Wooyoung ~Depression~ [Part 2]
Hongjoong's POV
I gently helped Wooyoung to his feet, keeping a firm grip around his waist just in case as I guided him out the door and downstairs. I only stopped once we went back into the halls, being sure that there was nothing he could do to hurt himself.
"Wooyoung-ah, I need to know if you're still thinking about hurting yourself and I need you to be honest. Please tell me the truth about this Wooyoung, Hyung's scared for you," I said softly. Wooyoung glanced up at me, his eyes wide before he started crying again and held me tighter.
"Hey, hey, I don't want to upset you Youngie, I just want to keep you safe," I whispered softly, lifting my hand to run softly through his hair. He whimpered and nuzzled his head into my neck, his tears dropping down onto my skin. It was uncomfortable on my skin but I didn't move, just letting the younger cling to me.
"Can you answer the question for me please baby," I asked him. He sniffled again before pulling back and wiping his eyes slightly but he continued to cry.
"I-I'm having thoughts," he said quietly.
"If I left you alone now, do you think you'd hurt yourself," I asked him softly.
"I-I don't know. M-Maybe," he said slowly, shrinking slightly.
"Thank you baby, thank you for being honest. Hyung is very proud," I said, kissing the top of his head gently. I already knew what the truthful answer would be. There's no way he'll just suddenly not have those urges but I know how much he likes praises and right now I would do anything to help him feel a little bit better. He was still crying so I pulled him closer to me, into a hug.
"I need you to keep listening for a bit Wooyoung. I know someone I can take you to, they're a doctor at a hospital. I can make a call on the way and they can prepare a room for you to stay in while they look after you and no one else will find out about this," I explained to him.
"Is it like a psych ward," he asked quietly.
"In a way yes. You'll have to stay there for a while and be monitored so they can help you, but we'd still be able to visit you sometimes," I replied.
"D-Do I have to go," he asked me. Unfortunately yes but I know Wooyoung and I know how much he wants to be good, I'm not taking away the choice just yet.
"I won't force you to, but I really want you to. You're having bad thoughts and you just tried to do something I never want you to do. Can you please do this, I want you to feel better," I said softly. He was quiet for a few seconds, just holding onto me tightly as he was crying quietly.
"I-I wanna go," he said quietly. I smiled slightly, moving my arms down to wrap around his waist, squeezing softly.
"Thank you Wooyoung," I said softly. He sniffled and nodded into my shoulder.
"Do you want me to tell the boys about this, or do you just want to go. I can tell them you felt sick so I needed to take you home or something," I questioned. Wooyoung quickly shook his head and leant back.
"That's not going to work Hyung. You said I'm g-gonna have to stay there for a while r-right," he asked me. That's true, but I don't want to force him to tell the others. No matter how much I want them to be aware of it, it is Wooyoung's decision not mine.
"I can figure something out if you want me to. I'm not going to make you do something you don't feel comfortable with," I said firmly. Wooyoung shifted on his feet, his eyes welling up slightly as his breathing picked up. I quickly placed my hand on his head and massaged his scalp softly to calm him down.
"A-Are they gonna h-hate me," he asked, the tears streaming down his face.
"No baby, of course not," I said, shaking my head quickly.
"None of us are going to hate you for anything like this Wooyoung. You can't help what your brain is telling you sometimes," I added.
"I-It wasn't my brain, n-not this," he said. I furrowed my eyebrow in confusion, not understanding what he was saying.
"What do you mean," I asked him.
"I-I don't really want to talk about i-it. I just read some stuff," he said quietly. I wanted to push and find out what had happened, but I knew not to. I'm not the right person to help him through this, I'm just here to keep him safe and try to cheer him up about until I can get him to the right person.
"Wooyoung?" Both our heads snapped up, turning to San standing about 10 metres away, his eyes slightly wide. Wooyoung's fingers clasped my shirt and curled up tighter against me. Shit.
