Chapter 11
It was cold and dark, the only source of light being that from a couple small holes in the wall that were obviously never fixed up. Seonghwa's hands were tied together with rope that was so tight it was cutting into his skin. The rope was attached to the wall just above his shoulders from where he was sat on the ground, meaning his arms were held up slightly, his shoulders stiff from being in that position for so long. His corset was long gone as well as his shoes and glove, they were ripped from his body almost as soon as he was taken onboard the ship. His remaining clothes were ripped and tattered, his pants now more resembling shorts while his shirt was basically just hanging from his shoulders, barely held together. He groaned and tugged himself up, shifting slightly to try and get more comfortable. It didn't make much of a difference either way given that there was water that had leaked onto the floor so it was always going to be cold and uncomfortable. His body was bruised and beaten, as was to be expected given he was kidnapped but he was still alive so that counts as a plus. He sighed quietly to himself, resting his head down against his hands. His lips were dry so he licked them to try and wet them but it didn't help much. He not only thirsty, but hungry as well, his body begging for some food or water however the chance of actually getting it was slim to none. He shivered and sniffled slightly, feeling hurt and exhausted. There wasn't much he could do except for just sit there and wait until they came down to get him again. He let his eyes slipped closed and decided to think about a memory that would always bring him joy...
"Come on Seongie, I have something to show you," Hongjoong said softly, slipping his hand into Seonghwa's. Seonghwa giggled and stepped closer to Hongjoong, leaning down and kissing him softly. Hongjoong melted into the kiss and wrapped his arms around Seonghwa, tugging him closer so they were pressed together, tilting his head to the side and deepening the kiss.
"Ew, you two are so gross. You do realise you have your own room where you are free to make out." Seonghwa giggled and pulled back from the kiss to look at Jongho, remaining close to Hongjoong.
"Don't you have somewhere else to be," Hongjoong said sharply. Jongho giggled but listened to what Hongjoong said and went below deck.
"Come on darling, you can't just kick them all below deck," Seonghwa said with a chuckle.
"It's our anniversary Seongie, I just want to do something special for you, uninterrupted. Besides, I told them all in advance not to bother us, this is a special day," Hongjoong said softly, cupping Seonghwa's face and pecking his lips softly. Seonghwa's heart skipped a beat and his cheeks heated up at the loving action.
"Anything would be special, as long as I'm with you," Seonghwa said gently.
"Oh my god Seongie, that was so cheesy but I love you so much for it," Hongjoong said with a giggle. Seonghwa's face lit up and Hongjoong kissed him again for a few seconds before pulling away.
"As much as I would love kissing you all not, lets pause it until later. I want to show you what I made for you first," Hongjoong said.
"Ok, show me," Seonghwa said with a nod. Hongjoong grinned and grabbed Seonghwa's hand once again, tugging him towards the kitchens.
"The sun is about to set so it's the best time," Hongjoong explained as they went around to the back of the kitchens where there was a ladder leant against it.
"Come on, my love can go first," Hongjoong said, making Seonghwa grin.
"Such a gentleman," he said before climbing up. When he got to the top, his eyes widened at what he saw. Hongjoong had laid out blankets and pillows on top of the room, as well as a platter of food and some candles. He finished climbing up and sat down on the pillows, waiting for Hongjoong to join him.
"I believe this is for you. I was told to give it to the prettiest person in the world," Hongjoong said as he sat down beside him and held out a rose.
"Oh my god, and you call me cheesy? Where did you even get that," Seonghwa asked with a chuckle.
"It's a secret. But really, it's for you," Hongjoong said, handing it to him.
"Why thank you," Seonghwa said with a grin, grabbing it and giving it a sniff. It smelt nice and he gently placed it off to the side so it wouldn't get ruined or squashed.
"So my love, what do you think," Hongjoong asked with a grin. Despite the grin, Seonghwa knew that Hongjoong was nervous and was hoping that he loved it. He smiled softly and leant forwards, placing a kiss to Hongjoong's forehead.
"It's perfect Joong, I love it," he whispered. Hongjoong's face lit up and he smiled happily, tackling Seonghwa softly before hovering over him.
"I love you, so much," Hongjoong whispered, and Seonghwa melted.
"I love you too," he replied gently.
