Chapter 1
Trigger Warning
Drowning, Abuse, Blood, Violence
"Oi, we need you now." Seonghwa peeled his eyes open slowly and pushed his body up from the old rickety bed to see someone standing by the door to his room. The door only opens for four reasons, to give him food, to take him to the toilet, to save one of the crew from a certain death stemming from their stupidity or to be the punching bag of the crew if they're bored.
"What is it," he asked tiredly. He barely get's enough sleep as it is, too sore and restless to get to sleep.
"McMillon got stabbed while we docked, you need to fix him," the man said. Seonghwa recognised him to be someone they call Ricky, though he doesn't even think that's his name.
"I'm tired, I'll do it later," Seonghwa said with a sigh, flopping back down onto the bed in exhaustion. It's not his fault the crew was stupid and got into fights at every place they dock. Seonghwa's eyes snapped back open as a hand curled around his old shirt and yanked him up, making him stumble, trying to get his feet underneath him.
"You'll do it now you little shit, or I'll slit your throat right here," Ricky said, placing the sword to Seonghwa's throat. Seonghwa scoffed and rolled his eyes, knowing full well that he couldn't do anything as Seonghwa was the only medic on board the ship. That was the only reason he was still alive, because he could fix the crew up whenever they get themselves injured which is quite frequent. This isn't what he signed up for, not at all.
As a kid, he was always intrigued by pirates and would learn everything he could about them, dreaming to one day join a pirate crew and sail the seven seas. He was raised in a family who was pretty well off, enough for Seonghwa to be able to learn how to be a medic and when he finally turned 20, he set out to the docks to find a crew who would take him in and make his dream come true. He was excited, but that excitement changed when he was dragged onto a ship the minute he told someone he was a good medic. He was locked up the second he stepped onto the ship and has remained that way for the past close to three years apart from those four mentioned scenarios. The only source of light is a small window looking outside but it's enough for Seonghwa to be able to tell when the days pass and he keeps track of them by carving a line into the wall for each day. Sometimes Seonghwa tells himself that he would just be better off dead, rather than dealing with this confinement and abuse every day, but he just can't bring himself to let it happen.
"Move. Now," Ricky said, yanking him forwards and throwing him towards the doorway. Seonghwa tripped and stumbled, unable to stop himself from falling, wincing as his wrist connect with the floor and pain flared up slightly. He didn't have time to worry about it though, as he was yanked back up to his feet and pulled from the room. Seonghwa can fight, he knows he can but not against a crew of 20 people while he's this weak, that's impossible. He was dragged up to the deck where he immediately saw the group of people surrounding someone who was leant against the side of the ship.
"Got him Cap," Ricky said, pushing Seonghwa out towards them. This time Seonghwa did manage to remain on his feet, despite almost tripping and he straightened himself out as best as he could with his low energy. The Captain turned to him and a sickly sweet grin crossed his face. The Captain was a truly vile and disgusting man. He had yellow teeth, an old ratty beard and probably didn't own a heart. Seonghwa doesn't know how many nights he's heard people screaming over the years as he tortured them and then no doubt killed them. Just being in his presence makes Seonghwa's skin crawl uncomfortably.
"Well g'day there scruff. Got another for ya to fix up. Get to work," the Captain said nodding to the man who was holding his shoulder as it bled. Seonghwa sighed and walked over, kneeling in front of the man.
"Show me your shoulder so I can see how deep the wound is," Seonghwa said. The man grumbled but complied and removed his hand, just as another crewmember placed his first aid bag down beside him. The wound was bleeding steadily, but one look and Seonghwa knew it wasn't too bad of an injury. All it needed was some stitches and it would heal just fine. Seonghwa turned to his bag and opened it, pulling out a needle that had a numbing agent that would take the pain away while he stitched the wound shut.
