Chapter 15
Trigger Warning
Same as last chapter basically, violence, blood, injuries, death
Seonghwa managed to fight off the Crusader, kicking him to the floor and spinning back to check on Hongjoong. His heart stopped and it felt like time slowed as he saw the other Captain grab Hongjoong's shirt and yank him up, dangling him over the edge of the ship. The Captain begun to raise his sword and Seonghwa sprinted. The only thought that were running through his head were to protect Hongjoong and stop the man from killing him. He ran as fast as he could, the sword coming down and almost hitting Hongjoong but before it could, Seonghwa pitched himself forwards and spear tackled the Captain. He heard a yelp and the two of them smashed into the deck. He sword flew from his hands and slid across the deck, too far to reach. The Captain was clearly caught off-guard and he dropped his weapons as well. Seonghwa glanced to his right and saw a familiar sword with a black handle. Hongjoong's sword. He lunged forwards and grabbed it, jumping to his feet just as the other Captain did, having his own sword in hand. The staff was gone however and that levelled the playing field. Well, slightly. Seonghwa's never killed anyone before, but he promised to protect Hongjoong and that's what his going to do.
"Well, well, well, another poor soul who thinks they can beat me. You stupid, weak Captain couldn't beat me, you certainly don't stand a chance," the Captain said. He moved forwards quickly, swinging the sword with an anger and ferocity he didn't know he possessed. The Captain moved as well and the swords met with a clash. Seonghwa put all of his focus on modelling what Hongjoong had taught him, using his moves and staying quick on his feet.
"It's so much more fun when they fight back," the Captain said. Seonghwa growled angrily and continued to fight. He blocked every blow from the Captain, analysing his movements to try and find an opening, a slip up. He needs to check on Hongjoong, make sure he's ok. He's opening came when the other Captain got too cocky, chuckling arrogantly as his movements got sloppier. It was clear that he thought he was going to easily beat Seonghwa, a mere crewmate. Arrogance will be his downfall. It was around a minute later that Seonghwa found his opening. The Captain raised his sword just a little too much, exposing his entire torso and Seonghwa took his chance. He swiftly lowered the sword and jabbed it straight into the mans chest, right into his heart. The Captain froze, his mouth opening wide in a silent scream, the sword dropping from his hand and clattering to the deck with a loud sound. Seonghwa held the sword tightly and reached his hand out wrapping it around the mans shoulder. Seonghwa smirked, his eyes narrowing and his head tilting to the side slightly as he bent down to face the Captain. The man looked shocked, confused. Seonghwa's grin widened and he leaned forwards, placing his lips beside his ear.
"You got too cocky asshole. You should know never to underestimate your enemy, especially if you nothing about them," Seonghwa whispered before leaning back.
"Wh-Who a-are you," the man coughed out, blood dripping from the corner of his mouth.
"I'm Park Seonghwa and you fucked with the wrong crew," Seonghwa said before tightening his grip on the mans shoulder and driving the sword further into his chest. The man coughed and a bunch of blood spewed from his mouth. The light slowly left the mans eyes and Seonghwa pulled the sword out of his body and he dropped to the floor. Seonghwa spun around to go help Hongjoong but froze when he was nowhere to be seen. He should be beside the side of the ship. Dazed and not moving but he should be there. Where else could he... Seonghwa's eyes widened as he realised the man had held Hongjoong over the edge of the ship. Meaning when he let go-Oh god. Hongjoong looked like he had no energy, like he couldn't even stand up. How is he supposed to swim? Memories of the pain, the suffocating feeling of being underwater. He can't let Hongjoong go through that, he's been down their too long. Seonghwa mustered all of his bravery, all the strength he had and he ran to the edge, grabbing the railing and vaulting over, plunging into the darkness below. His body plunged into the water, the coldness engulfing him. Fear shot through him but he pushed it away, remembering what the boys had taught him when he went swimming with them. He kicked himself to a surface, taking a deep breath of relief. He started paddling to keep himself afloat, scanning the water as quick as he could but there were no lights around so he couldn't see much.
"Hongjoong. Hongjoong where are you," Seonghwa yelled out.
