Chapter 5
A week later, ATEEZ had finally docked at another port, right down the end of the port so that they would be able to make a quick getaway if needed.
"Does everyone know their jobs," Hongjoong asked for the third time as they all prepared to leave the ship.
"Yes Joong, we're all well aware of what we're supposed to be doing, you don't need to keep stressing anymore about it. We've planned this out for a while, we've gone through it about a hundred times. We're ready for this," Seonghwa said firmly.
"I know, I just don't want anyone getting hurt," Hongjoong said with a sigh.
"We all know the risks Captain and it's worth it. We're getting Seonghwa this necklace no matter what," San said firmly. Seonghwa smiled warmly, touched that the boys would go to such great lengths to get him something he refused to admit meant so much to him. He had seen the beautiful necklace many times and though he would never have brought it up to the others, they somehow managed to realise how much he wanted it and had instantly started to plan out a way for them to get their hands on it.
"We will be fine, this is going to be so fun," Wooyoung said happily.
"I agree with Wooyoung. I know we're the good guys generally but it's so fun stealing from rich snobs," Mingi said with a grin, throwing an arm around Wooyoung's shoulder.
"Alright. Make sure you all get back on time because we won't be able to hang around," Hongjoong said sternly and everyone nodded.
"Jongho and I will keep the ship safe, you guys just do what you need to," Yeosang said.
"Alright, let's go," Hongjoong said with a nod. The six of them that weren't staying on the ship climb down the ladder and onto the dock.
"Remember to wait for the signal and don't go too early. You two especially," Hongjoong said, turning to Wooyoung and San.
"We've got it, don't go until we see the fire," San said with a nod, slipping his hand into Wooyoung's.
"Good, go now," Hongjoong said and the two quickly hurried off.
"Make lots of noise, yell a lot ok," Hongjoong said to Yunho and Seonghwa.
"We've got it Hongjoong, it's going to be fine," Yunho said with a nod.
"Alright, I trust you two," Hongjoong said with a nod.
"We will see you in about an hour," Seonghwa said, kissing Hongjoong's cheek softly.
"I love you," Hongjoong whispered.
"And we love you two. As Seonghwa said, we'll see you soon," Yunho said before tugging Seonghwa away.
"Be safe," Mingi yelled and the other two nodded before jogging off.
"You ready for some arson," Mingi asked, wiggling his eyebrows.
"Always," Hongjoong said with a grin. They flipped the hoods of their cloaks over their heads before walking into the streets. There was a large festival going on which meant the streets were filled with people, the perfect cover.
"Any idea which building we're going to hit," Mingi asked quietly as he leaned closer to Hongjoong to whisper in his ear. Hongjoong nodded and slipped his hand into Mingi's, guiding him over to the left through the crowd.
"Just follow me," he told the younger. Mingi nodded and the two continued to push their way through the crowd. The came out on he other end near an old bar that was closed for the festival.
"It's empty and it will light up," Hongjoong said and Mingi smirked. Mingi glanced around briefly before opening the door and slipped inside while no one was paying them any attention.
"Grab some alcohol and pour it over the benches," Hongjoong said.
"Won't it be bad to burn down an entire bar? This is someone's livelihood," Mingi asked.
"This bar is a brothel Gi, and they don't treat their workers well," Hongjoong said, making Mingi frown. He immediately grabbed a bottle from the bar, smashing the lid before he began pouring the liquid out. Hongjoong followed along, smashing bottles and pouring them out all over the bar.
"What's going to happen to the girls though. I would say this is their only source of income," Mingi said as he cut open a keg with his sword.
"Don't worry, I've got that handled already. I know someone from the area and he said he would take care of everything," Hongjoong said and Mingi nodded.
"This is going to be so fun, can I please set the fire," Mingi begged, clasping his hands together.
"Whatever, just hurry up. We need to make sure we get it lit on time otherwise we're going to screw Wooyoung and San," Hongjoong said.
"Right," Mingi muttered, hurrying to continue pouring out the alcohol.
"This should be enough right," he asked. Hongjoong glanced around before nodding and pulling out the matches.
"This should be more than enough," Hongjoong said with a nod, tossing the matches to Mingi who caught them with ease. Hongjoong backed up to the doorway, preparing to open it when needed. He glanced at his watch to check the time.
