Chapter 4
"Wakey wakey." Seonghwa groaned and burrowed further into the body beside him.
"Come on you two, up you get." Seonghwa lifted his head up and turned it to see Mingi standing in the doorway to the quarters with a grin on his face.
"Go away," he said in annoyance.
"No can do. I have been instructed to wake the two of you up so hurry up and wake up," Mingi said.
"We're awake, now go away," Seonghwa said.
"Nope, you need to get up as well," Mingi said, crossing his arms over his chest. Seonghwa groaned and rolled over, tucking his head into the boy's neck and hearing him giggle.
"Min go away, I'll make sure he gets up," Yeosang said. It was quiet for a few seconds before there was the sound of the door shutting.
"Traitor," Seonghwa muttered.
"Hey, do you seriously think we're actually getting up? I just said that so he would go away," Yeosang said with a shrug.
"Ooo, rebel," Seonghwa said, lifting his head up to look the younger in the eye. It's been a week since they found Yeosang unconscious in the storage area and it's safe to say the younger had learnt his lesson. He had spent the past week apologising to Seonghwa and practically attached to him when possible, hence the two cuddled up in bed together.
"How're you feeling," Seonghwa asked softly, brushing Yeosang's hair back from his forehead.
"I'm feeling good, a little tired though," Yeosang replied honestly. Seonghwa frowned worriedly, gently running his fingers through Yeosang's hair.
"Did you sleep properly last night," he asked.
"I think so. It's a bit hazy, not going to lie," Yeosang said.
"It shouldn't be hazy. Are you having any headaches," Seonghwa asked.
"No, I think it's more so that I was tired and wasn't really thinking much," Yeosang said.
"Alright. Well you make sure to come to me if things start to get worse ok," Seonghwa said softly.
"I will, I promise," Yeosang said, nodding quickly. Seonghwa chuckled and rolled onto his back, tugging Yeosang over.
"You don't need to look so stressed Sangie, I'm not mad at you," Seonghwa said.
"I know that, I just feel awful for how I treated you, especially because deep down I knew you were right," Yeosang said with a sigh.
"It's really ok Yeosang. It's very rare for you to get upset at one of us for anything so it's actually nice to see for once," Seonghwa said.
"We should probably actually start getting up though. I'm pretty Hongjoong is the one that sent Mingi to get us and we don't want to annoy the captain," Yeosang said.
"Screw him, he can deal with it," Seonghwa said as his eyes slipped closed, hearing Yeosang giggle yet again.
"Hwa, not all of us are able to get away with not listening to him. You have a tight grip on his heart so he's soft with you but I'll still get into trouble," Yeosang pointed out.
"Actually, I'm pretty sure you have just as tight of a grip. Hongjoong is pretty soft with you as well," Seonghwa said.
"Not as soft as with you though. So come on, time to get up," Yeosang said as he carefully extracted himself from Seonghwa's arms and slipped out of bed.
"Sangie, no. You traitor," Seonghwa groaned.
"Fine, you can stay here but I'm heading out for some fresh air. It might do me some good anyway," Yeosang said, slipping on his shoes before leaving the room. Seonghwa huffed but buried himself into the sheets once again, his hand instinctively grabbing Hongjoong's pillow that was tucked in the corner and hugging it close.
He must've drifted off slightly for a little bit because the next time he opened his eyes, he saw Hongjoong looking down at him with a fond smile.
"Good morning my sleeping darling," Hongjoong said, leaning down to press a light kiss to Seonghwa's lips.
"Or should I say afternoon," he added.
"Why're you waking me, I was having a nice nap," Seonghwa said with a pout as Hongjoong pulled back.
"It's almost two Seongie, you really need to get out of bed," Hongjoong said.
"But I don't want to. Can't I just stay here all day," Seonghwa said.
"We're having a late lunch so Woo is cooking at the moment but we're going to anchor in and after lunch we're going for a swim," Hongjoong said. Seonghwa sat up quickly.
"Well that was all you had to say, you should have started with that," Seonghwa said with a grin. Hongjoong rolled his eyes and stepped back, allowing Seonghwa to quickly get changed.
"Stop doing that," Seonghwa muttered as he slipped on his shirt, noticing the way Hongjoong's eyes were trailing up and down his torso.
