Chapter 3
It's been a week since the little island mishap with Yeosang and the medic was slowly recovering. He was no longer getting headaches every night when he tried to sleep and his back was no longer giving him any pain. However, Seonghwa still order him to cut back on strenuous activities as he did not want the younger boy making things worse for himself.
"I'm find Hwa. I'm a medic so I know the normal procedures and by now, I would have deemed myself fine," Yeosang said with a groan.
"Exactly, you would have. Last time I check, you aren't allowed to do your own evaluations which means that I am the one in charge of your health. And I am saying you still need to cut back on work," Seonghwa said, crossing his arms stubbornly.
"Seonghwa, I am fine. You know I am fine," Yeosang said in annoyance. Seonghwa did know the younger boy was technically fine but there was still chance for some issues to pop up and he would much rather not be the person responsible for that. They all tend to baby Yeosang a little sometimes despite him being older than half of them.
"You're sitting out and that is final. If I catch you doing anything that I deem strenuous, I will put you on bed rest," Seonghwa said sternly, making Yeosang gasp.
"What? Seonghwa, you can't do that. That's not fair," Yeosang cried out.
"Then don't do it and I won't have to, it's as simple as that," Seonghwa said with a shrug.
"Seonghwa, I'm 25, not a baby," Yeosang groaned.
"You're speaking to a brick wall now. Enjoy your rest," Seonghwa said as he walked out of the room with a wave. Yeosang huffed and whacked the medical bed before getting up and leaving the room. He walked quickly down the hall, up to the top deck and over to the Captain's quarters. He didn't even knock before swinging the door open, finding Hongjoong lying down on the bed relaxing. Hongjoong glanced up when the door opened and raised an eyebrow as he saw Yeosang and noticed the frown on his face.
"What's happened now," he asked with a sigh.
"You need to talk to your fiancée," Yeosang said, plonking down on the chair.
"About what," Hongjoong questioned slowly.
"He's saying I need to rest for like another week," Yeosang said.
"Ok, I don't see the problem. He's a medic so if he says you need another week then you need another week," Hongjoong said with a shrug as he sat up.
"He's being ridiculous Hongjoong. No, he's being an asshole-."
"Watch it," Hongjoong said sternly.
"But he is Joong. He knows I am fine and yet he won't let me do anything because you guys just baby me all the time. I am not a child and I want you guys to stop treating me like one," Yeosang yelled as he stood up and started pacing.
"We don't baby you Sangie, we just worry about you sometimes. We worry about everyone," Hongjoong said softly, trying to calm him down.
"No, you guys baby me, you definitely baby me. Wooyoung and San are worse but either way you all do it. Even Jongho does it and he's a year younger than me," Yeosang said.
"We just worry about you because you aren't as hardened to this lifestyle," Hongjoong said.
"But I am Hongjoong. I'm not a little kid anymore. I've been a pirate for like eight years now, I am used to it. Sure, I don't like fighting much but San and Wooyoung have made it their personal mission to make sure I am able to defend myself," Yeosang said. Hongjoong sighed and moved so he could hang his legs over the side of the bed, patting the space beside him. Yeosang walked over and sat down heavily with a sigh.
"I'm sorry that we're making you feel this way. It's not that we actively want you to feel inferior something, it's just that we genuinely worry for you. You've always been this quiet, reserved kid who has never properly fought and we instinctively want to protect you," Hongjoong said.
"And I understand that, I really do but I hate it," Yeosang said.
"Is it really that bad," Hongjoong asked quietly.
"Yes, it is," Yeosang said firmly. It was about time he spoke up about all of the coddling.
"Ok. If it really bothers you that much then I will talk to the boys about it," Hongjoong said softly.
"Thank you," Yeosang said, wrapping his arms around Hongjoong and giving him a gentle hug.
"I'm not sure it will change much because it might be ingrained in our brain but we'll do our best to change our ways," Hongjoong said, patting Yeosang's back softly.
"That's all I want," Yeosang said before pulling away.
"Wooyoung, this looks so good," Mingi said, licking his lips as he looked at the food lining the table.
"Hands off," Wooyoung said, whacking Mingi's hand with the spoon as he reached for a piece.
"Ow," Mingi yelped.
"No touching the food until everyone is here," Wooyoung said.
"But it looks so good. It's just begging to be eaten," Mingi said.
"And it will, when the others get here," Wooyoung said. Mingi grumbled but reluctantly sat down and waited while Wooyoung continued to place everything down on the table.
"Ooo, sushi," Jongho said as he walked in. He reached out to grab a piece but yelped and ducked as a spoon was thrown at his head.