"Oi, I ain't weak. Someone get me some rum," the man said, slapping the needle away. Seonghwa sighed but grabbed the needle and placed it neatly back into his bag. The only neat things on this ship from what he's seen is his room and his bag. Someone arrived almost right after and handed the man some rum to which he immediately started drinking from. Seonghwa rolled his eyes but grabbed his special needle and thread to stitch the wound closed. He glanced up, going to ask if he was ready but decided against it. They're all assholes anyway, there's no point trying to take away all of the pain. He immediately got to work, sticking the needle into his skin as he begun. The man grumbled and twitched slightly but he just continued to drink his rum, quickly getting drunk off of it. It took about 10 minutes for Seonghwa to have the wound stitched closed and bandaged before he pulled back.
"He will be fine," Seonghwa said, addressing the others still hanging around and watching. He turned back to his bag and packed it up, zipping it shut quickly.
"You done," the Captain asked. Seonghwa sighed but nodded and stood back up.
"Good. Have some fun boys. Time for him to go for a swim," the Captain said. That was all the warning Seonghwa got before a foot connected with his chest and he was falling overboard, plunging into the dark waters below.
Despite always wanting to be a pirate, Seonghwa never learnt the one thing any pirate should know, how to swim. The rest of crew already knew this, having caught on quickly when one of them had to jump overboard to save the ships only medic. Now it's sort of an in joke for them to throw him overboard and wait until he's about to drown before they rescue him and lock him back up. Seonghwa doesn't find it very funny, not at all. He hit the water before submerging instantly, his bones chilling at the temperature of the water. He flailed around uselessly, trying to get to the surface but it wasn't much help. He managed to get his head just above the water surface and take a breath before he was submerged again and inhaled some water. He held his breath as best as he could, trying to swim towards the ship but it was fruitless to even try. He started sinking more and his vision fuzzed slightly, losing sight of everything that was surrounding him. Just as he inhaled a lungful of water, a rope was wrapped around him and he was dragged above water and along the side of the ship as he was being lifted up. He coughed and spluttered, choking slightly as he dispelled the water from his lungs. He was dragged back above the ship and dumped onto the deck. He was exhausted from trying to keep himself afloat, on top of already having barely any energy. He flopped to the deck and remained where he was laying, breathing heavily and coughing weakly as more water spilled from his lips.
"This weakling wouldn't even make a good cabin boy," one of the crew scoffed. Seonghwa didn't even react, just let his eyes slip closed and didn't move from where he was laying.
"Take him back to his room," the Captain said. Seonghwa remained motionless and spent as he was scooped up into someone's arms and carried away, towards his room. He immediately knew who it was, Zeke is what they call him. From what Seonghwa knows, he's a cabin boy who can't speak, something to do with him being tortured and having his tongue cut out. It's horrible and Seonghwa feels sorry for him as he's the only person who ever shows him any kindness. It's not much, just making sure he's ok and not dying but it's the most he's gotten in years and he can tell Zeke tries to look after him. Zeke carried him into his room and placed him down onto his bed. Seonghwa wished he could have a proper bed, something that wasn't basically just elevated wood for him to sleep on. Seonghwa felt a tap on his shoulder and he tried to open his eyes again, knowing Zeke was trying to communicate with him. He managed it after a few seconds, weakly blinking them open to look at Zeke. Zeke gave him a sad smile and Seonghwa did his best to give him one back, but he figured it came out more like a grimace. Zeke held up his thumb, raising an eyebrow in question.
"I'll be ok," Seonghwa whispered, noticing Zeke wince at how raspy his voice was. Zeke bit his lip before patting his chest and then wrapping his hands around his neck lightly. Seonghwa furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, not understanding what Zeke was trying to portray.
"I don't understand," he said quietly. Zeke breathed deeply a few times, raising, and lowering his hand in time with each breath before patting his chest again. Seonghwa thought for a few seconds before it clicked.