"I'm going to spend the rest of my life with you, you know that right. We're going to get married and we'll travel the seas with the kids, we'll be unstoppable. I'll keep you safe by my side, forever and always," Hongjoong whispered. Seonghwa's heart lifted and he smiled softly, nodding his head as words failed him in that moment.
"Now, let's continue on from earlier," Hongjoong said before leaning down and kissing Seonghwa once again.
It was their one year anniversary and Hongjoong made sure it was special for them. They watched the sun go down, just kissing lazily before they cuddled together beneath the stars. It was a fond memory for Seonghwa, one he often found himself thinking back to these days. He wasn't sure how long he had been taken for, last he knew it was just over a week but it could have been longer. He closed his eyes again to try and think of another memory but he was ripped from it abruptly as the door to the room was suddenly opened. He tensed up and pressed himself as close to the wall as he could, his body shaking in fear.
"Seonghwa?" Seonghwa let out a breath of relief at the voice, relaxing once again.
"Innie," he breathed out. Yang Jeongin, a member of a crew ATEEZ is allies with, Stray Kids. Seonghwa was shocked when he noticed him aboard the ship but he kept quiet, not saying anything about recognising him as he didn't know why he was there. Turns out Jeongin has been undercover for 6 months and he recognised Seonghwa as well. He's been one of the only things keeping Seonghwa going, that and the knowledge that he knows the boys won't stop looking until the find him. Jeongin closed the door before hurrying over to Seonghwa, kneeling beside him.
"Hey, you doing ok," he asked gently.
"As well as I can be," Seonghwa replied with a sigh.
"I'm sorry I couldn't come down here sooner, he thinks I'm here trying to get information from you. But I come bearing some gifts," Jeongin said as he pulled some food from his pocket. Seonghwa started salivating as soon as he saw it even though it was only some bread and meat.
"I'm sorry I couldn't bring more, we only have a certain amount of food we can have," Jeongin said.
"Don't be, you're the one keeping me alive right now," Seonghwa said. Jeongin pulled apart some of the bread before holding it out for Seonghwa to it. He gently fed Seonghwa each piece of bread and meat. Seonghwa did his best to take his time with each bite but it was a bit hard to do that when he was just so hungry.
"I also managed to swipe a little bottle of water. It isn't much but it should give you some more energy," Jeongin said as he uncapped the small bottle. He brought it up to Seonghwa's lips and the older boy drank eagerly. After a few seconds, Jeongin brought the bottle down, giving Seonghwa a few seconds rest before giving him some more.
"I don't want you choking," he said softly. A few minutes later Seonghwa finished all of the food and water.
"Thanks," he said softly.
"No problem. Here, do you want to relax again," Jeongin asked.
"Yes please," Seonghwa replied quickly. They realised last time Jeongin visited that if he knelt with one knee up close to the wall and Seonghwa sat on it, it would ease the burden on his arms and shoulders. Jeongin got into position and Seonghwa pulled himself up, sitting down on his leg and leaning his back against the wall.
"That better," Jeongin asked quietly and Seonghwa nodded.
"I can't stay much longer but you can rest for now," Jeongin said.
"With there be more interrogations tomorrow," Seonghwa asked quietly. Jeongin's face dropped but he nodded.
"Unfortunately. I promise I'm doing my best to figure out a way to get you out of this if I can," Jeongin said quickly.
"I appreciate it Innie but you can't. You're alone and we're in the middle of the ocean, there's no way you can do anything. You're doing what you can to look after me now though, don't forget that. And don't risk your life for this either," Seonghwa said softly, glancing at the younger boy.
"I'll try not to, but Hongjoong would probably have my head if he found out I let you die," Jeongin said with a weak chuckle. Seonghwa's heart clenched at the mention of his husband, or soon to be husband hopefully.
"You know, I was confused when I heard you weren't coming to the wedding, apparently you were sick. What a surprise it was to find you here," Seonghwa said.
"Yeah. I tried to get off so I could help keep the boys safe but there was no way to do it. I'm sorry we crashed your wedding," Jeongin said.
"It's not your fault," Seonghwa whispered, his eyes dropping down to his hands. He rubbed his fingers lightly over the skin of his ring finger, his heart clenching once again as he looked at it.