"San go back to the practice room now," I said quickly.
"What, no. Youngie's crying. What's wrong? What happened," San asked as he hurried over. Wooyoung whined and looked up at me desperately. Curse Woosan and their need to cuddle the shit out of each other whenever one of them is upset.
"San go back to the practice room," I said sternly, my voice raising, making San freeze about a metre from us, his hand still slightly extending towards Wooyoung.
"But he's crying," San said quietly, slowly lowering his hand.
"I am aware of that, now go back to the practice room," I said. San's face dropped and he looked at Wooyoung worriedly before looking back at me.
"W-Want S-Sannie," Wooyoung said suddenly. I looked down at him quickly, seeing him watching me silently. I leant down to whisper in his ear so San couldn't hear.
"Do you want me to tell him how you've been feeling and what's happening, or do you want it vague," I asked quietly.
"Later," he whispered. San just remained where he was, watching worriedly.
"Wooyoung's not feeling well, he could use a pick me up hug," I said, turning to the waiting boy. San didn't hesitate, immediately hurrying over and pulling Wooyoung from my arms and into his own. Wooyoung melted against him and San hugged him tightly.
"I need to take him somewhere to get a check-up, can you help me get him out to one of the cars and then let the boys know he isn't feeling well," I said. San's eyes furrowed as he looked up, tilting his head to the side curiously.
"Take him somewhere? Hyung we have a perform-."
"San shut up," I yelled quickly, but the damage was done. Wooyoung tensed up and then begun to sob, trying to get away from San. San let go of him in confusion and Wooyoung tried to hurry off, but I lunged forwards, grabbing his wrist to stop him.
"LET GO OF ME," Wooyoung screamed, trying to tug away. I quickly yanked him into my arms and held him tightly as he struggled. Usually I would let him go so he could have some space to calm down, but I can't him out of my sight in this state.
"GET OFF ME HYUNG," Wooyoung yelled.
"Hyung let him go," San said quickly. There was a bang as the practice room door was slammed open and the rest of the members ran out.
"Wooyoung, calm down," I said softly as he squirmed. He kicked at my shin and I winced but didn't let go.
"GET AWAY FROM ME," Wooyoung yelled. The other's all stared on with wide eyes but Yeosang rushed forward.
"Hongjoong, get the hell off him," Yeosang yelled, reaching out for Wooyoung.
"Sangie don't," I said quickly, trying to pull away but Yeosang was too quick and too strong. He grabbed Wooyoung's arm and pulled him out of mine.
"YEO DON'T LET HIM GO," I yelled quickly. Yeosang raised an eyebrow in confusion, but his hand instinctively tightened a little on Wooyoung's arm. Wooyoung whimpered and burst into tears, making Yeosang's eyes go wide. I knew he thought he hurt him, but I also knew this was just a mood swing and Wooyoung was getting overwhelmed. He quickly moved closer to Yeosang and hugged him tightly. I could tell Yeosang was confused but he hugged Wooyoung back firmly.
"What's going on Hyung? What were you doing to Wooyoung," Yunho asked.
"Nothing. Just go back to the practice room," I said quickly as Wooyoung started to sob in Yeosang's arms.
"Why do you keep telling everyone to go back to the practice room when one of our members is clearly upset," San asked and I could sense a hint of anger in his voice.
"I can't explain right now, but you need to go back and practice," I said.
"He's crying," Yeosang said with a frown.
"I'm s-sorry. M'so sorry," Wooyoung whimpered.
"It's ok, there's nothing to be sorry for," Seonghwa said gently, glancing over at me and raising an eyebrow.
"I d-didn't mean to," Wooyoung said. Yeosang hushed him softly and Wooyoung lifted his head up, saying something into Yeosang's ear. Yeosang's eyebrows furrowed before they went wide and his face paled. His head snapped over to look at me and judging by the fear and hurt in his eyes, I realised Wooyoung had told him what happened.
"Hyung he needs to-."
