Seonghwa ~Sexual Assault~
Trigger Warning
There are SA scenes in this fic that are quite detailed for my writing and the feelings that come with it. It is worse than the Hongjoong fic so if you have experienced anything similar to this and it may be triggering, please do not read
Seonghwa's POV
We were practicing for close to 6 hours before we finally finished for the day our choreographer waving goodbye to us before leaving the room. I let out a breath of relief and walked over to my drink bottle, grabbing it and gulping it down quickly. I glanced around the room to see the others all packing up and getting ready to leave. I smiled softly as I saw San packing up his and Wooyoung's bag while Wooyoung was draped over his back, resting his arms around San's neck. The two of them truly are soulmates, always knowing exactly what the other needs and being willing to give it to them. I did notice however that San wasn't able to move around properly and was having a bit of trouble. I watched as he tilted his head slightly to glance at Wooyoung before pausing and continuing on. I quickly closed my water bottle and walked over.
"Come here and give Hyung a hug Wooyoungie," I said softly. Wooyoung's head lifted up and he turned to look at me, blinking tiredly. I opened my arms and beckoned him over gently. He slowly peeled himself off San and stumbled over, moving into my arms and hugging my waist as his head dropped down onto my shoulder. I wrapped my arms around him gently, moving a hand up and down his back to relax him more.
"He's been having trouble sleeping lately, can't go to sleep by himself." I glanced to the left to see Yeosang walking over with a worried expression on his face. I frowned in concern and lifted my hand to gently run through Wooyoung's hair and soothe him.
"Have you not been getting enough sleep baby," I asked gently. Wooyoung nuzzled further into my chest before nodding slightly.
"Does Hongjoong know about this? How long has it been going on," I asked Yeosang quickly.
"About a week. He usually gives up trying to fall asleep alone at about two or three in the morning and comes to San or me," Yeosang explained. I sighed and ruffled Wooyoung's hair gently.
"Does Hongjoong know," I repeated, raising an eyebrow. Yeosang bit his bottom lip nervously and I immediately knew what the answer was.
"He doesn't want to bother Hyung because he is always working in the studio late anyway," Yeosang said quietly. The fact that Wooyoung was barely even stirring in my arms and was in no way protesting shows just how bad this is getting.
"Hongjoong, come here," I called out. Hongjoong glanced up from his phone across the room in confusion but quickly walked over.
"What's up? Is Wooyoung ok," he asked, his eyes running over Wooyoung's huddled up form.
"Yeosang just informed me that Wooyoung hasn't been sleeping well for the last week. He hasn't been getting to bed until two or three in the morning, possibly later.
"Young-ah," Hongjoong said with a soft sigh. Wooyoung slowly turned his head and peaked out from my chest.
"M'sorry Hyung," he whispered.
"You don't need to be sorry, it's not your fault but why wouldn't you tell me? I could've made sure you could go a little easier for practices," Hongjoong said.
"Didn't want to bother anyone," Wooyoung said quietly. I glanced at Hongjoong and caught his eye, seeing he was just as concern as I was. We all sometimes hide things because we don't want to cause trouble or bother the other members but this could cause him to get hurt.
"Wooyoung, you can't hide things like this. You need to tell us things like this so we can make sure you're safe and healthy," I told him. Wooyoung looked up at me and pouted before nodding softly.
"We'll work something out tonight to make sure you get a proper rest and if not I'll make sure you can take it easy tomorrow," Hongjoong said. Wooyoung nodded again just as San walked over.
"I've been telling him to talk to you guys but he wouldn't listen," he said with a sigh. I nodded and gently pushed Wooyoung back as San stepped forwards and took him into his arms to hug him.
"Let's go home and have a relaxing night tonight," Hongjoong said, speaking louder so everyone would be able to hear.
"Are you coming home Hyung," Jongho asked.
"Yeah I want to help Wooyoung relax a bit more tonight. I'll bring my computer with me and work on some stuff a little bit at home," Hongjoong replied.
"He ok," Yunho asked worriedly.
"Yeah he's alright, just really tired," Hongjoong replied with a nod.
"Do you want me to carry him out to the car," Mingi asked.
"Yeah that would be good," San replied with a nod. Mingi walked over and Wooyoung moved from San to him, wrapping his arms around his neck. Mingi bent down and slipped his arms under the back of Wooyoung's knees, standing up and pulling him up with him. Wooyoung quickly wrapped his legs around Mingi's waist and dropped his head down on his shoulder.
