Wooyoung ~Misunderstanding~
Wooyoung's POV
We've been working really hard during the past few months and we've finally got some time off for the next week so we don't overwork ourselves too much. It means we finally to have a sleep in until 10am, rather than 6am as it usually is to get to practices. When my alarm went off, I slowly got up, feeling nice and refreshed and stretched slightly. I looked over at Yeosang's bed but he wasn't in it so he must've woken up earlier. I quickly got changed before going out to the kitchen and making myself some cereal. The other's slowly wondered in and joined me eating breakfast. San was still half asleep and kind of just shuffled over before hugging me from behind and resting his head on my shoulder for a few minutes.
"Go eat Sannie," I said softly, placing a quick kiss to the side of his head. He sighed but let go and walked over to get some breakfast. I looked around, noticing everyone was there, except Yeosang.
"Hongjoong Hyung, where's Sangie," I asked, figuring out of everyone, he would know since he seems to try and keep track of all of us all the time.
"His father has to have surgery in a few days so he gone to see him for a bit beforehand," Seonghwa replied, earning a smack on the back of the head from Hongjoong. I froze at his words and my eyes went wide. What? His father has to get surgery?
"Hwa, you weren't supposed to just blurt that out," Hongjoong groaned. I don't understand, why couldn't he tell us? Why wouldn't Yeosang tell us? Why wouldn't he tell me?
"What do you mean Yeosang's father needs surgery," Yunho asked. Hongjoong bit his lip for a few seconds before letting out a sigh and replying.
"His father has a tumour. It isn't life-threatening but he does need surgery and there's always risks. Yeosang didn't want to tell anyone but he obviously had to tell me so he could get some time off and Hwa overheard. I wasn't really supposed to tell you guys but Seonghwa can't keep his mouth shut. Just try not to mention it when he get's back because it might be a tough subject," Hongjoong told us. I don't know why but my stomach dropped and the cereal in my mouth suddenly felt heavy and tasteless. I slowly lowered my spoon into my bowl, no longer feeling up to eating. I could feel many different emotions welling up inside me and it was becoming overwhelming. I stood up quickly, muttering that I wasn't hungry before going back to my room. The minute my door closed, I froze and my chest tightened. I just don't understand. I've known Yeosang for 8 years, his family basically feels like mine. I mean, my little brother calls Yeosang his Uncle, that's how close we are. I don't understand why he wouldn't tell me about this. Yeosang is like my brother but he must not trust me very much if he won't tell me something like this. It's not just the fact that he didn't tell me, it's also the fact that his dad has to have surgery. Like how scary is that? What happens if there's complications? What if something happens to him? I would be devastated, he's such a good man. I hardly even realised that I was crying, nor that I had collapsed to my knees. I lowered my head into my hands and sobbed, my chest heaving harshly. There was a sudden bang and I looked up through my tears to see San dropping to his knees beside me. He scooped me into his arms and held me tightly as I continued to sob but I didn't really react, I was too busy thinking about how bad of a best friend I must be if he doesn't even trust me with something like this. I mean, he must've known about it for a while and been upset about it and yet he still didn't trust me enough to help him.
"Seonghwa Hyung," San yelled out suddenly. I was still cuddled tightly in his arms but a few seconds later there were padding footsteps and a small gasp before another pair of arms were wrapped around me.
"Darling what's wrong? It's ok, we're here, just take a deep breath ok," Seonghwa told me. I let out another sob and he tightened his hold on me, cuddling right up to my back.
"Youngie, take a breath for us ok, even just a small one," San whispered. I clenched my hand tightly in his shirt and managed to take a small wheezing breath.
"That's it, that's so good Darling," Seonghwa whispered the praise into my ear.
"Come on, you can do it Wooyoungie. A little bit more," San said. I slowly managed to calm down and once I stopped crying, I felt stupid and ashamed for doing it in the first place.
"You ok Darling? What was that about," Seonghwa asked, ruffling my hair softly. I flinched slightly before pulling away from them and standing up.
"I'm fine. I just got a little overwhelmed, it happens," I said quickly, wiping my eyes with my shirt.
"Are you sure? You were really worked up Wooyoung," San said quietly.
