San & Yeosang ~Break In~
San’s POV
Guys, wake up.” I groaned and tried to roll over on my bed but there was a weight against me that stopped me from moving. I slipped an eye open and looked down at my chest to see a soundly sleeping Yeosang.
“Good you’re awake, now wake up Yeosang.” I turned my head to the left, my eyes landing Hongjoong standing with his arms crossed beside the bed. Yeosang stirred slightly and I quickly ran my fingers through his hair to calm him back down to remain asleep.
“But why? We have the day off, don’t we,” I said with a frown.
“We do but everyone else is heading out to places so I’d like you both aware of what is going on. You can go back to sleep afterwards if you would like,” Hongjoong said. I sighed but nodded. He left the room and I looked back down at Yeosang curled up by my side. He had a bad dream last night and was restless so he came and slept next to me. It’s a rare thing so I’m basking in the moment.
“Sangie. Sweetie it’s time to wake up,” I said, running my fingers through his hair more firmly. He slowly begun to stir, his arms stretching out.
“Morning Yeosang-ah,” I said softly, leaning down and placing a soft kiss to his forehead. He whined cutely and his eyes slipped open, looking up at me.
“Morning San,” he said, a small smile slipping onto his lips. I chuckled and sat up, pulling him closer in my arms. He yawned softly and nuzzled his head into my neck. It’s always cute when he’s half asleep because he’s always so much more affectionate.
“Hongjoong Hyung said we need to wake up so they can tell us what’s going to be happening today,” I told him.
“Ugh, why can’t we just sleep,” Yeosang groaned.
“Because it’s Caps orders,” I said with a chuckle. He groaned again but pulled away from me and slipped out of bed. I quickly followed and together we walked out to the dining room where everyone already was, fully dressed and ready to go out wherever they were all going.
“Glad to see you two finally awake,” Jongho said.
“Well unlike everyone else, we would rather relax on our day off instead of going out all over the place,” I said with a shrug.
“Hey. For the record my parents have come down for the day so I’m spending time with them,” Wooyoung said with a pout.
“If Kyungmin is there, tell him uncle Sangie said hi,” Yeosang said.
“I mean you could just come if you want,” Wooyoung said with a shrug.
“I’m too tired. I’m just going to spend today relaxing and watching movies or something,” Yeosang said with a shrug.
“I’ll tell him you said hello then,” Wooyoung said with a nod.
“Alright so Wooyoung is going to see his parents for the day. Mingi, Yunho and Jongho are going to an arcade for the day and maybe also doing some shopping and Hwa and I are going out for lunch and then we will watch a movie at the cinema,” Hongjoong said.
“It’s around 12 now, so the first person won’t be back until about 6,” Hongjoong added.
“Alright. Sangie and I will just be relaxing for a while,” I said, wrapping my arms tightly around Yeosang. I felt him tense slightly so I immediately removed one arm and loosened the other so it wasn’t as suffocating. Yeosang sometimes gets overwhelmed with skinship so I always make sure to be attentive to his body language. He relaxed immediately and I smiled softly.
“Alright then, just call us if anything happens, any of you. Let’s get going,” Hongjoong said, nodding to Seonghwa. Everyone waved goodbye and one by one they all left until it was just Yeosang and I.
“I’ll make us some lunch, what do you want,” I asked him as I let go of him and moved to the front.
“Chicken salad,” he asked, his eyes lighting up slightly.
“Of course. You go watch your movies and I’ll cook up some chicken and make a caesar salad,” I told him. He nodded and scurried off to the lounge room to watch some TV. I quickly went into kitchen and grabbed some chicken from the fridge, along with a pan to cook it. I grabbed headphones from my pocket and connected them to my phone, putting on a playlist before continuing to cook.
I cooked the chicken for about 10 minutes before it was done and I went to the fridge, getting lettuce, cheese, bacon and crotons. I washed the lettuce in the sink and was about to start cutting it on the chopping board when something was placed on my shoulder. I jumped in surprise and spun around to find Yeosang behind me. His eyes were wide and he seemed off. I quickly ripped out my headphones and noticed he was breathing heavily. I immediately put everything down and put my hand on his shoulder, squeezing softly.