"Alright, let's go. Sannie can you grab Wooyoung's bag for him," Hongjoong asked. San nodded and we all grabbed our bags. I slung mine over my shoulder and walked towards the door, opening it and holding it open for everyone. As we were walking down the halls, I noticed the sign for the toilet and begun to realise just how much I needed to go.
"Hey can someone grab my bag for me? I need to duck to the toilet real quick but I'll meet you out in the van," I said. Jongho quickly reached out and grabbed my bag from me, flicking it over his shoulder.
"Thanks," I said, patting his shoulder before quickly jogging over to the toilets. While I was on the toilet I heard the door open and someone walk towards the sink before the footsteps stopped. I was confused as to why they went into the bathroom but didn't go to the toilet but shrugged it off and finished what I was doing. Once I was done, I put down the sleep and flushed the toilet. My phone vibrated and I grabbed it out, checking to see that it was just a notification from one off my apps. I sighed and unlocked the stall door, swiping away the notification as I stepped out. I yelped in surprise as there were hands suddenly on my shoulders and I was shoved back into the stall. I dropped my phone as I grasped for the side of the stall to stop myself from falling back but I was too late. I was shoved harshly and I fell onto the toilet seat, my back smashing into the back of the toilet as well. I groaned at the pain and looked up to see one of our security guards, Baekhyun.
"Baekhyun-ssi? What's going on," I asked in confusion, not understanding what he was doing. Maybe there's someone dangerous in the building and we need to hide in here until it's clear. He didn't say anything, just turned and locked the stall, making me worry more. Did someone have a weapon? Were the others ok? I was right to be scared, but not of what, or who.
Before I could say anything else, Baekhyun suddenly moved quickly. Within and instant he was sitting on my lap, his legs on either side of my body. I didn't even have time to process what was happening or react before his hand was gripping my jaw hard, yanking it up and his lips were smashing against mine. My eyes went wide and I whimpered, immediately trying to shove him off but he just pushed me back down and continued to kiss me. His lips were rough and hard, they felt like sandpaper against my own. I grabbed his shoulders and tried to shove him off but he just grabbed my wrists and yanked them above my head, pinning them to the wall behind me. In doing so it made my back arch uncomfortably and I felt my shirt ride up a bit. Paul must have noticed as well as he pulled back from the kiss and glanced down. He left one hand holding mine to the wall and reached down with the other quickly, slipping it under my shirt. I was frozen for a few seconds, forgetting that my mouth was free and not knowing what to do. I was snapped out of that shocked state when his hands trailed higher, tracing his fingers against my skin.
"Wh-What are you doing. Stop, stop it," I said quickly. I tried to tug my hands down at the same time but all he did was tighten his grip on them and once again leaning back up and capturing my lips in his. I whimpered and rather than helplessly trying to shove him back, I tried to pull my head back and move away from him to stop the kiss but it just encouraged him to move closer to me. I didn't know what to do and I once again froze, feeling his hands go lower instead of higher. He moved it down and placed it on my thigh, squeezing it. I tried to shy away from the touch but there was only so far I could go and I could do nothing to stop him from continuing to squeeze and rub my thigh. I tried to life my leg so I could try to knee him but his body was too heavy on my lap, pinning my lower body down. His lips left my own and he trailed down, kissing along my neck instead. I whimpered again and tried to move to get any sort of leverage but as before, everything was fruitless.
"Please stop Baekhyun-ssi," I pleaded.
"Oh please, I see the way you look at me. Whenever I escort you boys you always stay close to me, always look for me. You've always been trying to seduce me with your dancing and your clothes," he said, mumbling against my neck. What? I don't think I've ever actually talked to Baekhyun, never properly interacted.
"What are you talking about? I don't want this, please stop," I begged. He's our security guard, he's meant to protect us, surely he can tell I don't like this, I don't want this. Baekhyun just chuckled darkly and continued kissing and licking at my neck. The sensations felt weird and horribly uncomfortable and I scrunched my eyes closed, trying to picture anything else other than what was happening. Baekhyun's hand moved higher than my thigh, palming me through my pants. My eyes snapped open and I cried out. There's no way this is happening.
"NO, STOP. STOP. HELP, SOMEONE HELP," I screamed out. Baekhyun's hand immediately stopped touching me, instead moving to cover my mouth to stop me from screaming.
