Chapter 1
"How's it looking up there San."
"All good Captain. We're going to turn the corner in about 2 minutes and we'll be in the perfect position to strike," San called back from the helm as he steered the illusion through the waters. Hongjoong nodded and turned to Mingi who was standing beside him.
"Go and get the others. Tell them to be in attack position and be prepared to strike on my command. Make sure Jongho has the cannons prepped and ready to fire," Hongjoong told him. Mingi nodded and hurried off, jogging down the steps that lead below deck. He went down the corridor and pounded on the doors to the other boy's bedrooms to gain their attention. A few seconds later, Wooyoung, Yunho, Jongho and Yeosang popped out.
"We're almost there. Captain said to make sure we're in attack position and ready to go. Jongho, make sure you're ready to fire the cannons when he gives the order," Mingi said quickly. Jongho nodded and quickly rushed off to get the cannons prepared while Wooyoung turned to Yeosang.
"It should be a pretty straight forward in and out but it's best to be prepared to give some medical aid in case things go south. You stay down here to keep safe," Wooyoung said softly. Yeosang rolled his eyes at his over-protectiveness even though it's been many years since they became pirates.
"I will stay below deck until I'm giving the all clear to come out. I know the drill Wooyoung," he said. Wooyoung grinned and ruffled his hair.
"Just making sure," he said, making Yeosang scoff.
"You better make sure you don't stuff up your ankle," he said.
"It's been a year Sangie, my ankle is fine," Wooyoung called out over his shoulder as he jogged to follow the other three back above deck. Yeosang rolled his eyes again and leant back against the wall. It's true, it's been over a year since Wooyoung originally hurt his ankle but he's hurt it three times since then and never knows when to take it easy. Yeosang sighed to himself and slid down the wall, letting his head thump back against it as he started his wait.
Wooyoung, Mingi and Yunho came up above deck, just as Hongjoong was exiting his quarters again, this time with Seonghwa in tow.
"Are you guys ready," Seonghwa asked as he drew his sword, Hongjoong doing the same.
"We were born ready," Mingi said with a nod. The others all turned to look at him with raised eyebrows.
"What? I've always wanted to say that," he said with a pout.
"That's great Mingi, it sounded great," Yunho said with a soft smile and a nod, making Mingi's face light up happily. As soon as the younger was turned away, Yunho faced the others and swiped flicked his hand back and forth across his throat with a grim look. Wooyoung stifled a laugh, not wanting to draw Mingi's attention to it.
"We're been planning this for a few weeks but to refresh your minds, I will go over the plan again. San is going to take us up beside the back of the ship and we are going to board. They should be distracted from the attack at the front and it will be hard for them to see us coming. Jongho will be manning the cannons in case something goes wrong and we have to make a quick getaway. San will remain by the helm for the same reason though he will have his bow to engage wherever he see fit. The five of us will help to take out the last remaining crewmembers on the other ship," Hongjoong explained quickly. They all glanced to the side as they finally rounded the corner of the island they had been using for cover.
"Aye, aye Captain. Heard you loud and clear," Wooyoung said with a salute. Hongjoong glanced over at the younger boy and sighed, far too used to his antics to even care anymore.
"Go get to your stations," he said with a sigh. The others immediately sprung into action at his words, Wooyoung still giggling to himself about his joke.
"Seongie," Hongjoong said quietly as they walked to where the plank was leant against the Captain's quarters.
"Yes my love," Seonghwa replied softly, making Hongjoong blush as butterflies flew in his stomach. It's been 3 years since they started dating and a year since they were engaged and yet silly things like calling him love still manage to make his heart flutter.
"Stop it, you're going to distract me when I need to be focused," Hongjoong mumbled. Despite his retorts however, he gently grabbed the collar of Seonghwa's shirt and tugged him down into a kiss. Seonghwa melted into it and stepped closer to the younger boy, tilting his head to get a better angle. They kissed for a few seconds before Hongjoong reluctantly pulled away.
"See, distracting me," he whispered. Seonghwa giggled and leant down, kissing him once again. A few seconds later, they yelped and pulled apart as they felt a thump on their heads. Hongjoong looked up angrily to see Yunho watching them with his hands raised as if he had thrown something. Hongjoong then glanced down to see the taller boys shoe on the deck beside them.
