San ~Too Clingy~
San's POV
We were in the middle of an interview when the question was asked. It was an innocent question, I didn't even think much about it. Well, that was until the boys answered the question and I was completely blindsided.
"So boys, there's another question here to ask," the interviewer said as he looked at his que card.
"Do you ever find the amount of skinship San gives, annoying at times," he asked. I frowned at his question, like what kind of question is that? Obviously they don't care, we all hug each other all the time. I mean right now I'm hugging Yunho who is sitting next to me and I can see Wooyoung fiddling with the back of Seonghwa's shirt.
"Oh my god, yes. It seriously does," Mingi answered almost immediately. Wait, what? I froze from where my arms were wrapped around Yunho's shoulders as my eyes went wide. What does he mean it get's annoying? No one seemed to even take note of me as they continued to talk.
"He just likes affection a lot and sometimes it get's a bit too much," Yeosang said.
"Yeah. Like most of us enjoy is but Sannie just takes it to the next level," Yunho said, the other's all nodding in agreement. I quickly let go of Yunho and sat up straight, making sure not to touch him or anyone else who was sitting near me.
"What about you Wooyoung, I know you tend to be quite clingy as well," the interviewer asked.
"Yeah even I get annoyed by it sometimes," Wooyoung replied. Is this really what they all think about me? My stomach dropped and I felt panic crawl in my throat. I can't believe I never knew, how could I be so insensitive and stupid.
Jongho's POV
"Do you ever find the amount of skinship San gives, annoying at times." What kind of question is that? Like why the hell would someone ask that? Especially a professional. I looked to my side to see San looking confused as well.
"Oh my god, yes. It seriously does," Mingi replied. What, the actual, fuck. He did not seriously just say that did he? San eyes went wide and I noticed him slightly tense up.
"He just likes affection a lot and sometimes it get's a bit too much," Yeosang added. No, no, no. What the hell are they thinking? They can't seriously be saying this right now. Are they stupid? How could they say stuff like this right in front of San when it's obvious how much he needs the affection to feel relaxed and safe. I don't really enjoy physical affection but even I know that it helps San calm down and feel better after long practices.
"Yeah. Like most of us enjoy is but Sannie just takes it to the next level," Yunho said. The other's nodded in agreement but I just frowned. I saw San immediately sit up straight, his eyes looking around as he curled in on himself slightly.
"What about you Wooyoung, I know you tend to be quite clingy as well," the interviewer said.
"Yeah even I get annoyed by it sometimes," Wooyoung giggled. Ugh, idiot, idiot, idiot. The interviewer went to ask something else about it but I quickly cut in.
"Can we move on please," I asked quickly. He nodded and continued on but I looked over at San. He glanced at me and I could see the confusion, panic and doubt in his eyes. Those absolute imbeciles, how could they stuff like that, joking or not. I quickly slipped my hand into his to try and give him some reassurance. He quickly tried to pull away from my and my heart broke at the action but I tightened my hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. The other's were continuing on with the interviewing, no one taking notice of what was happening with us in the back row. San turned back to look at me and his eyes were slightly watery and full of confusion and sadness. I'm gonna kill them. I bit my lip slightly before shuffling my chair closer to San and wrapping my arms around his waist before resting my head on his shoulder gently. I felt him tense immediately but I quickly moved my mouth close to his ear.
"Hey, it's ok. I wanna hug you, it's alright," I whispered. He tried to move but I gave his hip a gentle squeeze before rubbing soft circles into it. He finally relax and rested his head against mine slightly. I stayed like that for the entirety of the rest of the interview, knowing San needed any sort of reassurance he could get. Once it was finally finished, we all said goodbye and walked out towards the van.
"Jongho." I looked to my side at the soft voice, seeing San walk up next to me.
"Yeah, what's up," I asked quietly.
"Can you, can you please sit next to me in the van," he asked anxiously.