"I'm ok Zeke, there's no water left in my lungs, so I won't choke or drown in my sleep," Seonghwa said quietly. Zeke let out a breath and nodded, smiling slightly. He moved forwards and repositioned Seonghwa, so his head was resting on the old pillow before he grabbed the thin blanket and draped it over him. Seonghwa was shivering from the cold, his clothes still wet but there's nothing he can do to dry off. He just has to do his best to fall asleep while he's still chilled to the bone. Zeke pat Seonghwa's shoulder again and he looked up at the mute boy. Zeke made a show of curling his hand into a fist before rubbing it in a circular motion on his chest.
"It's not your fault Zeke, you don't need to be sorry," Seonghwa whispered. And it's true. He may be with the crew but Seonghwa doesn't know if that was by choice and he knows Zeke never liked what the rest of the crew does. He thinks the boy would've thrived well on a different ship, had a good job, rather than having been shunned and dumped as a cabin boy. Zeke sighed softly before standing up, giving Seonghwa a wave and leaving the room, locking the door from the outside. Seonghwa sighed and let his eyes slip closed again, his body going lax. The bed was far from comfortable, but with the exhaustion seeping into his bones, there was nothing he could do to stop himself from drifting into a restless sleep...
Seonghwa was roused from his restless sleep by the sound of bangs and the ship swaying harshly on the waves. He lifted his head up in confusion, managing to pull himself up despite how weak his limbs felt. His chest was slightly tight, and his clothes were still wet, making him shiver. He glanced at the window and noticed the sun was setting slightly, still in the early stages which means it's only been a few hours since he drifted off. What could have happened in just a few hours? There were more bangs and then the ship shook violently, throwing Seonghwa from the bed and making him collide harshly with the floor. His wrist started to ache more and he groaned, slowly pushing himself to his feet. There were no more bangs and the ship stopped swaying but now Seonghwa could hear the sound of swords clashing above. He belatedly realised that the ship was under attack and had most likely been boarded. In the three years that Seonghwa has been aboard the ship, this had never happened. Sure they got into fights a bit frequently but usually they're the ones boarding, not the ones getting boarded. He moved to rest on his knees, closing his eyes and trying to focus on the sounds above, hoping he'd be able to figure out anything that might be happening but all he could hear was yelling and swords clashing. His knees suddenly started to feel wet and his eyes snapped back opened as he looked down, noticing that the floor of his room had water rising slowly. He jolted to his feet, swaying slightly as he realised the ship was sinking. Those bangs were most likely the sounds of cannons and judging by the water slowly rising, it meant that the other ship's shots had definitely hit their target. The ship is sinking, and he's going to go down with it. He cursed to himself and stumbled over to the door, yanking the doorknob but the door wouldn't budge, the lock on the outside keeping it firmly shut. He groaned and whacked the door, forgetting about his wrist and whimpering when pain shot through it. The water level had now reached close to his ankle and he whined, biting his lip anxiously. Would now be a bad time to mention the numerous almost drownings have given him a phobia of drowning and just being in open water in general. He knows it's stupid given he lives on a ship in open water, but as long as he's on the ship, he's fine. Unless the ship is filling up with water and sinking to the bottom of the ocean, like it is now. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath to try and calm down. Panicking right now will be useless and just cause him to possibly drown quicker. He stumbled back over to his bed and pushed it, shifting it away from the wall enough to slip his hand down and grab a small knife he had stashed away there in case of an emergency. Seonghwa thought this would warrant as an emergency. He would do his best to use it to get the door open and if he can't, then he can only hope someone will open it and he can get the jump on them. Or maybe Zeke will come down and let him out, Seonghwa doesn't think he would let him drown. He quickly moved to the door, the water making it's way a few centimetres higher. If he doesn't get it open soon and the water rising more, he may not be able to open it at all. He tried inserting the knife in the slot between the door and the doorframe, trying to unlatch the lock but it was useless and wouldn't budge. Tears of frustration burned in his eyes as he tried again and again to get it open but nothing worked. He yelled out in frustration and smacked the door with his uninjured hand, stepping back from the door and holding the knife tight in his hand. He was beginning to give up hope when there was a sudden bang on the door. He jumped in shock, tripping over and falling back into the water with a small splash.