"You realise you're going to be needing that right," Hongjoong said.
"So throw it back but I have had enough of you mushy, cute couple stuff," Yunho whisper shouted back. Hongjoong rolled his eyes but grabbed his shoe and threw it back. Yunho yelped, having not expected it but he caught it and quickly slipped it back on his foot for it's intended purpose.
"So rude," Hongjoong muttered.
"He is right though. We should probably focus on the mission, not on each other right now," Seonghwa said softly. Hongjoong pouted slightly but pulled away, knowing Seonghwa's words were right. They have responsibilities right now and they can kiss all they want later when they aren't in present danger. They both focused back on the water and their grips tightened on their swords as they saw how close they were to the other ship. They kept quiet so they wouldn't ruin the element of surprise, allowing San to expertly steer the ship so the side of the Illusion was lined up with the back of the other ship. Hongjoong disregarded the plank entirely and instead looped a rope around the tip of the ships railing to lock them in place. San had managed to get them that close that they could literally step onto the ship. Hongjoong smiled and told himself to praise San for that later. He boarded the ship first, hearing the sounds of swords clashing further along. The others followed close behind him and they stalked quietly across the deck, weaving between the different structures and splitting up to attack from different directions. When they got closer, they could see the two crews fighting, one out-numbering the other though that would soon change. It was easy to tell who was friend and who was foe and it was with that thought that Hongjoong finally attacked.
He ran forward and grabbed a mans shoulder from behind, tugging him back and sheathing his sword into him until it pierced back out through his chest. All hell broke loose from there. The crew seemed to realise that they had been ambushed and were desperately trying to fight back to save their lives as the ATEEZ attacked with ferocity. Wooyoung ran and slid across the deck on his knees, slicing a man's ankle open with one of his daggers and making him cry out.
"You stupid brat," the man screamed, swinging his sword down blindly. Wooyoung saw it coming though and rolled away in time, dodging around so that he was behind the mans back. He then jumped back up and swiftly sliced the mans throat open, watching as he collapsed to the ground, choking on his own blood.
Mingi had gotten into an intense sword-fight with someone else and despite the other man putting all of his strength into every swing, Mingi was able to block it effortlessly. It was clear these people still had much to learn, though they would never get the opportunity. He bid his time, just deflecting whatever blow the man swung his way before he saw his opening. The man had swung blindly to the left and had stumbled from the momentum, making his body shift and leaving Mingi the perfect opportunity to strike. He tossed his sword to his left hand before swing it and cutting a large gash into the man's side, making him yell out. Mingi didn't care, he just kicked the man in the chest, making him collapse onto his back on the deck before he stabbed down onto his chest. He grinned to himself as he ripped the sword back out and hurried to join the rest of the fight once again.
Yunho and Seonghwa ended up fighting back to back, engaging against their own person but making sure they were both protected at the same time. Seonghwa's fight was relatively quick and swift. It was clear that the man he was fighting was inexperienced and it took less than a minute for Seonghwa to eviscerate him. Seonghwa then turned his attention to Yunho and the person he was fighting, stepping in to help him. With the two of them fighting together, that ended quite quickly with Yunho managing to stab them in the chest while they were focused on stopping Seonghwa.
There were a few more foreign crewmembers to take care of but with the arrival of ATEEZ, the fight ended quicker than most, the bodies piling up on the deck of the ship. Hongjoong took out the last standing member, cutting his throat open before stabbing him in the heart.
"Nice of you guys to join us." Hongjoong's piercing gaze swung to the owner of the voice and the boy gulped. Hongjoong gazed at him for a few seconds before breaking out into a grin.
"What can I say, we always love to make an entrance," he said, striding over.
"Plus, I'm sure you guys could have handled this yourself Heeseung. Eventually," Hongjoong added with a chuckle.
"Hey, no fair. You guys are like elite, of course you would think we'd struggle. You make it seem like it's nothing," Sunoo said with a pout. Wooyoung chuckled at the younger boy's cuteness, sheathing his blades before walking over. He wrapped his arms around the young boy who eagerly leaned into the embrace to hug him back.
"Aigoo, such a cutie," he muttered fondly. Sunoo grumbled slightly under his breath but didn't fight it much.