"I'm sure. I'm going to head to the studio and do some practice," I said, grabbing my bag from under my bed.
"But it's a day off today," San said.
"So, I want to practice," I said, heading over to the door. There was some shuffling and the last thing I heard before I walked out the room, was Seonghwa telling San to let me go. Practicing always get's my mind of things and even if it's a day off today, tomorrow and the day after, I'm going to train when I need too to keep my mind off things.
Yeosang was gone for two days, getting back home on the third day. He looked fine when he walked inside, a small smile on his face as he said hello to us all. It was as if he had never gone, he hadn't kept anything from us, like nothing happened. He didn't bat an eye and neither did the other's, and for some reason it rubbed me the wrong way. Yeosang doesn't care, not at all. I don't get how he can't care but my mind came to one very obvious answer that I just didn't want to admit. Yeosang never really thought of us as being close. I'm probably just a band member, despite the special bond I thought we had. That thought caused me to promptly burst into tears in the middle of the living room while everyone was saying hello. I could tell the other's were shocked but I needed to get out of there, I needed to get away from them, even just for a little bit. I quickly rushed past everyone, brushing Yeosang's shoulder as I brushed past him and ran outside. I'm not sure what happened with the other's, all I know is that I just ran, trying to get as far away as I could and quickly. I just ran and ran for I don't know how long until I stopped by an old bench near some trees. I continued to cry, feeling confused and alone but I had a sudden thought to see an old friend of mine, someone I can always find comfort in. I let out a small sob before pulling out my phone and dialling the number I needed.
"Wooyoungie, long time no see or hear. To what do I owe the pleasure," he chuckled.
"Hyung," I said quietly.
"Hyung? Wooyoung I'm not your Hy-."
"Hyungie," I whimpered, needing any sort of comfort I could get.
"Shit. Wooyoungie where are you? Hyung can come and get you ok, I just need to know where you are," he said quickly.
"It's hurts," I sobbed.
"WOOYOUNG. Youngie listen to me. Are you injured? Did you get hurt," he asked quickly, concern evident in his voice.
"B-Bin, I wanna see you," I sobbed.
"I know darling, I know. Can you tell me where you are please," Changbin asked.
"P-Please Bin," I asked desperately.
"Wooyoung I'm really worried about you right now, you're scaring me. I just need you to tell me where you are, and I'll come get you right away," he said.
"Uh, um, I'm near that one arcade we used to go to," I said uncertainly.
"Ok that's perfect, just stay on the phone and I'll be there soon alright," he told me. I definitely believed him, considering I could hear him running already.
"I don't know what to do," I sniffled.
"That's ok, you don't have to know everything. I'll be there soon to look after you ok," he said. He stayed talking gently to me on the phone as I cried until a few minutes later, he a car pulled over near me. The side door opened and out came Changbin, along with Felix who I had gotten quite close to over our time doing Kingdom. Felix immediately rushed to me and I was wrapped in a very comforting hug. I untensed slightly in his arms and let my sobs out a lot more freely, relieved to have someone close to me. Changbin walked up behind me and begun to run his fingers through my hair softly. I clung tightly to them and continued to sob.
"Do you want us to get in touch with one of the members to come get you," Changbin asked quietly. I immediately begun to panic slightly, not wanting to see any of my members right now.
"Shh, it's alright. We won't contact them," he added quickly, obviously noticing my distress.
"Let's get you to the van Hyung," Felix said softly. I sniffled but nodded, following them as they lead me into the car. They sat on either side of me, cuddling up to my side and I noticed they had a manager or something driving but they he didn't pay much attention to us in the backseat as he drove us back to their dorm. Once we got there, we walked inside and Felix let go of me, letting Changbin wrap his arm around my shoulder. He pulled me closer and allowed me to hide my head in his shoulder, so I wouldn't have to face the other's. I wasn't really in the mood to answer a whole heap of questions.
"Changbin? What's going on? Is that Wooyoung," I heard Chan asked.
"Hyung, I'm going to my room, can everyone stay out please," Changbin said quickly as I let out another sob. He pulled me closer to him and rubbed my back softly. He started walking again, guiding me with him until I heard a door close and he lowered us down onto a bed.