"Wait another minute Mingi," he said and Mingi obeyed, pausing for a minute until Hongjoong nodded his head to tell him to go. He lit the match quickly before throwing it onto the alcohol on the bench and running. He grabbed Hongjoong's hand and tugged him out of the building. It took less than 10 seconds for the whole building to suddenly be up in flames. It took even less time for the crowds to notice the fire and the screaming to begin. That is when phase two of the plan was put into action. You see it someone was bound to have notice it was them that had set fire to the building which means that they would be chased to be brought to justice.
"Hey you, stop there." Hongjoong held back a grin and grabbed Mingi's hand, tugging him to an alley off to the side.
"Stop." Mingi and Hongjoong kept running. They dodged through the alleys, taking a route they had already mapped out and gone over a hundred times. Mingi didn't notice a rock while he was running and he stepped on it, tripping on it and stumbling. He didn't fall completely however as Hongjoong caught him but the trip slowed them down enough for those following him to catch up. Hongjoong shoved Mingi in front of him, just as his arm was grabbed and he was thrown into the wall, a knife pressed to his throat.
"Well, well, well, what do we have here." Hongjoong scowled angrily despite the knife pressed against his throat.
"Aw. You look adorable."
"Seriously Hwa," Hongjoong groaned, lightly shoving the knife away.
"What, you do. Can't help that I find my fiancée cute," Seonghwa said with a shrug.
"We're in public Seonghwa, you can't make me look weak in public," Hongjoong said, rolling his eyes as Seonghwa stepped back, glancing over to Mingi who was getting checked over by Yunho.
"Did anyone else follow us," Hongjoong asked.
"Nope, it went exactly as planned," Seonghwa said, slipping his hand into Hongjoong's and linking their fingers together.
"The rest is up to Sannie and Wooyoung. We need to get back to the ship," Hongjoong said.
"How's your ankle feeling," he added, glancing at Mingi.
"I'm fine, don't worry," Mingi said.
"Are you sure," Seonghwa asked.
"Yeah, it doesn't hurt at all, I only tripped," Mingi said.
"Alright. Come on, we need to get back to the ship so Jongho knows to unanchor," Hongjoong said. The other three nodded so the four of them continued running down the path they had planned, heading back towards the ship.
"Ooo, this looks pretty, Yeosang would look gorgeous in this."
"Stop touching things Woo, we're supposed to be keeping on the down low. We don't want to be caught before we've even done what we're supposed to do," San said, slapping Wooyoung's hand away. Wooyoung pouted and flopped his arm over San's shoulder.
"You're such a downer Sannie," he said with a pout.
"No, you're just so bad at sticking to a task we're given," San said, tugging Wooyoung closer when someone almost bumped into him.
"I am not. I just thought it would be a nice thing to get Sangie," Wooyoung said with a pout.
"I know, but we can't draw attention to ourselves. We just need to wait for the signal alright," San said. Wooyoung sighed but nodded, leaning further into San's side.
"How're you feeling, you ready for this," San asked the younger, rubbing his shoulder lightly.
"Of course Sannie, no need to stress. We've got this," Wooyoung said with a grin.
"Oh shit, quick, kiss me," San said hurriedly. Wooyoung had no idea what was happening but he quickly wrapped his arms around San's neck, tugging him down and kissing him. San placed his hands on Wooyoung's hips and gently walked him back until they were hidden behind a stand. San pulled away and tugged Wooyoung closer, glancing over his shoulder.
"What's wrong," Wooyoung asked worriedly.
"I'm pretty sure I just saw Chaewon," San said with a wince. Wooyoung snorted before giggling.
"Are you seriously still scared of her? It's been three years Sannie," Wooyoung said.
"Shut up, yes she still scares me," San said with a pout.
"Come on, I highly doubt she still holds a grudge," Wooyoung said.
"I basically lead her on without even realising it. She so still wants me dead," San whined.
"She never wanted you dead San, you're blowing things way out of proportion," Wooyoung said.
"I am not, you didn't see her that night. She still haunts my nightmares," San said with a shiver. Wooyoung chuckled again and ruffled San's hair. San rolled his eyes and tugged Wooyoung closer, kissing him to shut him up. Wooyoung giggled into the kiss, cupping San's face softly and leaning into him.