"Despite what Hongjoong says, you guys did very well. He's just trying to tease," Seonghwa said as he sauntered over to his fiancée.
"No I wasn-. Yes I was," Hongjoong said, wincing at the elbow he copped to the ribs.
"Were any of you injured," Yunho asked, addressing what they really should be focusing on.
"No, we're all good. It was like you said, we were only here for about ten minutes before you guys arrived," Jungwon said. Hongjoong nodded and turned back to the illusion.
"San, go get Jongho and Yeosang, everything is all good here," he called out. San didn't reply but Hongjoong could see him jumped down the steps from the helm and disappear behind the Captain's Quarters.
"You guys should probably check through the ship, take all of the loot you want," Jungwon said.
"Nonsense. This is your quest, your ship and therefor your loot. It is all here for you, we will not touch it," Seonghwa said immediately.
"Are you sure," Jake asked.
"Positive. We have more than enough loot ourselves and we were only here to help out. You did all of the main work by tracking, planning and fighting," Wooyoung replied. The crew of Enhypen instantly bowed down to the ATEEZ crew to show their appreciation and the older boys nodded their heads back respectfully. Jake, Sunoo, Heeseung and Jay went below deck to search for anything that could be of value or benefit them.
"I appreciate you doing this for us Hongjoong, all of you," Jungwon said quietly.
"We will always come when you call us for help Jungwon. As allies, that is what we do," Hongjoong replied firmly. Jungwon smiled softly and nodded in appreciation.
"Still, thank you," he said.
"Any time kiddo," Wooyoung said, reaching up and ruffling the young Captain's hair.
"Wooyoung, would you stop treating them like little pets? You're always patting them, they're people," Seonghwa said. Wooyoung flushed in embarrassment and quickly tugged his hand back. It's not his fault the Enhypen crew is so young and adorable. He just wants to squeeze them all the time and squish their cheeks, pat their heads. Ah, right.
"Yeah, sorry about that," he said with a nervous chuckle.
"It's ok. Some of the boys quite enjoy your affections. Especially because you guys have always been role models for us," Jungwon said.
"See, they like it," Wooyoung said, turning to Seonghwa who just rolled his eyes.
"I can't believe I missed this." They all turned around to see San walking up with Yeosang and Jongho by his side.
"We're all anchored in for now," he added, turning his attention to Hongjoong who nodded in acknowledgement.
"Is there somewhere you guys wish to go that you must leave soon," Jungwon asked.
"Not really. We don't have much of an objective at the moment, we're just sailing around," Hongjoong said with a shrug.
"Well, why don't we both anchor in by the shoreline and have dinner together? It's going to be a beautiful night and the island is uninhabited from what I've heard," Jungwon proposed. Hongjoong glanced at the rest of his crew to see what they were wanting to do, all of which were smiling and nodding their head to say that they would love to do it.
"That sounds like a good offer. We'll bring the illusion over now and meet you guys on the beach," Hongjoong replied, making Jungwon smile happily. Hongjoong turned and motioned for the other who quickly followed after him. They climbed back onto the Illusion, San gently grabbing Yeosang's hand and helping him over.
"Thank you," Yeosang whispered, nuzzling his head lightly with the navigators.
"That's so not fair. How come he gets a thanks and affection but when I do something like that, you just snap at me," Wooyoung whined.
"Because I like Sannie better," Yeosang with a shrug before walking away, leaving Wooyoung spluttering in disbelief and San giggling.
"Don't worry Wooyoung, I love you," Mingi said, throwing his arm over the smaller boys shoulder. Wooyoung preened and leaned into the hug, nuzzling close to him.
"At least someone appreciates me," he said with a pout.
"Jongho, bring up the anchor and I'll steer us closer to the beach," Hongjoong said. Jongho nodded and quickly hurried off while San followed Hongjoong to the helm.
"You did well San. I was impressed by your precision in getting us so close to the ship," Hongjoong said, glancing at the younger boy. San smiled softly at that, his head ducking down shyly. It always makes his heart flutter to receive praise from Hongjoong, no matter how long they have known each other.
"I was kind of panicking internally that we were going to crash into the ship to be honest," San admitted.
"Well, we didn't so there's no need to stress," Hongjoong said and San nodded, letting out a deep breath.
