Chapter 10
"Yeosang, when are they going to wake up," Wooyoung asked quietly. Yeosang looked over to the bed in the corner of the room where the two eldest lay, curled up in each others embraces.
"I don't know. They were both exhausted and they need as much rest as they can get," Yeosang replied with a sigh.
"What're we suppose to do now? Hongjoong's asleep and we're stranded in the middle of the sea. We can't go anywhere until the mast is fix and our kitchen is half destroyed," Mingi said with a groan.
"The kitchen is still usable. It didn't hit any of the parts I need to cook in," Wooyoung said.
"Half of the roof is collapsed," Mingi pointed out.
"I know. But right now it's not something we can afford to worry about. We're one mast down and we can't go anywhere until it's back up," Wooyoung said.
"Yunho's figuring out a plan with Jongho, we'll figure something out," Yeosang said.
"We're already a day behind schedule, I don't know how long we can wait before we get moving," Wooyoung whispered.
"If we take too long, we're going to run out of food before we get there," he added quietly. Yeosang glanced back at him and frowned slightly, thinking over his words. They have a tight window, but he doesn't want to wake up Hongjoong when he needs the rest.
"Let's go see what Yunho thinks, he's in charge while Hongjoong is out," he said. Wooyoung and Mingi nodded and the three of them left the room. They went over to the kitchens where they found the others surrounding the fallen mast and a heap of rope and wood.
"What's going on," Mingi asked, turning to Yunho who had his hand on his chin while he thought.
"Yunho's trying to figure out how to temporarily put the mast back in place and secure it so we can get moving," Jongho said.
"Have you thought of anything," Yeosang asked. Yunho sighed and rubbed his forehead before nodding slowly.
"I have an idea but I don't know how good it is," Yunho said with a groan.
"It's the only thing we've got right now, so explain it," Wooyoung said.
"It's not the main mast, thankfully, so it's easier to secure temporarily. We will need to wrap two ropes around the mast and then have two people, one on the main mast and one on the smaller mast near on the other side of the kitchen. They will lift the mast into a standing position and three people will move and hold it so it connects back where it snapped. I'll do my best to connect it back by boarding it up with these planks. They should be thick enough to hold it back in place until I can get a new mast at Port Arland," Yunho explained.
"Can that even work," Mingi asked.
"It's our only option Mingi, there's nothing else we can do," Jongho replied.
"But what if it falls again? What if it falls the opposite way, during the night? You know, towards the quarters were our Captain and friend are currently asleep and unaware," Wooyoung said with a worried frown.
"I know. It's dangerous, I know that but we have no other option," Yunho said with a sigh.
"We need to wake them up, Hongjoong needs to make the last decision on this," San said quickly.
"We're not waking him. He is exhausted, both physically and mentally right now. He had to keep himself and Seonghwa from drowning in the middle of a storm with harsh waves so he needs rest. We'll wait though, we're not going to do anything until he wakes up. For now just clean up a bit, find out what else is broken," Yunho said. Everyone nodded before moving off to do as asked. This is the right thing to do, this is the only way to make sure they don't die in the middle of the ocean.
Hongjoong woke up to warmth, a pleasant warmth. His body was engulfed and his head was tucked comfortably into his pillow. His pillow was suddenly a lot more comfortable than usual. He went to move but whimpered as pain shot through his back and shoulders. His muscles were aching and he clenched his hand tightly in the pillowcase, squeezing his eyes tightly shut. He gasped when something was placed between his shoulder blades, whimpering as it pushed down. It hurt for the first few seconds as it kneaded through his muscles but then the pain went away and he let out a breath he didn't realise he was holding. He slipped his eyes open and lifted his head, his eyes meeting warm brown ones.
"You overworked your muscles," Seonghwa said softly, continuing to knead his fingers expertly into the Captain's shoulders. He was a little nervous, not sure how Hongjoong was going to react having him so close. Sure, Hongjoong just saved his life, like really saved his life, but that doesn't mean he's fine with them hugging like this. It felt nice though, really nice so he'll take it until he's yelled at.
"It was worth it," Hongjoong whispered softly. Seonghwa's eyes went wide in surprise at Hongjoong's words, not expecting it in any way.