"It's ok Youngie, you're ok," he whispered softly. I just clung to him tightly and continued to cry for a few minutes, getting it all out of my system while in the arms of someone I trust.
"I've got you Wooyoung, just take your time," he said, running his fingers through my hair gently. After a couple of minutes, I finally calmed down with one last sniffle. I curled up further into Changbin's arms and he tightened his grip around my waist.
"You wanna tell me about what happened? Why you're so upset," he asked me softly. I sighed and looked down, fiddling slightly with the bottom of my shirt.
"It's stupid, I think," I said with a sigh.
"Nothing is stupid, not when it upsets you," Changbin said immediately. I bit my lip nervously, trying to think if I should tell him how I'm feeling or not. I finally came to the decision that telling someone might make me feel a bit better.
"It's about Yeosangie," I admitted.
"Is he ok? Or did he do something," he asked me.
"He's fine, I think. He just. Something happened, something important to him and I had to find out from Seonghwa Hyung because he didn't tell me himself. I don't think Yeosang trusts me, not how I trust him. We've known each other for 8 years and he didn't tell me something that I would want to know. I would've helped him, hell I was worried for him," I said shaking my head. I deliberately left out the part about his father as it isn't my place to tell other people.
"And then, then he came back and acted as if nothing happened. He didn't care. I thought we were best friends, brother's even. Kyungmin calls Yeosangie his uncle, that's how close we are with each other and our families. I don't understand," I said with a sniffle.
"Shh, it's alright Woo. I'm sure it's just a misunderstanding. Yeosang loves you and would never mean to make you cry," Changbin said.
"He doesn't trust me Changbin, he didn't tell me," I said shaking my head.
"Wooyoung, it's Yeosang. This is the guy who suffered in silence while you hung out all the time with San because he just wanted you to be happy and have fun. I'm sure he has a reason to not have told you about it, or maybe he was going to tell you later," Changbin said softly. What he said could be true, but for some reason, I can't find it in me to believe it. If it was me, I would've told Yeosang straight away, I would've even just gone to him for comfort because despite his seemingly unbothered personality, he's a good shoulder to cry on and he'll do everything he can to make me feel better and more reassured. I begun to cry again when the door suddenly opened and in walked San and Hongjoong. I was caught off guard, not expecting them to be here. I quickly tried to wipe away my tears but it was a bit too late for that. I was once again caught off guard when Hongjoong rushed over and pulled me into a tight hug. I'm never one to shy away from a hug though, especially when it's from one of the less touchy members so I hugged him back, resting my head on his shoulder.
"Sangie loves you very much Woo," he whispered into my ear. That set me off once again and I began to sob into his shoulder. The three of them just hugged me tightly as I continued to cry. I don't know how I still had more tears in me but I just cried until I couldn't anymore and I got tired, my eyes closing as I slipped off to sleep still cuddled between the 3 of them.
Yeosang's POV
Getting to see my parents for a few days before my father's surgery was nice and it made me feel a lot better. When mum first told me about what was going on, I was really worried about my father. I ended up going to an empty studio and crying for a few hours, just letting my emotions out. I didn't want to tell any of the boys about it because they have enough to worry about and I can deal with this on my own. I obviously had to tell Hongjoong about it so that I could get the weekend off but he was very understanding and supportive. After spending 2 days with my family, I finally came back to the dorm. I actually missed the boys a little bit, despite it only being a few days, I guess I'm just used to having them around me all the time. I opened the dorm door and walked inside, seeing most of them in the living room.
"Hey guys, I'm back," I said, giving them a small smile.
"Sangie," San said, popping his head up and waving to me enthusiastically. I chuckled and quickly pulled off my shoes. I went to head over to my room to place my phone down but froze as Wooyoung suddenly burst into tears in the living room. I was shocked at the sight of my best friend sobbing so suddenly but before I could rush to him and try to figure out why he was so upset, he rushed past everyone, bumping into me slightly before he ran out the door. I was too slow to grab him due to my shock so I couldn't stop him.
"What just happened," I asked in confusion, looking at the other's to see if they had any idea why Wooyoung was upset, given I only just got back.