"Anchor is up," Yeosang called out. Hongjoong nodded, already feeling the ship drift slightly as the propellors got working as well. He steered them around the other two ships and towards the island, turning the ship sideways so it was facing out past the island.
"Tell him to anchor in again," Hongjoong yelled. Not even a minute later, there was a tug on the ship as the anchor locked into place and they drew to a stop.
"Nicely done," San said with a grin. Hongjoong opened his mouth to reply but was cut off by a yell.
"WOOYOUNG, DON'T." He spun around to see both Yeosang and Wooyoung in a heap on the deck groaning. He and San quickly rushed over, as did the others.
"What happened," Hongjoong asked hurriedly.
"Wooyoung is an idiot, that's what happened," Yunho replied.
"That still doesn't explain it, we all already knew that," San said as he helped the two boys up to their feet.
"Hey, that's rude," Wooyoung said.
"But not untrue," San said with a shrug.
"San," Wooyoung said quietly and the smile immediately slipped from San's face. They like to muck around and banter with each other but sometimes they can push boundaries without realising. San quickly wrapped his arm around Wooyoung's shoulder and tugged him close to his side. He leant over and placed a delicate kiss to the side of his hair.
"Love you," he whispered. Wooyoung instantly relaxed, melting into his side.
"Wooyoung was going to jump over the edge into the water without even knowing how deep the water was," Yeosang explained.
"Ah, right. You do really have to get out of the habit of just diving into the water whenever without checking if it's safe first," Hongjoong said, glancing at the boy still curled up with San.
"Well excuse me for wanting some fun," he huffed.
"I highly doubt dying will be fun," Jongho said. Wooyoung glared at him but remained quiet.
"Ok. Well anyway, we're all going to be climbing down using the ladder. No diving into the water because you will most likely shatter a few bones on impact," Hongjoong said.
"Ew, gory," Mingi said in disgust.
"But true," Yeosang shrugged. Seonghwa walked off to go get the ladder and locked it into place over the side of the ship, knotting it tightly.
"Let's go," he said as he started to climb down. Everyone else followed his lead, climbing down one by one. Seonghwa remained at the bottom of the ladder, helping to steady each of the others as they got to the bottom. Hongjoong was the last to come and Seonghwa held his waist to steady him. As soon as he reached the water, Seonghwa gently nudged him back against the ship and kissed him softly. Hongjoong smiled into the kiss and wrapped his arms around Seonghwa's neck, feeling the hands on his waist tighten slightly.
"Alright, alright, we get it. You two love each other and are getting married in 2 months. Blah, blah, blah. Hurry up and stop kissing ever 2 seconds," Jongho grumbled. Hongjoong pulled back from the kiss and glared at him but Jongho remained unphased with his arms crossed over his chest and a frown on his face. Seonghwa glanced over and chuckled before pulling away from Hongjoong, much to the Captain's annoyance.
"Asshole," Hongjoong muttered under his breath, earning a punch in the should from Seonghwa.
"Ow, that actually hurt," he grumbled.
"And that was our child you called an asshole," Seonghwa said with a shrug.
"Annoying child," Hongjoong grumbled as they hurried to catch up to the rest of their members.
The two crews lit a fire on the beach and cooked their food together, a delicious array of different meats and vegetables. Vegetables that Hongjoong and San refused to touch despite the insistence from the other members.
"We must stay strong," Hongjoong said. San giggled as he took another swig from his drink.
"In-Indeed," he hiccupped. Hongjoong glanced closer at him in the light of the fire, struggling to see due to the nights darkness but he could tell San's neck was quite flushed.
"Ok, I think you've had enough," he said softly, tugging the cup from San's hands.
"What, no," San whined, making grabby hands towards the cup. Hongjoong quickly chugged the last of it and placed it off to the side.
"Go cuddle with Youngie," he instructed. San grumbled but stood up and wobbled over to Wooyoung who was chatting with Heeseung and dropped into his lap. Wooyoung was caught off guard but immediately hugged him tightly, allowing him to rest in his lap. Hongjoong watched for a few more seconds to make sure everything was ok before he turned his attention to where Seonghwa was sitting across from him. The older boy was sitting beside Zeke, talking animatedly to him while he smiled and giggled. Hongjoong frowned and stood up, moving closer to the two.
"I'm so excited Zeke, there's only a couple more months left until it happens and we really did pick the perfect place," Seonghwa said quickly.