"What, am I not allowed to check out my beautiful fiancée," Hongjoong drawled with a smirk. Seonghwa grabbed a pillow off the bed beside him and threw it at Hongjoong's face, making the other flinch back.
"Rude," Hongjoong muttered, chucking the pillow back onto the bed.
"Come on, let's go and have some yummy food," Seonghwa said with a grin.
"How're you feeling," Wooyoung asked, glancing over at Yeosang who was sitting on the bench beside him while he cooked.
"A lot better. I feel kind of tired but I think that's just how it's going to be until I've recovered a bit more. I can tell Seonghwa is worried but it's not to the point that he thinks I'm getting worse, it's more him just hovering," Yeosang explained.
"Does your head hurt at all? Cos I can make you some soup if you aren't feeling well," Wooyoung said softly.
"I'm alright, really," Yeosang said.
"Yeah, that's what you said last time," Wooyoung mumbled quietly but Yeosang heard it and he sighed.
"I'm sorry. I know I hurt you and San as well with how I was acting. I didn't mean to do that," Yeosang said softly. Wooyoung paused what he was doing, turning the heat down slightly before turning to Yeosang.
"It did hurt honestly because you were icing us out and being quite rude but I understand you were feeling a bit overwhelmed and upset. We forgive you of course, just maybe next time try to talk to us ok," Wooyoung said softly. Yeosang nodded quickly, his eyes slightly downcast and Wooyoung sighed. He turned his head and glanced back at the doorway briefly before turning back to Yeosang. He quickly cupped the medics cheek before leaning in and kissing him softly. Yeosang reacted instantly, his hands shooting out to grasp Wooyoung's shirt, holding it desperately. Wooyoung could tell that Yeosang was still anxious so he rubbed his thumb over the olders cheek comfortingly.
"I love you, and I will always love you ok, no matter what," Wooyoung said softly as he pulled away slightly. Yeosang sniffled wetly but nodded, leaning into Wooyoung's hand.
"Now, now, there's no need for tears. I'm not mad at you and neither is San ok," Wooyoung whispered.
"Ok," Yeosang replied quietly.
"Do you want to go and spend some time with Sannie? I think he may be resting in his room until lunch," Wooyoung asked softly.
"No, I'm ok," Yeosang said, shaking his head as he finally let go of Wooyoung, wiping the tears from his eyes.
"I was just scared that maybe you guys would be angry with me for how I acted with the two of you. I may have been avoiding you for the last week," Yeosang admitted.
"Yeah no, we could tell," Wooyoung said with a nod, making Yeosang chuckle.
"I'm sorry," he said.
"It's ok, really," Wooyoung assured him, leaning forwards to press a kiss to Yeosang's forehead. He heard the sound of footsteps so pulled back and pat Yeosang's leg before going back over to the pot and turning the heat up again.
"Hey, Hongjoong's just told me we're going to anchor in and then after dinner everyone can go for a swim," Jongho said as he poked his head into the kitchens.
"Ok. You can tell everyone to start heading over here because lunch will done in about 5 or 10 minutes," Wooyoung said.
"Will do," Jongho said before leaving.
"Do you want to put some cutlery out? It's not strenuous so Seonghwa won't get mad," Wooyoung said and Yeosang nodded before going to do as asked. Wooyoung knew that Yeosang liked to be busy sometimes so it is hard for him to have to take a step back but he's been listening well in the past week to do as he was told.
"What's for lunch Wooyoung," Mingi asked as he walked into the room.
"Some fish and salad," Wooyoung replied, taking the pan off the heat.
"Nice. Your meals just keep getting better and better," Mingi said as he flopped onto the table.
"I'm glad you feel that way. Go set the table so everyone can eat," Wooyoung said. Mingi grumbled slightly but relented and grabbed out some plates to take over to the table. A couple of moments later, the ship jolted, signalling that they had anchored in.
"Smells very nice Youngie," San said softly as he walked into the room.
"Hey, can you come here for a sec," Wooyoung said quickly, glancing over at the table to see Mingi and Yeosang bickering.
"What's up," San asked quietly as he walked over, noting that Wooyoung was trying to be discrete.
"Let's spend some quality time with Sangie tonight. He said he was avoiding us because he thought we might be mad at him," Wooyoung said. San sighed but nodded.
