows he won't need to wake Wooyoung because nothing bad will happen. Nothing bad can happen with the state that he's in. Yeosang waited, just running his fingers through Wooyoung's hair until he felt him go completely lax against him, a tell-tale sign he had slipped into the land of sleep. Yeosang held his breath and slowly pulled his hand from Wooyoung's, glancing at his face to make sure he was still asleep. He then pulled the small pillow out from behind himself and cupped Wooyoung's head, removing it from his shoulder and gently turning it to the other side, propping his head against the pillow and wall. He stood up and took a step back slowly, letting go of Wooyoung and waiting with bated breath to see if he would remain asleep. He did, not even moving a muscle as he continued to sleep soundly. Yeosang giggled quietly to himself. Not much can wake Jung Wooyoung once he falls asleep. The only things being a feeling of danger or the, the screams of someone having a nightmare. He sighed softly and turned around to look at the boy chained to the bed. Wooyoung and Hongjoong have told him to stay away from him but he knows he's harmless. He doesn't know what they've been through but putting together everything he knows and what Mingi said, they probably haven't been treated well for quite some time. If he was in that situation, he would want some reassurance that he wasn't alone, that someone was going to look after him, even if it is just a stranger. Yeosang grabbed his chair a picked it up, moving it over and quietly placing it down beside the bed. He glanced back over at Wooyoung to make sure he was still sleeping before taking a deep breath and gently reaching out. The chain was connected to the boy's wrist and attatched underneath the bed. He bit his lip nervously before gently placing his hand in the boys, curling it around softly. He felt it twitch in his hand and he quickly looked over at the boy. His eyes were still closed, no sign of waking up but his head turned to the side and his hand clutched at Yeosang's tightly. It was at that moment that Yeosang thought about something he read when he was younger. It was a story, and someone was hurt and wouldn't wake up. They were done fighting to survive but having someone close to them help them subconsciously want to get better. Yeosang glanced back at Wooyoung before squeezing the hand and reaching out with his other hand and beginning to run his fingers through the boy's hair like he did with Wooyoung's. His hair was grimy and dirty, most likely not washed for quite some time but Yeosang didn't care. He noticed that the boys breathing picked up a little and sounded more stable. He smiled happily and linked his fingers, holding tightly. Wooyoung is going to kill him if he finds out but he's only going to do it for an hour or two and then he'll go back to Wooyoung.
Seonghwa felt weird, like he was in some sort of limbo. He was asleep, but it didn't feel like a normal sleep. He doesn't know how long he was like that for, but eventually he felt himself waking up and he managed to peel his eyes open. He closed them quickly as there was a bright light that overwhelmed him slightly. The next time he opened them, he did it slowly, getting used to the light. He blinked a few times and looked out the window, recognising the sun to only be half risen. His body was aching, it's always aching but for some reason it wasn't aching as bad as usual. He went to lift his right arm but winced when a pain shot through his wrist. Right, he will probably need to check that out. He glanced down and frowned in confusion at what he saw. Since when has anyone on the ship been able to brace a broken bone or even know it was broken? He got even more confused when he noticed the sheets on the bed. The bed that was actually really soft, not just a large piece of wood. This is, weird. He went to lift up his other hand to sit up, but he froze and his eyes went wide as he felt a resistance. A large, warm, soft resistance. He turned his head sharply, his breath catching in his throat at what he saw. There was someone beside the bed, someone he didn't recognise at all. They had blond hair, clean blond hair that looked like it was washed regularly. Seonghwa couldn't see their face, given their head was resting on the side of the bed and he was sleeping. What really had Seonghwa's heart speeding up was the fact that their hands were intertwined tightly together. Seonghwa's first thought was to panic, to attack them while they were vulnerable and protect himself, but something made him stop. This person, whoever they are were holding his hand. They weren't hurting him; they were almost comforting him. Seonghwa furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, not really understanding what was happening. He looked around the room to try and get a better idea of what was going on and his eyes landed on another person in the corner. The person had black hair at the top and blond down the bottom. He recognised that person and it was then that the previous events came back. His ship was invaded, and he was going to drown but the other crew came and found him. He went to attack one but failed and then everything went black. He looked around and realised he must be on the other ship now, in a medical room. He glanced back down at the boy with his hand clutching his. He must be a medic or something, the person who braced his wrist and no doubt tended to his other injuries as the pain he's been feeling for years has dulled a bit. He just doesn't understand why he's holding his hand. Shouldn't he be locked up? Shouldn't they be attacking him or just letting him die. He doesn't know why but instead of trying to get out, to escape, he stayed silent and allowed the boy to hold his hand. He didn't want to wake him up if he really did help him and he didn't have the energy to try and get away anyway. He's done. If they try to kill him, he'll let them, if they just want a new plaything, he'll jump overboard, it's as simple as that. Whatever happens, happens. He just stayed as he was, enjoying the first time in three years that he's had an adequate rest on a comfortable bed and isn't currently in the threat of being hurt. I mean he probably will eventually, but for now he'll take what he can get.