'I'm glad, I'm very happy for you. You deserve this so much Seonghwa. I can't wait to watch,' Zeke signed back.
"Enough about me though, how have you been," Seonghwa asked.
'I've been good. We've just been travelling around at the moment, swiping some things here and there. It's very fun and the boys are lovely. It's nothing like those bastards,' Zeke signed. Seonghwa frowned at that and reached over, pulling Zeke into a tight hug.
"They're gone now and we're doing well. We don't even have to think about them anymore," he whispered, feeling Zeke squeeze tightly. They pulled away after a few seconds and Seonghwa went to sit back down when he suddenly bumped into something behind him. He glanced back before smiling softly as he noticed it was Hongjoong. Hongjoong sat down and grabbed his hips firmly, yanking him back so he was sitting in his lap. Seonghwa yelped slightly as he fell back but chuckled once he was seated. Hongjoong's arms snaked around his waist and his head rested on his shoulder, placing a soft kiss to his neck that made him giggle.
"Hello to you too," Seonghwa said, leaning back into the hug. There were a few giggles and Hongjoong glanced to the right to see Wooyoung, Mingi and Yunho sniggering at him.
"Bit possessive there are we Hongjoong? Don't worry, we all know he's going to be your husband," Yeosang said with a grin. Hongjoong blushed slightly in embarrassment at that, realising he was indeed being a little possessive. He couldn't help it though. It's not his fault his fiancée is so beautiful and captivating that he draws people's attention. He just needs them to know that he was the lucky one that snagged him up.
"Mine," he whispered into Seonghwa's ear, making him shiver slightly. Seonghwa turned his head to look at him, smiling softly as he pecked the youngers lips.
"All yours," he replied quietly, making Hongjoong grin happily.
"You'd think by now we'd be used to their disgusting cuteness. You would be thinking wrong," Jongho huffed.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever," Hongjoong said rolling his eyes.
"I personal think it's very sweet," Sunoo said.
"Thank you Sunoo. See, this is why I like him more than you guys," Hongjoong said, making Sunoo flush.
"You just like him because he sees you as the big bad Pirate King," Yunho scoffed.
"Shush, let me have this," Hongjoong said, making the others around the fire chuckle.
"So where will you guys be going next," Niki asked.
"We will probably rest for a few weeks and then there's a market we've heard about that we might hit. They will have a beautiful necklace there that Seonghwa has been wanting for the wedding so we might see if we can swipe it," Yunho said.
"It's going to be so fun. It's been a while since we've stolen anything," Wooyoung said happily.
"It will be fun but it will also be dangerous so we're going to plan it out thoroughly," Hongjoong said sternly. Wooyoung rolled his eyes and tugged San closer to his side, leaning into him.
"What about you guys? What will you be doing," Yeosang asked.
"We aren't too sure yet. We will probably just continue with our travels, explore the different islands nearby," Jungwon said.
"I think it that's a great idea. Sometimes it's nice to just explore and relax. It's like a vacation away from everything," Mingi said with a nod.
"Hey, can we go on vacation after the wedding," Seonghwa asked, turning to glance at Hongjoong behind him.
"Of course my love, anything you want," Hongjoong replied softly.
"Ooo, a vacation, yay."
"I said yes to Seonghwa, not too you," Hongjoong said, glancing at Wooyoung who pouted.
"Can I come at least? As I'm your favourite child," Yeosang said.
"Sure," Hongjoong replied with a shrug. The others all chuckled and continued on with their feasting. Wooyoung glanced at Hongjoong from over San's shoulder. For the past few weeks Hongjoong has been making off-handed, snide remarks about him. Usually he would take them as a joke but they seemed to be more frequent than usual so Wooyoung couldn't help to feel that maybe Hongjoong was starting to hate him. Perhaps he was starting to see what his father saw, that he was a disappointment.
"Hey San, can you please go to Yeosang, my lap is going a little numb," Wooyoung said. San whined but dutifully climbed from Wooyoung's lap and crawled over to Yeosang to flop down on top of him. Wooyoung glanced around the fire, seeing that everyone was distracted so he slipped away, walking towards the rocks by the water. He sat down quietly on a rock and dropped his head down into his hands. Everything was quiet for a few minutes before Wooyoung felt an arm wrap around his shoulders. He jumped slightly and went to turn to see who it was but he was suddenly tugged into a tight hug.