"Of course that's why. Don't worry, he'll get all the cuddles and kisses tonight," San said, whispering the last part into Wooyoung's ear.
"Perfect," Wooyoung said with a grin.
"Also seeing's as you're already here, come help me take the food out to the others please," Wooyoung said happily.
"Wow, I see how it is. All I am to you is just an extra set of hands," San scoffed, rolling his eyes.
"They're a very nice set of hands," Wooyoung said with a shrug making San smile softly.
"You smooth talker," he said, rolling his eyes.
"It works every time, you're a sucker for compliments," Wooyoung said with a shrug before he walked off to put the fish on the table, leaving San to continue smiling to himself.
"Who is on dishes duty for lunch," Hongjoong asked as everyone was finishing up their food.
"Uh, I'm pretty sure it's Jongho's turn," Mingi said.
"Yeah, I've got the dishes but can I leave them until tonight and just do them all together? I don't want to miss out on swimming," Jongho asked.
"Seems fair enough, just as long as they're all done by the end of the night," Hongjoong said.
"I promise they will be," Jongho said and Hongjoong nodded.
"Everyone put your dishes by the sink and then we can go get into the water," Hongjoong said. The boys were quick to get up, rushing to go and get ready. Yeosang quietly made his way over to Hongjoong who waited patiently for him.
"What's up," he asked. He already knew what Yeosang would say, or at least he hoped he was being responsible but he wanted to ask anyway.
"I can't go for a swim, it wouldn't be smart and I also don't think I'm well enough to do it," Yeosang said with a sigh.
"Thank you for coming to me for this and for understanding it might be better to sit out," Hongjoong said, pulling the younger into a gentle hug.
"You're acting like I've done something great Hongjoong, all I'm doing is just sitting out and not having to get constantly dunked under water by the idiots," Yeosang said, making Hongjoong chuckle.
"True, but I'm still happy you aren't trying to push things. It scared me to see you unconscious and shivering like that," Hongjoong said, making Yeosang frown as he pulled back.
"I'm sorry. I was being a brat and I wasn't listening to anyone," Yeosang said quietly.
"We all have our moments Sangie," Hongjoong said softly.
"Now come on, you can still come and watch," he added, tugging the younger along with him.
"Oh trust me, I'm going to watch. I'm pretty sure Jongho has been wanting to get back at Wooyoung and San for annoying him last time so it's going to be really fun," Yeosang said with a grin.
"Cannon ball."
"Wooyoung don't."
"Look first."
"Wooyoung you idiot," Hongjoong yelled out as the younger jumped over the edge.
"He never learns, never. I tell him time and time again and he still never listens. It's like talking to a brick wall. Yunho, tell me what I'm doing wrong," Hongjoong said, looking towards the carpenter.
"Thinking that he'll actually listen to you," Yunho said with a shrug as he glanced across the water before jumping in as well.
"True. It's wishful thinking to hope Wooyoung will actually listen to anything I tell him," Hongjoong said with a nod.
"You know I used to actually get respect from you miscreants, I don't know where I went wrong," Hongjoong told Yeosang with a sigh.
"You started calling us your kids. Kids never listen to their parents," Yeosang said with a shrug.
"No, you guys started joking I was your dad and then Seonghwa started calling you our kids. I call you kids, not my kids, there's a difference," Hongjoong pointed out.
"Yeah, keep telling yourself that," Yeosang said with a nod, making Hongjoong frown in annoyance.
"I hate you. You know that right," he said. Yeosang clutched his heart with a gasp before giggling. Hongjoong scoffed and pulled away from him, heading to his quarters to get changed. He swung the door open and slipped inside, finding Seonghwa getting dressed already. He grabbed his waist and tugged him over to the bed, shoving him onto it before flopping on top of him. Seonghwa grunted in slight pain but hugged Hongjoong and played with his hair.
"What's got you so grumpy," he asked.
"I need a new crew. This one gets on my nerves all the time," Hongjoong mumbled, tucking his head into Seonghwa's neck.
"That's what they're supposed to do Joongie. They annoy you all the time but in the end, they're always there when you need them and they are always reliable," Seonghwa said.
"So sentimental. Can't we just get rid of them and find new, less annoying people," Hongjoong said with a huff.
"Nope," Seonghwa said, kissing his cheek softly. Hongjoong groaned and buried his head back into Seonghwa's neck.
