Chapter 8
"EVERBODY GET DOWN," Hongjoong yelled out as he lunged for Seonghwa. He wrapped his arms around his loves waist, watching in slow motion as Yunho managed to tackle Yeosang and Jongho out of the way, the cannon ball hurling towards the wedding area. It landed a few metres away from the stage, the force of the blast sending the people around there flying. Hongjoong copped the brunt of the blast on his back as he had turned to protect Seonghwa, crying out in pain as he was sent slamming to the ground a few metres away, his hands having left Seonghwa's waist. The pain in his back and entire body was blinding, making him sob instantly but he was also scared. Scared for his crew and for his love. He was on his back but he was somehow able to fight through the pain to roll over to his front. There were screams and fire all around, more cannon balls crashing through the wedding area. His eyes searched around desperately, managing to see Seonghwa getting up about 5 to 10 metres away, as well as Wooyoung tugging San up further away. Hongjoong's eyes then shifted to Jongho who was looking at him already, his mouth moving but Hongjoong couldn't make out what he was saying. He tried to stay conscious but the pain was too much and the last thing he saw before everything went black was Jongho running towards him.
Jongho yelped as he was tackled to the ground by Yunho, hearing Hongjoong's yells and then there was a loud bang and they were flung around slightly. He landed on his back and groaned but sat up quickly as people all around started screaming, more cannon balls crashing into the stage and seating areas.
"You two ok," Yunho rushed out quickly.
"Yunho, Mingi," Yeosang yelled. Yunho looked up to see Mingi further away with bits off wood from the stage on top of him. He jumped up and ran, keeping low to try and avoid anymore cannon balls from hitting him.
"Sangie, you ok," Jongho asked quickly, glancing towards the medic. Yeosang's hands were shaking and there were tears on his face but he nodded.
"Hongjoong's hurt," he said, his eyes, flicking behind Jongho. Jongho spun around to see Hongjoong near the edge of the water, his face contorted with pain as he looked around the beach. Jongho scanned the area as well, finding Seonghwa about 10m further down the beach by the water and Wooyoung and San a bit off from there. It was then that he finally looked towards the ship. It was sailing close to the water, the ladder down and pirate climbing off and jumping into the water with swords drawn. Libertatia is a safe zone, a fight free area. They aren't supposed to have weapons and no one at the wedding does. How are they supposed to protect themselves against arm pirates without weapons.
"HONGJOONG," Yeosang screamed suddenly and Jongho turned his head to see that two pirates were heading towards Hongjoong while others panned out. Hongjoong looked up at that exact moment and their eyes met.
"Hongjoong behind you," Jongho yelled. Hongjoong didn't reply but his head dropped a little. Jongho realised that he was too injured to be able to protect himself so he jumped up and sprinted. As he ran, he saw Hongjoong completely collapse in the sand and he sped up, trying to get to him quickly. He heard Seonghwa yell out and briefly glanced over at him to see two men advancing on him. He was in danger as well, but Hongjoong was completely defenceless.
Jongho sprinted as fast as he could, throwing himself at the man who was closest to Hongjoong. They both hit the ground with a harsh thud, Jongho holding back a whimper as pain shot through his shoulder. The second pirate had made it to Hongjoong by that time and was swinging his sword towards the Captain's body. Jongho lunged at him as well, tackling him to the ground. He felt the blade pierce slightly near his ribs and scrape along but not enough to hinder him. He threw the pirate off of him, roll over and getting on top of him, punching him as hard as he could and dazing the other. He heard more movement and glance back at the first pirate to see them advancing towards Hongjoong again. He lunged at him desperately, grabbing his ankle and yanking, causing him to fall to the ground. Jongho knew that he couldn't make a mistake, he couldn't let them get the upper hand otherwise Hongjoong was as good as dead.
He climbed on top of the pirates back, seeing a rock in the sand that he grabbed quickly before viciously bashing it into the pirate's skull. Blood started to spurt out but he kept smashing until their skull caved in. He went to turn around but screamed out as there was a pain in his shoulder, feeling a blade stab into it. He quickly threw his head back, feeling it connect with the pirate behind him and hearing them yelp. He then yanked himself forwards, dislodging the sword from his shoulder. He lunged forward and grabbed the sword from the pirate whose head he had smashed in and swung around, slicing open the other pirate's neck who was still disorientated. He shoved them back and they fell to the ground, gurgling around blood as it seeped through their hand that was clasped on their neck.