"Shut the hell up. You don't need help, you're fine," he said angrily. My eyes begun to well up with tears and I whined, trying to move my head to free my mouth but he just pushed back harder until the back of my head was pushed against the top of the toilet flusher. He let go of my hands and instead grabbed my hair, holding my head in place and kissing my neck again.
"Please stop," I begged. Baekhyun finally pulled back with a groan.
"You're such an asshole, no fun," Baekhyun scoffed. I didn't know what to do or how to reply so I just remained silent my hands shaking by my side.
"Whatever, we can continue this another time. We don't want the boys worrying over nothing," Baekhyun said. I tensed up, unsure what was going to happen and hoping he wouldn't try to do something else. I let out a quiet breath of relief as he turned to the door and unlocked it before swinging it open. Seonghwa was still frozen with fear, not knowing what to do.
"Look I know you want me bad but we've already spent too much time here so you need to go. We can pick this up some other time," Baekhyun said. I stood up shakily, almost falling back down as my legs felt like jelly but I steadied myself. I tensed up shuffling uncomfortably towards him. I hunched up slightly as I continued past him, scared he would try to force himself on me once again. As I was almost past him, his hand suddenly grabbed my wrist again and I froze completely, my muscles locking up and my head ducking down as my throat dried up.
"Look at me," Baekhyun said firmly. I quickly turned my head to look at him, not wanting to give him any reason to try anything again.
"You should probably keep this a secret from the others. You're the eldest and you don't want them to know how selfish you are in getting into a relationship with someone and drawing your attention away from them," he told me. What he said didn't make sense given we aren't in a relationship at all and I don't even know the guy apart from him being a security guard. I didn't want anything that happened in that stall but Baekhyun was right, I can't tell anyone about this. I am the eldest member, I'm supposed to be strong and protect the younger members, not need protecting myself. I'm embarrassed about what happened and how easily I let myself be taken advantage of and wasn't able to do a single thing to stop it. I can't tell the boys about this.
I just nodded sharply in reply to Baekhyun, not able to make my voice work properly. Baekhyun finally let go of my wrist and I took the opportunity to rush out of the toilets. As I walked down the halls towards the entrance, I quickly tried to fix up my appearance so nothing would seem off. I pat my hair back down and wiped my neck with my sleeve, shivering at the memories and previous sensations that came back. He quickened his pace and tried to school his face, so it wouldn't seem off. When I got to the van I opened the door with shaky hands. Everyone's attention was immediately drawn to me, except for Wooyoung who I quickly noticed was sound asleep on Jongho's shoulder, the younger surprisingly not seeming to care.
"You feeling ok? You took quite a while," Yunho said with a giggle, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. I knew he was talking about me being constipated or something but my stomach churned uncomfortably as I remembered what had happened.
"Yeah, I'm fine," I muttered quickly before hurrying to the back of the van and sitting next to Hongjoong whose focus was once again on his laptop in his lap. The van started off and I just sat beside Hongjoong's stiffly, my hands clenched tightly and my mind drifting back to what happened in the stall. I shivered slightly and could feel the exact same sensations against my skin, how he kissed my neck and touched my skin.
I was drawn from the memories when I clenched my hand more and felt something warm within my left. I glanced to the side quickly and noticed that I had grabbed Hongjoong's hand without realising. He didn't even flinch, just continued doing whatever he was doing on the laptop and let me do whatever. I latched onto the comfort instantly, wanting to replace the lingering feelings with the feeling of my best friend beside me. I quickly shuffled closer and wrapped my arm around Hongjoong's front, trying to slip the other around his back. Hongjoong remained looking at the laptop but he moved forwards, allowing me to put my arm around his back before leaning back again. I hugged him gently, not wanting to disturb him more and I rested my head on his shoulder. Hongjoong finally glanced away from his laptop, glancing down at me.
"You ok," he asked softly. I had to swallow down the lump in my throat to calm down and stop the tears.
"Just tired," I replied quietly. Hongjoong didn't reply after that, just bumped his head against mine gently before going back to his laptop. I just continued hugging him, trying to feel better about myself and forget what happened.
The minute we got back home, I rushed out of the van and inside the house. I went straight to my room and grabbed out a change of clothes.