"You scared the shit out of me Seonghwa," Hongjoong said quietly, his eyes trailing over the olders face. It's weird. However many hours ago it was, this face was pale and slightly blue, this body was in the water as he was desperately trying to keep his head above water and keep him alive.
"I'm pretty sure I scared the shit out of myself," Seonghwa said with a sigh. Hongjoong lifted his arms and wrapped them around Seonghwa's neck, pulling him closer and burying his face into his neck. Seonghwa continued to relax Hongjoong's muscles with one hand, moving the other arm to wrap around Hongjoong's waist.
"A-Are you ok with me doing this," he asked quietly. Hongjoong looked up at him with questioning eyes, his eyebrows furrowed.
"What do you mean," Hongjoong asked.
"I know, we're still not close, a-."
"You're stuck now, cos you made me like you and want to protect you. This is fine, I want to make sure you're ok," Hongjoong said.
"I'm ok. I'm a little shaken up and I don't, I don't really want to go outside just yet," Seonghwa whispered shakily.
"That's alright, you can stay here," Hongjoong nodded.
"A-Are you sure," Seonghwa asked.
"I said I am Seongie, you can stay here for a while until you feel safer," Hongjoong said softly. Seonghwa smiled slightly at the nickname.
"You went from last name basis to nickname basis. I think we've skipped a few steps," Seonghwa said.
"I mean, I did just jump off a ship in the middle of a storm to save your life. Did um, does me calling you that make you uncomfortable. I know we had a rocky start which is my fault but I'm trying to show that I trust you, that I care about you. If something I do makes you uncomfortable, please tell me," Hongjoong said firmly.
"It doesn't make me uncomfortable. I actually like it. All I've wanted this whole time is for you to accept me. I don't have a family anymore. My family disowned me when I left to go to the docks and become a pirate. I doubt they even knew I got taken, or even tried to find me. I wanted to die, on that ship I just wanted to die so I wouldn't have to suffer anymore. When Mingi and Wooyoung found me, I attacked them so I'd either get out or they'd finally kill me. I don't have any family or friends left, you guys are the only people who have been kind to me. So I just, I just wanted this to work out, to give me something good in life," Seonghwa said, his voice practically a whisper in the end as tears slid slowly down his face. Hongjoong's heart broke and he hesitatingly moved his hand up to cup Seonghwa's cheek, swiping the tears delicately off his cheek.
"Have you ever gotten a tattoo before," Hongjoong asked quietly. Seonghwa sniffled and shook his head. Hongjoong shuffled back slightly and brought his arm out in front of them, pulling his sleeve down and turning his wrist out to show Seonghwa. Seonghwa was confused at first but then he noticed there was a mark on the wrist. He grabbed Hongjoong's arm and pulled it closer, inspecting the intricate tattoo on it.
"What is it? An hourglass," he asked quietly.
"Close. It's a cromer. I personally think cromers look cooler than hourglasses. They sound cooler as well," Hongjoong said, making Seonghwa chuckle.
"What does it represent," Seonghwa asked, having read that many pirate get tattoos that have meaning behind it.
"It represents ATEEZ's bond, it can never be broken. No matter how much time passes, we're together for ever. I like to believe that in every universe, every point in time, we're all together," Hongjoong said softly, a gentle smile on his face. Seonghwa was caught off-guard by how deep the meaning was. He knows sometimes pirates get meaningful tattoos but this was deep.
"Do any of the others have any tattoos," Seonghwa asked. He never actually thought about it, or paid enough attention to notice.
"Everyone does. We all have a cromer, it's like our initiation tattoo. What makes our crew official. Wooyoung, Yeosang and San have matching tattoos as well. It looks like a bunch of random characters but it's the Greek word for soulmate. Most of us have other tattoos as well," Hongjoong explained. Seonghwa nodded slowly. It was cute that Yeosang, San and Wooyoung have matching tattoos, it's clear that there's a lot of history between the three of them.
"Do you want a tattoo," Hongjoong asked.
"I dunno. I'd only get one if it had some sort of meaning to it, a proper meaning," Seonghwa said thoughtfully.
"Does the cromer have a good meaning," Hongjoong asked slowly.
"Yeah, something with a meaning like that," Seonghwa said with a nod. Hongjoong blinked before raising an eyebrow in disbelief.