"Of course," I nodded to him. When we got to the van, we were the first to get in and we took the back seats. I let San sit next to the window, knowing he usually prefers it. The minute he sat down, he went to the edge of the seat so he wouldn't be touching me and I frowned slightly. I looked closer at him, noticing something felt off but I couldn't tell what it was. That was until I realised that he was literally shaking slightly in his seat and I clenched my hands by my side. I took a deep breath to calm myself down so I wouldn't do something stupid. Once I was calmer, I slowly reached my hand up and rested it on his head while still facing the front. I felt him flinch away slightly but not too much so I begun to run my fingers through his hair. He relaxed even more and I felt him turn to look at me but I continued with the way I was facing. He hesitantly shuffled closer to me before he placed his head slightly on my shoulder. I nudged my head against his slightly before resuming running my hands through his hair. He was still shaking but not as badly as before which gave me a slight relief but not much. The entire ride was filled with all the other's chatting and acting normal, completely unaware of the inner turmoil that was running through San's head because of what they said. When the van stopped at the dorms, we all immediately headed inside, San going straight to his room while the other's spread out slightly. I quickly went towards San's room, catching him just as he rushed out with his hands full of clothes.
"Sannie Hyung," I said quickly, stopping him.
"I um, I'm gonna h-have a shower," he said shakily.
"Hyung, you know they weren't serious right. I know it's not something for them to joke about but they were joking," I told him. He just gave a curt nod before going into the bathroom. I don't really think what I said got through to him at all and I have no doubt that he's going to be crying in the shower and that worries me. Unfortunately there's nothing I can do about that right now. I sighed and walked to the loungeroom, finding Wooyoung, Yunho and Mingi sitting on the couch and playing video games. Maybe I should have a talk with them now, so they can assure San they didn't mean it.
"Hey guys, don't you think you took it a little too far today," I asked, making them stop and turn to me.
"What do you mean," Mingi asked.
"In teasing San Hyung, don't you think you took it too far," I asked them.
"Nah it's fine, Sannie doesn't care," Wooyoung chuckled. Lord please give me some patience, or at least an untraceable handgun. I just scoffed and shook my head at their answer.
"Don't blame me if San Hyung acts different around you guys, because I tried to warn you," I said shaking my head. They didn't even listen, they just kept playing their stupid video games. Once again, idiots.
San's POV
I closed the bathroom door and leaned on it slightly, clenching my eyes closed to keep any tears from falling. I just need to hold it in a little longer, just two more minutes is all. I quickly stripped down my clothes and turned on the shower, barely even waiting for the water warm up before I was stepping in. I finally let out a breath before bracing my hand on the wall. I slowly slid to my knees and placed my head on the wall as the tears finally begun to fall. I cried quietly but eventually they turned into sobs and I covered my mouth with my hand to stop my sobs from getting to loud because I didn't want the other's knowing. I've annoyed them enough as it is. I can't believe I never realised just how much me being so clingy annoyed all the other's. I was stupid, how could I not see it. It took some random interviewer asking them about it for them to actually enlighten me. I don't know how long I was in the shower for, probably at least a good 15 minutes but eventually I finished up and dried off before getting changed and leaving the bathroom. I heard noises from the loungeroom so I walked over, pausing at the doorway and peaking inside. Wooyoung, Yunho and Mingi were sitting on the couch, playing some sort of video game. Wooyoung must have heard me because he looked over at me. He raised an eyebrow and pat the spot next to him. I almost went to sit next to him but then I remembered what they said earlier and I immediately backed off, deflating slightly.
"I'm a little tired so I'm heading off to bed," I said quietly.
"Alright, I'll make sure I'm quiet when I go to bed later, have a good sleep," Yunho said.
"Night Sannie," Wooyoung added.