"I'm having a shower," I called out to everyone to make sure they wouldn't use it. I rushed into the bathroom quickly and locked the door before turning the shower on to hot. I stripped my clothes off quickly and stepped under the scalding water. It was way too hot for my usual liking but I didn't move, needing to get rid of the filthy touch. My skin felt dirty so I grabbed a scrub and scrubbed harder at the skin along with the hot water. The tears that I had been holding in since Baekhyun first kissed me finally fell, mixing with the hot water. I washed my body completely multiple times before feeling slightly better despite still feeling dirty. I wanted to keep showering but decided I couldn't as the others need showers as well. I just washed my hair before stepping out and drying off my body before getting changed. Once I finished getting changed, I left the bathroom and went back to my room, seeing Hongjoong sitting on his laptop on his bed. He glanced up at me before his eyes widened.
"Hwa, your skin is so red. How hot was the water," he asked, jumping up and rushing over hurriedly. He placed his cool hands against my hot cheeks and I relaxed into it.
"You shouldn't have the water that hot Seonghwa, it can burn you," Hongjoong said in concern.
"My bad," I said with a shrug, slipping from his grip. He just sighed and went back to his bed with his laptop to continue working.
Later that night everyone was getting ready for bed while Hongjoong and I were sitting on Wooyoung's bed with the younger.
"Do you find it easier to fall asleep when you're with someone or is it just that by the time you go lay down with someone else, you're too tired to stay awake," Hongjoong asked softly. Wooyoung shrugged and just fiddled with his hands, seeming uncomfortable.
"Come on Young-ah, you're our little brother, we're family, you can tell us anything," I said, slipping my hand into his gently and squeezing softly to calm him down. Wooyoung glanced up nervously before letting out a sigh.
"I think it's just that I have to have someone with me to be able sleep. I don't know why this is happening," Wooyoung said with a frown.
"That's ok, things like this happen sometimes. We can just work around it," Hongjoong said immediately.
"SAN-AH," he yells out after. About 10 seconds later, the door opened and San walked in wearing his pyjamas.
"Yes Hyung, what's up," he asked.
"Wooyoung's going to sleep with you tonight because you both feel better sleeping with someone beside you," Hongjoong said. San grinned immediately and nodded.
"I've tried telling him to do that but he wouldn't listen. Will you listen to Hongjoong Hyung now," San said. Wooyoung rolled his eyes and pouted before nodding reluctantly. He may be acting like it's such a bore but everyone knows how much he loves cuddles, especially when it's San.
"Alright, go to bed you two," Hongjoong said with a chuckle. San quickly held out his hand and Wooyoung grabbed it before the two of them left the room.
"You two get some sleep as well, we don't want anyone tired tomorrow," Hongjoong said.
"We can sleep better with you guys gone and the lights out," Yeosang said and I chuckled.
"Goodnight Sang, night Jong," I said before Hongjoong and I left and went back to our room. I quickly went over to my bed on the left side of the room and laid down, pulling my blankets up.
"Are you going to bed now," I asked Hongjoong who was fixing up his bed.
"Nah, I'm going to work for a bit longer before bed," Hongjoong replied. I sighed but let it go, knowing nothing I could say would change his mind.
"Just get some sleep Hwa, I'll go to bed soon," Hongjoong promised. I knew that was probably untrue but again let it go. I turning on my side, facing the wall and let my eyes slip closed as I slowly drifted off to sleep.
"Just sit still and take it. Come on, I know you want it."
"Hwa! Hey shh, it's ok." My eyes snapped open and I sat up to see that the room was pretty dark and there was a body beside me, a hand on my waist. I whimpered and threw my hands out, shoving Baekhyun back to protect myself. I heard a high pitched yelp and thump and I froze. The voice was familiar, very familiar.
"J-Joong," I whispered quietly into the darkness. My hands were shaking slightly as I waited for the reply, hoping it was Hongjoong and not Baekhyun.
"Yeah it's me, on the floor," Hongjoong replied and I let out a breath of relief. My eyes went wide as I realised I just shoved Hongjoong off the bed and I quickly shuffled over to try and help him up. However in the darkness I shuffled too far and fell off the bed, landing on something soft with a thump. I heard Hongjoong groan beneath me and I immediately apologised.
"I'm so sorry Joongie," I whispered.
"It's fine, where are you," Hongjoong asked, feeling around in the dark. His hand landed on my stomach and I tensed up, flinching back slightly. His hands went up quickly until they cupped my face and I froze in fear, however he just wiped the tears that were left on my face from the nightmare. I thought about what happened in the nightmare, shivering and cuddling closer to Hongjoong who quickly wrapped me up in a hug.