"So you like the cromer tattoo," Hongjoong pressed.
"Yeah, it's really sweet. If I found something with a meaning that's as good as that, I'd definitely get it," Seonghwa replied. Hongjoong was in disbelief. Does Seonghwa seriously not understand what he's trying to say?
"But like, would you want a cromer tattoo," Hongjoong hinted. Seonghwa glanced down at the tattoo on Hongjoong's skin and smiled.
"It's very beautiful, but I wouldn't want to steal y-."
"Park Seonghwa I'm asking if you would allow me to put a cromer tattoo on you so we can make it official and everyone in the seven seas knows that you're my crewmate and that ATEEZ is now 8," Hongjoong rushed out quickly. Seonghwa's eyes widened and his lips parted in shock at Hongjoong's words.
"Y-You want me, you want me t-to, to-," Seonghwa cut off as he burst into tears and started sobbing, clutching at Hongjoong tightly.
"Oh Seongie. Shh, it's ok, don't cry," Hongjoong whispered, hugging him gently and rubbing his back. It's weird, how comfortable he is with Seonghwa. This is the person he wanted to abandon in the sea when he was first brought onboard, the person he spent over 2 weeks not wanting around. He doesn't warm up to people quickly but Seonghwa makes it so easy. He doesn't know what it is, perhaps it's because they're close in age, or because Seonghwa's been through a lot but once he trusted him, it was quick and easy to care for him, to be protective of him, to want him by his side.
"Don't cry," he whispered, lifting his hand to run his fingers through the olders hair. Seonghwa continued to cry, tucking his head into Hongjoong's neck and Hongjoong just sighed, holding him close. Seonghwa was overwhelmed. The thought of being a part of this crew, forever, overwhelmed him but in a good way. He doesn't have anywhere else he can go, if the boys didn't let him stay, he wouldn't have anything else.
Hongjoong just remained holding Seonghwa gently as he cried, until he was reduced to sniffling and eventually calmed down completely. He gently pulled back and pushed the others hair from his face.
"You ok," he asked quietly.
"You really want me to get the tattoo," Seonghwa asked, his voice so small, Hongjoong could barely hear him.
"I wouldn't have asked if I didn't mean it Seonghwa. You're in our crew now, you're stuck with us for life. Unless of course you didn't want to. Then you'd be free to leave whenever you want," Hongjoong said quickly.
"I don't, I really don't want to leave," Seonghwa rushed out immediately.
"Then you won't have to. You can stay as long as you want to. Would you like to get the tattoo," Hongjoong asked.
"Yeah, I think it would look nice on my wrist," Seonghwa said with a small smile, placing his wrist against Hongjoong's. Hongjoong was caught off-guard and he looked up at Seonghwa.
"You uh, you want it on your wrist," Hongjoong asked slowly. Seonghwa hummed in reply and Hongjoong went quiet.
"I think it would look pretty good there. It looks good on yours," Seonghwa nodded. Hongjoong glanced up at Seonghwa who was still looking down at their wrists and furrow his eyebrows slightly. He stayed quiet for a few more seconds before turning his hand and placing it in Seonghwa's softly.
"It would look perfect there," he agreed quietly. Seonghwa smiled happily and sat up, pulling Hongjoong up as well.
"We should go make sure everyone else it ok," Seonghwa said.
"Right, that would be a good idea," Hongjoong said, hauling himself off the bed. He went to his chest and grabbed out two changes of clothes.
"Get changed into these, our clothes are a little soggy, hears a towel as well," Hongjoong said, chucking them on the bed. Seonghwa turned to him to ask where he should change but stopped when he saw Hongjoong pulling off his shirt. Hongjoong turned, his back facing Seonghwa as he went to grab something and Seonghwa saw a big scare across his back.
"That's a big scar," he said quietly, but it gained Hongjoong's attention and he turned his head to look back before smiling.
"Yeah, it is pretty big isn't it," he said with a chuckle.
"Can I uh, ask how you got it," Seonghwa asked nervously, not sure if he was overstepping.
"I got it the night my parents were killed. I was 16 at the time," Hongjoong said.
"Oh, I'm sorry," Seonghwa said quietly.