Jongho's shoulder felt like it was on fire but he managed to stumble back over to Hongjoong, doing his best to push away the pain in favour of looking after the Captain. Hongjoong was still unconscious, his eyes closed and his body limp along the sand. The back of Hongjoong's jacket and shirt were singed in places, showing his back that was an angry red colour but thankfully not too bad of a burn. Jongho grabbed Hongjoong's shoulder and grunted as he used one arm to roll him onto his back. He ran his eyes over him, noticing that there was blood dripping slowly from his forehead, meaning he had most likely hit his head at some point.
"Captain," Jongho said, giving him a light shake to try and rouse him. Hongjoong however, did not stir, his eyes remaining closed. Jongho was starting to lose energy, no doubt losing blood from his shoulder so he glanced towards the sea to figure out if Hongjoong was still going to be in imminent danger but none other seemed to have noticed him. He started to relax when there was a sudden scream and he looked to where it came from, his eyes widening in horror.
Seonghwa was caught off guard when he suddenly had his soon to be husband's body covering his own but then there was a huge crash and he felt himself flying backwards with a cry. He hit the ground with a thud, groaning out in slight pain. His arm felt hot and he glanced down, gasping in surprise when he saw his sleeve was on fire. He quickly pat it into the sand before doing a complete roll just to be sure it was completely out. It was only after that, that he properly looked up to figure out what was going on, hearing another crash and screams. He sat up as he looked around, seeing fire and broken pieces from the wedding spread out across the beach. He glanced towards the sea and that was when he realised they were being attacked, a ship firing cannons into the wedding while the pirate's now jumped down with swords drawn. He gasped and looked around quickly, seeing all the people hurt, all the people who were defenceless. This is a safe haven, no one has their weapons on them, no one can protect themselves well against people who do have weapons. His eyes instantly searched for his own crew, finding San and Wooyoung further down the beach with San being supported by Wooyoung. Seonghwa looked further, seeing Yunho by a pile of rubble as he tugged bits off of it and then Yeosang running over to join him. Jongho was further down, fighting with someone in the sand and Seonghwa jolted. There were two people attacking him, as well as a figure wearing familiar attire unmoving in the sand by him.
He ran forwards, trying to get to them but he was suddenly tackled into the sand. He quickly rolled over, flipped the person who had tackled him over as well and punching them square in the face. They had the upper hand with a weapon but his punch to the face seemed to have caught them off guard so he quickly continued to punch them as hard as he could, trying to knock him out. He only got three more punches in before he suddenly felt cool metal against his throat. He froze, his heart pounding as he felt the sword push harder against his neck, not yet drawing blood but a reminder of what could happen. His eyes trailed up the blade to the pirate holding it, a man with long, greasy, curly hair, dirt and grim covering his face and a wicked grin.
"It seems we've got ourselves the little wifey haven't we," the pirate said.
"Whatever you want, I won't give it to you so you'll have to kill me," Seonghwa spat.
"All in due time Park Seonghwa, all in due time," the man said.
"Grab him," he added and suddenly there were two sets of hands grabbing his arms. He panicked and started thrashing, managing to elbow one in the ribs while kicking the other in the shin. One let go but the others elbow came up and smashed him in the back of the head. He cried out but continued trying to get away however a leg swiped out his own and he went crashing to the ground with a groan. There were more sets of hands of him and he was tugged up, something colliding with his stomach and he doubled over in pain, trying not to throw up. He did his best to keep struggling but he knew it was weak at this point, the blow to his stomach basically incapacitating him. He felt himself getting dragged back along the sand and he started to panic. They weren't killing him, they were dragging him away, towards the sea, towards the ship.
"No, no, let me go," he said desperately but they didn't stop. By this point there were about 5 pirates surrounding him and he knew he had no chance of getting away. He was scared and there was one person he always turned to when he was scared.
"No. HONGJOONG, HONGJOONG," he screamed thrashing in their hold.
"JOONGIE," he yelled desperately, his eyes drifting across the beach. His heart broke when he saw that Hongjoong was still unconscious but then his eyes met Jongho's. It looked like Jongho was barely managing to hold himself up but his eyes were wide with panic. He pushed himself to his feet and tried to run towards Seonghwa but stumbled after a few steps and fell. Seonghwa's heart broke even more as he watched their youngest desperately trying to get to him, stumbling again before basically trying to drag himself across the sand but he was far too injured to do so. Seonghwa went limp in the pirate's arms, resigned to his fate. His eyes met Jongho's, the younger boys wide with fear and panic and Seonghwa felt tears well up in his own.
"It's ok, I love you," he called out to the younger boy, just before something smashed into his head and he blacked out.