"Night Youngie," I replied before walking off. I was walking to my room when I was suddenly stopped by Seonghwa who grabbed my wrist. I paused and turned to look at him. I'm not feeling great right now if I'm going to be perfectly honest. And if there is one thing I could do with right now, it's a hug from the eldest, the biggest kind of parental figure I have in my life right now but I can't, because he agreed it was annoying him and I would hate to annoy him. I took a small step back to make sure I wouldn't be tempted to hug him.
"Are you alright," he asked gently. God, why does he have to be so concerned and comforting? I know he hasn't done anything wrong, I have, and that's why I won't burden him anymore.
"I'm fine Hyung, just tired," I said quietly.
"Ok Sannie, get some sleep," he said softly. He went to give me a hug but I quickly flinched away and evaded it before walking off to my room. I didn't look back, not wanting to have to keep talking to my Hyung when I can't hug him. I went into Yunho and I's room before turning off the light and rushing to my bed. I flopped onto my bed, curling up and my blankets and cuddling Shiber to my chest. I tried my hardest to not cry but it didn't work very well. All I could think about was how much I must have been annoying everyone lately, how much I was annoying even Wooyoung. A small sob slipped out and it didn't take long for me be sobbing completely into my plushie. I was heartbroken. I enjoy hugging the other's, it helps me relax and feel better. I never once thought to ask them about whether they were ok with it and that's just so selfish of me. I continued crying for a while before eventually falling into a restless sleep.
I was woken in the morning by something falling on top of me and a giggle. I whined and went to roll over but arms were wrapped around my waist and I heard another unmistakable giggle from my best friend.
"Morning Sannie," he whispered. I smiled softly and wrapped my arms around his waist, nuzzling my head into his neck and taking a deep breath. That's when I realised what I was doing and I quickly pulled back, pushing Wooyoung off me gently and sitting up. He pouted slightly but I just shook my head.
"Sorry," I apologized quickly before rushing out of the room and into the bathroom. I closed the door behind me and moved over to the sink, splashing water on my face. I groaned and dropped my head into my hands. They literally told me yesterday that I annoy them when I get clingy, then I go and hug Wooyoung almost straight away. Stupid. Ok, here's what I'm going to do. It annoys them, so I'm just not going to hug them anymore, that way they won't get annoyed.
Jongho's POV
It's been about 3 days since that interview and things have changed a lot. I don't know if the boys are just bloody clueless or they don't really care but no one has said anything about how San's been acting. And by how he's acting, I'm talking about the fact that he hasn't hugged a single one of them since that day and he actively avoids having physical contact with them whenever he can. What's surprising though, is the fact that he still hugs me, only me. Although I guess it makes sense, I was the only one that made it clear straight away that I was fine with his hugs. We were in the middle of a long practice when we finally got a break after about an hour. I sat down and leant against the wall as I drank some water. A few seconds later, instead of going to Wooyoung as he used to do, San walked over and flopped down, laying his head in my lap. I usually don't like physical contact, especially when we're all sweaty and tired but I'm the only one San hugs and he needs it so I'll let it go. San let out a sigh and relaxed, laying on his back with his head still in my lap. I noticed Wooyoung sitting next to Yeosang and talking quietly as they looked over at San and I. I just raised an eyebrow up at them and lowered my hand down to San's head, running my fingers through San's sweaty hair. San whined and nuzzled his head further into my lap, making my heart crack slightly. It's so obvious that San is getting touch-starved. I may let him hug me but he still knows I don't like heaps of skinship so he still only does it occasionally. He's used to being so clingy and draping himself over everyone whenever he can, especially Wooyoung, so it's nowhere near enough to keep up with what he's used to. I scraped my fingers against his scalp softly, placing my other hand on the back of his neck to rub it gently. There was some movement so I looked up to see Yunho chuckling and walking over. He bent down and rubbed San's back, making him tense up immediately. His eyes snapped back open and he sat up quickly as I smacked Yunho's hand away, wrapping my arm around San's waist and pulling him close to my side with a frown. Yunho looked shocked and confused and I could tell that everyone else had seen what happened but before they could say anything, the choreographer came in and told us to continue practicing.