"Don't be, I came to terms with it a while ago. I wouldn't have met any of you if they didn't die," Hongjoong said. Seonghwa nodded and they both got changed. Hongjoong's clothes were so comfortable, the most comfortable clothes he's ever worn and he stretched before snuggling into them. Hongjoong chuckle fondly as he saw the grin on Seonghwa's face.
"You good," he asked.
"Why're your clothes so much more comfortable than mine," Seonghwa asked with a pout.
"Cos I'm special," Hongjoong said with a shrug.
"This is so comfortable," Seonghwa said with a giggle.
"Um, I guess so," Hongjoong said slowly. He never knew clothes could give someone so much joy. Hongjoong shrugged his jacket on once he was dressed, tying it up. Seonghwa's eyes lit up and he got an idea. He paused, unsure if he should do what he wanted. He knows him and Hongjoong have worked things out now, and to him it's like they've been friends for years. Hongjoong glanced over at Seonghwa as he was silent and noticed he seemed to be having an internal battle with himself.
"What's wrong," he asked with a frown.
"N-Nothing," Seonghwa said quickly, looking away and buttoning his shirt.
"No, what is it? You can talk to me," Hongjoong said quickly. Seonghwa nibbled his lip nervously before walking to Hongjoong's chest and pulling out another fur coat and wrapping it around himself. He turned to Hongjoong and stayed quiet, trying to gauge his reaction and hoping he wouldn't get angry. He isn't sure if Hongjoong just likes fur coats or if it's a Captain thing. He hopes it isn't a Captain thing because then he might be overstepping. Hongjoong's eyes widened at Seonghwa's actions but he stayed quiet, his eyes looking over him. Usually only the Captain wears the fur coat and occasionally the quartermaster but he sometimes let's the others wear one. This won't be anything different. He walked over and grabbed the sides, closing and tying it properly. Seonghwa smiled happily, feeling snug and warm in the fur coat. No wonder Hongjoong likes wearing them so much.
"Do you wanna go out now," Hongjoong asked. Seonghwa froze and glanced at the doorway nervously, his heartrate increasing slightly.
"You don't have to come out, you can wait here," Hongjoong said softly, not wanting the other to get too worked up.
"No, I'm ok, just nervous," Seonghwa whispered.
"Do you um, do you wanna hold my hand? It might make you feel safer," Hongjoong said softly. Seonghwa looked over and nodded, holding out his hand quickly. Hongjoong reached out and grabbed it, holding it in his own tightly and giving it a light squeeze.
"Thank you," Seonghwa said quietly. Hongjoong just nodded and opened the door, walking out and pulling Seonghwa along gently. Seonghwa held his hand tightly and huddled slightly behind him nervously. Everyone else was already outside, standing by the fallen mast and talking but they turned when Hongjoong and Seonghwa walked out. Yunho rose an eyebrow in surprise at seeing Seonghwa wearing Hongjoong's coat. Only the Captain's are supposed to wear those but Hongjoong occasionally let's them wear it after a lot of begging but it's rare. Maybe it's because he almost died. He also noted that Hongjoong was letting Seonghwa hold his hand and he was happy that they're finally getting along and Hongjoong's protectiveness goes to him as well. Hongjoong isn't a big fan of skinship but he often does it whenever one of the crew need to be consoled.
"Is everyone ok," Hongjoong asked, his eyes scanning over each one of them to see if they seemed hurt.
"Yeah, we're all fine, no one got injured. The storm let up not long after what happened and it's been about 6 hours since then," Yunho explained. Hongjoong nodded, noting it was about midday given the height of the sun.
"What are the damages to the ship," he asked.
"Main problem is the mast. We can't move until it's fixed and half the kitchen is destroyed but Wooyoung says it's still usable," Yunho said. Hongjoong sighed and nodded, running their options through his head.
"Any ideas on how to get the mast up anyone," Hongjoong asked.
"We could wrap two ropes around the mast and then have two people, one on the main mast and one on the smaller mast near on the other side of the kitchen. They can lift the mast into a standing position and three people will move and hold it so it connects back where it snapped. I'll do my best to connect it back by boarding it up with these planks. That's the only way I can think of," Yunho said. That's good, but Hongjoong also knows he's barely replenished his energy and doing something like that would possibly be dangerous for him.