"I know exactly what he needs, and I am trying to get him there. I need to get him to the car so I can drive him," I said. Yeosang quickly slipped his hands under Wooyoung's thighs, lifting him up and allowing the younger to wrap his legs around his waist and arms around his neck, clinging close to him. Yeosang began walking down the halls quickly, not worrying about the others and I followed quickly.
"Yeosang, where are you going," Mingi called out as the others started rushing after him.
"ENOUGH," I yelled quickly, making everyone freeze at the use of my leader voice.
"Go back to the practice room now, all of you. Wooyoung is not in a good state right now, so Yeosang and I are going to get him checked up on. The last thing he needs right now is all of you pestering him and sending him into another break down," I said sternly. I could see their brains practically racing to try and figure out the meaning of what I just said. I know I was harsh, but I don't have time to baby them right now. I didn't wait for a reply before spinning around and running to catch up to Yeosang. I ran to the front desk and got some car keys before we got to the car. I unlocked it quickly and Yeosang got into the back with Wooyoung still in his arms, hugging him tightly. I quickly grabbed out my phone and pulled up a contact I haven't used in quite some time.
Me: I need a favour. One of my members is suicidal and I need to get him admitted somewhere to be looked after discreetly
The typing bubbles almost instantly showed up.
Saebeok: Bring him here, I'm on my way to work but I'll call ahead. Bring him through the back entrance and tell them Dr Kim sent you
Me: Thank you Beokie, I owe you one. We're on our way
Saebeok: You don't owe me anything Joong
I quickly put my phone away and started the car before driving off. I could still hear Wooyoung sniffling and whimpering in Yeosang's arms but the older boy was holding him tightly and whispering sweet words into the younger boys ear. I drove as quick as I could without going over the speed limit, getting to the small hospital I was looking for. I quickly drove around the back to the staff parking and parked in an open spot.
"Come on Sang, let's get him inside," I said softly as I quickly slipped out of the car. I opened the door for them and Yeosang stepped out, carrying Wooyoung in his arms still. We quickly went to the back entrance and slipped inside, walking over to a desk where someone was sitting.
"Hi, we're looking for doctor Kim," I said quickly. I glanced back at Yeosang to see his face was tight and he was holding Wooyoung in a way to ensure his face was hidden.
"Of course, right through this door here," the lady said as she stood up and directed us to a room. When we got inside there was a white bed and two men waiting for us. I glanced at them nervously, not knowing what they were there for. I glanced back at the bed and my eyes went wide as I noticed the padded handcuffs attatched to them.
"No absolutely not, if any of you lay a hand on him, I will be suing you and this entire department," I said quickly, stepping in front of Yeosang and Wooyoung, reaching back to pull Yeosang behind me.
"I'm sorry sir but that isn't up to you. He's been admitted here and he is suicidal so he needs to be restrained until he is properly evaluated." Wooyoung whimpered and Yeosang practically growled, shuffling back more.
"He hasn't been admitted yet and he isn't a danger to anyone," I said quickly.
"He's suicidal which could mean he's aggressive," one of the guys said.
"He isn't aggressive, he's the opposite of aggressive," Yeosang said angrily one of the men started walking over but I stood my ground and held up my hand.
"We will wait for doctor Kim before we proceed. You aren't touching him," I said curtly, clenching my fist in the back of Wooyoung's shirt.
"Sir, you've bought him he-."
"We're waiting," I said, turning around and grabbing Yeosang's arm, pulling him from the room. As we walked outside the back door to the building opened and Saebeok walked in.
"Hongjoong-ah," she said walking over. She paused and looked over at us, obviously noticing our tense stance.
"I'm not letting him be restrained," I said tightly. Her eyes went wide and she glance behind me before nodding.
"Come this way," she said. We followed her to a room that was pretty much the same as the last except there were some armchairs.
"Yeosang-ssi, you can lay down on the bed with him since you're already holding him," she said. Yeosang nodded and walked over to get situated while Saebeok turned to me.