"We shou-." San was cut off by the sound of screams and he cursed.
"Shit, we're late," he said. The two of them rushed out, pushing through the rowdy crowd to get towards the pink stall labelled Cheryl's Diamonds. Wooyoung almost got dragged away from the crowd but he latched onto San's wrist to stay close to him. San quickly tugged him closer, managing to push through the crowd and pop out the side where the jewellery stand was.
"There it is," Wooyoung whispered, seeing the necklace in the glass case up the back.
"Come on, before the shock wears off," San said. He rushed over and placed his hands on the wood, of the barrier, launching himself over it. Wooyoung ran and slid underneath it instead. His hand shot out, launching his dagger into the glass and shattering it. San rushed to the stand and grabbed the necklace, shaking off the glass before pocketing it safely into his pocket. Unfortunately their late timing meant the shock wore off quicker and their cover was blown.
"Hey, stop right there." They already had the necklace, now it was time to run. San rushed to the other side of the stall and jumped the barrier again, preparing to run but pausing to look back and make sure Wooyoung was with him. He wasn't. San looked back into the stall to see Wooyoung fiddling with something on one of the benches.
"Wooyoung," he called out, his eyes flitting to behind the younger where someone was running at him with a knife. Wooyoung ran just in time, sliding under the bench. San grabbed his hand and ran, hearing yells from behind them. Wooyoung's heart was pounding, racing with San down the back alleys they had planned to go down. The sound of footsteps were getting closer so they sped up. Wooyoung glanced back to see a man running after them with a knife, not far behind. The glance back turned out to be his downfall as he did the stupidest thing by tripping over a rock. The man caught up and tackled him to the ground.
"SAN," he screamed out. San skidded to a stop and spun around, seeing Wooyoung on the ground with a man on top of him. The man was trying to plunge the knife into Wooyoung's chest but Wooyoung was managing to hold it off by holding onto the mans wrists. San sprinted back, grabbing the back of the man's shirt and ripping him off Wooyoung. He threw the man into the wall, swinging his arm and punching him in the draw before kneeing him in the stomach. The man doubled over and San spun around, back kicking him in the face and causing him to collapse to the ground. San quickly knelt beside him and quickly checked his pulse, noting that the man was thankfully only knocked out and not dead. Sure, the man was chasing them but they did just steal something from him.
"Come on Wooyoung, we need to go," he said, glancing briefly over at Wooyoung who was still on the ground.
"San," Wooyoung said quietly.
"Yes I know, that didn't go as planned but we need to get back to the ship, we're late enough as it is," San said, dragging the man to the side of the alley and shoving him behind a box.
"San," Wooyoung called out.
"What Woo-." San trailed off as he turned and saw Wooyoung sat leaning against the wall with his hand on his stomach. San's eyes dropped to the hand and his eyes widened as he saw the hilt of the blade sticking from it.
"I messed up," Wooyoung whispered. San hurried over, kneeling down beside the younger.
"Shit Wooyoung," he whispered, looking down as he saw the blood seeping through Wooyoung's shirt.
"I-I'm gonna be fine. We just, we just need to get me to Yeosang," Wooyoung whispered.
"Y-Yeah. Crap Wooyoung," San groaned.
"I'm sorry," Wooyoung whimpered.
"No, it's ok. It's not your fault and you're going to be fine, I'll make sure of it," San said. Wooyoung sniffled but nodded and dropped his head to San's shoulder as he hugged him gently. San ducked his head down and pressed his lips softly to Wooyoung's, the younger reciprocating as it forced his mind away from the pain.
San's hand drifted down until he grasped the handle and yanked it out in one swift moment. Wooyoung cried out but San just hugged him close.
"Shh, shh, you need to keep quiet," San whispered. Wooyoung sniffled but nodded. San pulled back and pulled off his jacket before yanking off his shirt. He lifted Wooyoung's shirt and ripped his own, placing it over the wound that was bleeding steadily.
"You are going to be ok," he whispered. He pressed the shirt to the wound with his left hand while he used his right hand to unbuckle his belt and pull it from around his waist.
