Wooyoung ~Telephone Voicemails~
I didn't want to give anything away in the title, so that's why it's different than usual
"Hey Wooyoungie, I know it's been a while, but I miss you so I wanted to talk to you. You left a week ago and it's been hard. I never wanted you to leave and I just hope you're going to be ok."
There was a beep and the voicemail ended, encasing me once again in silence. I placed the telephone back down and sighed, looking blankly at the white wall in front of me. It's been a while since I've heard San's voice, it's nice to hear it again. I looked around the room, frowning to myself. The house is so clean, so plain, so dead. There's no life in it. It's isolating, lonely. I got up from the couch and walked to the kitchen, humming to myself to fill the silence. I grabbed a slice of bread from the loaf sitting on the bench, putting it inside the toaster and pulling down the lever, hearing a click to let me know it was now toasting. Toast seems to be the only I eat these days. It's completely lost it's taste, but life is so boring that sometimes I just like to eat for the sake of doing something. There was another click and a pop and I turned around to see the toast sticking up. I walked over and pulled it out, barely blinking at the slight burn I got on my finger. At least I feel something. I contemplated putting the toast on a plate so I don't get crumbs everywhere, but what's the point when it's just going to get cleaned up anyway. The toast was crunchy, but once again tasteless. It's better not feeling anything at all though. I heard a beep from the loungeroom and I looked to see a red blinking light from the telephone on the small white table in the middle of the room. Another voicemail, I wonder who it is this time. I put my toast down and walked over to the telephone, clicking the button to hear the voicemail.
"Hey Wooyoung, it's Yunho here. I haven't been able to see your smile in a while, life's a little bleak without it. Please come back soon, I don't know how much longer we can go on like this. Sannie won't stop crying, he wants you back. Yeosangie just won't say anything. We need you back home."
I want to go back home, but what's the point. It's nice here, kind of. It may be dull and lonely, but at least there's no pressure and stress. It's serene and peaceful in a way. It hurts to know that San is crying because I left, but he knew I was going to leave for a bit anyway. Yeosang never talked much anyway, but I hope he starts again. I yawned and stood up once again. Time for a nap, I have lots of those lately. I walked towards the halls, glancing briefly at the clean and empty kitchen bench. I opened the door to my bedroom, walking inside and hearing it close behind me. Every noise in this house echo's, they cut through the silence like a knife. My bed was made, the sheets tucked in tight and the pillows fluffed up. The bed and pillows are always so comfortable here, it's amazing. I walked to the closet and swung the door open, looking inside at the variety of clothes hanging up. There isn't much of a variety, but that's ok. The clothes are comfortable, so it's a perk, I guess. I grabbed a shirt and some pants, getting changed into them quickly. I walked to my bed and untucked the covers, slipping under them and pulling them back up before my eyes slipped closed. A nap would be nice.
"It's been two weeks Hyung and I, I miss you. I know there were some issues before you left, but I really want you to just be ok and come back. Practice just isn't the same without you here, I don't think anyone really enjoys it. Yeosang Hyung doesn't come to practice anymore. I think he wants to come and see you, but he can't. He's starting to worry me Wooyoung Hyung. Please come back, I beg you."
It's the first time the maknae has contacted me since I came here. He sounds sad. It sucks that the boys are having trouble with practice, but I want to stay here just a bit longer. I'm not sure if I want Yeosang to come see me. Part of me what's him to at least talk to me like the others. To know he cares, but I guess from what the others are telling me, he's does and he's sad I left. It's sad that even the maknae wants me back when I don't want to leave here. He'll live though, 2 weeks isn't even that bad.
"Atiny are asking about you. They're asking where you are and why you haven't been in our latest content. They want to know if you're ok. I don't, I don't know what to tell them, none of us do. We need you Wooyoung-ah, we need you back. Please come back to Hyung."