"No touching," Wooyoung yelled out from the kitchen area.
"Jeez, you could've just said that rather than trying to decapitate me," Jongho huffed, flopping down beside Mingi.
"He whacked me with it as well," Mingi said solemnly. The others slowly trickled in and before long they were all sitting down with the food laid now.
"Now everyone may eat," Wooyoung said happily. Seonghwa raised an eyebrow at the statement but everyone instantly dug in.
"Wooyoung this tastes so good," San said, leaning over to the boy beside him and placing a wet kiss to his cheek. Wooyoung giggled and wiped his cheek quickly.
"What about you Sangie, do you think it's good," he asked the boy across the table.
"It's fine," Yeosang said with a shrug as he continued eating. Wooyoung frowned and glanced at San who was mirroring his expression. Yeosang has been a bit closed off for the entire day and neither or them knew why. The rest of dinner was filled with lots of chatted however Wooyoung noticed that Yeosang remained silent for majority of it and his concern only grew for the older boy.
"Is everyone done eating," Hongjoong asked, receiving nods from everyone.
"Good. There's an important matter that we need to discuss so I want you all to listen properly and not to interrupt ok," Hongjoong said. Yeosang looked up and his eyes widened. He knew Hongjoong was going to talk to the others but he didn't realise he would be doing it now.
"It has come to my attention that we tend to not treat everyone on this ship fairly and as they should be treated-."
"Bullshit. We don't exclude anyone ever? Who's complained? Is it Wooyoung? Co-."
"I said not to interrupt," Hongjoong snapped, cutting Jongho off and the younger snapped his mouth shut. Yeosang's stomach dropped and he got nervous when he saw the others didn't look to impressed. Maybe he shouldn't have complained and should have just gotten over it.
"I'm sure it's fine Hongjoong, ev-."
"No. No, you are right and you do not get to feel bad about speaking up about it," Hongjoong cut in quickly. He could tell that Yeosang thought he was causing a fuss and he didn't want him to be too scared to speak his thoughts out when needed.
"Oh, it's about Yeosang," Wooyoung said, glancing over.
"Yes, it's about Yeosang. Now I know we've all always tended to perhaps, baby Yeosang a little bit, some more than others but it needs to stop. I agree with Yeosang, we do it too much and we treat him like he needs to be coddled. It almost seems like we don't trust him to be able to do things and I can understand that it can be frustrating for him," Hongjoong said. Everyone was quiet for a few seconds as they took in Hongjoong's words.
"I'm sorry, I didn't realise we were making you feel that way," Yunho said quietly.
"It's fine," Yeosang replied with a shrug.
"No, it's not fine but it is something that can be fixed. So from now on we're going to try and lay off a bit more, give you some space, aren't we," Hongjoong said firmly.
"Of course we are," Mingi said with as the others all quickly agreed.
"Good. Now everyone is dismissed, Hwa and I will clear up the table," Hongjoong said. The others all quickly got up and left, San and Wooyoung going straight to Yeosang to talk to him.
"Isn't it Jongho's turn for dishes," Seonghwa asked as he started to clear up the plates.
"It is but I need to talk to you," Hongjoong said.
"I mean you could've just talked to me at our quarters but ok," Seonghwa said with a shrug.
"It's about Yeosang," Hongjoong said and Seonghwa sighed.
"This is about earlier. He thinks I'm being unfair because I won't let him do more around the ship," Seonghwa said as he carried to plates to the kitchen, Hongjoong following with more dishes.
"Yes. He came to me afterwards and said that you were just babying him and were being and I quote, an asshole," Hongjoong said.
"I'm not, but whatever," Seonghwa said quietly.
"I never said you were, I'm just quoting what he said. I figured your explanation about it would most likely clear everything up," Hongjoong said. Seonghwa put the dishes down in the sink before turning to face Hongjoong, leaning back against the bench.
"It's got nothing to do with me babying him or coddling him. If it was any of the others, I would be giving them the exact same answer I gave him," Seonghwa said.
"Which is," Hongjoong asked.
"He isn't allowed to do anything for another week. He may think he's fine but the fall knocked him out Joong, it definitely did damage. I feel that if he tries to overdo it at this point in time, it's going to hurt him and I don't want that," Seonghwa said.
"Ok, that makes sense. I'll talk to him about it," Hongjoong said and Seonghwa frowned.
"No, don't. I don't want you to be the mediator. I'll go and talk to him," Seonghwa said.