“Hey, you ok? What’s wrong,” I asked him quickly. He whimpered and shuffled closer to me, his head snapping towards the doorway of the kitchen.
“Yeosang-ah, what’s wrong,” I asked him.
“There’s, um. There’s two cars out the front and there’s a couple of guys by them just watching the house,” Yeosang told me. I frowned worriedly and gave him a small hug, rubbing his back softly.
“I’ll have a quick look, you just wait here,” I told him. He bit his lip nervously but nodded. I quickly moved from the kitchen and over to the lounge room, walking over to the window. I parted the curtain slightly and peaked out. I saw the two cars there but there were no people. I frowned and moved away, going back to the kitchen where Yeosang was huddled up against the bench.
“I had a look and there’s no one there, only cars,” I told him.
“I’ve probably freaked out over nothing right,” he said with a sigh.
“No you didn’t, I wouldn’t call that overreacting at all. We’re Idols and we have to deal with sasaengs a lot. It’s most likely that this was just some random guys who happened to park outside the house,” I said softly. He let out a deep breath and nodded.
“Wanna help me finish off the salad,” I asked him. He nodded and we both continued preparing the salad. Once it was done he went back to the lounge room and I followed, sitting beside him on the couch and eating as he pressed play on the movie he was watching. I didn’t really pay much attention, just cuddled up to his side and ate the salad. Once I finished eating the salad, I sat up again.
“I’m going to go back to my room. You good over here,” I asked him. He hummed and nodded so I grabbed our empty plates and went to kitchen, putting them in the dishwasher before heading over to my room. I closed the door behind me before moving to my bed and flopping down. I moved so I was sitting down, my back laying against the headboard. I pulled up my phone and begun to scroll through Twitter, looking to see what our Atiny were talking about. I like keeping up to date with Atiny and what they’re talking about, makes me feel more connected with them. We’ve been promoting for Guerrilla for a while now so a lot of the tweets were about that. I noticed a thread of tweets about a recent performance of Guerrilla we had where I was having trouble staying on my feet because I ran myself a bit ragged. It was nice seeing all of their comments and their worry for me, their concern for my health. I’m fine, but it’s still nice. I continued scrolling through for a while, what could’ve been close to an hour when I heard a noise.
I immediately put my phone down, listening out to see if I heard anything else. There was a bang, what seemed to be on a door only it didn’t seem like a knock. It seemed like someone trying to break a door down. I jumped from my bed and sprinted from my room, over to the lounge room. The TV was off and Yeosang was curled up at the very end of the couch, his body shaking. There was another bang and the door shook. I rushed to Yeosang and grabbed his arm, making him jump and almost yelp but I slapped my hand over his mouth. His eyes were wide with fear but he settled down slightly when he noticed me.
“Come on, we need to move,” I whispered. He nodded and slipped off the couch, gripping my hand tightly. I gently pulled him from the room, running away from the front door. I dragged him towards the back door but there was the sound of a smash and glass breaking, from the back. Oh my god, this can’t be happening. I yanked Yeosang down the hall, running into Hongjoong and Seonghwa’s room.
“Get down by the corner of the room,” I said. I closed the door and locked it. Yeosang whimpered and ran to the corner of the room. I looked around the room for something that I could use to block the door. I quickly ran over to Hongjoong’s desk and dragged it over, pushing it in front of the door and blocking the handle with it.
“Sannie,” Yeosang whimpered at there was more sounds of glass breaking. I turned around and hurried over to him, gathering him into my arms.
“It’s ok, we’re gonna be ok,” I whispered.
“Are they going to kill us,” he asked.
“Do you have your phone Sangie? We need to call the police,” I asked him. He nodded and pulled out his phone, handing it to me. I quickly dialled 119 and huddled closer to Yeosang.
“119, what’s your emergency.”
“My name is Choi San and I live at *******. I’m currently home with Kang Yeosang and our house is being broken in to. I don’t know if they are armed or not but we are KPOP Idols so chances are they could be Sasaengs,” I said quickly, keeping my voice down.
“Ok Mr Choi, we’re sending police there right now, they should be there in about 20 minutes.”