I don't like that Atiny is worried about me. I would post a selfie or a little video, but I don't have internet and a smart phone, only this telephone that the boys call sometimes. I hope they don't worry too much, I will come back. I just wanted to get away for a bit, have some rest to destress. I was going to go and see my parents, but this house is good enough. I nibbled on some toast, sitting on the couch and looking blankly at the white wall. It's the second time Hongjoong has contacted me since my stay here. He was actually the first person to call me and ask me to come back. I've still got time, I can stay here for a bit longer. The bland toast bored me already, so I discarded it onto the couch and stood up. I went into the library, yeah, the house has a library. I grabbed a random book from the shelf and sat down in the chair by the window. It was sunny and warm, pretty, but I haven't been outside since I got here. I curled up in the chair and opened the book, looking into it. This will keep me occupied for a bit longer.
The telephone beeped again and when I walked over to it, the light was blinking red. Another voicemail. I don't know why, but I never seem to hear the telephone ring, so I never manage to pick up the telephone so I can talk to them back. The telephone here doesn't make outgoing calls, so I can't call them back and talk to them, let them know I'm ok. I picked up the telephone and pressed the voicemail button to listen to it. Someone was crying.
"It's ok Sannie, let's just talk to him alright."
"Hi Youngie, it's S-San again. I really m-miss you."
"We miss you Wooyoung, a lot. It's not the same without you there, but I understand you're gonna need time to heal. Just knowing that you're going to be ok, we can wait for as long as we need to for you to come back to us."
"I love you Youngie."
Seonghwa and San. I blinked slightly in confusion as I felt the ghost of something press against the top of my head. I spun around and looked over the room, seeing there was no one there. I shrugged it off, thinking perhaps I just imagined it. San's crying, I don't like that. Maybe I should try and head back soon. I know the other's mentioned he was crying a lot, but actually hear it hurt my heart. I'm not sure if Seonghwa was the one to call, or San just wanted him on the call for comfort. Either way, it was nice to hear from both of them. It was nice to hear the comforting words from Seonghwa though. Everyone else just say they miss me and want me back, Seonghwa said I can take my time and heal. So I can just continue relaxing for a little bit longer. I'll leave soon, just not yet. I know San's upset, but I'm sure he'll forgive me when I go back home. I placed the telephone back down in it's place and laid down on the couch, laying my hands over my stomach and relaxing, looking up at the ceiling. It was white, as usual and dull, but sometimes it's nice to just be boring and look at things. I could do this for hours.
"Wooyoung please. It's been three weeks, we need you back. Yeosang is in a bad way. He barely leaves his room, he barely talks. He's turned into a shell of himself and he needs you. If you care about him as much as we all know you do, please, I need you to do your best to come back. He hasn't even been able to come here, he can't bring himself to talk to you after what happened. We need you Wooyoung. Yeosang needs you."
Mingi's words really hit hard and for the first time since I arrived at the house, I felt something other than boredom, and brief small emotions. I was sad, and I felt something wet run down my cheek. Huh, I'm crying. I haven't cried since I got here. I don't want Yeosang to be sad. I don't want him to blame himself for me going away from a bit. I wanted a break and he just happened to catch me as I was leaving and we fought. Yeosang is my best friend, I want him to be ok. I don't want him to be a shell of himself, that image doesn't sit right with me. Maybe I should head back, perhaps go see them again. I've been away for a little while. Just a little while longer though, then I'll head back.
"Wooyoung, there's someone here to talk to you."
Huh, Hongjoong's back. I heard some shuffling, then there was a sniffle.
"Hi Young-ah, i-it's Yeosang. I'm sorry I haven't come yet. It's been almost a month since it happened, and I just. I wanted to say I'm s-sorry. I am so sorry. I don't know what I would do if the last thing we did t-together was fight and then I n-never saw y-you again. I want you back, please come back Wooyoung. I need you. I didn't mean what I said. I should've just let you go see your parents, but I thought you were abandoning us. It's all my fault this happened and I w-will never forgive myself. Please Wooyoung, please. I'd do anything to see your smile a-again, or hear you l-laugh. I need you Youngie, please wake up."
Wake up? What? I'm here, I'm awake, I'm just taking time off. But he's crying. Yeosang is calling but he's crying. I don't want him crying and so upset. What happened wasn't his fault. I can barely even remember it actually. Wait. I actually do remember. I was walking out the dorm door and Yeosang came running out after me. He was yelling at me, telling me not to leave. I yelled back at him, I can't even remember what I said. He tried to grab me I think, but then I pulled away. I was walking back and still yelling at him, we were arguing. But then he stopped for some reason. He started to run towards me but then there was a loud noise and everything went black. Something happened.
