Yeosang ~Hidden Sickness~
Yeosang's POV
Waking up with a sore throat and a pounding headache is not something that's very enjoyable at all. I groaned slightly and rubbed the side of my head, trying to alleviate some of the pain. I glanced over at Wooyoung's bed, letting out a sigh when I saw both Wooyoung and San fast asleep still, meaning there was still a little while until we needed to wake up, given the fact that Wooyoung generally wakes me up. My head was still pounding though, so faced the ceiling again and thought about what we had on for the day and whether I could afford being sick. It took me all of three seconds to realise that it wouldn't be possible. We have a concert today, it'll be played live for Atiny to watch as they can't come in person due to COVID. There is no way I can miss that, not when Atiny are so excited and it's been so long since we have seen or performed for them. Not only that, but everyone has been really stressed lately, trying to prepare for this concert, especially Hongjoong as he's the leader. I don't want to be a burden and stress them all out even more when I just have a slight headache and a sore throat, I can push through it. I glanced back over at San and Wooyoung before quietly getting up and leaving the room, making sure not to wake the two of them up. I walked to the bathroom down the hall and went inside, rummaging through the draws until I found some Panadol and I quickly took two of them. I decided to have a quick shower before the other's wake up, in the hopes of feeling a little bit better. By the time I was done, I was feeling a little better but not much. The other's were already waking up and heading to have breakfast so I went down as well. I walked over and sat down next to Jongho, pouring myself a bowl of cereal. Not too long after, Wooyoung came bounding into the room with San.
"Sangie, you woke up earlier than me for once," he giggled, patting my head as he skipped past. I barely managed to control my wince as my head jolted and it begun to pound a little bit more.
"Hurry up and eat boys, we need to head to the venue so we can start getting ready. We leave in 20 minutes," Hongjoong said as he walked into the room. Everyone begun hurrying up as they ate, except me. I tried to hurry up and took a few quick spoonful's but I started to feel a bit nauseous so I put my spoon back down. I fought the urge to gag and just swallowed what was left in my mouth before grabbing my bowl and standing up. Luckily everyone was too busy getting ready to notice me pouring half of my cereal out into the bin. After everyone finished breakfast, we all got changed into some casual clothes and headed out to the van that was waiting for us. I went to the seat I usually sit in which is alone near the front but to my surprise, Seonghwa sat down next to me instead of his usual spot next to Hongjoong.
"Hyung," I asked, raising an eyebrow in confusion as we drove off.
"I just wanted to check up on you. You threw out most of your breakfast and you're looking a little bit pale," he said in concern as he lifted his hand up and felt my head to check for a fever. Shit, so maybe someone did notice. Of course Seonghwa, our ever attentive mother would be able to tell the minute I acted differently. I just hope I don't have a fever because that would throw a wrench in my plan.
"You don't have a fever," he mumbled under his breath, moving his hand to run his fingers through my hair soothingly. It felt nice and it soothed my headache a bit.
"I'm fine Hyung, I just didn't have the best sleep last night that's all," I lied. I could tell by the way he kept running his fingers through my hair and the look in his eyes that he was still unsure and worried about me.
"Stop being such a mum Hyung, I'm fine," I said with a small chuckle.
"Just promise you'll tell me if somethings wrong," he said, sighing in resignation.
"Of course Hyung," I said, lying yet again. He nodded and wrapped his arm around my shoulder, pulling me close to his side and I let him, knowing he was still a bit worried about me. When we made it to the venue, we were straight away ushered to get our clothes and makeup done. I quickly got changed into my first outfit for the concert. The pills for my headache and Seonghwa's mini massage seemed to have helped my headache but my throat was still sore.
"Are you feeling ok Yeosang-ssi," my makeup Noona asked as she paused to look at me.
"Yeah, I'm fine," I replied quickly. She just nodded and continued to do my makeup. By the time makeup and outfits were done, around 2 hours had passed and I was beginning to feel even more off than I did in the morning. Not only was my head beginning to pound again, but I was starting to feel hot, really hot.
"Alright boys let's get going, we have to run through some of the songs before the concert," Hongjoong called out. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before getting up and following everyone out to the stage.