"I love you very much Wooyoung." Wooyoung let out a long, shuddering breath as he leant into the hug.
"I'm sorry if my words earlier hurt you. I've noticed that you've seemed to be a bit more insecure lately and things seem to hurt more. I should have held my tongue," Hongjoong said softly. Wooyoung sniffled but nodded into Hongjoong's shoulder.
"It's ok, I understand," Wooyoung said quietly. Hongjoong froze at that, running the youngers words through his head. To anyone, it would seem like forgiveness but to Hongjoong, knowing Wooyoung's past, it sounded more like resignation.
"I want you to explain to me what you mean by that," Hongjoong said.
"What do you mean," Wooyoung asked with a frown.
"Exactly what I said. I want to know what you meant by you understand. What is it that you understand," Hongjoong asked.
"Oh, just that I can be a bit annoying sometimes. I understand that I tend to sometimes just take up space and disappoint you but it's ok, you don't have to apologise for your words," Wooyoung said and Hongjoong's heart broke.
"That is what I feared you meant," he said with a sigh. Wooyoung glanced up with a puzzled look and Hongjoong huffed out a laugh, tucking Wooyoung's hair behind his ear.
"You could never disappoint me Youngie, ever. You are my child and you always make me so proud you know. Without you here, it feels like there's an empty space, like something is missing. We need you here, to fill up that space, to bring that happiness into our lives," Hongjoong said softly. Wooyoung's heart skipped clenched at Hongjoong's words. His own father would not even call him his child, had not cared at all for him.
"Shit Joong, you're going to make me cry," Wooyoung said with another sniffle as his eyes welled up. Hongjoong cupped the younger boys face softly and wiped away the few tears that fell with his thumbs.
"Do you really mean it though," Wooyoung asked unsure.
"Every word of it and more," Hongjoong said with a nod. Wooyoung hugged him tightly nuzzling his head into his neck.
"You are precious to me, to all of us," Hongjoong said.
"Thank you," Wooyoung whispered.
"Of course. Now come on, let's go join the others again," Hongjoong said. The two of them stood up and rejoined the others around the fire.
They all spent the next hour having fun and chatting before it got too late to stay up and they all begun to settle in for the night around the fire.
"Hey Seonghwa," Hongjoong said softly, making the older turn to him from where he had already laid down in preparation to cuddle with him.
"Yeah, what's up," Seonghwa asked.
"I want Wooyoung to cuddle between us tonight. I think he may have been thinking about his father and he's started doubting himself again," Hongjoong said, making Seonghwa frown.
"Of course," he said with a rapid nod. Hongjoong quickly got up and went over to where Wooyoung was finishing his drink and placing down his cup.
"Youngie," Hongjoong said, gaining the youngers attention.
"Yes Captain," he said.
"Come lay with Seonghwa and I, we want you close tonight," Hongjoong said. Wooyoung's face lit up, reflected by the fire and he nodded quickly.
"Come on," Hongjoong whispered, slipping his hand into the cook's and tugging him over to where Seonghwa was laying. Wooyoung quickly bent down and crawled over to Seonghwa, snuggling up into the eldest's arms.
"Hi baby," Seonghwa said gently, bundling Seonghwa up in his arms.
"Hi," Wooyoung whispered back.
"You doing ok," Seonghwa asked.
"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just, I'm just a little bit anxious as of late," Wooyoung admitted.
"Well you just get some sleep and we'll be here when you wake up ok," Seonghwa said softly as Hongjoong joined them on Wooyoung's other side. He wrapped his arm around the youngest of the three's waist.
"Sleep Youngie, we're here with you," Hongjoong whispered, kissing the youngers cheek. Wooyoung giggled happily and melted in their embraces, letting his eyes slip closed. They all drifted off to sleep, curled up together, safe and warm.
Welcome everyone to the 3rd book of my pirate series and I hope everyone enjoys it as much as they did the last two.
ATEEZ and Enhypen seem to have grown closer and even worked together in the Chapter.
Let me know what your favourite parts of this for chapter were and what you're hoping to see throughout this book :)
Thank you for reading and hopefully you will still with this story and enjoy it!
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