Practice lasted another 2 hours before we were finally done. "Good job guys, great practice. I'll see you all tomorrow," the choreographer said. We all said goodbye before he walked out of the room. We were all tired and breathing heavily but San shuffled over before looking down. I immediately knew what he wanted but felt bad for asking so I opened my arms and let him walk into them and hug me tightly. He let out a small breath and rested his arms around my waist, resting his head on my shoulder. I could tell he was still a little tense in my hold and I groaned internally, knowing I needed to do something I absolutely hate doing. But it's Sannie Hyung and he's having a bit of a hard time lately, so I'll do it. I let out a breath before turning my head and placing a soft kiss to the side of his neck. His reaction was immediate and the last of the tension left his body, allowing him to finally relax in my hold. I smiled softly, perhaps finding it a little cute that a little bit of physical affection is all he needs to relax. My eyes met Wooyoung over San's shoulder and I rolled my eyes when I saw him glaring slightly. It's not my fault he doesn't get hugs because he didn't listen to my advice, I did warn him.
"I think I'm going to stay back and practice a bit more," he told me as he pulled away.
"Are you sure," I asked in concern.
"Yeah, I wanna get the choreo down a bit better," he told me.
"Alright, don't overwork yourself," I said softly, patting his head. He leaned into my hand slightly and his eyes slipped closed slightly. It's ok Jongho, they're your members, you can't murder them no matter how much you want to. San gave me a small dimpled smile before walking off to his back. I walked over to Hongjoong to let him know San was staying back.
"Hyung, Sannie Hyung's staying back to practice a little bit more," I told him.
"Ok. San don't overwork yourself too much," Hongjoong called out. San just nodded and continued going through his bag. The rest of us all left and headed back to the dorm, even Hongjoong surprisingly. As soon as we got home, the door was slammed closed and I turned around to see everyone looking at me.
"What," I asked, raising an eyebrow.
"What's going on with San," Mingi asked suddenly. Oh wow, now they notice something is off.
"What do you mean," I asked as I walked into the loungeroom and sat on the couch.
"San is avoiding basically all of us and he's acting like a single touch from us burns him. Well except for you for some reason, he doesn't avoid you," Wooyoung said with a frown. Hmm, I wonder why. I just scoffed and shook my head.
"What's that supposed to mean," Hongjoong asked quickly. I just rolled my eyes, pulling out my phone and searching up the interview. I went to the comment section and scrolled a little bit until I found the string of comments I was looking for and pressed it. I looked over at Wooyoung before holding my phone out to him.
"Read, out loud," I told him.
Wooyoung's POV
I slowly grabbed the phone from Jongho's hand, confused as to how me reading something was going to tell us what's wrong with San. I sighed before looking down and beginning to read, realising it was fan comments from our last interview so I begun to read.
"Did anyone else see how San-." I stopped reading and my heart dropped as I looked over the rest of the comment.
"Keep reading Hyung, everyone needs to hear it," Jongho told me. I looked up at him and I saw understanding and sympathy in his eyes as he gave me a small nod.
"Did anyone else see how San reacted when the other's said he was too clingy and annoying," I read. I looked up and saw the other's faces drop but continued reading.
"Yeah, he looked heartbroken and I'm pretty sure if Jongho didn't step in and hug him, he would've had a panic attack," I said before stopping and turning to look at Jongho.
"He almost had a panic attack," Seonghwa asked in shock.
"Keep reading Hyung," Jongho said.
"I thought so to. I don't think he realised they were joking. I really hope they talk to him later or he might not be comfortable with skinship with them again," I said with a groan.
"Shit," Hongjoong sighed. Jongho grabbed his phone back and started pressing buttons on it.
"Come here," he said and we all immediately gathered around him, looking at his phone. He pressed play and the interview begun playing, more specifically when the question about San was asked.