"How's everyone feeling about tonight," Yunho asked with a smile as we begun to stretch a little.
"Amazing, it's going to be so fun," San said with a gin.
"Yeah, I've missed being able to perform for Atiny," Mingi said. I forgot it's been a while since he's been able to perform for Atiny, a fair bit longer than the rest of us.
"I just hope I'm alright," he added.
"You'll be great Mingi-ah," Seonghwa assured him quickly while Wooyoung gave him a big hug.
"Alright, we'll start off running through the choreography of 'Déjà vu'," Hongjoong said. We all quickly got into our positions before the music begun to play. I did my best to perform as well as I could but my head was hurting too much and I was getting too hot so I couldn't concentrate, causing me to make a few mistakes. Now if this was dance practice, it wouldn't be a problem, we'd correct it and someone would help me out, but it isn't practice. We're just going over things for the concert, we don't have time for mistakes and everyone is already stressed.
"Yeosang come on, pick it up. We don't have time for mistakes," Hongjoong said with a sigh.
"Sorry," I said quickly, knowing we only have less than two hours until we're supposed to start performing.
"Come on Sang, pick it up a bit," Wooyoung said, patting my shoulder. We went through the song another time and I once again made a few mistakes.
"Yeosang. Come on. Pick it up, we can't afford so many mistakes," Hongjoong groaned.
"Sorry Hyung," I said, bowing down before getting into position. I could tell he was getting frustrated, as were the other's, so I made sure to try extra hard to stop making mistakes. It worked, I was able to make barely any mistakes but there was a downside. By the time the rehearsal was finished, I was exhausted and struggling to stay standing. I stumbled over to my water bottle, grabbing it quickly and taking a few gulps as I leaned heavily on a nearby table. After gulping down some water, I froze. I thought having some water would make me feel better but it just sat in my stomach and churned uncomfortably. I took a deep breath, trying to calm down my stomach but it didn't work, and I could feel bile rising up to my throat. I quickly got up and rushed down the steps, hoping that the boys would be too busy recovering to see me run off so suddenly. I ran down the halls quickly, knowing I needed to hurry or I'd be throwing up in the middle of the hall. Luckily I managed to get into the bathroom and I closed the door quickly, locking it behind me. I only just managed to drop to my knees and lean over the toilet before I was gagging and then throwing up. It hurt my stomach a lot and I whimper, clutching onto the side of the toilet as I threw up again. My vision blurred slightly after the third and last time I threw up and I felt most of my energy dissipate. I sniffled slightly and rested my head against the toilet taking deep breaths to try and regain some energy and get rid of the dark spots in my vision. I was brought out of my head when I heard a soft knock on the door.
"Sangie, is everything ok? You doing alright in there," Seonghwa asked through the door. Damn him and his observations, I can never get anything past him. I took a deep breath and mustered my energy to make sure I would sound ok and not like I just threw up a few minutes ago.
"Yeah Hyung I'm fine. I needed to go to the toilet, why," I asked. I was surprised at how upbeat and ok I managed to sound.
"Oh, no, it's fine. I just wanted to make sure you were ok. Sorry," he said, sounding a little embarrassed.