"Hongjoong," he screamed.
"S-Seongie." Seonghwa gasped when he heard the weak feeble voice from out to his left. He swum quickly, his eyes scanning as best as he could to try and find Hongjoong's body. He saw something a few metres away, sinking beneath the water and he panicked, swimming forwards quickly to and grabbing it, lifting as best as he could. He heard coughing and spluttering and his eyes adjusted better, seeing Hongjoong's head loll forwards.
"Joong. Joong, hey, stay with me," Seonghwa said.
"The l-loops, side of sh-ship," Hongjoong gasped out, having trouble keeping conscious. He was exhausted, both physically and emotionally, everything had been telling him to give up and just sink before he heard Seonghwa's voice. Seonghwa understood what he meant and immediately started swimming towards the side of the ship, dragging Hongjoong with him. It was slow as he hasn't been swimming long and it was tiring but he continued on. After a few minutes, he finally made it to the side of the boat.
"Hongjoong, I need you to use as much energy as you can to hold on to me," Seonghwa said quickly. Hongjoong's eyes slipped closed and he started slipping downwards.
"HONGJOONG," Seonghwa screamed. At the sound of Seonghwa's scream, Hongjoong's head snapped back up and he latched on tightly.
"S-Sorry. I'm doing m-my best to stay c-conscious," Hongjoong slurred out.
"I know, you're doing so good Joong, just stay with me," Seonghwa whispered comfortingly. Hongjoong nodded shakily and clung as tight as he could. Seonghwa quickly reached out and grabbed a ring letting out a breath of relief as he didn't have to struggle to stay above water. Hongjoong's eyes closed again and his head thudded down onto Seonghwa's shoulder. He was struggling even worse to keep conscious but he used the remaining of his strength to continue clinging to Seonghwa. He doesn't know what happened to make him fall or after he fell but what he did know, was that he needed to hold onto Seonghwa otherwise he would put both of them in danger.
"I've got you, I've got you. Just stay with me," Seonghwa whispered, keeping a tight grasp with one arm around Hongjoong's waist. He leant down and gently placed a kiss to the top of Hongjoong's head. Hongjoong tried his absolute best but his mind started to haze more and he so desperately wanted to get some sleep.
"Hongjoong, don't go to sleep. You can't go to sleep right now, not until I figure out what happened," Seonghwa said quickly. Hongjoong didn't reply, not having the energy and Seonghwa started to panic, however there was a sudden splash in the water, then another.
"Hongjoong. Seonghwa."
"San, we're over here," Seonghwa yelled out, relieved that the others had come to help. Two figures swum over and Seonghwa recognised the second as Yunho.
"Is he alive," Yunho asked worriedly.
"Yeah, just barely clinging to consciousness though so I'm not sure for how long," Seonghwa said.
"Is everyone ok, what's happening," he added.
"They're dead, all of them. We've got some injuries but no casualties," Yunho replied. Hongjoong suddenly sagged completely in Seonghwa's grip falling down as his body went limp.
"Hongjoong," Seonghwa cried out, letting go of the rip and wrapping his arms around Hongjoong to keep him above water. Yunho swam forwards and grabbed Hongjoong from Seonghwa's grip, holding him up with ease.
"Come on, the ladder is over here," San said. Seonghwa glanced over at Hongjoong flung over Yunho's shoulder worriedly before swimming towards where San was ushering him.
"How are you going to get Hongjoong up," he asked worriedly, pausing by the ladder.
"I'll carry him, just climb up," Yunho said. Seonghwa hesitated for a few seconds before grabbing the ladder and climbing up. He was tired but he got to the top and swung over. The other boys were all there, Jongho with a slightly bloody cloth on the side of his head, Mingi with one wrapped around his arm and the others milling around. Wooyoung and Yeosang were clutching to each other's hands tightly, Mingi's hand clutching Jongho's shirt.
"Thank god," Yeosang cried out, rushing over and hugging Seonghwa tightly.
"You were fucken badass but you scared the shit out of me when jumped overboard," Yeosang whispered.
"I had to protect Hongjoong," Seonghwa replied quietly.