"I need you to hold this for me Wooyoung," San said. Wooyoung nodded and held the shirt over his wound. San quickly wrapped his belt around Wooyoung's waist, looping it over the shirt Wooyoung was holding. Wooyoung removed his hand and San tightened the belt as much as he could to stop the blood flow, making Wooyoung whimper.
"I'm sorry," San whispered.
"No, it's ok. It just hurts," Wooyoung said.
"I know," San replied.
"Come on, I need to get you back to the ship, back to Yeosang," San said.
"I'm not sure how well I can walk but I can try," Wooyoung said, trying but failing to stand up.
"I've got you," San whispered, scooping Wooyoung up into his arms as he stood up. Wooyoung cried out and gripped San's shoulder as the tears finally started to fall at the pain.
"Sorry," San whispered, holding him close.
"Y-Your jacket," Wooyoung whimpered, seeing the jacket on the ground. Inside that jacket is the entire reason they came here and they really can't afford to leave it.
"There's no way I am going to have gotten stabbed for nothing," Wooyoung said, glancing down at his own jacket briefly. San quickly bent down and grabbed his jacket handing it to Wooyoung.
"Hold it for me ok," San said. Wooyoung nodded, tugging it close as he let his eyes slip closed. San drew in a deep breath before he started hurrying down the alley.
"I've got you," he whispered.
"They're late. They shouldn't be late," Yunho said worriedly, glancing out over the docks. Hongjoong's hand clenched around the rails of the ship as he rocked back and forth slightly on his heels.
"I know that Yunho," he said tightly, glancing at the sky as the sun was coming down.
"I'm sure there's nothing wrong, they just probably got a little held up," Yeosang said nervously. He was trying not to get nervous because once the he let it in, he wouldn't be able to stop. Not knowing if something was wrong with the two of them would drive him insane.
"The sun is already going down, they should have been back at least 10 minutes ago," Mingi said.
"I'm going to go look for them," Yunho said, rushing to the ladder.
"No, you won't. We are going to wait a little bit longer," Hongjoong said quickly.
"Hongjoong, they could be hurt, they could be dead," Yunho snapped.
"I know, but we're going to give them another five minutes. If they aren't back by then, we will go after them but we can't just yet," Hongjoong said.
"He said not yet Yunho. I know you're worried, we all are but just wait and listen to your Captain," Seonghwa said firmly. Yunho let out a deep breath but nodded.
"We don't need to wait any longer," Jongho said, pointing across the deck. The others all turned to see a figure rushing down the docks.
"Something is wrong, San's carrying Wooyoung," Mingi said quickly. Yunho was climbing down the ladder in an instant, dropping down onto the deck and rushing forwards, meeting San halfway.
"Yunnie he's been stabbed and he stopped answering me a few minutes ago," San said with a sob. Yunho yanked Wooyoung from San's arms and sprinted to the ship. He somehow managed to hold Wooyoung while climbing up the ladder.
"Yeosang, he's lost a lot of blood," he said when he made it onto the deck. Yeosang instantly ran with Yunho down to the medical bay, his heart pounding in his chest. Seonghwa followed quickly as well.
"San," Mingi gasped, seeing San climb over the edge with blood all over his torso.
"It's Wooyoung's, not mine," San said, stumbling over.
"Doesn't matter," Mingi said, drawing him into a tight hug.
"Jongho, bring up the anchor and get us out of here now," Hongjoong instructed. Jongho nodded and ran off quickly, making Hongjoong turn his attention back to San.
"San, I hate to do this to you but what the hell happened," Hongjoong asked. San pulled his head back up from Mingi's shoulder and sniffled.
"We were late," San cried.
"What do you mean you were late? We had it all planned out, how could you be late," Hongjoong asked. San thought back to earlier, to Wooyoung teasing him and giggling with him.
"It was my fault. I got distracted and we missed the timing. We were late to grab it so someone saw us and chased us. I don't know what happened but they caught up to Wooyoung and had him pinned down. He called for me and I thought I got the man off of him before he could get hurt b-but when I turned around, he had a knife in his stomach. I-I'm s-sorry. It's my f-fault. It's all my fault," San sobbed. Hongjoong sighed and hurried over, joining Mingi in hugging San as he sobbed. It was no secret how close the two are given all of their history.