Wooyoung yawned quietly as he begun to wake up and reach out for Yeosang beside him. He froze when his hand connected to the wall and not Yeosang. His eyes snapped open and he jumped up, his hand instantly slipping his dagger from his pants. He spun around and his eyes landed on the bed where the boy from the other ship was laying. When he looked there though, his eyes met another set of brown one. He froze and his eyes went wide as he realised the boy had woken up. His eyes scanned down, and they widened even more when they landed on the sleeping form Yeosang. The medic was leaning on the bed, his head resting on it and his hand clutching the chained hand of the other boy. Fear shot through his veins at the realisation that Yeosang was asleep and vulnerable, right beside someone who could most likely hurt him easily and who also has a hand unchained.
"If you so much as lift a finger to try and hurt him, you will be dead in an instant," Wooyoung said, his voice icy. Seonghwa's eyes widened slightly at the threat but he was also confused. He threatened to kill him if he tried to hurt the person on the bed but why? The old crew he had wouldn't care about something like that. They'd probably kill him anyway or beat him and they wouldn't care about the other person. But this short, multicoloured hair person cares about the blond and he isn't rushing over to hurt him now that he's finally woken up, he's only threatening to if he hurts the blond.
"I'm not going to hurt him," Seonghwa said quietly. Wooyoung was surprised he was talking to him, but as long as he doesn't hurt Yeosang, it's ok. He kept his eyes trained on the boy's hand but made sure not to jump into action too quickly. Seonghwa noticed the other boys' hesitance and wariness and it was odd to see such clear protectiveness on someone. It's only been 3 years, but it feels like so long ago.
"He's a medic, right? I mean you don't really strike me as the medic type, no offense," Seonghwa said quietly. Wooyoung shifted his dagger slightly, contemplating whether he should say anything.
"He's the one that insisted on patching you up," Wooyoung said.
"I'm not going to hurt him," Seonghwa said quietly, wanting to reassure him. If he doesn't see him as a threat, then perhaps he'll be easier on him later once his friend is gone.
"You said that, but that doesn't mean I'm just going to trust you," Wooyoung said with a frown.
"Well, my wrist is kind of broken and my other hand is occupied," Seonghwa pointed out.
"Why exactly is it occupied," he added in confusion. Wooyoung glanced down at his friend and where he was holding the others hand, letting out a sigh.
"Because our medic is apparently too soft and doesn't understand self-protection," he replied.
"Does he do this with every stranger he meets," Seonghwa asked. He doesn't know this boy but even without properly meeting him, he can tell he's a pretty good pirate. Well, the best pirate he's ever seen probably.
"He doesn't get the chance really. We don't usually end up with other people on our ship. Our Captain doesn't like risking more danger for us," Wooyoung said. Seonghwa frowned in confusion, tilting his head to the side slightly.
"Then why am I here," he asked. Wooyoung watched the boy closely, analysing him and trying to find any sort of indication that he was going to try and hurt one of them. Hongjoong probably wants to be the one to interrogate him but Wooyoung's starting to understand what Yeosang and Mingi were saying. Wooyoung is good at judging people by looking into their eyes. The eyes are the window to the soul and Wooyoung is good at looking through them. When he looked into the eyes of the pirates, he fought the day before, he just saw anger, chaos and aggression. Looking into this boys' eyes, he saw pain, suffering and a little bit of hope.
"After I knocked you out, Mingi, the person you tried to attack, he carried you back onto the ship. Our Captain wanted to throw you overboard but Mingi refused-."