"Should we go after him? Make sure he's ok," I added.
"Just let him go so he can clear his head. He'll go to the studio again," Hongjoong said with a sigh. Have I missed something? I was only gone for two days.
"What do you mean again," I asked in confusion.
"Wooyoungie Hyung has been a bit off these past couple of days but he won't say what's wrong," Jongho explained.
"Oh," I said, frowning worriedly.
"He'll be fine Sangie," Seonghwa said softly. I just sighed and nodded in reply, still feeling worried about the younger boy.
After putting away the clothes I took with me, I ended up sitting in the living room and watching TV with the other's until about an hour later, Hongjoong got a phone call from Chan from Stray Kids.
"Hi Chan Hyung, what's up," he asked as Yunho quickly muted the TV. I watched as Hongjoong's face dropped and his eyes went wide, making my stomach drop slightly in worry. Whatever Chan is saying, doesn't seem to be very good.
"I will be there as soon as possible Hyung, thank you so much for looking after him," Hongjoong said quickly. He was quiet for a few more seconds before he said goodbye and hung up the phone.
"What's wrong," Jongho asked the minute Hongjoong lowered his phone.
"Wooyoung never went to the studio like we thought he would. He called Changbin crying and he picked him up and took him to Stray Kids dorm where he hasn't stopped crying," Hongjoong said, nibbling on his lower lip.
"We should go check up on him," I said, jumping up quickly, along with San.
"Sangie, wait," Hongjoong said, stopping me as I went to head towards the doorway. I stopped, frowning in confusion as he looked at me sympathetically.
"I think it should just be Sannie and I going to get him," he said gently. I cocked my head to the side, visibly confused.
"What do you mean? Woo's my best friend and I wanna make sure he's ok," I replied.
"I know, and I know how much you care about him. But right now I think seeing you might not be the best idea. He started acting like this when he found out you left so I think there's some sort of issue he has with you right now-."
"Hongjoong shut up. Yeosang he doesn't have an issue with you, there's probably just something bothering him and you guys can fix it as soon as you have a chat," Seonghwa said, interrupting Hongjoong quickly. He must've noticed how I tensed and my eyes went wide when hearing that Wooyoung was so upset because of me. Hongjoong's eyes went wide and he quickly grabbed my hands in his.
"I didn't mean it that way Sangie. I just meant it might be better if you wait for him to get back before you talk to him alright," he said softly. I nodded, understanding what he was trying to say.
"San and I will go and get him, you guys just wait here ok," Hongjoong said. Everyone nodded and I sat back down, Yunho cuddling up to me quickly. San and Hongjoong left quickly after that, leaving the rest of us to just wait. The other's unmuted the TV and continued watching but I couldn't, too worried about what was going on with Wooyoung. I've known him for 8 years, he's like a brother to me and although I don't say it I love him so much. I haven't told him about my dads surgery because I didn't want him getting too worried and now I'm definitely glad I haven't because he clearly has something else going on that's already upsetting him. He's like my little brother and as the older brother, it's my job to protect him from whatever I can.
Hongjoong and San were gone for about half an hour before we heard the door open once again. I jumped up and rushed over, wanting to talk to Wooyoung as soon as possible but I froze when I noticed that Wooyoung was asleep in San's arms. I could immediately see the tell-tale signs of Wooyoung crying, a lot and even though I knew he had cried, it was different seeing it and it broke my heart slightly.
"Come on, I'm taking him to bed," San said softly. I nodded and followed him to Wooyoung and I's room as he carried the younger and softly placed him down on his bed. I helped him tuck the youngest in tightly and comfortably.
"Is he going to be ok," I asked worriedly.
"I hope so. You should get some sleep, I doubt you got must rest while seeing your family," he replied. He leaned over and placed a soft kiss to my forehead before leaving the room. I sighed and quickly got changed into my pyjamas before turning off the light and slipping into my bed. I waited around a minute before I begun to get a little restless. I rolled over and looked over towards Wooyoung's bed, seeing him still sleeping there. Once I looked over once, I continued to feel uncomfortable and I felt a sudden urge to go over and lay down next to him. I was still worried about him so I decided to do just that. I got out of my bed and moved over to climb into his bed. I slipped under the blankets and moved so I was cuddling up to his back, and I wrapped my arms around his waist to keep him close to me. I didn't fall asleep after that, perfectly content to just lay there with my best friend in my arms. It was around an hour later that Wooyoung started to stir in my arms. I tightened my hold around his waist and tucked my head into his neck, kissing it gently as I know he enjoys little kisses.