"He's going to be ok, Yeosang and Seonghwa will look after him," Hongjoong whispered, running his fingers through San's hair softly. He had no idea what the damage was which means what he said might not be true but he saw San visibly relax slightly at reassurance.
"Lost a lot of blood is an understatement," Yeosang rushed out as he ripped open Wooyoung's shirt to see the damage. He quickly unbuckled the belt and discarded it to the side. He lifted the shirt that was soaked in blood briefly before pressing it down again quickly with shaky hands as blood flowed quickly from it.
"Th-That's a lot of blood," he stuttered.
"Here, let me do this part. You need to try and wake him up," Seonghwa said quickly, nudging Yeosang to the side. Yeosang always tends to struggle a little when it comes to Wooyoung or San having serious injuries. Yeosang quickly hurried over to Wooyoung's head, running his hand through the younger's hair. Wooyoung's face was deathly pale, his eyes closed.
"He's lost a lot of blood, I'm going to get him hooked up to some while you get that sorted," Yeosang told Seonghwa who nodded. Yeosang hurried to the fridge, grabbing a bag of blood with Wooyoung's name and hurried over back over to Wooyoung. He hooked up the blood and connected the tube before slowly and gently inserting the needle into Wooyoung's arm. He placed a bandage over it before unclipping the bag, allowing the blood to flow down.
"Yunho, can you go grab some juice please," Yeosang asked, turning to the boy who was still hanging in the doorway.
"I'm on it," Yunho said, leaving quickly. Yeosang turned back to Wooyoung and tugged San's jacket from his hand, placing it off to the side on the bench. He then went back to Wooyoung's head, trying his best to coax the younger awake, internally begging to see his eyes open. He looked dead, the only reassurance that he wasn't being the steady thrum of his heartbeat beneath Yeosang's fingers as his hand rested on Wooyoung's chest.
"Youngie, please wake up. For me, please," he whispered, gently placing his forehead against the youngers. He squeezed his eyes closed, desperately paying attention to the steady thrum of Wooyoung's heartbeat, of the reassurance he was still alive. His eyes snapped open as he felt a brief, chaste kiss on his lips. He pulled back quickly, seeing Wooyoung with his eyes opened lazily.
"Hi gorgeous," he whispered. Yeosang sniffled and wiped a tear or two from his eyes before leaning against the bed, cupping Wooyoung's face.
"Hi, you gave me quite the scare," Yeosang said, rubbing his thumb over Wooyoung's cheek lightly as the younger leant into his hand.
"Is San ok," Wooyoung asked quietly.
"I'm pretty sure he is. To be fair I was more worried about you though. You know, given that you were bleeding so much," Yeosang said.
"Mhm. Oh, Hwa is given me stitches. I can't even feel it," Wooyoung said with a light giggle.
"Yes, because you are kind of drugged up on pain killers right now," Yeosang said.
"Oh. I'm sleepy," Wooyoung whispered, blinking slowly.
"I know you are. You can sleep if you want to. Seonghwa's almost got you stitched up and we're getting some blood back into you. You should be ok, I think," Yeosang said, glancing at Seonghwa.
"Yeah, he's going to be ok. It looked worse than it was because of all the blood," Seonghwa said with a nod. Yeosang let out a breath of relief, stroking Wooyoung's face again.
"See, you're going to be ok," he whispered.
"I uh, I got you something. In my left pocket," Wooyoung mumbled. Yeosang frowned in confusion before reaching into Wooyoung's left jacket pocket. His hand nudged against something cold and he grabbed it, tugging it out. His breath left his throat as he looked at it. It was a black choker necklace. It was laced in a sweet pattern with chains looped around it and a black gem in the middle. It was nothing short of breathtaking.
"You don't wear them much but I remember you mentioning you loved them. I saw it and it reminded me of you," Wooyoung whispered.
"It's very beautiful, I love it," Yeosang whispered with a soft smile.
"Wear it," Wooyoung whispered softly. Yeosang couldn't bear to say no when Wooyoung was clearly in pain. He quickly placed it around his neck, fiddling slightly before managing to clasp it behind his neck. He let go and it fit snuggly around his neck.