"All good Hyung, I'll be out in a sec," I replied. I heard his footsteps leaving so I decided to get up. I grabbed the edge of the toilet and hauled myself up to my feet. I flushed the toilet before stumbling over to the sink. I washed my hands and poured some water into my mouth, just rinsing and spitting, not swallowing in case it made me feel worse. I left the bathroom a few minutes later but I was a lot worse for wear. My head was now absolutely pounding as if someone was hitting it with a hammer and my body was definitely overheating. As I was walking down the halls, my vision was blurring in and out occasionally but I did my best to still push through. When I got back to the other's, it seemed no one except Seonghwa had noticed my absence so I didn't need to explain where I had been. We got a few last minute touch ups before we were ushered onto the stage. The first song we were doing was 'Eternal Sunshine' so we all got into our positions. A few seconds later, the screens surrounding the stage lit up and heaps of live videos of our Atiny showed up, all awaiting our performances. I did my best to look like I hadn't just thrown up and didn't feel like passing out soon. The music started to play and we begun to sing and perform. After doing 'Eternal Sunshine', we performed 'Turbulence' and then it was time for 'Déjà vu'. It was during 'Déjà vu' that I begun to feel worse. My vision blurred even more I felt like I was going to collapse any second. We were about halfway through the song and afterwards it was going to be a break for us to get changed and rehydrate but I could tell I wasn't going to make it. There were two options now, either I continue performing in the hopes I might somehow make it to the end of the song without collapsing but that puts me in the risk of collapsing on stage in front of Atiny and worrying them. The other option would be to bail in the middle of the song and run off stage to go somewhere by myself and possible collapse alone. The first option would be good if I made it all the way through the song without an issue but if something happens then it will shock the boys, it will scare Atiny and there will be videos and news articles about it. The second option though, it makes my heart clench at the thought. The boys will have to act professional and continue on despite having no idea what's going on and they'll either have to have no one singing my parts or somehow fill in for them. I really don't want to do that to them but right now, it seems like the better option. I went to the back of the group and bent down, preparing for Seonghwa to sit on my back and spin around. As I walked to my position, I bit my lip worriedly. If something happens while I'm holding Seonghwa up, it means he might get hurt as well but I don't have enough time to say anything and change the choreography. To my surprise though, instead of climbing onto my back, Seonghwa quickly pushed me back and improvised the dance so he wouldn't have to sit on me. I was confused and looked to him as he glanced back at me, seeing him mouth the word 'Go,' to me. My eyes welled up slightly as I understood what had happened. Despite me assuring Seonghwa I was fine, he was still checking up on me throughout the day and he understood that I was feeling under the weather and needed to get off the stage. He gave me a small nod after telling me to go, encouraging me more. I took a deep breath before running off the back of the stage and past the staff who didn't stop me. I was stumbling through the halls as I ran but I managed to get to the dressing room. It didn't last long though as the minute I took a few steps, my vision started to spin completely and before I knew it, I was falling to the floor.
Seonghwa's POV
People like to joke that I'm the ever attentive mother of the group and while I don't completely agree, it is true that I pay a lot of attention to the boys to make sure everyone is doing ok. That's how I immediately noticed that Yeosang was acting off and seemed a bit out of it. I confronted him a couple of times and although he assure me he was fine, I couldn't help but feel like something was off and he was hiding how bad he was feeling. It was during 'Déjà vu' that I begun to notice the difference in Yeosang, that he was getting worse. He was looking pale and was sweating way too much for just the few dances we've gone through. As I walked to the back of the group in preparation to be held up on Yeosang's back, I glanced at him. The minute I saw him and how he was stumbling slightly to get into position, I knew I couldn't do the move, he looks like he's about to throw up. Yeosang is my little brother and I'm not going to risk his health and safety for a performance, not even for Atiny. As he went to bend down, I quickly nudged him back to give him the slight heads up and then faced the front, improvising as I sung my part. San and Hongjoong both looked at me in shock and confusion but being the professionals we all are, they quickly continued. I have no doubt I'll be getting a massive spill on our break but right now, Yeosang needs to go. When I glanced back, he looked even more pale and he was glancing backstage. I could tell he wanted to go but he didn't want to abandon us. He needs the reassurance that it's ok for him to leave and throw up if he needs to. I quickly mouthed at him to go, giving him an extra nod in reassurance. He immediately rushed off and left backstage. I could see the confusion and panic in everyone's eyes but we all continued on, knowing we had to. Wooyoung managed to step up and sung Yeosang's part thankfully but you could tell Atiny were confused and worried. After we finished 'Déjà vu' and it was time for our first break. Hongjoong quickly stepped up to talk to Atiny and stop them from worrying.
"I'm so sorry for the abrupt absence of Yeosang, he's just been a little under the weather lately but he's doing his best to perform for you. We're taking a quick break now but we'll be back soon," he said. We quickly waved before walking back stage.
"Hwa, what the hell is going on," Hongjoong asked, turning to me as soon as we walked down the steps to backstage.