"Can I talk to you for a second outside," she asked. I glanced at Yeosang as he laid down cuddled up to Wooyoung before nodding and stepping outside the door.
"That's Wooyoung right," she asked. I swallowed dryly before nodding.
"What's happened? Did he come to you or did you hear him saying something," she asked.
"He uh, he tried to jump off the top of the KQ building," I whispered, looking up to try and blink away tears. When I looked back down, her eyes were wide.
"He tried to commit suicide," she asked. Hearing someone else say it when we were alone and the adrenaline was wearing off made me want to burst into tears but I couldn't. Just a little bit longer, I can last a little longer.
"Y-Yeah," I said, letting out a shaky breath.
"I'm sorry you had to go through that Hongjoong, but I'm going to look after him ok," she said. I nodded quietly.
"I know you don't like it, but regulation has it that we need to restrain him for the mental and health evaluation," she said.
"Restraining him is just going to scare him," I said quietly.
"That's why I want you and Yeosang to do it. Discus it with him and help him into them. I will change the restraints to ones that are tied to the bed with ropes, not attatched to the bars so he can at least move around a little bit," she said. I sighed but nodded, knowing it was the best we were going to get.
"Ok, we can do that," I said with a nod.
"You also can't be here for it," she said quietly.
"Beokie," I sighed.
"I know you care about him a lot and you want to look after him, but I need to talk to him alone and no harm will come to him," she said. I sighed but nodded to her. Saebeok is someone I grew up with as children, she's a childhood friend and I know she's good at what she does.
"Just please help him," I said sadly.
"I will," she said, nodding firmly. We walked back into the room to see Wooyoung laying on top of Yeosang, looking content and relaxed. I hate that I have to break that but he needs to be looked after as soon as possible. Saebeok walked over to a cupboard and pulled out the restraints she was talking about and Yeosang sat up straighter, holding Wooyoung closer to him.
"Sang, it's ok," I said softly. He glanced at me with wide eyes, shaking his head quickly.
"Yeosang, it's ok. It's policy but these aren't completely restricting. We need to help him put them on," I said. Yeosang bit his lip nervously before nodding and gently helping Wooyoung sit up. I walked over quickly and sat on the bed, facing them.
"Youngie," I said softly. He turned to look at me, his face slightly puffy and his eyes red but he was no longer crying.
"Yes Hyung," he said quietly.
"This is Saebeok, she's a very good friend of mine," I said, nodding to Saebeok. He look over at her running his eyes over her form for a few seconds.
"Hello Saebeok-ssi," he said quietly.
"Hello Wooyoung-ssi, it's a pleasure to meet you. Your Hongjoong Hyung has spoken very highly of you," she said.
"He has," Wooyoung questioned, his eyes lighting up a tiny bit. A tiny bit is better than nothing.
"Indeed. He loves to talk about you. He likes to pretend he finds you being a bit bratty annoying but we all know he loves it and he loves taking care of you," she said with a wink. Wooyoung giggled lightly, reaching out and grabbing my hand in his. I gave him a small smile and squeezed his hand gently.
"Saebeok is going to be looking after you while you're here alright," I said softly. Wooyoung glanced at me before slowly nodding his head.
"In order for her to be able to help you, there's something we need to do," I said softly.
"You need to tie me up," he asked, his voice small. I nodded softly.
"Is that ok," I asked gently.
"Um, it won't hurt right," he asked nervously, looking up at Yeosang.
"No Young-ah, it won't hurt. They're padded, see," Yeosang said, grabbing the cuffs from Saebeok and showing Wooyoung. Wooyoung grabbed them and ran his hands over them for a few seconds while Yeosang held his waist softly.
"Ok," Wooyoung said with a nod.
"Can Saebeok and I tie you up baby," I asked gently, receiving a quick nod in reply. Saebeok and I gently tied the cuffs to the side of the bed before wrapping them around Wooyoung's wrists while Yeosang held him gently.