"I'm sorry Seonghwa, I've been down here too long already. I need to go," Jeongin said.
"That's ok, you get yourself back up there and keep up your poker face," Seonghwa said with a light chuckle.
"Do your best to get some sleep even though it will be hard. I'm not sure what they have planned for tomorrow but you haven't given up any information yet so they're angry and they're going to push harder," Jeongin said.
"I know. I'll be ok, I can handle some torture," Seonghwa said softly as he sat back down on the ground.
"I'll bring more food for you tomorrow, I promise," Jeongin said before getting up and leaving the room. Seonghwa sighed and dropped his head against his hands, his eyes slipping closed once again as memories rose to the surface.
"Rise and shine pretty boy." Seonghwa's eyes snaped open as he felt cold water soak his body. He turned his head to see two pirates walking over towards him, one discarding an empty bucket to the side.
"Come on, Cap wants you," one said, cutting the robe binding Seonghwa's hands before dragging him up. Seonghwa stumbled at the motion before quickly finding his footing and hurrying along with them. He was dragged up above deck where the rest of the crew were going about their business.
"Finally, what took you two so long," the Captain asked with a frown as he walked over. Seonghwa flinched back instinctively but there wasn't anywhere to go as he was still being held by the two crewmates. He had found out the crew was called Eyun, the Chinese word for Doom. Their Captain went by the name of Jonghoon and was a real piece of work. He had long greasy hair, chipped teeth and a scar across his left eye.
"Today is the day Wifey, you're going to give us the information we want," Jonghoon said as he stepped closer.
"Fuck you," Seonghwa spat before spitting in his face. Jonghoon wiped the spit from his face before growling and walking forwards. He gripped Seonghwa's chin with a painfully tight grip but Seonghwa held back his wince.
"All in due time sweetheart, all in due time. Tie him to the post," Jonghoon yelled as he let Seonghwa go. Seonghwa sucked in a breath, his back already aching as he knew what was to come. He was dragged over to a post into the middle of the deck and had his arms forcefully wrapped around it before they were tied together and hooked into a loop to keep them up above his head. He took deep breaths, dropping his head down to rest on the post.
"Now Park Seonghwa, I have some questions for you," Jonghoon said as he walked around the post so Seonghwa could see him.
"I don't give a shit what questions you have, I won't answer them," Seonghwa replied back immediately. Jonghoon's gaze darkened before he nodded and a second later Seonghwa was crying out in pain as the whip collided with his back. It happened again before stopping.
"Let's try that again shall we. How can we get Jung Wooyoung away from the rest of the crew and alone," Jonghoon asked.
"Maybe try being polite, perhaps ask him to dinner," Seonghwa said with a shrug.
"Wrong answer," Jonghoon said, and the lashes were back. Once the two were done, Seonghwa's back was stinging but he had held back the whimpers this time.
"Is there a certain person we can target to get Wooyoung to go after them," Jonghoon asked. Literally everyone, Wooyoung is very protective.
"What is it with your obsession with Wooyoung? I would have thought you would want to go after the Captain, or perhaps just the entire crew, but you're specifically targeting Wooyoung," Seonghwa said. It was true. They had only asked a handful of questions about the rest of the crew, most instead focused on Wooyoung.
"Do you like money Seonghwa," Jonghoon asked.
"It's something that is needed but I would never choose it over my family," Seonghwa said.
"Everyone likes money Seonghwa. For the right price, you could buy anything," Jonghoon said as he walked closer so he was only a couple feet away from Seonghwa.
"Wooyoung, just happens to bring in a very heft sum of money, something not even your crews reputation would be able to put us off with," Jonghoon said. Seonghwa's eyes widened at that. Wooyoung, of all people has money on his head?
"Now enough questions from you. I answered them which means it's only fair that you answer mine. What can we do to get Wooyoung alone," Jonghoon asked.
"You can't. We're a protective crew, there is no way you would be able to get him alone, not after taking me," Seonghwa said.
"Bullshit. There has to be some sort of leverage we could have. Perhaps offering you up in return," Jonghoon said, making Seonghwa snort.