"Sannie," he mumbled sleepily.
"No baby, it's me," I whispered. I frowned slightly when Wooyoung immediately tensed and turned around, not saying anything as he looked at me with wide eyes. Looks like I'll have to lead this conversation.
"What's going on baby? What's wrong," I asked softly as I brushed some hair from his face. I panicked slightly when his face scrunched up and his eyes begun to tears up. I quickly propped myself up on one elbows and cupped his face, wiping the tears gently with my thumb as they fell down.
"Wooyoung, please tell me what's wrong. I hate seeing you this upset," I said desperately. Wooyoung sniffled and looked up at me, clearly hesitant.
"Do, do you love me," he whispered in a small voice. I leant back, taken off guard by the question, not expecting him to ask it. He's never questioned my love for him before. Unfortunately Wooyoung must've taken me leaning back as me saying I didn't love him. I quickly leant back forwards and cupped his face once again.
"Of course I love you Wooyoung. You're my little brother and I love you so much. I don't understand why you might think I don't," I said gently. Wooyoung went to curl in on himself but I already knew what he would do so I quickly sat up and pulled him to onto my lap so he was facing me and couldn't hide away.
"Talk to me Youngie, what's going on in that pretty little head of yours," I asked, rubbing my nose against his gently.
"You're going to think I'm stupid," he whispered.
"No, I won't. There is absolutely no way I will ever think you're stupid, especially if it has something to do with you being upset ok," I said firmly. He sighed but nodded slowly before taking a deep breath.
"You didn't tell me about your dad needing surgery, I found out from Seonghwa Hyung. When Hongjoong Hyung told us you didn't want anyone to know about it. I don't, I don't want to reprimand you for not being comfortable to share your personal life with everyone but, I dunno. I just, I thought we were close. I consider you my own brother and I love your family so much. I was scared when Hyung said he needed surgery, I wanted to be near you and console you but to also find out what was happening. My thoughts kind of spiralled and I couldn't help but think that you didn't trust me, despite the fact that we've been friends for years. I'm sorry, that sounds so selfish bu-."
"Shh, it's ok. It's not selfish. I get what you're saying Wooyoung, I get why you might think that. I just want to let you know that even though I understand where you're coming from, none of that is true ok," I said, butting in quickly as he started sniffling. It pained me to think that the reason he had broken down was because I made him second guess how much he was loved and appreciated. It's ironic how I didn't want to tell him because I didn't want him worrying, yet that's the reason why he worried.
"The only reason I didn't tell you is because I know you much you care and everyone has been working so hard so I didn't want to worry you. I was going to tell you, just after his surgery was done and I knew everything was ok. So I could tell you about it and then quickly say everything is ok," I explained with a small sigh, rubbing his hips soothingly. He lunged forwards and hugged me tightly, burying his head into my neck.
"S-So you love me," he whispered.
"Yes, of course. I love you so, so much," I said, not hesitating for a second.
"I'm sorry for being so dramatic Sangie," he said quietly.
"Don't be, you've got nothing to be sorry for. Me however, I'm sorry for making you so upset. I never meant to hurt you," I said. He just snuggled closer and hummed happily as he closed his eyes. I smiled fondly and maneuverered us so that we were laying down and he was still snuggled in my arms.
"Get some sleep Youngie, I'll be here when you wake up," I said gently, brushing his hair from his face.
"Love you Sangie," he whispered, nuzzling his face into my neck.
"Love you too baby," I replied softly.
It's been a while since I posted as I've been away on holidays but I hope this makes up for it
This wasn't a request from anyone, I just kind of thought of it after watching a clip from ATEEZ's concert when Wooyoung began crying as Yeosang talked about his mums surgery
Thank you everyone for reading and I hope you enjoyed it!
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