"Yeah, you did a bloody good job Hwa. Hongjoong's gonna be so proud of you," Yeosang said.
"Yeosang, Seonghwa, I need help over here." They both swung around at Yunho's words, seeing him place Hongjoong down on the deck.
"He can't be asleep right now, he's definitely got a major concussion. You can't sleep after a concussion," Yeosang rushed out as they ran and dropped beside the unconscious boy.
"What? What happened," Seonghwa asked quickly.
"The other Captain smashed his staff into Hongjoong's head," Yeosang said. Seonghwa's blood ran cold and he desperately shook Hongjoong's shoulder.
"Hongjoong, wake up. You need to wake up," Seonghwa cried out.
"Shit, this isn't good," Yeosang said, running a hand through his hair.
"What's wrong," Wooyoung asked, not understanding what was so bad.
"Sleeping so quickly after a concussion can leave you at risk of intercranial bleeding and that's really not good," Seonghwa rushed out.
"Once you're asleep, you might not wake back up again," Yeosang whispered, flopping back onto his bottom in defeat. Seonghwa is trying to wake him and if he doesn't, then they may have just lost their Captain anyway.
"No, don't do this Hongjoong. Please don't do this," Seonghwa begged, shaking Hongjoong's shoulders. Hongjoong didn't respond, his body limp and his face lax. Seonghwa's heart started racing and his eyes welled up with tears. He can't be gone, Hongjoong can't be gone. They had a rough start, but they've been together for almost 6 weeks, not to mention their childhood and Seonghwa cares more about this boy than he has cared about anyone in his life. He cares, he really cares. He never wanted to admit it, was in too much denial about his feeling but he loves him, he really does. He doesn't know much about love, but ne knows he has extremely strong feeling towards the Captain. He wants to hold him while he sleeps, wants to listen to his problems, wants to keep him safe, too kiss him like he did the other day. He knows his feeling won't be reciprocated but he'd rather have him as a friend than not have him at all.
"Please Joong, p-please. You can't go like this," Seonghwa said, tears beginning to fall. He shook him harder but there was still no reaction.
"Joongie," Seonghwa whimpered. He quickly pulled the younger up and into his arms, hugging him tightly and tucking his head against his neck as he begun to cry harder.
"You're an asshole you know that, an absolute asshole. You were so shitty to me at the beginning but you had the best reason and then you changed. You were awesome. You were kind, caring and patient and you helped me whenever I asked. Hell, you taught me to fight and swim. You were amazing as a kid as well and your stories helped me through my childhood. You're amazing and you made me care, you made me fucken like you. I got this tattoo and I accepted the meaning, which means you can't die. Please, you can't die. I need you Hongjoong, I really need you. I l-love you, so much. Please don't leave me," Seonghwa begged before bursting into sobs, clutching the body in his arms.
"And you call me sentimental." Seonghwa froze and went quiet, hearing the soft words near his ear. His head shot up and he moved back slightly, looking into soft brown eyes that for a moment, he thought he would never see again.
"Hongjoong," he whispered brokenly. Hongjoong face broke out into a soft, tired smile and his hand cupped around Seonghwa's neck softly.
"I'm ok," he whispered. Seonghwa sniffled and moved his hand, grasping Hongjoong's tightly.
"D-Don't do that. You can't fall asleep on me like that," he said sadly.
"I'm sorry, I was just exhausted, I won't do it again," Hongjoong said softly, lifting his hand slightly to delicately wipe the tears falling down Seonghwa's face. Seonghwa sniffled but nodded, letting out a breath he didn't realise he was holding. Hongjoong was quiet for a few seconds, thinking about what he had heard Seonghwa say. About teaching him to swim, the tattoos, caring for him, loving him. These past few weeks he's been wishing he wouldn't be feeling the way he was, that his feelings would go away because Seonghwa would never reciprocate.
"Seonghwa," he whispered.
"Yeah," Seonghwa asked with a sniffle.
"I love you too," Hongjoong said softly. Seonghwa eyes went wide before his face scrunched up and he begun sobbing again. Hongjoong cooed softly and hugged him gently, running his fingers through his hair.