"Are you sure that's a good idea," Hongjoong asked slightly. Seonghwa glared at him so he quickly held up his hands defensively.
"I will handle it," Seonghwa said.
"Ok, you'll handle it," Hongjoong relented.
"I'll go talk to him now," Seonghwa said, walking off quickly.
"Ok, I guess I'll do the dishes by myself. Why am I the Captain again," Hongjoong huffed.
Seonghwa walked down to the lower deck and over to Yeosang's room, opening the door to see the trio inside talking.
"San, Wooyoung, can you go out for a bit, I need to talk to Yeosang," Seonghwa said. San sighed in annoyance at being interrupted but he followed Wooyoung out. Yeosang leant back against the headboard of his bed, waiting for Seonghwa to talk.
"You do realise I'm not changing my decision right," Seonghwa said as soon as the door closed.
"Seonghwa, I am fine," Yeosang said in annoyance.
"You may think that but I know you aren't. I am telling you that you are not to do anything for the next week," Seonghwa said firmly.
"That's so not fair," Yeosang said angrily. He was fine, why couldn't Seonghwa understand that.
"In what way is that not fair Kang Yeosang. You had a very bad fall and I want to make sure you're fully healed before you go and help out around the ship again," Seonghwa said.
"You're babying me. You think I'm fragile when I'm not," Yeosang yelled.
"No, I am looking after you as I am supposed to as a medic. You are waiting another week and that is final," Seonghwa said firmly. Yeosang snapped at that, his anger at the oldest growing quickly.
"Get out. Get out of my room. GET OUT," he screamed, grabbing his pillow and throwing it at Seonghwa. Seonghwa huffed but left the room, slamming it behind him. As soon as the door was closed, he deflated. He may have seemed harsh but he just needed to get it through to Yeosang. He doesn't like any of the boys being angry at him and it especially hurts that Yeosang wasn't seeing reason and was getting so upset when he was only trying to look out for him. He sighed to himself and walked back to the top deck, heading over to the far side of the ship behind the kitchens. He let out a breath and leant against the railing, looking out across the ocean. The sun was almost down but there was still just enough light to be sufficient enough to see the water properly. What used to bring him panic and fear only three years ago, now relaxed him, calmed him down. The ocean truly was beautiful when not disturbed by outside factors. He leant his elbows on top of the railing and rest his chin on his fists, letting out another long breath.
"I've been looking for you." Seonghwa didn't even glance up from where he was, feeling Hongjoong's arms wrap around his waist from behind.
"What's going on in that gorgeous head of yours my love," Hongjoong whispered into his ear, making him snort.
"Gorgeous," he questioned.
"Well everything about you is gorgeous so yeah," Hongjoong said with a smile, placing a kiss to Seonghwa's cheek. Seonghwa just sighed and continued looking into the distance despite it being too dark to see much. Hongjoong frowned as he realised something was definitely bothering Seonghwa. He let go of him and stepped to the side, mirroring Seonghwa's position.
"So, what's up," he asked.
"Nothing," Seonghwa said quietly.
"Well clearly it is something because you're being all broody so what's up? You know you can talk to me right," Hongjoong said.
"Of course I know that my dear Captain," Seonghwa said with a snort. Hongjoong's frowned deepened, not liking Seonghwa's response. He reached out and gently grabbed Seonghwa's hand, unfurling it before linking their two hands together.
"Come on Seongie, what's got you so upset," he asked, gently tugging Seonghwa around so they were facing each other.
"It's nothing. I don't want to trouble you with trivial things," Seonghwa said quietly.
"Nonsense. Whatever troubles you, troubles me," Hongjoong said.
"It's just about what's going on with Yeosang. He's angry with me because he feels I'm being unfair but I'm really not, I promise you," Seonghwa said sadly.
"Don't worry, I trust you. And so does he, he's just angry," Hongjoong said softly.
"Yeah, angry at me," Seonghwa scoffed.
"No, he's angry at himself and at the world. He doesn't like not being able to do things, he needs to feel needed. He is just taking out his anger on you because it's the easiest way for him to get it out," Hongjoong said.
"I don't know why I have to be the punching bag," Seonghwa said with a frown.
"Because he doesn't know what else to do. Give it the week and once he's back helping out, he will come and apologise because he knows that he is in the wrong," Hongjoong said. Seonghwa nodded quietly before stepping closer into Hongjoong's space.
"I love you, you know that right," he whispered, lifting his hand to the younger's cheek. Hongjoong smiled softly, nuzzling lightly into the hand.
"Of course I do," he said softly.