"I would love for you to try that," he said with a chuckle. Jonghoon tsked before giving a nod and Seonghwa braced himself for the lashes that were to come. This time they didn't stop at two, instead going up to five and Seonghwa had tears in his eyes by the end that slowly spilled over.
"You Know, the pain will go if you just answer some simple questions," Jonghoon said with a grin. Seonghwa panted, trying to push through the pain to speak.
"I will never, ever give them up," he whispered.
"We'll see about that. Leave him there for now, we'll see how he holds up in a couple of hours," Jonghoon said to the others before walking away. A couple of seconds later Jeongin popped up in his view. Jeongin leaned down to tie up his shoe lace.
"Hang in there, you're doing so well," he whispered before standing again and walking off. Seonghwa sniffled before letting the tears finally fall, crying quietly. His back was aching and stinging and his shoulders were beginning to hurt from the strain of having them held up so high but there was nothing he could do.
He ended up just completely zoning out, not sure for how long but it stopped him from feeling the pain he was in so he didn't really mind. He came back too to the feeling of something against his cheek. His eyes snapped open and he flinched back as he realised it was one of the pirates hands touching his cheek.
"Don't touch me," he spat.
"Ooo, feisty," the pirate chuckled, making Seonghwa frown.
"Say, the Pirate King has some good taste, you are a pretty one," he said with a grin. Seonghwa scoffed in disgust and looked away from the guy.
"A very pretty one." Seonghwa flinched and tried to move away as he felt the hand travelling down his back but there was no way to move away from the touch.
"Oi Rascal, leave him alone. You know the Captain said no one can touch him." Seonghwa held back a sigh of relief at Jeongin's voice, even more so when the touch left his body.
"Fine," the pirate scoffed before walking away. Jeongin made his way over to him and Seonghwa, shifted his gaze to him as he started to undo the rope.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," he whispered as he continued working away at the knot.
"It's ok, it just stings a little," Seonghwa whispered back.
"No, not that. The Captain just ordered you be waterboarded," Jeongin said quietly as he finally finished untying the rope, letting Seonghwa's arms drop. Not only did his arms drop though, his legs also gave out as the words registered in his mind. He had asked Jeongin the first time they had talk, to inform him if waterboarding was going to be one of their forms of torture method. So far they hadn't used it but he had still been dreading it with each day. He can withstand any torture, no amount of pain would ever make him turn on his family but drowning, he's terrified of drowning.
"I'm so sorry," Jeongin whispered as he begun dragging him away. Seonghwa could hear it in his voice that the younger boy was just as terrified as he was but he couldn't find his voice, couldn't speak to reassure him it was going to be fine, he would be fine. He was pulled into a room that had the chair in the middle of it. He tried to resist but two men grabbed him and they strapped him down in the chair. He was sat there for a few minutes, shaking in fear before Jonghoon walked into the room.
"My, my, my, is that fear I see in your eyes Seonghwa," he said with a smirk as he walked closer. Seonghwa desperately wanted to bite back but he was far too busy trying to brace himself for what was to come.
"It seems you've already managed to figure out what is coming next. You know, I wouldn't have to do it if you just told me what I wanted to know," Jonghoon said with a grin. Seonghwa grit his teeth and shook his head. He would never give them up.
"Very well. Let's get him prepped boys," Jonghoon said. As soon as he said that, the chair was tipped back and his mouth was pried open, a wet rag being shoved inside it. He clenched his eyes closed, doing his best to breathe through the cloth but it was already hard.
"Last chance Seonghwa, how do we get to Wooyoung," Jonghoon said. Seonghwa peeled his eyes open once again before narrowing them in defiance.
"Do it," Jonghoon said. Seonghwa's entire body seized up when he felt the liquid fall onto his face and then into his mouth. He had less than a second to prepare himself before he started to choke. The water was trailing down his throat, clogging it up and stopping him from being able to breathe. He tried his hardest not to panic but he could do nothing to stop it. He started to thrash, trying to get away from it, trying to stop himself from drowning. Repressed memories from years ago resurfaced and ran through his head, the sobs coming before he could stop them. Due to the sobbing however, he choked even more, his chest heaving. He wasn't sure how long it was before it finally let up but he couldn't stop choking, gurgling around they water. He was jerked forwards suddenly as the chair was rightened, making him cough and gag until the cloth was removed from his mouth.