"There's another one in here," he heard someone yell out. It wasn't a voice that he recognised, which means it's someone from the other ship that boarded. It was then that he realised the fighting above had stopped. That must mean that this other ship, whoever they are, they must've won. No one has ever won against the Captain and his crew, never. His limbs were beginning to feel weak again but he grabbed the edge of the bed and managed to pull himself to his feet. He heard the sound of the door being unlatched before there was a bang, the sound of someone trying to get the door open. Seonghwa stood steady and clutched the knife tightly in his hand.
"Guys, I need help here. The door won't open, there's too much water," the person yelled out again. Seonghwa's hand shook slightly but he took a deep to steady it. There was the sounds of footsteps and then splashes before there were more bangs. Seonghwa watched as the door slowly begun to slide open, the water splashing around him. He readied himself, positioning the knife to be able attack as soon as they come in. Considering this crew won over the crew he's been with for three years, it means he probably won't stand a chance but if he's going to die anyway, then he's going to go down fighting. There was another bang and the door finally moved swiftly, opening about ¾ of the way as two people walked into the room. One of them was tall, taller than him, with dark grey hair and what seemed like blue whisps in some places and the other was small with black hair at the top and blond down the bottom. The smaller looked quick and nimble, while the taller one looked like he would be a bit slower. Seonghwa decided that if he was going to take out one, the taller on would be his best bet. As they got closer, he lunged forwards, swiping the knife towards the taller one who's eyes widened.
"Shit," he exclaimed. Seonghwa may have misjudged the taller one, or perhaps the exhaustion made him slower as he was able to dodge the knife and knock it out of his hand. The energy Seonghwa used to attack him used up most of what he had left and cause him to stumble slightly. Before he could do anything else though, something smashed into the side of his head.
"WOOYOUNG." Seonghwa's vision blurred and his legs gave out but before he could hit the water again, arms were wrapped around him.
"He just attacked you. What did you expect me to do?"
"He was barely standing as it is, you didn't need to knock him out."
"I was protecting you, so shut up and take him up to the deck. This ship is sinking, and we don't want to go down with it. Cap can deal with him on Illusion." A hand slipped under Seonghwa's knees and around his back and he was lifted up into someone's arms. Seonghwa groaned and twisted, trying to get away from him but the arms held tight.
"Is he still conscious?" That's another voice, a new one from the other two so there's a third person here and they sounded surprised.
"Barely, but I think so. Wooyoung, your right hook is getting weaker," the one holding him said with a chuckle. Seonghwa could feel the vibrations from their chest as they talked. He desperately tried to move again but he had no energy, so he let his head drop down against their chest and his consciousness slowly slipped away from him.
"Where's Mingi, Wooyoung and Jongho," Hongjoong asked as he watched his other crewmembers walk across the plank back onto the Illusion.
"Mingi called them back down below deck for something," San replied, glancing back behind him. He would've gone back down there with Wooyoung, but he was too busy collecting the money from the old captains' quarters.
"Why would they do that? The ship is sinking," Hongjoong asked with a groan, running his fingers through his hair. Honestly, he may be the Captain but sometimes he thinks he's talking to a brick wall. Those boys are going to be the death of him one day.
"I don't know, ask them when they get back," San shrugged. He opened the pouch and looked inside, giggling at what he saw.
"You know the rules San, money comes to me," Hongjoong said, not missing the way the youngers eyes lit up at what was in the pouch. San pouted but closed the bag and held it out to Hongjoong. Hongjoong rolled his eyes at his childishness and grabbed the bag, pocketing it swiftly.
"What the hell were you three doing." San and Hongjoong glanced up, looking to where Yunho was looking and saw Wooyoung walking back on the plank with Jongho and Mingi following.
"Ask Mingi," Wooyoung said, rolling his eyes. San frowned slightly at his friend, knowing he isn't one to get annoyed easily.