"Good," Seonghwa said quietly before leaning in and gently kissing Hongjoong. They kiss was slow, unhurried and delicate, the two of them just enjoying each other's embrace.
Yeosang woke up the next day still angry and with a point to prove. Wooyoung and San had come in the night before and tried to convince him that maybe Seonghwa really was just looking out for him and not trying to coddle him as he usually does but Yeosang was hearing nothing of it. He was completely fine and healed from his fall, the extra week was not necessary. And he was going to prove it. He had heard Hongjoong talking with Jongho about the crates in storage needing to be sorted through and moved around to make sure no mould grew. Jongho had said he would get to it next week but Yeosang was determined to prove just how fine he was. Once he successfully checked and moved all of the boxes in storage, Seonghwa would have no choice but to admit he was lying and that Yeosang was indeed, perfectly fine. Yeosang quickly put on his boots, tying them tightly before shrugging on his shirt and buttoning it up. The second he stepped out of the door, he was met with Wooyoung who was walking over.
"I don't want to hear it," he said, shoving past the cook. Wooyoung was hurt by the clear brush off but understood that Yeosang was moody so he let it go. Yeosang didn't want the others to find out what he was doing and try to stop him so he decided to wait for a good opportunity to slip back down to do the task. He went to the kitchen and grabbed a bowl of porridge but froze when he saw Hongjoong and Seonghwa walking in while giggling. He promptly turned around and shoved his bowl into Mingi's hand as the other was about to grab some.
"Aren't you hungry," Mingi asked.
"No, I've lost my appetite," Yeosang said, scoffing at the couple. Hongjoong frowned angrily and went to scold him at the blatant disrespectfulness, but Seonghwa stopped him.
"Just let it go. It's rare for him to be moody anyway," Seonghwa said quietly. Hongjoong wasn't happy but he nodded and let it go as asked.
"What's up with him," Mingi asked.
"He's a bit salty that Seonghwa hasn't given him the all clear to continue his duties around the ship," Hongjoong said.
"Seriously? I would love to have mandatory relaxation time, what's he going on about," Mingi said.
"He just likes to feel valued at times where he can't do much as a medic," Hongjoong said with a shrug.
"Still, an actual reason for time off and not just sneakily not do-."
"It's never sneakily Mingi, we catch you every time," Hongjoong pointed out.
"How rude," Mingi said with a pout, carrying his bowl to the table to eat.
"How long have you been navigating for," Wooyoung asked as he walked up to the helm to see San still standing by it.
"Since last night so like 18 hours probably, not that long," San said with a shrug.
"Ok, so including the 3 hours you spent having dinner and talking to people and then you navigating before that, how long has it been since you went and got some sleep," Wooyoung asked.
"Ah, um, not that long," San stuttered out.
"Would you say over 36 hours," Wooyoung questioned and San smiled sheepishly.
"Rightio," Wooyoung said, turning and walking off quickly. He went straight to Yunho's room where Yunho was sitting at his desk.
"Yunho, Sannie needs to be relieved cos he's doing it again," Wooyoung said.
"Of course he is," Yunho said with a sigh, standing up quickly. The two of them walked back up to the helm, making San turn at the noise.
"I'm fi-."
"Move," Yunho said, cutting in instantly. San huffed but stepped to the side allowing Yunho to take the wheel.
"Come on you, we're having a nice nap," Wooyoung said, tugging San away.
"But I'm fine, I'm not tired at all," San whined.
"For now. But then you end up continuing for way too long and almost passing out from exhaustion, we all know how it works," Wooyoung said.
"I am not that bad," San said with a frown.
"Yes, yes you are," Wooyoung said, dragging him to his room. He opened the door before tugging them both inside and shoving San onto the bed. San landing on it with a oof before sitting up.
"Feet up," Wooyoung said.
"I am fine," San said but Wooyoung wasn't hearing it. He pulled off San's shoes and socks before standing and moving on to his jacket, yanking it off.
"Youngie," San whined. Wooyoung grabbed the bottom of his shirt and San obediently lifted his arms up, allowing the younger to slide the shirt up and over his head.
"Lie down," Wooyoung instructed.
"I really am fine," San said despite already lying down as instructed.
"Yeah, yeah, I heard you the first time," Wooyoung said as he discarded his shoes, socks and his own shirt. He then jumped onto the bed and swung one leg over San's body before laying down so he was chest to chest with San, hugging him tightly.
"Now shut up and sleep," he said. San chuckled fondly but wrapped his arms around the younger boy's waist, hugging him tightly.