"We're going to try again now. I want you to give me a way to get Jung Wooyoung away from the rest of the crew, or else you get more of that. I'm more than happy to watch you squirm, it's quite fun," Jonghoon said. He continued to cough and shake, trying to remove the water from his lungs but it was stuck there as he continued to drown.
"Oi." Seonghwa gasped as the slap landed on his cheek, making it sting with the force.
"I asked you a question, expect you to answer it," he said.
"And I a-already told you. I will n-never give Y-Youngie up," Seonghwa choked out.
"You should really stop fighting it, you're going to give in sooner or later. We have all the time in the world to have our fun with you," Jonghoon said, before flicking his hand to the others. Seonghwa braced himself, quickly trying to shift his mind to a moment in time that brought him happiness but it didn't work, instead memories of him being dragged below the ship surfaced in his mind. He gasped and tried to move himself, but his hands were restrained to his sides.
"Ready yet," Jonghoon asked as he the waterboarding paused. Seonghwa was sobbing and gasping heavily, his heart racing in his chest in panic but he managed to shake his head. He was yanked back again, the cloth shoved in his mouth and the drowning started again. He was having trouble breathing, his lungs felt like they were tightening, shrivelling up. He tried to gasp for air but it only made him choke more. He felt like he was dying, he was choking but without any air, his face beginning to go red.
"STOP, STOP IT. YOU'RE GOING TO KILL HIM." The water suddenly stopped coming and Seonghwa was rightened again but he continued to choke.
"He's no use to us if he's dead Captain. I want that bastard to give us answers just as much as you do but dead men tell no tales," Jeongin said quickly.
"You make a fair point. We'll resume this tomorrow, get him back to his cell, the rest of you come with me," Jonghoon said before leaving the room. As soon as the room was empty and the door closed, Jeongin rushed over, slicing the ropes binding Seonghwa and yanking him from the chair. As soon as he removed the cloth from Seonghwa's mouth, the older coughed out some water before sobbing. Jeongin hugged him tightly and Seonghwa fell into him, his head dropping onto his shoulder and his hand clutching the youngers shirt. He knew how dangerous it was. If anyone walked into the room and saw them, they would kill Jeongin without hesitation and possibly even him.
"I've got you, you're ok. You aren't drowning, you're here with me," Jeongin said softly, rubbing his back gently. Seonghwa whimpered and curled closer.
"I need you to try and calm down a little bit for me Seonghwa. I have to drag you back down to the cell but I don't want you this freaked out ok, I want to comfort you a little," Jeongin said quickly. Seonghwa's heart warmed slightly at the concern despite how shit he felt. He wrapped his arms around Jeongin's neck and held him tightly, trying to regulate his breathing. He's had panic attacks before, flashbacks of his almost drowning but Hongjoong was always there to bring him out of it. He closed his eyes and shakily clutched tighter to Jeongin.
"You need to breathe my love. Take a deep breath in, everything is ok. Now let it out, you're safe with me. Good job Seongie, you're doing so well for me, just in and out, like this, follow me. You're safe, I will always keep you safe. I'll protect you til the day I die.
Seonghwa slowly drew in a deep breath, calming himself down as he listened to Hongjoong's words. The boys are out there, they will be looking for him and they will not stop until they find him. He just need to hold off until they manage to find him, no matter how long they take. Whether it be a week more, or a year, they will come.
"I'm ok," he whispered to Jeongin.
"Yeah? You ready for me to drag you down there," Jeongin asked as he pulled back to look at him. Seonghwa chuckled weakly and nodded.
"Do your worst," he replied with a nod.
Here is Chapter 11 everyone, thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed it
There isn't really going to be many great parts in this chapter or the next, but let me know what you part you may have enjoyed reading in this chapter
The next chapter will be a little different as I am going to be bringing back the trigger warnings for it purely because there is some disturbing scenes. It was a little hard to write purely cos it made me sad to imagine but I felt it brings more to the storyline. The trigger warning will be for SA and attempted R-word but I promise Seonghwa does not get R. For those of you who will find it triggering, please message me personally and I will find a way to give you a version of the chapter that does not have the scene in it. I do not want anyone risking their mental health just for a story. I love all you readers, stay safe, happy and healthy
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