"We went back because there was someone still in the ship and Mingi wouldn't let them drown," Jongho said as he too got onto the ship. San's eyes went wide as he registered the body in Mingi's arms, the enemy in Mingi's arms. His arm instinctively shot out to his left where the small blond was standing quietly, grabbing his wrist and tugging him behind him. The blond glanced at San and rolled his eyes at his overprotectiveness.
"Sannie, he's unconscious," he pointed out.
"For now," San whispered.
"Shush Sangie," San said cutting him off.
"Who the hell is that," Hongjoong asked as Mingi got on board. They had done extensive research on the crew they were attacking, and they were told they had 23 crewmembers. He counted the bodies earlier and there were 23 there.
"He was stuck in a room," Mingi said, holding him gently in his arms. The man was light, dangerously light and his body was littered with bruises. That isn't the sign of a cherished crewmember, that's the signs of an abused and malnourished person.
"What do you mean stuck," Hongjoong asked cautiously. He's very wary of who he brings aboard his ship, of who he lets near his crewmembers outside of a fight.
"The floor was flooding so the door wouldn't open," Jongho replied as he grabbed the plank connecting the two ships and pulled it off, allowing them to slowly drift away.
"You should've left him Mingi. What made you think you could just bring someone onboard Illusion. That crew was known for their brutality, I don't want any of them here. Throw him overboard," Hongjoong said sternly. He doesn't need this person to wake up and hurt his crew and he doesn't need any information from them. The Captains orders are to be followed at all times, that's a rule. When Hongjoong is in his Captains role, you don't disobey him but something in Mingi just can't let this person die.
"I'm sorry, I can't do that," Mingi said, his voice shaking slightly as his disobeyed a direct order. Hongjoong's eyes narrowed and they took on a dangerous glint, making Mingi shiver. He knows Hongjoong would never hurt him in any way but being on the receiving end of one of his angry glares is not fun.
"What did you just say," Hongjoong asked darkly. It's ok for the boys to not listen to him when they're just mucking around but in a situation like this, his order is to be followed always.
"I-I said I can't do that," Mingi repeated.
"And why the hell not," Hongjoong asked, moving forwards.
"Hongjoong," Yunho said sternly, stepping closer and holding an arm out to stop him. As the quartermaster, Hongjoong's 2nd in command, it's his duty to make sure he doesn't do anything stupid without thinking it through.
"Mingi, why can't you throw him overboard," Yunho asked. The least they can do is hear Mingi out before Hongjoong gets angry and later punishes him. Yunho trusts Mingi and his judgement, so they're clearly missing something.
"Hongjoong, C-Captain. I don't think he's a crewmember. Or if he is, he wasn't important at all," Mingi said quickly.
"What makes you think that," Hongjoong asked, glancing at Yunho to let him know he could step back. Yunho did so with a nod.
"Look at him. He's skin and bone, and there's bruises all over his body. He tried to attack me earlier and I swear he was moving in slow motion. If Wooyoung didn't punch him, he probably would've passed out anyway. And the door wasn't just blocked by the water, it was latched closed, on the outside. That means the crew was keeping him locked up," Mingi explained quickly.
"He was locked up? Maybe he was a prisoner then," Yeosang said quickly. He went to move forwards to assess the boy in Mingi's arms as it's his duty as a medic but he was stopped once again by San who looked at him sternly. He huffed in frustration at the protectiveness. It's been like this since they were kids only it's usually with-. Yeosang's thoughts got cut off as another body stepped in front of him and he rolled his eyes. Only it's usually with Wooyoung as well.
"You can't throw him overboard if he's a prisoner Hongjoong, it's just not right. You said it yourself when we first joined, we don't kill the innocent," Yunho said quickly.
"I know what I said and I still say that, but we don't know this person or if he even is a prisoner. For all we know, they could've locked him up because he's too violent and if that's true then I don't want him here," Hongjoong said angrily.
"Captain, I agree with Yunho and Mingi, we can't just throw them overboard," Jongho spoke up. He's all for killing those who deserve it but they don't even know if this person does deserve it. They already killed the 23 they were set to, this guy is just a mystery.