"You ok? How does it feel," I asked him once we were done.
"I'm fine, it's ok," Wooyoung replied.
"Ok. Yeosang and I need to go now baby," I said gently.
"Wh-What? Why're you going," Wooyoung asked sitting up. He tried to reach out to me but his arms were restrained so I quickly leant forwards and hugged him, patting the top of his head to calm him down.
"Where are you g-going," he asked.
"Remember what I told you? That you'd have to stay here for a while and we can't stay with you but we will visit," I asked softly. Wooyoung whined but nodded.
"We have to go now, we need to talk to the others. What're you ok with me telling them," I asked.
"E-Everything. You can t-tell them everything," he replied. I nodded and pulled back, kissing him gently on the cheek before pulling away.
"Stay safe Wooyoung and know that I love you very much baby," I told him. Yeosang got off the bed as well, but paused and wrapped his arms gently around Wooyoung.
"I love you Young-ah, just look after yourself for me ok. I promise once you're feeling better I'll let you hug me as much as you want for a week," Yeosang whispered before placing a kiss to Wooyoung's cheek. Wooyoung smiled softly and nodded.
"I'll hold you to that Yeosang-ah," he said quietly.
"We'll see you soon Wooyoung," I said and he nodded. Yeosang walked towards the door, grabbing my hand and pulling me along. I was thankful that he grabbed me as well because I was beginning to realise that I wasn't going to be able to walk out of that room.
"We need to go back to the others and get back to the dorm so we can tell them about how Wooyoung's been feeling," Yeosang said quietly. I nodded and squeezed his hand before we left the building and got into the car. We both remained quiet as I drove to the company building but I tapped my fingers restlessly on the steering wheel. I parked and we walked inside, going to the practice room and opening the door. The boys were all in there but they weren't dancing, they were sitting in the corner of the room talking together, along with our manager who was standing with their arms crossed. They all turned to Yeosang and I when opened the door.
"You two have a lot of explaining to do," our manager said as the members all stood up.
"We should go back to the dorm, I'll explain it there," I said with a sigh.
"Is Wooyoung ok," Mingi asked quickly.
"Wooyoung's fine at the moment," I replied.
"But he wasn't before? What's going on? Where-."
"Just shut up," I snapped with a groan. San's mouth shut quickly, his eyes going wide and I realised what I did.
"I'm sorry San, but can we just ask the questions later," I said guilty. Everyone was quiet for a few seconds before our manager waved them on and they all filed towards the door. I hung back and grabbed San's hand, squeezing it in apology and he squeezed back in forgiveness. I was glad he wasn't upset, there's already too much going on as it is. We all walked out to the company van and our manager drove us back to the dorm. Much like the drive back from the hospital, the drive to the dorm was silent. The others were probably too worried to say anything given how I acted earlier and I felt bad but I was glad everyone was being quiet. When we got to the dorm everyone got out and our manager went to get out as well but I stopped him.
"I'm sorry manager-nim but this is just between us for now. I will organise a meeting with us and the CEO tomorrow but I need to tell the boys what's happening when it's just us," I said.
"That's fine, as long as everyone is safe," he replied.
"They are," I promised. He nodded and got into the van and drove off, leaving me alone as the others had already gone inside. I sighed and walked up the steps and into the house, closing the door behind me. Once it was closed, I froze. My hand was still placed on the door and my limbs suddenly felt like concrete. Wooyoung was safe, he was somewhere where he couldn't be hurt, not on the edge of a building. The reality of what happened, what could've happened came crashing down over me all at once, the adrenaline gone completely. My legs gave out and I slid to my knees, flopping back onto my bottom, making my back connected with the wall softly. I was too tired to move, my limbs to heavy so I just let my head loll to the side and rest against the other wall, keeping me sat in the corner. The events of what happened played over in my mind and my eyes welled up with tears, a single one rolling down my cheek. I didn't realise how much it had affected me, too busy trying to look after Wooyoung but now he was safe, it hit me hard. My chest felt tight and my throat closed up and before I knew it, I was quietly sobbing. I managed to bring my knees up to my chest so I could hug them as I cried. I don't know how long I was crying for, probably a couple of minutes before I heard footsteps.