Jongho held back a sob as he watched Seonghwa get knocked unconscious and dragged into the water. He wanted to help, he really did but he didn't have the energy to even move. San and Wooyoung were fighting with a pirate but he could tell that they wanted to run to Seonghwa as well. It would basically be suicide but they would do it if they could. The men managed to drag Seonghwa on to the ship, tying him up and pulling him to the top while the others climbed aboard. There were still a few fighting along the beach but the ship set sail without them, drifting further and further away from the beachline. Jongho continued to cry but pulled himself up slightly, slowly crawling back to Hongjoong. Once he did, he rolled his body over the others, tucking his head into his neck and bracing his body as a layer of protection over the top of him. If one of those pirates found him, he would hopefully be able to buy Hongjoong some time for someone to come and help.
"Breathe, breathe. I've got you, I've got you Sangie," Yunho said gently as he pressed his hands firmly into the wound on Yeosang's arm. They had been trying to get Mingi out from where he was buried beneath some wood when they were taken off guard by a pirate attacking them. Yeosang had thrown himself in Yunho's path, resulting in his arm being sliced slightly. Yunho had managed to overpower the pirate before hurrying to help the now two injured boys. He managed to get Mingi out who had thankfully woken up and was sore but coherent. He had then tugged Yeosang into his lap and pulled off his own shirt, ripping it up and putting over the wound before pressing down firmly.
"S-Seonghwa, he screamed, is he ok," Yeosang asked shakily, his face slightly pale. Yunho held back tears at that, remembering the look of fear on Seonghwa's face as he was dragged away. He wanted to save him, to protect him but going to him would have likely just resulted in him being taken as well or even killed. Yeosang and Mingi needed him and he could help them so he stayed. That decision will most likely haunt his nightmares but he knew in his heart that it had been the right decision, the only decision he could make.
"He's still alive but they took him," Yunho said quietly. Yeosang whimpered at that but Mingi quickly hushed him, rubbing the shoulder of his uninjured arm.
"There was nothing anyone could do. We will get him back," Mingi said softly.
"Is everyone else ok," Yeosang asked. Yunho glanced around nervously to see if there were any pirates still standing. The ship had left a few minutes ago but there will still some fighting. He couldn't see any now however but he saw San and Wooyoung running across the beach. His eyes trailed further past them to see where they were running and his stomach plummeted as he saw the two bodies in the sand wearing familiar wedding attire.
"Mingi, can you walk," he asked quickly.
"I think so, why," Mingi asked. Yunho stood quickly, holding Yeosang in his arms and making him cry out in pain.
"Come on," Yunho said. Mingi stood up and followed after him, stumbling slightly as he walked but walking nonetheless. Mingi gasped as he finally realised why Yunho was moving, seeing San and Wooyoung drop down beside two bodies. They got to them about 10 seconds later as San was pulling Jongho up off of Hongjoong.
"Oh my god," Wooyoung gasped, seeing the blood covering Jongho's shoulder.
"Does it look as bad as it feels," Jongho asked with a groan.
"It doesn't look good," San said worriedly.
"Hongjoong's unconscious but he's still breathing," Mingi said as he checked over the Captain.
"Yeosang, what do we do for Jongho? He's bleeding really badly," San asked, glancing up at Yeosang. He froze when he noticed him though.
"Yeosang, what's wrong, what happened," he asked quickly.
"He just got a slice, he'll be ok," Yuno replied quickly. Yeosang sat up in his lap as Yunho sat down and he glanced over at Jongho.
"Has it gone all the way through," he asked quietly and Jongho nodded shakily.
"Take off your jacket and put it in the sand and lay him back on it," Yeosang said. San nodded and did as asked, putting it down and gently laying Jongho back.
"Now take off your shirt and press it into the wound, as hard as you can," Yeosang said, watching as San did as he was told making Jongho cry out in pain.
"Now hold it in place, pushing as hard as you can to try and stop as much bleeding as possible," Yeosang instructed. Jongho cried out again but San pushed down with all of his strength to stop the bleeding.
"Th-They took Hwa. I tried to r-reach him but I couldn't," Jongho whimpered out.
"We know, we'll get him back. There was nothing anyone could have done, we just have to be thankful that they didn't kill him. They're cowards. They knew about the wedding and they knew everyone would be defenceless and that's when they attacked," Yunho said angrily.
"I'm pretty sure we were the target, they went straight after us first. They must've known even without weapons they were still outnumbered because they left as soon as they took Seonghwa," San said quietly.
"Hey Yunnie," Yeosang said quietly. Yunho's head quickly snapped down to him and he nodded.
"I'm feeling a little faint," he whispered.
"From blood loss? Is this bad," Yunho asked hurriedly.
"I think I'm just in shock and it's drained me. That and the wound it just making me tired. I'm ok though," Yeosang said in a small voice.