I don't remember coming here. I said I was leaving to go to my parents, but I never went there. Why didn't I go there? How did I get to this house? Where even if this house. I dropped the phone to the ground, hearing it clatter harshly against the floor. I shouldn't be here. Something happened and I came here, but I shouldn't be here. I looked around the room, at the pristine and empty walls. Suddenly it didn't seem so relaxing, the boredom didn't seem helpful. I shouldn't be here, I need to leave. How do I leave though? I've been everywhere in this house and I'm still here. Unless, it's not in the house. I hurried quickly down the halls and rushed to the front door, grabbing the handle and swinging it open. There was nothing behind the door, just a bright light. Why did I never try to go outside earlier? I never even thought about it. Fingers crossed this works. I took a step forwards into the light and then everything went blank...
My eyes opened and I immediately knew something was different. The ceiling was a pale blue, not a plain white. There was a beeping sound in the background, beeping at a steady pace. I'm in a hospital bed. My body felt sore in some places, but not too bad. I could feel it though, it was no longer just completely numb with no feeling. My hand was warm and there was a gentle pressure against it. I turned my head slightly and saw my best friend sitting next to me on a chair, his hand holding mine and his head facing the ground. His shoulders were shaking slightly and I immediately knew he was crying. It's always hurt my heart whenever I see Yeosang cry. Someone with a beautiful soul like his doesn't deserve to cry. I swallowed dryly before using the energy I could muster to squeeze his hand as tight as I could. It wasn't too tight, but it twitched enough that it caught his attention. His head snapped up and he looked towards me and his eyes went wide. They were red and puffy and tears were streaming down his face. I did my best to lift my hand, trying to wipe the tears from his eyes but he caught it quickly and held it tightly in both of his hands, kissing the back of my head lightly.
"Y-You're awake," he whispered, sounding in disbelief. I opened my mouth to try and reply, but my throat felt dry so I just gave him a small nod.
"D-Do you remember what happened," he asked quietly. I shook my head slightly as I only remembered bits and pieces.
"There was an acc-accident. We were arguing and you s-stepped back. You went onto the road by accident and a car h-hit, it hit you," he broke down slightly as the tears began to fall quicker and I quickly squeezed his hand in comfort as best as I could.
"You've b-been in a c-coma for a m-month," he gasped out. I whimpered slightly, not wanting him to cry so much. I tried my best to sit up, but I struggled slightly. He seemed to notice and helped me sit up delicately, being cautious of the no doubt many injuries I probably have. I hugged him as best as I could but it was probably like I was just leaning against him and hugging his waist gently.
"You scared me so much. I thought I l-lost you. I thought I k-killed you," he sobbed. I shook my head, wanting to tell him it wasn't his fault, but I was still struggling a little.
"It scared me so bad. I'm sorry for not coming earlier," he whispered. I whined and shook my head, squeezing him a bit tighter.
"I love you so much Youngie, everything I said in that argument was untrue, I was just afraid and I couldn't convey it well," he said.
"I-It's not your f-fault," I croaked out softly, my voice sounding a little rough. He hugged me tighter and rested his head against mine.
"I'm glad you're awake Young-ah, and that you're going to be ok. Doctors said you broke a few bones, but they'll heal. I really should be getting them right now, but I don't want to leave you," he said, whispering the last part.
"I-I'm not going anywhere," I said quietly, not wanting to raise my voice too much.
"Not on my watch you aren't. I'm never letting you go again, never gonna let you get hurt on my watch," he said firmly, holding me in a protective embrace. I don't doubt his words, he's barely going to leave my side for a while and he's going to make sure I recover, and this never happens again. That's just who he is as a person, and that's something I love about him.
So this is very different to the usual stuff I post here and it's a lot shorter, but I thought it still fit so I wanted to post it and see what you guys thought.
Thank you for reading, and I hope you all enjoyed it despite it not being my usual kind of fic and not as long
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