"Are you ok? You were having a nightmare, that's why I woke you up," Hongjoong explained.
"Sorry about that. I probably shouldn't have watched a horror movie earlier," I lied quickly. I don't want him to find about what happened, it's embarrassing and just shows how weak I am. Hongjoong chuckled and I felt him nod against my shoulder.
"Yeah, probably not a great idea," Hongjoong said.
"I'm just going to go back to bed," I said with a sigh.
"Do you want me to sleep next to you like usual," Hongjoong asked me. It's true, we usually sleep together if we watch a horror movie because it shakes us up a bit. And truthfully, having Hongjoong beside me will make me feel safer and hopefully keep any more bad dreams away.
"Yeah, come on," I told him. We both stood up and crawled into the bed, laying down and cuddling up together. I made sure to snuggle close to him, resting my head on his chest. His arms wrapped around me tightly and rubbed my shoulder, gently lulling me to sleep.
"Alright boys, practice is done for now so I will tell you all your next schedules. Jongho, San and Wooyoung have vocal practice. Hongjoong has been requested by Eden to help out on some songs. Yeosang is going with Haewon-ssi to go to MC and Seonghwa is going for a last minute dress fitting for the concert next month. Everyone else has already been refitted," manager-hyung said. Everyone nodded and we said goodbye to each other before going our separate ways. I went out to the front and quickly got into the waiting car. There was a black window between the front seats and the back seats so I just sat by myself and went to pull out my phone before realising it wasn't in my pocket. I went into my bag and looked through it as well but gave up when I didn't find it. I must've left it at home. I groaned and dropped my head on the window, waiting for the driver to drive off. Before they did though, the door to my left opened and I turned my head, watching in horror as Baekhyun got inside. Rather than sitting by the window, he sat down on the middle seat right beside me. He leaned forward and tapped the window and the car immediately drove off. I pressed myself as close to the car door as I could, wanting to get away from Baekhyun but he was too close and our thighs pressed together. My heart was pounding and it skipped a beat as I felt his hand drop down and rest on my thigh, beginning to rub up and down, his hand climbing higher and higher as he did so. I whimpered quietly and his hand clenched my thigh immediately, nails digging into my pants. He leaned close to me, his mouth beside my ear.
"Keep quiet if you know what's good for you and ATEEZ," he whispered. I clenched my mouth shut immediately, not wanting to risk anything happening to the group. Baekhyun's hand got even higher, eventually reaching my belt. He deftly undid it, all the while still facing the front. I clenched my eyes closed in dread and turned my head towards the window. I felt him slowly unbutton my pants before pulling down the zip. Tears welled up in my eyes and I desperately tried to hold it back but they fell profusely once I felt his hand slip into my pants. I dropped my head into my hand that was rested against the window and continued to cry though I didn't do anything to stop Baekhyun. There was nothing I could do, not here, not now, I was trapped. I was once again too weak to stop him from doing whatever he wanted to do to me.
My mind was practically shut down for the rest of the day as I just went through the motions. I barely registered what I was doing, only a shell of myself. The next time I properly took note of what was happening, I was sitting at the dinner table, moving the food around my plate aimlessly.
"Hwa, you need to eat," Hongjoong chided me softly. I blinked in surprise and looked around to see the others were almost finished their food.
"Sorry, I'm just a bit tired and I got distracted," I lied quickly, going back to eating. Hongjoong seemed worried about me and placed his hand on my thigh but I immediately slapped it off tensing completely and leaning away from him. I could see the look of shock cross his face but I continued to eat quickly to avoid it.
Once dinner was done, I quickly got up and went to my room, sitting down on the bed and clenching the sheets in my hand. Now that I was alone and more focused, the memories of what happened in the car came back and I stood up quickly, shaking my head. I don't want to think about it, I don't want to remember it. I need to forget it. I immediately stood back up and left my room, sneaking into the kitchen. I went into the cupboard and grabbed three bottles of soju before going back to my room. Hongjoong and the others were all watching a movie so it gives me time to be alone. The minute the door closed I sat on my bed and opened one of the bottles before downing it almost immediately, despite the strong taste. I want to forget. This will make me forget.
Hongjoong's POV
I was on the couch watching a movie with the 99-liners when there was a thump in the apartment. San immediately grabbed the remote and paused the movie in confusion.