"We're gonna talk about this later ok, we'll figure all this out but for now, just know that I love you and I'm not going anywhere," Hongjoong whispered. Seonghwa nodded quickly and clung tighter to Hongjoong, making a small smile grace the other's lips. Hongjoong just held him tight and looked up, his eyes scanning over his crew. They were all there, a bit battered but there which means they won, they survived. Hongjoong continued looking around, seeing the dead bodies of the Crusaders and his eyes landed on a familiar one.
"Who killed Beomjun," he asked in surprise. For years he had been wanting to kill that bastard, to have his blood on his sword.
"Beomjun," Jongho said slowly in confusion.
"Their Captain," Hongjoong explained.
"Seonghwa did," Yeosang replied. Hongjoong's eyes widened in shock and he glanced down at the boy curled up in his arms. He smiled softly and leaned down, kissing the side of his neck softly and making him relax a little.
"You killed Beomjun baby," he asked softly. Seonghwa sniffled a few times to compose himself before pulling back and nodding.
"How," Hongjoong asked in surprise. He was proud, immensely proud but as far as he knows, that would've been Seonghwa's first kill.
"I saw him try to stab you so I kind of tackled him and then we fought. I did everything you taught me and he got too cocky so I managed to get the upper hand and I stabbed him," Seonghwa said. Hongjoong nodded and gently cupped his cheek.
"Are you ok. I know you haven't killed anyone before," he asked softly.
"He was going to kill as many of us as he could, he was going to kill you. I couldn't let him do that," Seonghwa said, shaking his head. Truthfully, Seonghwa thought he would feel worse about it but the man was a ruthless killer, the world was safer without him. Hongjoong looked around a bit more, his eyes landing on Seonghwa's sword a few metres away.
"Your sword has no blood," he pointed out in confusion.
"Oh, yeah. I lost mine when I tackled him so I grabbed yours," Seonghwa said. Hongjoong's eyes went ide and a gasp left his lips.
"What? What's wrong," Seonghwa asked quickly.
"No, it's nothing. It's just, I always told myself that bastard would die by my sword. I guess he really did," Hongjoong said quietly.
"He talked about your parents," San said quietly, hinting at the question.
"He's the one that killed them," Hongjoong said with a sigh. Everyone went quiet after that and Hongjoong chuckled.
"It's fine guys, I came to terms with it years ago and he's dead now, that's all I wanted," Hongjoong said softly.
"We're all ok though right, no ones too badly hurt," Hongjoong asked.
"You have the worst injury but no, we're all going to be fine," Yeosang said. Hongjoong let out a breath of relief.
"Can you help me up," Hongjoong asked. Seonghwa quickly stood up and pulled Hongjoong up gently, allowing the Captain to cling to him.
"What're we going to do about the big ship beside us," Yunho asked.
"We ransack it, get all of the supplies we can use and bring it onto the ship. Anything that we don't deem useful, just leave it," Hongjoong said. There will be more than enough supplies to get them to Port Arland in the next few days.
"I have an idea," Yunho said.
"Yeah, what is it," Hongjoong asked.
"Obviously we could never leave the Illusion, but I might be able to retrofit the propellers onto our ship," Yunho said.
"How long will that take," Hongjoong asked.
"If I start at sunrise, no more than a day," Yunho said. Hongjoong didn't even have to think about it. Those propellers will be priceless for their ship, will make them stronger and they're only a couple days out from Port Arland with extra supplies so they can take the time.
"Do it. We have time," Hongjoong nodded.
"Yes! I've always wanted one of those," Yunho said, clapping happily. Hongjoong smiled softly and nodded.
"Right now, we should just properly anchor in, in case the wind picks up and we need to get some sleep," Hongjoong said, yawning widely.
"Before you sleep, you need to have a proper check-up," Yeosang said quickly.
"Right," Hongjoong nodded. Yeosang and Seonghwa directed Hongjoong below deck and over to the med bay. Hongjoong sat down on the bed and allowed Yeosang to run an exam.
After getting the necessary check ups and examinations done, Yeosang deemed that Hongjoong was ok to get some sleep.
"Thanks Yeo," Hongjoong said, patting the youngers head.