“20 minutes? They’re in our house now,” I exclaimed, quickly quietening down after so I wouldn’t be heard. Yeosang whimpered and I tugged him closer.
“I’m sorry but that’s as quick as they can get there. Are you in a safe loc-.” I hung up before she could continued. The police are on their way but I don’t think 20 minutes will be quick enough. It’s up to me to keep Yeosang safe now, to protect him. I quickly pulled up another number and dialled. It rang twice before being picked up.
“We’ve only been gone for an hour, do you seriously miss us th-.”
“Hyung, some guys have broken into the apartment. I don’t know how many but I took Yeosang to your bedroom and we’ve barricaded ourselves in. I called the police and they said they’ll be here in 20 minutes but I don’t know if we will last that long. They’re going to find us and we have nothing for protection,” I said quickly, cutting him off.
“Stay where you are, don’t leave that room. Hwa and I are on our way right now,” Hongjoong said quickly. There was another bang from somewhere in the apartment, like they were opening doors and searching through the rooms.
“Hyung they’re looking for us. What if they find us,” I asked quietly. My eyes welled up with tears as I was terrified but I stopped them from falling. I know taekwondo, I can fight back but Yeosang is a lot more gently, he won’t be able to protect himself. I need to stay strong for him and I need to look after him!
“Sannie, it’s Seonghwa. I need you to do something for me ok,” Seonghwa said quickly, obviously having taken the phone from Hongjoong.
“Yeah,” I whispered.
“I need you to go to my bed and look underneath it. There will be a brown box and I need you to pull that out ok,” he told me. I went to get up but Yeosang whimpered and held me tighter.
“Shh it’s ok Sang. I just need to get to Hwa Hyung’s bed,” I said softly. He whimpered again but slowly let go of me. I quickly scurried over to Seonghwa’s bed and looked under it, finding the brown box he said I would. I grabbed it and pulled it out, going back to Yeosang. It was a long box but I have no idea what it is.
“I have it Hyung,” I said quietly into the phone.
“Good. Now I want you to open it and grab out what is inside. Do not freak out ok baby, it’s going to be scary but it will protect you,” Seonghwa said. I nervously opened the door, my eyes going wide at what I saw inside. It was a long dagger sort of thing, a collectable that is so Seonghwa.
“H-Hyung, what am I supposed to do with this,” I asked nervously.
“I don’t want you to have to use it Sannie, I really don’t. But if it comes to it, then you may have to,” Seonghwa said softly. I took a deep breath and wrapped my arm around Yeosang’s shoulders, holding him closer. His eyes were wide and he was sniffling as he looked at the dagger in my hand.
“I’ve got this Hyung. I’ll protect us,” I said firmly.
“I know you will, just hang in there. Please just h-hang in there,” Seonghwa said softly, his voice cracking near the end. I went to reply but there was a sudden crash on the door to the room. I jolted and the phone fell from my hands as I grabbed Yeosang tighter.
“In here, there’s something blocking the door,” a man yelled. I tightened my grip on Yeosang, pulling him further into the corner of the wall. There were constant bangs on the door now see it shaking. They’re going to break in and they’re going to kill us.
“Sannie, I’m scared,” Yeosang cried, tucking his head into my neck as he sobbed silently.
“It’s ok, we’re gonna be ok Sangie,” I said, fighting back the tears in my own eyes. It failed though as the door started splintering slightly and the tears begun to stream down my face. This could be it for us. At least I will be with someone I love.
Seonghwa’s POV
Hongjoong and I had been out for around an hour, eating out at a restaurant together for lunch when Hongjoong’s phone started ringing. He put down his chopsticks and pulled out his phone, chuckling at what he saw.
“Yeosangie is calling,” he said before answering it quickly.
“We’ve only been gone for an hour, do you seriously miss us that-.” Hongjoong’s mouth suddenly snapped closed and he went silent as Yeosang seemed to be talking. Hongjoong’s eyes widened and his face went pale as he yanked out his wallet, grabbing a heap of cash and smacking it down on the table before jumping up and grabbing my arm, dragging me from the restaurant. I was confused but followed.