"Yeosang is sick," I explained as I begun to run towards the toilets. I feel bad knowing he's most likely throwing up alone but it's better than him being sick on stage.
"What do you mean he's sick," Hongjoong asked as he followed me with Yunho.
"He denied it but he's been sick since this morning. That's why he made so many mistakes and I don't doubt that he threw up earlier," I replied.
"Shit," Hongjoong groaned. We made it to the toilets and I opened the door as it was unlocked but Yeosang wasn't inside.
"He isn't here," Yunho said, stating the obvious.
"He was definitely sick, I don't get why he isn't here. He may have not made i-."
"SANGIE! YEOSAGIE." I was cut off abruptly by Wooyoung's scream from down the hall. All of our eyes went wide and we ran from the bathroom to the dressing room where the scream came from. The first thing I noticed when I walked inside was Jongho protectively hugging Wooyoung who was crying into his shoulder. I looked past them and my heart dropped as I noticed Yeosang was unconscious with his head on San's lap while Mingi held his hand. Hongjoong and I rushed over and knelt beside them. San looked up at me, his eyes filled with unshed tears.
"He uh, I think he hit his head. He's bleeding slightly," San said, biting his bottom lip in an obvious attempt to stop himself from crying.
"Ok um, Yun, I uh, I need you to call an ambulance. Just um, tell them he collapsed and he must have hit his head on the way down because he's bleeding," Hongjoong said shakily. Seeing Yeosang pale and unmoving worried me a lot so I gently placed my two fingers by his neck to double check his pulse that was thankfully steady. It was a bad idea though as Wooyoung must've seen and he started sobbing even harder. Wooyoung has always been quite a soft person, even more so than San and he cares about everyone a lot but when it comes to Yeosang, it's so much worse. Seeing his friend like this and not even knowing he wasn't feeling well in the first place must've really confused and scared him.
"Sannie, Jjong, I need you to take Wooyoung out of here ok," Hongjoong said. San quickly but gently moved Yeosang's head into my lap before jumping up and helping Jongho bring Wooyoung out of the room. I didn't want to move Yeosang too much in case he had a bad injury but I quickly unzipped his jacket and unbuttoned his shirt, pulling it aside to try and stop Yeosang from overheating anymore. I pushed his hair away from his forehead and winced slightly when I felt how hot his forehead was. My heart dropped and I felt guilty for not noticing just how sick he was. I thought he just needed to throw up, not pass out. We were waiting for about 5 minutes before the door opened and two paramedics with a stretcher walked in.
"Is this Kang Yeosang," they asked.
"Yes it is," Hongjoong replied quickly. The paramedics made quick work of getting Yeosang onto the stretcher and taking him out of the dressing room, leaving the rest of us there in shock of what had just happened.
"Boys listen up," Manager-nim said as he walked in with San, Jongho and Wooyoung as well. We all looked to him.
"At the moment our priority is Yeosang and you boys. The rest of the concert will be cancelled and our staff will deal with that. Right now there is a van waiting for you outside, I want you guys on it and heading to the hospital so you can be the first to know what going on," he said. After that, the next half an hour went quite quickly. We quickly got into some more comfortable clothes before going out and getting into the van where we were driven to the hospital. Once we reached the hospital, we were escorted to a private waiting room where there was nothing left to do except wait. The waiting room was silent, except for the gentle whispers of reassurance San was giving Wooyoung as the younger clung to him as if his life depended on it. Jongho was cuddled up between Mingi and Yunho as they all stayed quiet, while Hongjoong was sitting with his hands clasped in his lap, looking down. I sat by myself a few seats down from him and I watched as he got up abruptly and left the room. I was confused but I got up and followed him, knowing how much he always seems to blame himself for anything that happens to the members even if it's out of his control. It's annoying but it's Hongjoong so it's usually better to talk to him before he get's too guilty and does something stupid. I saw him quickly turn down a hall but by the time I got there he had already disappeared. I cursed myself internally about loosing him but he couldn't have gone far so I started checking all the doors down the hall, not finding much success until the 7th. When I opened it, I noticed it had an empty bed but beside it was Hongjoong who was clearly having trouble breathing and no doubt pushing himself into a panic attack.