"What was that," Yeosang asked.
"I'm not sure," I replied truthfully. I heard a door open and the maknae grumble before opening the other door. It was silent for a few seconds before there was a chuckle.
"Hyung, what are you doing on the floor," Jongho asked. I couldn't hear the reply but there was a gasp and hurried footsteps before Jongho appeared in front of the hall.
"Seonghwa Hyung is drunk. He drank three bottles of soju," he said quickly. I was shocked and jumped up immediately, running to our room along with the others. Seonghwa was on the floor giggling without a shirt and making snow angels in the carpet. He rolled over and looked at us before giggling and I saw the empty bottles on the couch.
"Seonghwa," I gasped, hurrying over and kneeling beside him. His cheeks were flushed and his eyes were glassy meaning he was definitely drunk.
"What the hell Hwa," I whispered. He just giggled and latched flopped into my lap.
"This isn't like Hwa Hyung at all," Wooyoung said quietly. I frowned and glanced down at the boy in my lap before sighing. He's been acting weird all day but this just tops it off. Seonghwa is responsibly, why would he just randomly get drunk like this?
"What do we do," Mingi asked.
"I don't know," I replied truthfully. Seonghwa giggled in my lap again and I frowned, dropping my hand to his hair and running it through gently.
"Why would you do this Seonghwa? Why go and get drunk like this when we have practice tomorrow," I said in frustration.
"Jus wanna forget," Seonghwa slurred out. Everyone immediately went quiet in confusion and my eyebrows furrowed.
"Forget? Seonghwa you can't just use alcohol to forget things. What are you even trying to forget," I asked in frustration. Seonghwa grinned and giggled again like a true drunk.
"Wanna fget his touch," Seonghwa mumbled. I tilted my head in confusion and slight intrigue. His touch? Did Seonghwa have a boyfriend we don't know about? Did they break up.
"Whose touch Hyung," Jongho asked suddenly. Seonghwa's smile slipped away and his face darkened slightly. He sat up quickly and went to stand before stumbling. I jumped up instantly and grabbed his waist to stabilise him but he cried out and swung at me. I was caught off guard but managed to dodge as I let go. I watched in shock as Seonghwa stumbled back, grabbing onto a desk to stop himself from falling.
"D-Don't touch me. Didn't want you to t-touch me," Seonghwa stuttered before hiccupping. I froze at his words and glanced back at the others to see they seemed just as worried and confused as I was.
"Hyung, d-didn't want who to touch you," San asked quietly. Seonghwa glanced over at us, his eyes narrowed before he huffed and stumbled back, flopping onto my bed.
"Hwa, who didn't you want to touch you," I asked quickly, moving over to the bed. Seonghwa rolled onto his back and pouted up at me before huffing.
"Baekhyun," he replied. I frowned in even more confusion. Isn't Baekhyun one of our security guards.
"Baekhyun the security guard? Did he grab you too hard," I asked him worriedly.
"Mhmm," Seonghwa said with a nod.
"Why would he even need to grab him though," Yunho asked, walking up beside me.
"Maybe something happened on the way to the dress fitting," Mingi replied.
"Hwa can you explain why he grabbed you," I asked, sitting down on the bed beside him.
"Do I have to," he whined. I have to admit, drunk Hwa is pretty cute but I'm still a little worried and I want to get to the bottom of this.
"Yes please baby," I said softly. Seonghwa sat up and beckoned me closer until my ear was beside his lips.
"He likes me," he said, not at all in a whisper. I pulled back immediately in shock.
"You and Baekhyun are dating," I asked in surprise.
"Nuh uh," Seonghwa replied shaking his head. I frowned in confusion once again.
"I don't get it," I said slowly. There was a sudden gasp and I turned around to see Yeosang with wide eyes and a hand covering his mouth.
"What is it," Wooyoung asked quickly. Yeosang rushed forwards and shoved Yunho and I off to the side, kneeling down next to the bed and grabbing Seonghwa's hand.
"Hyung," he said, gaining Seonghwa's attention as he looked over at him.
"Sangie, my beautiful boy," he said happily, patting his head clumsily.
"Hyung did Baekhyun touch you inappropriately without your consent," Yeosang asked shakily. My heart stopped and my veins went cold, the room going so silent you could hear a pin drop.
"Yup," Seonghwa replied flippantly before flopping down. Yeosang looked up at me with watery eyes I quickly moved closer to the bed once again.