"You're no fun, you know that right," he said.
"Come on, get up. I want to actually go for a bit of a swim," Seonghwa said. Hongjoong sighed but nodded and got up, allowing Seonghwa to stand as well. The two of them quickly got ready, taking off their shirts, shoes and socks before leaving the room.
"You're already out of the water," Hongjoong said in surprise, seeing Wooyoung standing by the edge of the deck beside San and Yeosang, dripping wet.
"Yeah, Sannie and I are going to stay up here with Yeosang. We'll probably go off and do something," Wooyoung replied.
"Alright, just don't do anything stupid," Hongjoong said before jumping into the water, Seonghwa following after.
"You guys really don't have to miss out on swimming because of me," Yeosang said quietly.
"Nonsense, we're not missing out on anything, we'd much rather be spending time with you here," San said quickly.
"Are you sure," Yeosang asked nervously.
"Yes, positive. Now come on," San said, grabbing Yeosang's hand and tugging him away.
"I'm going to quickly dry off but I'll meet you guys in Yeosang's room," Wooyoung said, hurrying ahead of them. San and Yeosang went below the deck and into Yeosang's room, quickly taking off their shoes and getting onto the bed. San laid down before tugging Yeosang to his side and hugging him tightly.
"I've missed you," he said softly, kissing the top of Yeosang's head.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to avoid you guys," Yeosang said quietly.
"Yes you did but that's ok. We all have our moments where we just need some space. If you ever feel like that, I want you to know that you can always tell us ok," San said softly, grabbing Yeosang's chin softly to turn it towards him. Yeosang nodded before leaning forwards and placing a light kiss to San's lips. San smiled and melted into it instantly. Before Yeosang had the chance to pull away, San rolled over so he had a leg flung on either side of Yeosang's hips. He cupped Yeosang's face and kissed him gently, the brown-haired boy melting into the mattress. The door opened a minute later and Wooyoung walked in.
"Wow, getting straight into it I see," he said with a chuckle, closing the door and flipping the latch closed. He ran over and threw himself on top of the two on the bed, making them both cry out.
"Wooyoung," San groaned as he rolled to the side and let Wooyoung burrow in beside Yeosang.
"So rude of you two to have fun without me," Wooyoung said with a pout. San chuckled and quickly kissed the pout off his face.
"Shut up, you get spoilt all the time you brat," San said. Wooyoung giggled and threw his arm and leg over Yeosang's body, attaching to him like an octopus.
"How dare you call me a brat, I am not," Wooyoung said.
"You kind of are Woo," Yeosang said, making Wooyoung gasp.
"How rude, you two are bullying me," Wooyoung said.
"You'll get over it," San shrugged, nuzzling close to Yeosang.
"The audacity," Wooyoung grumbled but relaxed against Yeosang's side. They were quite for a few minutes, just hugging each other before Wooyoung spoke up again.
"Are we ever going to tell the others," he asked quietly, making the other two turn to him. They've always been quite close but it was only within the last year that they had gotten even closer.
"I don't really think it's something we need to do. We're not really lying to them, we're just keeping it private. If they find out, they find out," San said softly.
"Yeah, I enjoy just having these quite moments with you two. I'd rather have Hongjoong and Seonghwa be the main focus for teasing," Yeosang said quietly. Wooyoung smiled softly and nodded, pecking Yeosang's cheek softly.
"I like it as well, I was just asking," he whispered.
"I think it will be a while before anyone realises though. We've always been really close so they're already used to most of the stuff we do around them unless we make out in front of them," San said with a giggle.
"True," Yeosang said with a nod.
"Hey, can we actually talk for a bit please," San asked as he rolled onto his side and propped himself up with his arm to face Yeosang. Yeosang sighed but nodded, pushing himself up slightly as well.
"You know we love you right," San said softly.
"Of course," Yeosang replied immediately with a nod.
"Good. Because I don't want you to worry about telling us things. I know we just spoke about it but I want to make sure you're fully aware. We only want what's best for you ok," San said.
"I know," Yeosang said.
"And if you're ever annoyed at us, you can tell us that as well," Wooyoung added.
"Oh trust me, I do not hold back on that regard," Yeosang said, making Wooyoung and San chuckle.