"Is there any other way," Hongjoong asked.
"None that we've thought of. We can't get it replaced until we get to Port Arland so we just need to have a temporary fix," Jongho said. Hongjoong wrinkled his nose anxiously. They're right this needs to be done, so he's going to get it done, he'll survive.
"Ok, here's what we're going to do. Jongho, Mingi and Seonghwa will be the ones on the ground to stabilise the post once it's lifted. I'll go up the smaller mast with Sannie and then Wooyoung will go up the main mast with Yeosangie," Hongjoong said.
"Sound's good. The ropes are already connected to the mast so you four should get up there and be prepared," Yunho said. Everyone nodded and went to get into position. Hongjoong quickly shrugged off his coat before following San up the mast, the rope in hand. Once they got to the top, San deftly climbed over to the other side of the mast and secured himself down so he won't fall, Hongjoong doing the same next to him. Hongjoong quickly glanced over San, checking that he was secured properly as he doesn't want him falling. Wooyoung and Yeosang were doing the same thing on the main mast and Hongjoong checked them as best as he could but they were pretty far away.
"ARE YOU FOUR READY," Yunho called out to them.
"WE'RE ALL GOOD," San yelled back.
"ALRIGHT, GET PULLING," Seonghwa said. They all begun to pull with all their might, slowly lifting the mast up. Hongjoong's muscles started hurting as he was pulling and he bit back a whimper, his body tiring quickly. He continued to pull, getting it closer up to where it meant to be but a sharp pain begun to strike through his head. He kept quiet though and continued pulling. When the mast was finally up, Seonghwa, Mingi and Jongho positioned it in place, everyone using their strength to keep it in place as Yunho moved as quick as he could to secure the planks so it would be stable. It took time though, getting close to five minutes and Hongjoong's muscles were about ready to give in, his mind fuzzing over and his eyes blinking slowly.
"Sanshine," he said quietly.
"Yeah," San grit out, holding with all his might.
"When Yunho says let go, you need to grab me ok," Hongjoong said.
"What? Why? Hongjoong," San panicked.
"Don't let go," Hongjoong rushed out. San quickly retightened his grip on the rope to hold it tightly, his heart quickening as he glanced at Hongjoong beside him. He immediately noticed the way Hongjoong's shoulders were hunched, his face pale and sweat dripping down it. They were idiots. They were so stupid. Just over 6 hours ago Hongjoong overused his muscles and energy, fighting the waves to protect Seonghwa and none of them thought about whether he would be up to this task. Of course Hongjoong wouldn't say anything about it, too worried about wanting what's best for the rest of them. He's in a dangerous position right now. One he wouldn't want to put them in but he wouldn't think twice about putting himself in.
"Hongjoong, I swear to god if you fall I will drop myself down after you. So if you want me safe, then you will look after yourself you idiot," San said angrily. Hongjoong blinked himself awake more, shaking his head so he was more focused.
"ALL DONE," Yunho yelled out happily as he finished, making everyone let go, the mast thankfully holding in place. San instantly reached out and grabbed Hongjoong with one arm, cradling him to his chest and using his other arm to grab the post and keep steady.
"I've got you," he whispered as Hongjoong leaned heavily against him. Hongjoong nodded slightly and clenched his hand in the youngers pants.
"I'm ok, just give me a few seconds to get rid of these black dots," Hongjoong whispered, making San gasp slightly.
"Hongjoong, that means you might pass out. How the hell are we supposed to get you down. Why the fuck would you come up in the first place," San asked angrily. He doesn't understand how Hongjoong can be so protective of their lives and so thoughtless with his own sometimes.
"San, I'm you Capta-."
"Oh to hell with that. You would've known you were going to have problems and yet you didn't stay anything. We could've waited, you didn't have to do it now," San said in frustration. Hongjoong went quiet, not knowing how to reply. San was right, he knows that, but he also knows they need to get moving to make sure they don't end up stranded or foodless at some point. That is more important.
"I apologise for upsetting you San, but I don't apologise for making sure you're all going to be ok. I will never apologise for that," Hongjoong said as firmly as he could. San sighed but knew that nothing he could say would change Hongjoong's mind. It was just how he was.