"I said throw him overboard. I do not want a danger on my ship," Hongjoong said.
"Joong." Hongjoong's head snapped to the side and his eyes softened slightly as he saw the small blond peaking out from behind San and Wooyoung.
"What is it Yeosang," he asked with a sigh.
"At least let me treat him. I can asses his injuries and treat them and then I'll tell you what it looks like. You can chain him to the medic bed while I do it, for added protection," Yeosang said quickly. He's a medic, he heals people who need it and this person seems to need it. If what Mingi said is true, then who knows what this person has gone through and for how long. Hongjoong thought about what he said for a few seconds, running it over. As much as he doesn't want this person onboard, half his crew is against throwing them overboard and have brought up good points and precautions. He may be the Captain but he prides himself on listening to his crew and as much as he may want to throw him overboard, he can't do that.
"Mingi, take him down to the med bay and chain him up so Yeosang can assess him, then I want you to meet me in my quarters. Yeosang, come find me once you've looked after that one so we can discuss. The rest of you, stick to what we always do after a good fight," Hongjoong said. Mingi let out a breath and nodded, already knowing he would be getting in trouble for opposing the Captain so rudely. Hongjoong is a good Captain and Mingi knows a punishment is justified.
"I'm not letting Sangie stay with a possible psycho alone so I'm staying down there with him," Wooyoung said quickly. Yeosang is a pirate yes, but he's also very naïve and gullible which means he can get swindled easily.
"Fine, you can go. And before you ask San, no you can't go as well. Wooyoung will be there to protect him from the unconscious and chained person so Yeosang will be fine. We have boxes to sort through and you my dear navigator, need to navigate," Hongjoong said. San went to protest but Hongjoong watched him sternly and he begrudgingly gave in.
"Navigating it is," he said with a sigh before turning around and heading to the helm.
"Mingi, Wooyoung, Sang, go," Hongjoong said, waving them off.
"Yunho and Jongho, help me get these sorted and put away," Hongjoong said before walking off, Yunho and Jongho following.
"Come on," Yeosang said, walking down below deck and towards the med bay, knowing Wooyoung and Mingi would follow. He held the door open for Mingi as his hands were currently full, letting it go before Wooyoung walked in, giggling as it hit him in the face slightly. Wooyoung rolled his eyes as he swung the door back open and walked in, moving over and sitting in the chair in the corner of the room. He doesn't know anything about medicine so he can't help but if anything goes wrong, it'll take him less than a few seconds to get Yeosang protected and behind him. Mingi gently laid the boy in his arms on the bed, making sure his head was resting on the pillow and his body was in the middle of the bed.
"Do I really have to chain him up," he asked quietly, noticing just how frail he really looked.
"Yes you do, now put the chains on. Hongjoong agreed to have him here with those conditions Yeo gave. I don't care if you think he's harmless, Yeosang is working on him so we're taking precautions," Wooyoung said firmly. Yeosang glanced over at Wooyoung, frowning in annoyance but Wooyoung just gave him a soft smile and he couldn't stop himself from reciprocating. What can he say, his best friends smile is contagious. Mingi frowned but nodded, grabbing the chains from the bottom bed and gently tying his arms to the side of the bed.
"He's all yours Yeosang, look after him-." Wooyoung scoffed and Mingi rolled his eyes. Wooyoung isn't a bad person, he's just overprotective of his childhood friend which is understandable as they've been through a lot together.
"As I was saying Yeosang, look after him. We don't know who he is or what he's done, so for now we treat him like a good person," Mingi said.
"I know. I'm gonna look after him," Yeosang said with a nod. Whoever this person is, he looks like he needs help, so he's going to help him.
Hello everyone and welcome to my new story. I hope you guys enjoy this one as much as you do with all my other stuff, I'll do my best to make it a good enough standard
Please let me know what you think, I'd really love some feedback. Let me know what your favourite part is, what surprised you and what you want more of
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