"Just go get some sleep," Yeosang said. Hongjoong nodded and stood up, his hand instinctively slipping into Seonghwa. Seonghwa glanced down and smiled softly, linking their fingers together.
"Come on," he said softly, tugging the younger towards their room. Just as he was opening the door, Yunho suddenly jogged over.
"Hongjoong, can I talk to you for a second. It's important," Yunho said. Hongjoong frowned worriedly, glancing at Seonghwa before turning back to Yunho.
"I'll be back in a bit," Hongjoong said. Seonghwa nodded and went inside while Hongjoong followed Yunho to his room.
"What's wrong," he asked worriedly.
"Sit down," Yunho said, pointing to his chair. Hongjoong went and sat down on the chair while Yunho sat on his bed.
"There's something we need to discuss," Yunho said.
"And it's that pressing that we need to do it now," Hongjoong asked with a raised eyebrow.
"It's about our positions in the crew," Yunho said. Hongjoong nibbled his lip nervously. Were the boys unhappy with their positions? Did they not want him to be Captain after he lost to-."
"Stop overthinking this Hongjoong. We love you and you're the only Captain we would ever want," Yunho said, cutting Hongjoong's thought off. Hongjoong smiled sheepishly.
"It's more about my positions," Yunho said. He wasn't sure how to explain it to Hongjoong, but he'd try his best.
"Of course, what's the problem," Hongjoong asked. He likes to be open minded about what his crew wants.
"I'm both the Quartermaster and the Carpenter," Yunho said.
"Yeah, I know. Do you not like that," Hongjoong asked worriedly.
"Don't get me wrong, I love it, but I don't think I should be both. I'm an amazing carpenter, that's a fact but I wouldn't say I need to be the quartermaster as well. The quartermaster is the second in command, the Captain's right hand man and someone who can think on the fly. They need to be strong and have good morals. I know someone who fits that description to a tee and so do you," Yunho explained. Hongjoong went silent, his mind racing as he went over what Yunho said.
"You want to relinquish your position of quartermaster," he asked slowly.
"I do, and I want you to go tell him that it's now his title. It doesn't matter that he's only been here for 6 weeks, he's clearly proven himself and he has gained your complete trust. You guys have a connection and that's something that will be detrimental in future," Yunho said.
"Are you sure about this Yunho? You don't have to do this, you don't need to feel obligated," Hongjoong said quickly. Yunho chuckled and stood up, slipping a ring off his finger and holding it out to Hongjoong.
"I'm positive Hongjoong, this is the right thing to do," Yunho said. Hongjoong grabbed the ring from his palm, the ring that he had given to him when he made him the crew's quartermaster. Hongjoong smiled softly and moved forwards, hugging Yunho tightly.
"Thank you," he whispered.
"I know you've thought about it and you'd continue to think about it but you'd never ask. I was only really a temporary quartermaster until we found the right fit," Yunho said softly.
"For the record, you were a really good quartermaster," Hongjoong said as he put the ring into his pocket.
"I know, but now it's up to him to look after your stupid ass," Yunho said, making Hongjoong giggle.
"I'm not that bad," he said.
"Yeah, ok, keep thinking that," Yunho said, patting the top of his head. Hongjoong rolled his eyes and pulled away.
"Get some sleep, you have a lot to do tomorrow," Hongjoong said. Yunho nodded before Hongjoong left the room and went back to his own room. When he opened the door, Seonghwa was sitting on the bed with his eyes closed tight and his hands shaking. Hongjoong immediately rushed over, panic overtaking his thoughts.
"Seonghwa, what's wrong," he asked quickly, grabbing the boys hands to keep them from shaking.
"Ah, I'm sorry," Seonghwa whispered.
"No, no, don't be. What's wrong, talk to me," Hongjoong said quickly.
"I um, I have blood on me," Seonghwa whispered. Hongjoong frowned, noticing the blood on his shirt and a little on his hands. He has no doubt that he has blood all over himself as well.