"Seonghwa, what did Baekhyun do to you," I asked him quickly.
"Push me in stall and kiss me," Seonghwa said slowly. I clenched my fist closed but took a deep breath to remain calm.
"Did he do anything else," I asked tightly.
"Today," Seonghwa nodded.
"What did he do today Hyung," Jongho asked quietly. Seonghwa's eyes widened and he shook his head.
"Nuh uh, I'm forgetting," he said before giggling. It all made so much more sense now. Why he was getting drunk, why he reacted as he did when I touched him.
"Hwa please, for me," I begged. Seonghwa's eyes softened but he shook his head.
"S'embarrassing. Didn't wanna tell yous," he said.
"It's not embarrassing Seonghwa. If he hurt you or touched you then he is the bad guy. You are a victim Hwa, you aren't at fault," I said firmly. Seonghwa's eyes begun to water and he sniffled.
"Wasn't strong enough," he whispered.
"No Seonghwa, you are so strong. I need you to keep being strong ok. I need you to tell me what he did so I can stop him from hurting you again," I begged him. Seonghwa sniffled but nodded slowly. Seonghwa seemed to have sobered up slightly, his eyes barely glassy but it was still evident that he was intoxicated.
"Yesterday he trapped me in the bathroom stall and kissed my lips and neck. He touched my stomach and palmed me through my pants. He only stopped cos any longer would've raised suspicious. Today he got in the car with me and he told me to keep quiet or he would do something to ATEEZ. He unbuttoned my pants and he, he, he-." Seonghwa cut off and clenched his eyes closed shaking his head but he had said enough for us to know what he was talking about. I heard the sound of crying and turned to see San and Wooyoung crying in Yunho's arms while Jongho was hugging a crying Mingi, Yeosang beside them as well. Even those who weren't crying had tears in their eyes and I knew I wasn't much better. I took a deep breath to try and calm down, knowing I needed to think rationally.
"You guys need to go to bed ok. Seonghwa is drunk right now and he is in pain so I need you guys to just go to bed alright. I-I'll deal with this tomorrow, I'll make sure he's safe and we'll all talk ok," I said quickly. No one protested and quickly left the room, leaving me standing there as tears fell down my cheeks.
"Hongjoong," Seonghwa said softly. I turned around to see him frowning at me worriedly.
"I'm fine," I said immediately.
"Can you please sleep with me," Seonghwa asked me.
"Are you sure," I asked worriedly.
"Yeah, promise," he nodded. I sighed and quickly turned the light off before slipping under the blanket and allowing him to cuddle up to me.
"You still drunk," I asked quietly after a few minutes.
"Thinking about how you've been sexually assaulted is surprisingly sobering when you drunk 3 hours ago," Seonghwa whispered.
"Do you realise what you told us," I asked, closing my eyes to keep in the tears as Seonghwa tucked his head into my neck.
"I was aware what I was saying. The soju just gave me extra confidence to speak up. I'm sorry for not saying anything when it happened," Seonghwa whispered.
"Don't you dare apologise Hwa. You do not get to apologise for any of this because absolutely none of this was your fault," I said firmly.
"I um, I'm sorry I'm so weak," he said quietly.
"You aren't weak Seonghwa, you are so strong and I am so sorry I couldn't stop this from happening," I said as the tears were falling down my face. Seonghwa sniffled and I felt his tears against my neck. I gently ran my fingers through his hair to console him.
"I appreciate it but there's nothing you could have done. I'm just glad it was me and not one of the kids," he said.
"No, don't say that. I don't wish for there to be anyone to go through this," I said. Seonghwa sniffled again and nodded into my neck.
"We're going to help you through this ok. He won't get away with this and we're going to be here for you ok," I said firmly. Seonghwa sniffled and nodded quickly, holding me tighter.
"Thank you," he whispered.
"I love you and I'm here for you," I said with small sob.
"I l-love you too," he whispered shakily.
This is something don't I usually write about where I actually have scenes where it is happening so this is a bit different than usual. I have recently been reading real life accounts on SA victims and how they felt and I wanted to bring more awareness to it in a way by writing about it. I want people to know that if you go through something like this that there are people who are there and willing to help and I pray that the proper care and comfort is recieved. I sincerely hope none of you have had to experience anything like this but if you have, my heart is with you and know that I am giving you a big virtual hug. Please don't be scared to speak up and please stay safe
Thank you for reading this fic
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