"Where is he? I just want to know what's happened with Youngie," I heard Yunho say.
"I don't know what he's doing bu-. Hongjoong!"
Seonghwa's POV
Hongjoong was taking ages to get back inside while the rest of us were sitting in the loungeroom, waiting for him to come and tell us what the hell was going on.
"What's Hongjoong Hyung doing? He said he was going to tell us what's happening with Wooyoung Hyung," Jongho said.
"I'll go check and see what he's doing," I said getting up. Yunho got up as well, following me to the entryway.
"Where is he? I just want to know what's happened with Youngie," Yunho said.
"I don't know what he's doing bu-. Hongjoong," I cried out when I noticed our small leader curled up in the corner of the entryway by the door. I quickly ran over to him and dropped to my knees, pulling him into a hug as he held his arms out to me like a small child wanting comfort. I pulled him close in my arms as he started openly sobbing.
"Oh Joongie," I whispered. He tucked his head into my neck and continued to cry so I held him tightly.
"Shh, I've got you, you're ok," I said softly, trying to calm him down but he just cried harder.
"I a-almost m-missed. I a-almost didn't m-make it," he sobbed. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, not understanding what he was talking about but I just kept him in my arms.
"Hongjoong, can you stand? I want to get you somewhere more comfortable," I said softly.
"I'm a h-horrible l-leader," he cried.
"No you aren't Hyung, you're an amazing leader," Yunho said, dropping down beside us and rubbing Hongjoong's back gently.
"N-No, no. I didn't, I didn't r-realise. I sh-should've realised," he said, choking and spluttering slightly.
"Shh, calm down Joong. You're a great leader, none of us think any less than that," I said gently.
"I DIDN'T REALISE. I DIDN'T FUCKEN R-REALISE," Hongjoong yelled punching his thigh. I was shocked at his outburst, not understanding what was going on but I quickly caught his hand and held them tightly so he wouldn't hurt himself. There were hurried footsteps and the rest of the boys came speeding around the corner in worry. There were a few gasps as they took in what was happening. Yeosang quickly hurried over and knelt beside us.
"Hyung, Wooyoung's thoughts have nothing to do with you. You realised quick enough to make sure nothing happened," Yeosang said softly. My head snapped over and my heartbeat started to quicken as I went over his words. His thoughts? Making sure nothing happened?
"H-He tried to j-jump," Hongjoong whimpered. The entire hall went silent and my heart stopped, my arms tightening around Hongjoong's frame. There was another sob, not Hongjoong this time and I quickly looked for San, thankful to see that Jongho had already pulled him into his arms.
"What to you mean he tried to jump," Yeosang asked quietly.
"Wh-What? H-He already told you," Hongjoong said, receiving a slow shake of the head from Yeosang.
"He told me he was having bad thoughts and he wanted to die. He didn't say he did anything," Yeosang said quietly. Oh god. Wooyoung is suicidal and I barely noticed that anything was even wrong. I'm supposed to be the mum of the group, the one who notices these things and I had no idea. Hongjoong sniffled and nuzzled closer to me before letting out a deep breath and turning to face everyone as he calmed down his crying.
"Last night he came to my studio and he said something that scared me. He told me he loved me, and he told me to always remember that. I panicked and I asked him to stay with me, just so I could make sure nothing happened," he said.
"You think he was going to try and kill himself," Mingi asked quietly as he walked over and sat down. Everyone else walked over and sat down, Jongho pulling San to sit in his lap.
"After today, yeah," Hongjoong nodded.
"What happened Hongjoong Hyung, you still haven't told us," Mingi asked.