"Yes, we have been aware of that," San said with a nod.
"But I love you guys as well and the same thing goes for you in terms of being able to talk to me. I know you guys still sometimes see me as that little boy that needs protecting but I can take more than you realise," Yeosang said softly.
"We know, we just sometimes feel the need to shelter you from things," San said quietly.
"But you don't have to, that's what I'm trying to tell you," Yeosang said quietly.
"Yeah we know, we'll try to be better ok," Wooyoung whispered, leaning over and kissing Yeosang softly.
"Promise," Yeosang asked quietly.
"Yeah baby, we promise," San replied, curling even closer and slipping his hand into Wooyoung's.
"Everyone get a proper sleep ok, I want you all awake and ready to do some cleaning tomorrow. Except San, he'll be navigating," Hongjoong said. The others all mumbled in agreeance before leaving the dinner table, Jongho going to the sink to do the dishes. Seonghwa and Hongjoong left the kitchens and went to their quarters to get ready.
"I am so tired," Seonghwa whined.
"Seongie, you literally slept until 2pm, how are you still tired," Hongjoong asked with a raised eyebrow as he discarded his shirt.
"You can never get too much sleep Kim Hongjoong. That is something you should remember well when dealing me and something I would have thought you already knew," Seonghwa said with a huff, making Hongjoong chuckle.
"Don't worry, I am well aware of how lazy you can be," Hongjoong said. Seonghwa turned his head to the younger and glared at him, making Hongjoong grin. He likes riling Seonghwa up with little snide comments.
"I hate you," Seonghwa huffed.
"No you don't, you love me," Hongjoong said. Seonghwa just scoffed and rolled his eyes before continuing to get ready for bed, ignoring Hongjoong who stepped closer.
"Say it," Hongjoong said with a frown but Seonghwa continued ignoring him. In retaliation, Hongjoong grabbed the quarter masters hips and yanked him to the side, climbing over him in the process and pinning him down.
"Say it, say you love me," he said with a pout.
"Never, I will not yield," Seonghwa said, staying firm.
"Say. You. Love. Me," Hongjoong said, accompanying each word with a kiss to Seonghwa's face. Seonghwa giggled at the sensation and Hongjoong's heart warmed at the sound.
"You can't resist me. Come on, you have to say it," Hongjoong said. Seonghwa chuckled before looking up at Hongjoong properly, a soft look on his face.
"Of course I love you Hongjoong, you're my world," he said quietly. Hongjoong positively melted at that, loosening his grip on Seonghwa and leaning down to kiss him. It was gentle for a few seconds before it started to get more heated, Hongjoong's hand slipping beneath Seonghwa's sleep shirt. Seonghwa quickly tapped Hongjoong's hips, making the Captain pull away and glance down at him in confusion.
"Can we not do anything more tonight please? I'm really tired and kind of just want to cuddle," Seonghwa said quietly.
"What? Of course," Hongjoong said with a nod, moving off Seonghwa immediately. He held out his arms as he laid down and Seonghwa shuffled into them, laying his head down on Hongjoong's chest while Hongjoong wrapped his arms around him. Hongjoong hand slipped down to grab Seonghwa's and he tugged it up gently before placing a delicate kiss to the ring on his finger.
"I'm so lucky to have you in my life, I can't wait until you're my husband officially," he whispered.
"What, so I'm already your husband, just unofficially," Seonghwa asked with a light chuckle.
"You've been my unofficial husband for like three years my love," Hongjoong said, caressing the back of Seonghwa's hand softly.
"Stop it, you're being a sap and it's not good for my heart," Seonghwa said, hiding his face in Hongjoong's neck so he couldn't see the blush that overtook his face.
"Sorry, I can't help it. I just love you so much," Hongjoong said, giggling as Seonghwa whined and hit him lightly.
"But in all seriousness, I do love you," Hongjoong said.
"I know, I love you two," Seonghwa whispered, snuggling as close to Hongjoong as he could, their bodies melding together as one.
Here is Chapter 4 everyone, I hope you all enjoyed it and thank you for reading it.
There was an interesting developement in this chapter that I've been leading up to the past few books. I always planned on having those three together at some point but I wanted to focus properly on Seongjoong to begin with. So let me know what you guys think about this new developement.
Let me know your favourite parts of this chapter and what you think might happen next
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