"Are you guys coming down," Jongho called up, noticing San and Hongjoong hadn't moved even though Wooyoung and Yeosang had already come down to the bottom.
"Yeah. Just give us a second, Hongjoong's not feeling the best, he's a bit dizzy," San yelled back down. Seonghwa furrowed his eyebrows worriedly, glancing up at the two of them. Being dizzy that high up is a recipe for disaster and falling is not fun.
"He's an idiot," Yunho groaned.
"No, he just knew we were too focused on this that we wouldn't remember that he was already weak to begin with," Jongho said with a sigh.
"You guys need some help," Wooyoung asked. San glanced down at Hongjoong and rubbed his back softly.
"He ok to try and climb down now," he asked. Hongjoong took a deep breath before nodding and leaning back. He still felt weary but he had enough energy to get down.
"I'll be fine," he said.
"Can someone climb up a little and help him down just in case," San asked. Seonghwa instantly shrugged off the coat and hurried over, climbing up a little. San helped Hongjoong to where he needed to go and held out an arm as he began to climb down. He chewed his bottom lip anxiously, watching with rapt attention as Hongjoong continued to climb. When he got down to Seonghwa, Seonghwa placed a hand on his back to keep him stable, slowly moving down as Hongjoong did. Seonghwa was first to reach the floor and he placed his hands on Hongjoong's waist, gently lowering him down to the deck. Hongjoong chuckled and stumbled slightly, Seonghwa steadying quickly.
"What's so funny," Seonghwa asked.
"Just had some déjà vu. I did the same thing to you when you were climbing down to the port for the first time," Hongjoong pointed out. Seonghwa thought about it for a few seconds before smiling softly and nodding, remembering what he said was indeed true.
"How're you feeling," Yeosang asked quickly as he rushed over, his medic instincts kicking in.
"I'm fine Sangie, I just need some more rest," Hongjoong said gently, ruffling the youngers hair. His eyes slipped closed slightly but he blinked them back open. It was instantly noticed by the others though, understanding how exhausted he was once again.
"Hongjoong, do you want us to set sail again," Yunho asked.
"Um, yeah. Sannie, you good to navigate for a few hours," Hongjoong asked, glancing at San.
"Yeah, I'm fine," San said with a nod.
"Ok. San, get navigating, the rest of you listen to what Yunho says," Hongjoong said. Everyone nodded quickly, including Seonghwa.
"Alright. I'm going to get some more sleep, I'm exhausted. I'm sorry I can't help more," Hongjoong said tiredly.
"Hongjoong, seriously?"
"You've done heaps."
"Help more?"
"Ok, ok, I'm amazing," Hongjoong said with a light chuckle.
"I'm going to bed," he said quietly, turning to go back to his quarters.
"Hongjoong, wait," Yunho said quickly, making him stop.
"What," he asked tiredly.
"I don't want you staying in your quarters. I know we fixed the mast for now but in case something happens, I would prefer everyone below deck," Yunho said.
"Mingi, I'm sleeping in your bed, it's comfortable and you smell nice," Hongjoong said with a yawn, turning to go below deck. Mingi grinned happily at the others.
"Cap says I smell nice," he giggled, preening happily.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever," Yunho said rolling his eyes. Mingi grinned even more to himself, and skipped off happily, moving to check on the rest of the rigging.
Hongjoong walked down below the deck and intoMingi's room, walking tiredly. He stumbled over to the bed and laid down inexhaustion, slipping under the blanket and laying his head onto the pillow. Hismuscles relaxed instantly and he closed his eyes, feeling the exhaustion seepinto his bones. Today has already been a long day already and it's only halfwaythrough. He needs to get a proper rest so he'll be back to full strength,something he needs as the leader. There's a lot that needs to be done in thenext few days and he's going to make sure he get's it done, to make sure theboys stay safe, all of them.
Here is Chapter 10 everyone. Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy it
So, Hongjoong and Seonghwa had some cuddle time and they're finally comfortable with each other (It's about time)
What did you think about the tattoo? Is there anything you noticed in their discussion about it that might lead to something? And if so, what was it?
And once again, stupid Hongjoong trying to protect the boys but in the process almost getting himself hurt
Also, little side note of Mingi being happy Hongjoong said he smells nice lol
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