"I am just going to have a nap because you are making me, I'm not actually tired," he mumbled. Wooyoung hummed quietly in reply, letting his eyes slip closed. Despite San insisting he wasn't tired, laying down in the bed and having the warm body on top of him made his eyes fall closed and he drifted off quickly.
"Hey, where's Sangie? Isn't he coming up for dinner," Wooyoung asked as he placed the food on the table.
"He's probably still sulking about Seonghwa saying he needs to rest for another week," Mingi said.
"Yeah I know about that but he still needs to eat. He didn't come up for lunch either," Wooyoung said with a frown.
"True. And having said that, he didn't eat at breakfast either. Can you please go and get him," Hongjoong said. Wooyoung nodded and left to go get the missing boy.
"It's odd having Yeosang mad at someone, and Seonghwa of all people," Yunho said.
"Yeah, you've definitely hit a nerve," Jongho said.
"Just be quiet and eat your dinner," Hongjoong said, knowing how upset and worried Seonghwa had been about it the night before.
"Hey, does anyone actually know where Yeosang has gone because he isn't in his room," Wooyoung asked as he came back a few minutes later.
"He isn't? I thought he went in there earlier today and I haven't seen him leave," Jongho said with a frown.
"When was the last time someone saw him today," Hongjoong asked, feeling worry start to build up inside him.
"Last time I saw him was at breakfast with you two," Mingi said.
"I saw him head into his room after breakfast," Jongho said.
"Has anyone else seen him at all after that," Hongjoong asked. Everyone glanced around at each other but no one spoke up and Hongjoong stomach dropped.
"Find him, now," he said. Everyone was on their feet in an instant, splitting up to search the ship quickly. Hongjoong went to the lower deck with San, Wooyoung and Yunho to check the rooms there to see if perhaps Yeosang just snuck into one of their rooms without realising. He wasn't able to find him though so as a last ditch effort, he went into the storage room to look around. The second he turned the corner of the room, his heart stopped. There was a box of blueberries overturned on the floor, leaving them scattered around and beside it was Yeosang, sprawled out and unconscious. Hongjoong sprinted forwards and scooted him up, feeling how he was shaking slightly in his arms. He carried the boy out of the room, heading towards the med bay.
"SEONGHWA, GET TO THE MEDBAY NOW," he yelled out, gaining the attention of the others. San ran into the medical bay just as Hongjoong was laying Yeosang down on the bed.
"Oh my god, what happened," he asked quickly.
"I don't know, I found him in the storage room unconscious. I have no idea how long he has been like that," Hongjoong said worriedly, brushing the boys hair back from his head gently.
"What's going on," Seonghwa asked as he rushed inside.
"I'm not sure but he was unconscious and he's shaking," Hongjoong said, stepping to the side so Seonghwa could take over. Seonghwa frowned immediately as he saw how pale Yeosang was and it only deepened when he felt the heat coming from the youngers forehead.
"He's got a fever," he sighed.
"San, grab me some of the cold salves, I need to try and get his temperature down," Seonghwa said. San nodded and quickly went to the cabinet.
"What happened? Is he hurt," Mingi asked worriedly.
"He's going to be fine, I just need to get his fever down," Seonghwa said.
"What happened though," Yunho asked.
"He overexerted himself, that's what happened. I told him not to do any strenuous activity as it wouldn't be good for him but he obviously didn't listen. Where was he," Seonghwa asked.
"In the storage room," Hongjoong replied.
"What would he be doing in the storage room," Seonghwa asked.
"Do you think maybe he was trying to move the boxes? He was there when Hongjoong and I were talking about it, maybe he wanted to prove he was fine," Jongho said. Seonghwa sighed but nodded.
"I'm willing to bet that is exactly what happened," he said as he gently placed the cold cloths down on Yeosang's forehead and neck.
"But he's going to be ok," Wooyoung asked.
"Yes, he's going to be fine. He's going to be in a lot of trouble for not listening to what I told him but physically he will be ok, just a little tired and he might get a few headaches again," Seonghwa said.
"Thank god, it scared me when I saw him on the ground," Hongjoong said.
"Have you got this handled," he added.
"Yes, I'll look after him," Seonghwa said with a nod.
"Alright everyone, you heard him, he's got it handle. Let's give him some space ok," Hongjoong said, waving the others back. They all obediently left the room, though some a bit more reluctantly. San glanced back one last time at the pale boy on the bed before sighing and following the others out of the room. Seonghwa will take care of him and hopefully talk some sense into him.
Here is Chapter 3 everyone, thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed it!
Let me know your thoughts on this Chapter and which parts you liked the most.
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