"He asked to go to the toilet, and I said yes, but then I remembered what happened the night before and I was worried, so I went to find him. I noticed the door to the roof was open so I, I ran," Hongjoong paused and took a deep breath, slipping his hand into mine and I quickly squeezed in reassurance for him to continue.
"When I got there, h-he was standing on the e-edge. I ran to stop him, b-but he stepped off," Hongjoong gasped and his breathing picked up as he struggled for air. I quickly placed a hand on his chest and rubbed it in circles soothingly to calm him down. He whined, but I coached him to take deep breaths and he calmed down again.
"I almost didn't get there in time, he was already falling but I managed to grab his wrist. I think I almost d-dropped him, but I managed to hold on and I pulled him back over the edge. I talked to him and he agreed to see someone so that's where I took him. He's in a hospital getting his mental health evaluated and he's going to get some help. I'm gonna have a meeting tomorrow with our CEO tomorrow and get Wooyoung some time off," Hongjoong said. I clenched my eyes closed and dropped my head onto Hongjoong's shoulder, trying not to cry. How could I seriously not realise any of this? He turned his head to the side, nuzzling his nose into my hair.
"You can cry Hwa, we all want to," Hongjoong said softly. That's all it took for me to burst into tears and cling tighter to Hongjoong, switching positions as I buried my head into his neck this time. I heard the others crying and we all sort of gravitated together, cuddling up in a pile as we cried.
"Hyung, c-can we go see him," San asked with a sniffle after a while.
"Not just yet sweety, we have to wait a few hours until he's settled in. The hospital has my number and they'll contact me when we can come," Hongjoong said. San sniffled but nodded, cuddling closer to Jongho who held him tighter. I sniffled and tucked my head further into Hongjoong's neck, feeling him run his fingers through my hair softly.
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you guys sooner. I just wanted to make sure he was ok with it," Hongjoong whispered. I whined slightly at his words, not
"No Hyung, don't be sorry. You saved his life and you protected him. You did everything just as you should have," Jongho said firmly.
"I'm sorry for how I acted earlier Hyung," San said quietly.
"Don't, you were just trying to look out for Wooyoung and you were confused," Hongjoong said shaking his head. I finally calmed down a bit and I lifted my head from Hongjoong's neck.
"We should all probably get off the floor. We can't just sit here and wait for him. Why don't we make him a little care package for him to have while he stays. Nothing sharp though, I doubt the facility will allow it," I said. The others all nodded and together we stood up and fanned out around the house to look for some things. Hongjoong grasped my hand tightly as I went to walk away and I glanced back at him. He was biting his lip softly and I could tell he wanted to talk to me so I quickly pulled him along into our room and closed the door.
"You ok," I asked softly. His eyes welled up with tears and he shook his head. I cooed softly and pulled him into my arms, allowing him to cry into my shoulder. It wasn't loud sobs like before, just quiet sniffles into my shoulder.
"It's ok Joongie, you did so good," I said softly. That made him cry more, clingy tightly to me and I realised what he wanted. I'm the only member older than him and he wants the reassurance that he did well, that he didn't make things worse.
"You're such a good Hyung Hongjoong, you protected you dongsaeng well," I whispered, placing a soft kiss the top of his head.
"I was so scared I wasn't going to make it in time," he said.
"But you did. There's no use dwelling on what could've happened, just be thankful for what did happen," I said gently. He sniffled and nodded before pulling away. I cupped his face gently and softly brushed away the tears.
"You did good Hongjoong, real good," I told him. He flashed me a small smile, grabbing my hand and squeezing it lightly. We may not have noticed quick enough, but we'll look after him now.