"Sangie we need you to stay awake. Jongho is bleeding badly, you're bleeding as well and Hongjoong is unconscious. Seonghwa isn't here and Hongjoong is the only other person other than you two to know anything about first aid so we need you ok," Wooyoung said quickly.
"Ok," Yeosang said, drawing in a deep breath and doing his best to gain his consciousness more.
"I don't feel so good," Jongho said suddenly.
"It's the blood loss getting to you, just stay conscious for as long as you can," Yeosang said. Jongho didn't reply but San felt him shiver slightly beneath him.
"Jongho, stay with me ok," he said quickly.
"Trying," Jongho replied quietly.
"Yunho, what the hell are we supposed to do? We have no medics and they're both losing blood, not to mention Mingi looks about ready to pass out and Hongjoong has passed out," Wooyoung said worriedly. Yunho bit his lip nervously, glancing over the rest of the crew. The decisions now fall on him, what with Seonghwa and Hongjoong both out of commission.
"I don't know. We can do our best, perhaps find some help," he said slowly though he wasn't too sure of himself.
"Sangie, can you talk us through more," he asked, glancing down at Yeosang only to find his eyes scrunched up as tears fell steadily down his face.
"Shit, how bad is it hurting," Yunho asked quickly.
"Don't feel well," Yeosang whimpered.
"We're screwed. Oh my god we're screwed. Seonghwa is gone and now Jongho and Yeosang are going to die," Wooyoung rushed out, making Mingi sob as he begun to panic. He already wasn't feeling too well and now he was thinking about his crewmates, his family dying.
"San." San turned at the call of his name, his eyes widening as he recognised Jake and Sunghoon running over with supplies in their arms.
"We're here to help if you need any, we're both trained medics," Jake said quickly.
"Oh thank god," San sobbed out in relief, not letting up the pressure he had on Jongho's wound.
"All of our medics are out of commission. We desperately need help," Yunho said.
"Ok, who is the worst," Sunghoon asked.
"Jongho got stabbed in the shoulder and he's bleeding like crazy. Yeosang's also losing some blood because he got a cut on his arm," Yunho replied quickly.
"You take Jongho, you're more experienced than I am," Jake said quickly and the other nodded. Yunho quickly shifted Yeosang down so his head was resting in his lap, moving his hand to allow Jake the space to work.
"We'll get them both stabilised here and then we'll take them back to one of the huts to help them more," Jake said. Yunho nodded and let out a breath of relief. They have help now, they should be able to get better, hopefully.
"San, you can let go of him now so I have room to work," Sunghoon said. San shook his head immediately, his eyes wide and fearful.
"N-No, I can't. He was, he was bleeding so much, I can't let him bleed out," San said quickly.
"He won't. I'm here now and I can get him stitched up and then we'll get him back to the huts and get some more blood into him," Sunghoon promised. San was frozen, his arms stiff as he continued to push down with them locked into place. He looked down at Jongho's face, finding it deathly pale with his eyes closed and he shivered. He felt a hand on his shoulder and he jumped.
"Come on Sannie." San glanced up at Wooyoung's soft voice, his body automatically following as he was guiding up by Wooyoung. Sunghoon moved quickly to get in and start working on Jongho as soon as San had moved. San's eyes welled with tears before he burst into sobs and Wooyoung gently guided his head to his shoulder.
"How could they do this? It was a peaceful wedding, how could they just attack like that," Mingi asked quietly. No one answered, no one knew the answer to give.
The authority was shifted to Yunho due to Hongjoong and Seonghwa being unable to perform the duties and therefor the decision towards their recoveries fell on him as well.
"All three of them are going to be just fine. We've put them in one of the bigger huts as per your request and Yeosang and Jongho received the blood they needed," Jake informed Yunho as he came out to the bench that he was sitting on, looking out across the ocean. Yunho sighed, tearing his eyes away from the destruction that was once a beautiful wedding.
"Thank you, I appreciate all of your help. Jongho would've died without you two," Yunho said quietly.
"Of course, we will always be there to help you, just as you are always there to help us as well. We noticed you all off to the side and we got worried because you were the closest to the action so we wanted to check in on you. I'm glad we did," Jake said.
"So am I. Did we lose anyone," Yunho asked.
"Yeah, there were casualties. I don't know any of the crews who lost people but some definitely did," Jake said with a nod.
"Are the rest of you kids ok though," Yunho asked softly. Out of all the guests in the wedding, Enhypen are the ones he is closest to.
"A few injuries but nothing severe," Jake replied.
"Good, I'm glad you're all ok," Yunho said with a sigh.