"He died to keep me here," Seonghwa asked in shock. Everyone knows you don't disobey the order of the Captain.
"What? No. No, Mingi is fine. Captain was going to punish him but then he decided against it because Mingi was so upset about it. He's never really gone against orders, so he felt bad," Wooyoung said. He was confused as to why the other thought Mingi would be dead.
"Why'd you think he was dead," he asked.
"Oh, um. He went against the Captain's order, doesn't that mean the Captain kills him," Seonghwa asked slowly.
"No, never. The Captains main priority is the crew's safety. The worst he would do is punish him by giving him extra night watch duties or something," Wooyoung said incredulously.
"D-Did your Captain do that," he asked. He saw the other immediately draw in on himself slightly, as best as he could when his hand was currently trapped in Yeosang's and it worried him. Seonghwa's mind went back to the crew on the ship, to how the Captain had sliced someone's throat because they didn't want to attack a small village. He remembers it vividly as that was the day that he beaten until he couldn't move. The Captain was in a very bad mood.
"Did you guys help me so I can become your new plaything," Seonghwa asked quietly, trying to keep his voice from shaking but he thinks he failed. He just needs to know. He needs to know so he doesn't get his hopes up, so he doesn't begin to think that holding his hand for comfort in his sleep isn't going to be the new norm. Wooyoung was shocked speechless at his words. Their new plaything? As in someone they can kick around, can beat whenever they want? Is that what his old crew did? Is that why he has so many bruises? Holy shit, Yeosang and Mingi were right about everything! Wooyoung relaxed and gave him a soft smile, pocketing his dagger.
"I'm Jung Wooyoung, it's a pleasure to meet you," he said. Seonghwa blinked owlishly, opening and closing his mouth in shock. Does that mean he isn't going to hurt him? He's smiling and he got rid of his weapon. That's good right?
"P-Park Seonghwa," he replied quietly.
"Nice to meet you Park Seonghwa. I'm the cook for this ship, so anything you eat is prepared by me. The soft sleepyhead on your bed holding your hand right now is Kang Yeosang, our medic. He's also my best friend so I will warn you, if you hurt him, I will kill you," Wooyoung said. Seonghwa's eyes widened again and he nodded quickly. So, if he wants to survive, definitely do not touch the blond.
"I-I don't mean to scare you because you seem ok but I'm very protective of my best friend," Wooyoung added quickly, noticing the worry in Seonghwa's eyes.
"That's ok. I had a friend back home that I was protective over, when I was younger," Seonghwa said quietly. Wooyoung walked over and sat down on the end of the bed patting his hand down on Seonghwa's ankle. Seonghwa flinched initially, not knowing what he was doing but settled down when he realised, he was just patting his leg. Wooyoung noticed the flinch and frowned worriedly.
"I know you don't know me at all but I'm not going to hurt you, I promise. The only reason I would hurt you is if you try to hurt one of us. We only hurt bad people and you don't seem so bad to me," Wooyoung said softly.
"B-But you don't know me either. How do you know I'm good? I could be a heartless murderer or something," Seonghwa said. Wooyoung chuckled softly.
"The minute you came onto this ship, I had my dagger at the ready to kill you. I wouldn't let Yeosang stay here alone so I slept here. I wouldn't let my guard down if I wasn't sure," Wooyoung told him.
"But how do you know," Seonghwa asked. He doesn't understand how Wooyoung can trust him so easily, he hasn't even done anything.
"It's in your eyes. I can see it in your eyes," Wooyoung said. Seonghwa went quiet at that, glancing down at the boy holding his hand, Yeosang.
"Seonghwa look at me," Wooyoung said quietly. Seonghwa glanced up at him nervously, relaxing when he saw the gentle look in his eyes. It was so much different from the cold, angry looks he had received earlier.
"We don't know you yet, so the crew will be wary, our Captain will be very, very cautious and probably scary but you have nothing to worry about. If you're a good person and you don't do anything wrong, you have nothing to worry about. You won't be our plaything ever, that I can promise. And we won't hurt you unless you do something wrong," Wooyoung promised. Seonghwa let out a small breath of relief that he'd be fine, at least for now. He can have some hope, he can hope that being taken by these people is going to be a good thing and not lead to more pain. He just has to hope and pray.
Here is chapter 2 everyone, I hope you enjoyed it
Let me know what you think
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