"Joong breathe," I said quickly as walked to him, closing the door behind me.
"C-Can't Hwa, I c-can't," he gasped, clutching at his chest as he was leaning over and clutching the bed with his other hand. I quickly stepped up behind him and wrapped an arm around his waist, just in case he was too fall.
"Come on Joongie, it's ok," I whispered.
"N-No, it's, it's not Hwa. S-Sangie is hurt and I, I didn't even notice," he gasped, a choked sob slipping out.
"Shh, it's not your fault Hongjoong. What happened wasn't your fault ok," I said. I moved my arm from his waist to his chest before gently pushing him to straighten out, knowing it would help him get air better than if he was hunched over. He hands immediately flew up to catch my arm as he whimpered.
"It's ok Joong, just take a deep breath ok, follow me," I said softly. I deliberately exaggerated my breathing so that it would be easier to follow and after a few minutes he started to, leaning back into me as his breathing evened out more. I stayed quiet, just holding him as he finally calmed down from the panic attack.
"I scolded him during the practice performance. I was so harsh on him," he whispered. Yeah, I can't exactly sugar coat that.
"It probably wasn't the best idea, even if he wasn't sick. But it still wasn't your fault, you didn't know," I said.
"I should have," he replied.
"Yeosang was hiding it. We all know how good he is at fading into the background. It's concerning and dangerous as we've realised but it can't be helped," I said. He sighed but nodded, turning in my embrace to lean his head on my chest for a few seconds before pulling back.
"Wanna go back to the boys," I asked softly, earning a small nod in reply. I grabbed his hand in mine and guided him back to the waiting room before sitting down and pulled him to my side. I knew the boys could tell Hongjoong had been crying but they didn't say anything, probably already knowing what had happened. We were sitting there for about half an hour before a doctor came out.
"Are you all here for Kang Yeosang," she asked.
"Yes we are," Hongjoong said as we all got up and walked over. I couldn't help but notice how Wooyoung shakily clung to San's arm and San wrapped an arm around his waist to stabilize him. This has give him quite the scare and I have no doubt whenever Yeosang recovers, he'll be putting up with endless Wooyoung attention and affection. (We all know he secretly loves it though, even if he won't admit it).
"Mr Kang suffered a mild concussion from his fall and may experience some headaches but he was lucky he didn't hit it any harder. He had a high fever and was dehydrated which is why he lost consciousness but he's been given an IV and he should be fine to leave today. I do recommend he does have at least a week off of any strenuous activities though," she explained.
"Thank you," Hongjoong replied, bowing politely.
"Of course. He is awake in room 84 now, so you may go and see you," she told us, pointing down a hall. We all immediately rushed down, eager to see our little Statue.
Yeosang's POV
I groaned at the slight ache in my body as I slowly opened my eyes and looked around. I immediately realised I was in the hospital and my heart dropped completely. I'm in hospital, that's means I totally messed up the concert and I ruined it for not only Atiny, but also the other boys. I know how much they were looking forward to this and how much they all prepared for it.
"Hello Mr Kang." I looked to my left to see a doctor standing by my bed with a clipboard.
"Hello," I said quietly.
"You've suffered a mild concussion from you fall earlier, which means you'll most likely experience some headaches throughout the week. You were quite dehydrated and running a fever but we gave you and IV and fever reducers so you should be feeling better. Is there anything you need," she asked me.
"Um, no, I'm ok," I replied.
"You have some family waiting for you, I'll go inform them about your condition," she told me. I bit my lip nervously but nodded. Truthfully, I don't really want to see the other's right now. I don't want to see the disappointment in their eyes or how they try to act as if I didn't totally fuck up the entire concert. I was sitting there for a few minutes before there was a click and the door opened as the boys walked in. I held my breath in worry, wanting anything to distract me from the inevitable anger and disappointment. Thankfully, my distraction came as soon as they walked in. Wooyoung immediately rushed inside and humped onto the hospital bed with me, sitting in my lap with a leg on either side of my lap as he hugged me tightly.