"Um and Yunho. I'm sorry about Seonghwa," Jake said quietly. Yunho stiffened at that, looking back out across the water wistfully.
"It's ok, it's not your fault. We can only hope that he's still alive and that he will pull through for long enough that we can rescue him," Yunho said.
"He's strong, he can survive," Jake said.
"I know he can, he's done it before. I just fear for what memories will be bought up because of it," Yunho said with a sigh as he stood up.
"I should go see my crew, check up on how they're doing," he said. Jake nodded and stepped aside, allowing Yunho to walk past him. Yunho walked through the paths towards the set of huts that they were now staying in. He stepped inside their hut before freezing in the doorway at what he saw. Wooyoung and San were huddled up in the corner of the room, small sobs coming from Wooyoung who was pressed against the wall. San was holding him by the waist gently, murmuring softly to him and placing soft, gentle kisses to his lips. Yunho has seen the two of them be close but not this close and he felt like he was intruding on their little bubble of security. He stayed quiet and backed out of the hut, letting the curtain fall back closed. He went around to the opposite side of the hut, deciding to access the large bedroom directly from there. He slipped inside to find Mingi laying on one of the beds with Yeosang tucked in his arms, letting him relax. Jongho was sleeping on the bed next to them and Hongjoong was still unconscious on another bed, further in the room. Mingi looked up as Yunho walked inside, smiling weakly.
"Hey, you doing ok," he asked softly, noticing how tired Yunho looked. They had been attacked about 8 hours ago so it was getting close to sundown but Yunho was the one who had been going around and doing everything while the rest hid away in the hut.
"Yeah, I'm fine," Yunho said with a nod as he walked closer.
"It took a while for Yeosang to get to sleep but I managed to coax him into it," Mingi informed him.
"That's good. He needs the rest so that he can recover quicker," Yunho said with a nod.
"I'm not sure where San and Wooyoung went, you might want to check up on them and make sure they're ok," Mingi said worriedly.
"They're in the room next door. Wooyoung's a bit upset so San is looking after him," Yunho said as he sat down on the edge of Hongjoong's bed, dropping his hand down to rest in his black hair. The cut on his head had been stitched closed but Sunghoon had said it was a hard knock and it may take him a while to wake up. Yunho frowned sadly as he saw the residual blood still clinging to some of Hongjoong's blond hair, so clear due to the difference in colour.
"What are we going to do Yunho." Yunho looked up in confusion, meeting Mingi's eyes to see the sadness in them.
"How are we going to tell him Seonghwa is gone? They were supposed to get married today Yunnie, it was supposed to be happy. How are we going to tell him he just lost his husband before they could even say I do," Mingi asked quietly.
"It's going to be hard, really hard. It's going to cut him deep and he's going to be so scared but he will know that we can get him back. They didn't kill him, only took him. We will hunt them down and we will get our quarter master back," Yunho said firmly.
"What if we don't," Mingi asked.
"We will. You can't lose faith already Mingi, we will get him back," Yunho said quickly. Mingi sighed but nodded.
"Who is going to tell him," he asked.
"We all will. He will need everyone's support," Yunho said, glancing down at Hongjoong's peaceful face, the Captain blissfully unaware of the pain he would feel when he wakes up. They heard a noise and both looked to the doorway to see San and Wooyoung walk in, Wooyoung's eyes red and puffy, San's not much better. Yunho slipped off the bed he was on, going over to the only empty one, allowing Wooyoung to crawl into his arms while San went and sat with Jongho. Wooyoung hugged him tightly and buried his head in his neck, sitting in his lap. Yunho held him tightly, rubbing his back slightly.
"It's getting late guys, you should all try to get some sleep," Yunho said.
"You need to get sleep as well," Mingi pointed out quickly.
"I will. We'll talk about everything in the morning once the shock has worn off. We won't be setting sail any time soon because we don't have enough uninjured crew to sail properly so just do your best to rest," Yunho said. The others who were still awake nodding and settled down into the beds, curling into the bodies beside them for some much needed comfort. Yunho laid down properly, allowing Wooyoung to curl up in his arms and nuzzling further into his neck.
"I've got you, you're safe. Just get some rest Youngie," Yunho whispered, resting his cheek against the youngers head. Wooyoung didn't reply but Yunho felt him relax slightly. He continued to hold the young cook, rubbing his back for comfort until he felt Wooyoung relax completely, his breath evening out against his neck. It was only then that Yunho allowed his eyes to slip closed, trying not to worry about all the decisions he would have to be making in the morning.
Here is Chapter 9 everyone, I hope you enjoyed it. It was pretty eventful and very fun to write.
Let me know what your favourite parts were and what you think might happen next!
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