Wooyoung's POV
It felt like hours that I was talking to the nice doctor, but it wasn't horrible. She didn't push for answers I didn't want to give and she made sure I was comfortable, despite the restraints on my wrist. Once we were finished, I was taken to a room and given some clothes to get changed into. Apparently mine were a risk for some reason. I mean I understand the belt cos you could hang yourself but everything else I don't. Once I was changed I was brough back into a similar room, except this one had more stuff in it. It had a TV, but it almost looked like it was embedded into the wall which was odd. I didn't really do much, just laid on the bed for a while watching the wall until there was a knock at my door. I sat up as it opened and a nurse walked in. I mean she didn't even wait for me to answer, why bother knocking?
"Mr Jung, there's some people here to see you. Would you like me to send them in," she asked me. That must be the boys. They won't, hate me? Will they? I got rid of the thought as soon as it popped into my head. They wouldn't do that, they aren't like that.
"Yes please," I said quickly. She nodded before leaving the room and leaving me alone once again. I didn't want them to walk in and see me looking so dejected but I also didn't want to fake my feelings. I sat up and leant against the wall, bringing my knees to my chest and resting my head back against the wall as well. A few minutes later there was a gentle knock on the door and I waited for them to come in but no one opened the door. Right, they aren't the nurses.
"Come in," I said. The handle turned and the door slowly opened, San being the first to poke his head through. They all filed in quickly after that but none of them approached me, all looking a bit awkward and nervous.
"I'm not gonna break if you hug me," I said quietly. San immediately rushed forwards and climbed onto the bed, tackling me into a tight hug. I let out a small smile, something that lately felt foreign and I hugged him back, burying my nose into his hair and breathing in his shampoo. His shampoo which is really mine, but he always uses and I can never find the heart to stop him. It was oddly comforting and I relaxed in his embrace, feeling more at ease than I have in a while. The other's all walked in as well, Yeosang and Jongho sitting at the foot of my bed while the others stood around it. After hugging San for a little bit, he pulled away for a few seconds to get better situated before cuddling up to my side and letting me rest my head on his shoulder.
"How're you feeling," Hongjoong spoke up first.
"Better, but not great," I admitted.
"That's ok. These things take time," he said softly. I sighed and nodded, melding closer to San.
"Do you know how long you have to stay here for," Mingi asked. Yunho nudged him but I just gave him a weak smile.
"They said a month and then they'll revaluate me and see if I can go," I said.
"I know I should be panicking about missing schedules and the old me would, but I kind of feel relieved," I added quietly, feeling guilty at the way I was feeling. My issue right now is putting them in a bad place and letting them down most likely.
"Wooyoung look at me," Seonghwa said firmly. I quickly looked over at him from where he had come up beside the bed, grabbing my hand gently.
"You've done nothing wrong and it isn't a problem that you're feeling that way. We're so happy and so proud that you're getting some help so you can feel better. None of us care how long it takes, as long as you feel better," Seonghwa said firmly.
"Are you sure," I asked nervously, glancing around at the others who immediately nodded.
"We're positive Wooyoung, you need some time for yourself and we don't care how you need," Hongjoong said softly. My eyes welled up with tears, feeling relieved at their words and I reached my free arm, letting go of Seonghwa's hand.
"Hugs Hyungies and Joongie," I said with a sniffle. Everyone instantly hurried over and somehow managed to cuddle up around me, holding me tightly. Something shifted slightly in my mind, not a lot but enough. For the first time in weeks, I felt loved, really loved and I felt safe and at easy. I sniffled slightly in their arms but they just hugged me tighter. Someone's hands were patting my hair, others massaging my shoulders, the back of my neck and squeezing my ankles softly.
"Everything's going to be ok Wooyoung-ah, you'resafe now and we love you so much," Sannie whispered into my ear softly. I letout a small smile and rested my head on his shoulder, letting my eyes slipclosed. It may take a while for me to feel better, but I know the boys willwait and they'll be there on the other side, embracing me with love and openarms.
This was heavily requested by you guys, to add a part 2 and see what happens after Hongjoong saved Wooyoung, so here it is
I hope you guys all enjoyed it and thank you for reading
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