"Come on, let's go wash up," Hongjoong said softly. Seonghwa nodded and stood up, clinging tightly to Hongjoong. Hongjoong could tell that now things had calmed down, Seonghwa was a bit shaken from what happened. They walked to the washing room and Hongjoong brought Seonghwa over to the shower.
"Get washed up ok," Hongjoong said softly. They have cupboards in the room with clothes already there to change into after they've finished a shower. He went to pull back but Seonghwa whimpered and clung close to him.
"Don't go," he whispered.
"Ok, I'm not going anywhere," he said quickly. He was unsure what he was supposed to do though, considering they needed to get the blood off.
"You go get into the shower and close the curtain, I'll get the blood off me with the buckets and I'll be right out here," Hongjoong said softly. Seonghwa nodded softly and Hongjoong turned around, waiting for him to get undressed and hear the curtain close before he got undressed as well.
After they finished washing, Hongjoong dried off and got dressed, giving Seonghwa towel and waiting for him to get changed. He chucked the dirty clothes into a washing basket and they went back to the room. Hongjoong climbed into the bed, allowing Seonghwa to climb in as well and slip under the blankets before curling up to him. Hongjoong slipped an arm around his shoulder, pulling him close so Seonghwa could rest his head on his chest.
"I've got you," Hongjoong whispered. They just laid like that for a few minutes, holding each other until Seonghwa spoke up.
"Do you really love me," he asked quietly.
"I do," Hongjoong said with a nod.
"Like how you love the others," Seonghwa asked. Hongjoong sighed and rest his chin on the top of Seonghwa's head and shook his head.
"I love you like I want to hold you like this every night, I want to keep close in my arms so no one can hurt you. I want to cherish you in every way I can. I want you to be mine until the end of our days," Hongjoong whispered. His words cut deep in Seonghwa and he was caught off guard. He didn't know someone could love him like that, didn't think Hongjoong would ever reciprocate his feelings, let alone be so open about it, especially after everything he's been through in the past 3 years.
"You really mean that," he asked quietly.
"I do. I'll admit I've never done this before, I've only ever known the pirate life, not the you know, romantic one," Hongjoong admitted with a nervous chuckle.
"Same. Well, I haven't been a pirate, but I've never you know," Seonghwa said, trailing off awkwardly as his cheeks flushed red. Hongjoong giggle happily at how adorable the other was acting and tugged him high so his head was now resting on his shoulder.
"We'll take it slow then, no need to rush in whatever we do. That is, if you want us to be together. I should probably ask that first and get your consent. I've learnt after the stunt I pulled last time," Hongjoong said with a sigh.
"Stunt you pulled? When," Seonghwa asked in confusion, lifting his head to look at Hongjoong. Hongjoong furrowed his eyebrows and tilted his head in confusion. Seonghwa really took the forgetting about it seriously.
"When I kissed you. I thought you were ok with it but I never explicitly asked if you were ok with it, which clearly you weren't," Hongjoong said with a sigh, his hand that was wrapped around the others waist, gently massaging small circles into it. Seonghwa's mouth fell open slightly and he sat up a little.
"You kissed me? I thought I kissed you," he said quickly. Hongjoong raised and eyebrow and slowly shook his head.
"No, I definitely kissed you. I mean you kind of kissed back but then you pulled away and ran off," Hongjoong said, chuckling awkwardly.
"Oh my god, I thought I kissed first. You probably think I hated it and ran off and then said to forget about it. I didn't hate it, I swear, I loved it, it was so good. Like so-."
"Yep, yep, I get it. It's fine Seonghwa," Hongjoong laughed, cutting him off and making him go bright red again.
"Do you want to be mine," Hongjoong asked softly. Seonghwa's eyes went slightly wider and he nodded quickly.
"I need a verbal answer baby," Hongjoong said.
"Yes please," Seonghwa said quickly. Hongjoong burst into laughter and wrapped both arms around Seonghwa, holding him tight and resting his forehead against the others.
"You're adorable you know that," he said quietly. Seonghwa squeaked and flushed even darker. Hongjoong smiled softly and placed a kiss to his cheek, just barely brushing the corner of Seonghwa's mouth. He then pulled back and hugged Seonghwa tighter.
"You can be my little pirate wife," Hongjoong whispered.