"Woo, be gently," Seonghwa said quickly. I didn't mind though, I know Wooyoung worries a lot about everyone, especially me so I don't know how badly he may have taken this. I wrapped my arms around his waist and hugged him softly, rubbing a hand up and down his back.
"I'm ok Youngie, I'm alright," I whispered. I felt him nod over my shoulder, so I relaxed a little. Having said that, I still didn't want to face any of the other's who were now gathered around my bed, so I ducked my head down into Wooyoung's neck to hide from them. I tried hard to not shed the tears I could feel welling up in my eyes but the thought of how much I messed up just made me feel a whole lot worse. Before I knew it, I burst into tears and started crying into Wooyoung's neck. I heard a few gasps from the other's and Wooyoung quickly pulled back to look at me.
"Sangie," he said softly. I just shook my head and closed my eyes as I continued crying. I felt Wooyoung move away and I found myself whining, wanting his warmth and comfort but a few seconds later he was replaced by more arms wrapped around me. I could straight away tell that it was Seonghwa who was hugging me. I just wanted to be close to someone who wouldn't be mad at me, and I know Seonghwa was looking out for me.
"It's ok Sangie, don't cry," he said softly. I sniffled and clutched to his shirt tightly as I still cried.
"Shh, you're Yeo," he whispered. I cried for a few more minutes before calming down and just letting out one last sniffle. Once I was calm, I quickly tucked my head into his neck to hide away from the other's.
"What's wrong Sang," Seonghwa asked gently. I just shook my head and kept it hidden away.
"Yeosang, whatever it is, it's ok," Seonghwa told me. I slowly lifted my head up slightly and looked around the room, searching for the one face I needed to see. When my eyes landed on the leaders where he was standing by the corner of the bed, I tensed slightly. Hongjoong is the member that I've always looked up to the most, the one who's praise I seek out and the one who's disappointment and anger hurts the most. Right now, his face is pretty neutral. I can't tell if he's mad or not. I quickly looked back down to not focus on him and I clenched my hand slightly in Seonghwa's shirt.
"Who do you think is mad," Yunho asked suddenly, making me look up in confusion.
"You said that out loud Hyung," Jongho clarified. I bit my lip nervously before looked back over at Hongjoong. When our eyes met, he furrowed his eyebrows and frowned slightly.
"A-Are you mad and ashamed I messed up the performance," I asked in a small voice. His eyes went wide and he quickly rushed over so he was standing beside me.
"Of course not Sangie. There's nothing for me to be mad about and I certainly would not be ashamed. In fact I'm proud of you, so proud. You tried so hard to push through and give a great performance despite feeling so bad and I admire that," Hongjoong said gently.
"Not only me, but Atiny will be really proud of you and they'll understand that you did your very best," he added. At his words, it felt like a whole weight had been lifted off my shoulders and I felt so much more relieved. I quickly held my hand out for Hongjoong to grab which he did willingly. Seonghwa moved off to the side so Hongjoong could take his place. He gently wrapped his arms around me and I leant into him, resting my head on his chest.
"Yeosang." I looked over at Wooyoung as he spoke.
"I didn't want to stress everyone out even more than everyone already was and become a burden. Although now I realise telling someone would've been less burdensome," I said with a sigh.
"You could never be a burden Sangie, it's ok. Just as long as you're alright and you don't do it again," Hongjoong said.
"I won't," I promised.
"Good. Now you should get some rest ok, doctors orders," he said, giving me a small smile.
"Hyung, can, can you please cuddle with me," I whispered, blushing slightly.
"Of course," he replied. I shuffled over and he quickly climbed in next to me. He opened his arms and I shuffled over, cuddling up to his side and wrapping my arms around his waist.
"Get some sleep Sangie," he whispered, placing a kiss to my forehead before running his fingers through my hair soothingly. I smiled softly before resting my head on his chest and letting my eyes slip closed, slowly drifting off to his comforting ministrations.
This was requested by @elisa200651 and I hope you liked it
Thank you everyone for reading and I hope you enjoyed it :)
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