"So beautiful," Wooyoung whispered.
"Only the best from you right," Yeosang said softly.
"Hwa, close your eyes please," Wooyoung said, his eyes flicking down to Seonghwa who had finished stitching the wound and was just wiping it clean.
"What," Seonghwa asked in confusion while Yeosang looked at Wooyoung with wide eyes, knowing what he was implying.
"Please," Wooyoung begged, his eyes flitting up to Yeosang. Yeosang sighed, knowing this was something that would bring him comfort.
"Seonghwa, please don't tell," Yeosang said. Seonghwa was beyond confused at how the two were acting.
"Don't tell wh-. Oh." Seonghwa's eyes went wide as he saw the two kiss in front of him, Wooyoung relaxing as his eyes slipped closed.
"Get some rest," Yeosang whispered, kissing Wooyoung's forehead lightly. Wooyoung nodded before his head lolled to the side slightly. Yeosang glanced over at Seonghwa worriedly but he was just bandaging Wooyoung's wound.
"Don't worry. I didn't say I wouldn't tell anyone but I won't say anything. If you guys want to keep it on the downlow then that's ok," Seonghwa said softly.
"We um, we do. It's not like we're actively lying to you guys, we're just not flaunting it. We've all agreed to just take it slow," Yeosang said quietly. Seonghwa paused what he was doing and glanced up.
"All? As in, as in San as well," he asked. Yeosang bit his lip nervously but nodded, slipping his hand into Wooyoung's.
"Ok, that's cool. Wooyoung's going to be ok but why don't we go and check on San because he's probably really rattled from this," Seonghwa said. Yeosang nodded and glanced at Wooyoung one last time before hurrying out of the room. He went to go up to the top deck but heard sounds from San's room so he swung the door open quickly. Hongjoong, Yunho, Mingi and San were in there. San was cleaned of blood and curled up in Hongjoong's arms as he sobbed.
"Sannie," Yeosang said quickly, hurrying over and hugging him tightly. San let go of Hongjoong to hug him back, tugging his face into Yeosang's neck. He sniffled and pulled back however when he felt something weird against his cheek. He sniffled and glanced over the familiar looking choker around Yeosang's neck.
"Where'd you get that," he asked quickly.
"I um, I think Wooyoung may have swiped it sometime today. He had it in his pocket and said it had reminded him of me," Yeosang said. San's mind flashed back to Wooyoung back at the stall, how he had hesitated. That was most likely the reason why.
"It does. Also does um, does that mean he's awake," San asked hopefully.
"He was but he's sleeping now. He's going to be ok though, you made it back in time," Yeosang said. San let out a breath of relief and sagged into Yeosang's hold.
"He's going to be ok," Yeosang whispered. San nodded and hugged him tighter. Seonghwa glanced around at the two of them, realising they probably needed a moment.
"Hey guys, why don't we let San get some rest. He had quite the scare today with Wooyoung and he was navigating for a while beforehand," Seonghwa said.
"Are you going to be ok," Hongjoong asked, glancing over at San. San sighed but nodded, pulling away from Yeosang.
"Don't worry, I'm going to keep an eye on him, make sure he get's a proper sleep," Yeosang said.
"Alright. We'll leave you two alone," Hongjoong said, standing up and heading to the doorway, the others following.
"Oh and the necklace is in my jacket pocket, wherever that ended up," San said quietly. Seonghwa's heart sunk, realising that Wooyoung could very well have died for some stupid necklace.
"Just get some rest Sannie," Seonghwa said softly before leaving. San nodded and climbed into bed, laying down and curling up. Yeosang quickly closed the door behind everyone before getting into bed beside San and hugging him close.
"Are you doing ok," Yeosang asked softly.
"Can we please not talk if that's ok," San asked quietly.
"Of course. Just cuddle here and we'll be fine," Yeosang whispered. San nodded and snuggled closer, cuddling Yeosang tightly. Yeosang is usually the one they all try to protect, but sometimes he's also the one who will make people feel safe and comforted.
Here is Chapter 5 everyone, I hope you enjoyed it and thank you for reading.
Added some angst into this chapter cos you know, who doesn't love some good ol angst :)
Anyway, let me know your thoughts on this chapter and your favourite moments.
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