“Stay where you are, don’t leave that room. Hwa and I are on our way right now,” Hongjoong said quickly. Hongjoong placed his hand over the phone and turned his head to me as we walked quickly towards the car.
“Hwa someone’s broken in to the dorm, Sannie and Sangie are barricaded into our room but they’re terrified and can’t defend themselves,” Hongjoong rushed out as we finally go to the car. My heart stopped and fear rushed through my veins. These are my little brothers, the boys I would protect with my life.
“Give me the phone,” I said quickly. He nodded and handed it over to me, mouthing the word San before getting into the drivers seat and I got into the passenger seat. I like collecting things, mainly legos and star wars stuff but I also have old weapons that could be used as protection.
“Sannie, it’s Seonghwa. I need you to do something for me ok,” I said, trying to keep my voice soft to try and keep him a little calmer.
“Yeah,” San replied. My eyes watered slightly at how small and afraid his voice sounded but I kept myself calm as Hongjoong drove off quickly.
“I need you to go to my bed and look underneath it. There will be a brown box and I need you to pull that out ok,” I told him gently. It was quiet for a second before I heard a whimper, undeniably a terrified Yeosang.
“Shh it’s ok Sang. I just need to get to Hwa Hyung’s bed,” San said, his voice gentle. My heart broke as there was another whimper but then I heard some shuffling.
“I have it Hyung,” San said quietly.
“Good. Now I want you to open it and grab out what is inside. Do not freak out ok baby, it’s going to be scary but it will protect you,” I said softly. It’s the only thing I can think of for protection and as scary as it will be, I just want to try and keep my little brothers safe. Hongjoong is driving quickly but we still won’t be there for another 10 minutes.
“H-Hyung, what am I supposed to do with this,” San asked, confusion and worry. I took a deep breath to try and calm down and not panic. I never thought this would be happening, that I would have to tell San that he may have to stab someone and even possibly kill them. He is with Yeosang though and everyone knows he would give his life to protect that boy.
“I don’t want you to have to use it Sannie, I really don’t. But if it comes to it, then you may have to,” I said softly. I heard him breathe deeply and there was some movement before I got a reply.
“I’ve got his Hyung. I’ll protect us,” he said, his voice firm.
“I know you will, just hang in there. Please just h-hang in there,” I said, unable to stop my voice from cracking. I just want them safe. I want them out of that house and safe from harm but that isn’t an option right now. There was a sudden crash and two muffled whimpers and my blood went cold.
“S-San, Sannie what was that,” I asked but there was no reply. The bangs continued and it worried me even more.
“J-Joong hurry. Please hurry,” I said quickly. He whimpered and pressed harder down on the accelerator. I kept the phone pressed to my ear, scared of what I was going to hear but I needed to hear it, I needed them to know I’m there for them. Just, just in case, you know.
“Sannie, I’m scared,” I heard Yeosang whisper.
“It’s ok, we’re gonna be ok Sangie,” San replied softly. The tears finally begun to fall down my face and I gripped the phone tighter.
“Hwa, wh-what’s happening,” Hongjoong asked worriedly.
“They’re at the bedroom door, trying to break it down,” I replied sadly.
“Th-They can make it, we’ll get there Seonghwa,” Hongjoong said, his voice thick. I just nodded and continued listening. Around 20 seconds later there was a louder bang and Yeosang screamed. I sobbed out, fear taking over my entire body. Images flashed through my mind of what could be happening but there was no way of knowing.
“H-Hongjoong, h-hurry,” I sobbed, tears streaming down my face. The screams were loud enough that Hongjoong could hear them and I noticed tears streaming down his face.
“DON’T TOUCH HIM YOU FUCKER.” I jumped at San’s angry voice, but it gave me some hope. He’s fighting back, he’s protecting both of them. I just hope he’s can hold on for long enough.
“We’re a couple of minutes away, just hang in there babies,” Hongjoong whispered, sounding more like he was reassuring himself.
“SANGIE RUN!” God please run, please get out. I heard a few more bangs, getting quieter before it just went completely quiet. It worried me but I held on to the hope that they had run out of the room. It’s the only thing keeping me from completely breaking down.