"I think it's a bit early to be thinking about marriage Joong," Seonghwa mumbled, making Hongjoong cackle.
"True, but there is one other thing I need to tell you about. Sit up so I can face you properly," Hongjoong said. Seonghwa was confused as to what they needed to talk about but he did as asked, Hongjoong doing the same.
"Ok, so you've been an official crewmember for a little while now, which means you need your position on the ship," Hongjoong said.
"I'm just going to be a medic aren't I," Seonghwa asked. He doesn't really know if he'd be very good at any other position.
"We already have our medic and that's Yeosang. You're welcome to help out any time but that won't be your given position," Hongjoong said.
"Then what will be," Seonghwa asked slowly.
"Yunho used to have two positions, one given to him until we found a better fit and we've decided we've found it. He stepped down from his role earlier," Hongjoong said.
"Ok, so what's the role," Seonghwa asked.
"Quartermaster, my right hand man," Hongjoong said, slipping the ring from his pocket and holding it out to the other.
"You want me to be your Quartermaster," Seonghwa asked in shock.
"I mean, is that really a big shock after I just became your boyfriend," Hongjoong asked with a raised eyebrow.
"I mean, you decided this before I said yes," Seonghwa said quietly.
"Because you deserve it. As Yunho said, I need someone who can think on the fly, are strong and have good morals. Plus I need someone who's willing to make sure I don't overwork myself and do something stupid," Hongjoong said, making Seonghwa chuckle.
"Do you think you can do that," Hongjoong asked. Seonghwa quickly leaned forwards and pecked Hongjoong's lips softly, making the younger flush this time.
"I can definitely do that," he whispered. Hongjoong smiled happily as Seonghwa slipped the ring onto his finger before the two of them laid down again and cuddled together.
3 Days Later
"I see it, I see Port Arland." Everyone stopped what they were doing, rushing over to the helm where San was standing and smiling happily.
"God, I feel like we've been heading to here for months," Mingi groaned, but he was grinning happily in excitement.
"Wow, it's beautiful," Seonghwa said quietly, squeezing the hand in his gently. Hongjoong smiled and moved closer to Seonghwa's back, laying his chin on his shoulder and slipping his other arm around his waist.
"It is isn't it. You'll fit right in," Hongjoong said softly. There was instantly the sounds of fake gagging, the boys having heard what Hongjoong said.
"You guys are disgusting. I love it," Wooyoung said, saying the last part quietly. Hongjoong rolled his eyes but placed a soft kiss to Seonghwa's neck, feeling his boyfriend relax in his arms.
"We're gonna be ok right," Seonghwa asked quietly.
"Yeah, we're gonna be just fine," Hongjoong hummed softly.
"I love you. I love all of you, you're the best thing that's happened to me. You saved me and I can never repay you," Seonghwa said, glancing around at all of the boys beside him.
"We'd do it all over again if given the same choices. You're one of us now," Jongho said and the others all nodded in confirmation.
"ATEEZ forever right," Seonghwa said.
"ATEEZ," Hongjoong called out.
Here the 15th and very last chapter of this story and I hope you liked it
Wow, it's so weird that this story is now finished, it feels like only yesterday that I got the idea and decided to write this story
Thank you to everyone who has stuck with me throughout the creation of this book and to people who will read this later, thank you for reading it
Most importantly though, thank you so much to someone who has helped me a lot, 3shinjirarenai3 for all of your encouragement and support, you truly are a legend and you help keep me motivated!
Now for a little questionaire. I would love for you guys to answer the questions if you can but it's ok if you don't
Who is your favourite character from this story and why (can be multiple if you want)?
Who is your least favourite person from this story?
Who do you think was underrated and didn't have enough storytime (I apologise, it's focused mainly on the main people)?
What are you top 3 favourite moments from throughout the story (and why if you have enough time)?
What do you wish you saw more of or had been explored more?
What type of story do you wish I would explore next (can give me a scenario, an alternate universe, anything)? I'll take them into account and decide what I want to do next
I might take a few weeks off because I have Year 12 exams now but I also might update my ATEEZ Oneshots if I need some stress relief
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