“There’s the house,” Hongjoong said suddenly. I looked to the front yard quickly and cried out as I saw Yeosang running onto the road, a man following him out.
“Motherfucker, stay away from my brother,” Hongjoong said, his voice taking on a dark tone. The car suddenly lurched forwards, speeding up. Yeosang was across the road in the clear but the person following him was still in the middle of the road. My eyes went wide as Hongjoong didn’t slow down and a few seconds later it collided with the man, sending him flying down the road where he landed and remained unmoving.
“Get Sangie in the car,” Hongjoong said. I immediately unbuckled and threw my door open, slipping out and holding out my hand as I opened the back door.
“Aegi come here,” I said quickly. His face was bruised, his lip split and a cut on his forehead. He whimpered and stumbled forwards into my arms with pained cries.
“S-Sannie’s still inside,” he sobbed. I tugged him over into the car, pushing him onto the seat before slamming the door closed. I then mustered up my courage and sprinted around the car, running towards the house.
“HWA,” Hongjoong screamed out but I didn’t stop. I’m not going to let them take him away from me, not one of my boys. I heard a scream and I ran into the house. The entire front room was in disarray but I noticed a golf club on the floor. I have no idea where that came from but I don’t care, I swooped down and grabbed it as I continued running. When I got into the lounge room, I saw a man on the ground with the knife in his shoulder. He wasn’t dead because he was moving slightly but it was clear that was gonna hurt for a while. My eyes then landed on the two people by the couch. A man was on top of San, pinning him down to the couch with his hands around his neck. I sprinted forwards and swung the club back, not hesitating to smash it into the back of the guys neck. He collapsed on top of San instantly but I quickly grabbed him and yanked him off, dumping him on the floor. I turned back to San and my breath caught in my throat as I took in his appearance. His face and hands were bloody, blood dripping from his nose, his lip and brow split open with blood as well. But his eyes were open and watching me and somehow a small smile slipped onto his face.
“Knew you’d get here,” he whispered. I sobbed and dropped down, hugging him tightly. He hugged me back and let out a small sniffle. I heard a groan and my head snapped to the side where the man with the knife was on the ground.
“There’s another two in the bedroom. Knowing taekwondo actually comes in handy,” San whispered, his head, snuggling into my neck. Holy shit, that many. I need to get him out of here, I need to make sure Hongjoong and Yeosang know we’re ok.
“Come on, we need to get out of here,” I said. He nodded and I pulled him to his feet, keeping an arm around his waist as I helped him out of the house quickly.
“Sannie, Hwa,” Hongjoong cried out the minute he saw us. He was by the open drivers door, seeming ready to bolt and get Yeosang out if need be but wanting to also wanting to make sure we were ok. He sprinted forwards and wrapped an arm around San’s waist, helping him to the car as well. Yeosang jumped from his seat and hurried over to the other side as we managed to sit San on the side seat, his legs hanging out the car as he faced us.
“Thank god you guys are alive. I was so scared for you,” Hongjoong whispered, hugging both of them. He let go of San but Yeosang remained huddled up to his side so he continued to hold him. It was then that we heard the sirens in this distance. San whimpered and his head snapped up in, turning to the side.
“I-I’m going to jail,” he whimpered.
“No, no you aren’t Sannie. Whatever you did was in self-defence and the cameras in the door would have caught it all,” I said quickly to reassure him.
“I mean I’m pretty sure I just killed that guy I hit with the car, so I’m probably worse off,” Hongjoong said. San’s eyes went wide and he whimpered again, holding his arms out to Hongjoong. I pulled Yeosang into my arms and Hongjoong stepped forwards, hugging San tight.
“We’re gonna be ok. You guys survived and everything is going to be ok. Hyung’s won’t let anything else happen to you,” Hongjoong said softly. We all huddled close to each other by the car, hearing the sirens in the distances and waiting for the eventual arrival. They would’ve been too late, sometimes it’s up to family to step up protect, and I’ll be damned if there’s a day where I don’t do that for these boys.
This wasnt a request I was just away for a week on holidays with none of my writin stuff and it felt weird not writing so I used my dads computer and typed somethinf up. I hope you enjoy it anyway
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