"Watch San Hyungs reactions alright," he told us. As I watched, I noticed just how sad and confused San really looked as we were all joking around. I thought he knew we were joking around but judging by his reaction, he thought we were being serious, that I was being serious. I clenched my hands tightly into fists and winced as I saw San try to pull away from Jongho when he hugged him but I noticed the Maknae whisper something in San's ear, probably a reassurance as he relaxed.
"I tried to warn you guys that what you said hurt Sannie Hyung more than you thought. He's distancing himself from you guys because he thinks he annoyed you. I made sure he knew straight away that I didn't mind, that's why I'm the only one he's coming to. But he still doesn't come to me much which means he isn't getting enough skinship to keep him happy. He's like Wooyoung, they need skinship to keep happy and satisfied for some weird reason," Jongho said.
"It's not weird, we love physical affection," I said with a shrug.
"Great, so San thinks we hate him touching us, so now he's distancing himself, and probably feeling like shit," Hongjoong groaned.
"To be honest, it's your own fault so you're going to have to fix it. I can't do anything else," Jongho said. Wow, thanks Jjongie. Jongho got up and left the room, leaving the rest of us thinking about what he told us.
"We'll talk to him tomorrow and figure something out," Hongjoong said with a sigh as he stood up.
"Joong," Seonghwa said softly as he jumped up and grabbed the smallers wrist.
"No Hwa, just don't. This is our fault, we did this. And we didn't even have the decency to realise how much it hurt," Hongjoong said, ripping his arm from his grip and walking off. Seonghwa quickly followed him and they went to their room, Seonghwa obviously trying to stop Hongjoong from blaming himself too much. I mean it was our fault but Hongjoong has a habit of blaming himself for everything. He thinks it's his job to make sure we're all fine and everything is perfect because he's the leader. One by one, everyone slowly dispersed and went to their rooms. I sat and thought to myself for a few minutes, trying to figure out what to do. Hongjoong said we'll talk to Sannie tomorrow but I don't think I want to wait until then. I quickly got up and went to Yunho and San's room, slipping inside.
"Yun," I said quietly, making him look up from where he was seated on his bed.
"You want to try and talk to him tonight? Do you want me to sleep in one of the other rooms," he asked, as if reading my mind.
"Is that ok? You can sleep in my bed if you want," I said.
"Of course. Make sure you give him lots of cuddles alright," he said as he got up and walked over. I nodded and he ruffled my hair before leaving. I let out a small sigh before walking over and flopping down on San's bed, grabbing Shiber and pulling him into my arms. I've missed Sannie these past few days, I've missed him, having his hugs. I'm used to him draping himself across me or me draping myself across him. It's just how we are, we love to cuddle and not being able to these past few days actually has been taking a toll on me. I rested back and placed my head on his pillow. I can just lay here and wait for him to get home to talk to him. Unfortunately, I got tired pretty quickly and before I could stop myself, my eyes slipped closed as I drifted off.
San's POV
I ended up staying and practicing for an extra 2 hours before I headed back to the dorm. No one was in the loungeroom or kitchen so I guess they were all already in the rooms and maybe sleeping. I went to my room before slowly opening the door, making sure I wasn't too loud in case Yunho was sleeping as I didn't want to wake him up. I slipped inside and looked over at Yunho's bed, surprised to see he wasn't even in it. I really thought he was asleep but he must be in one of the other rooms. I was still however, glad I wasn't loud as when I turned to my bed, I was even more surprised to see Wooyoung sleeping soundly on it. I furrowed my eyebrows and walked over, kneeling by the side of the bed. Wooyoung was curled up on my bed, Shiber tucked in his arms and his hand clenched around my pillow. His hair was falling softly over his face and he had a slight pout on his face as he slept. I don't really know why he's on my bed but he looks pretty comfortable. Unfortunately, I'll still have to wake him up.
"Youngie. Young-ah. Jagiya, wake up," I said gently as I ran my fingers through his hair softly, brushing it back. He whined cutely and rolled slightly but he didn't wake up fully.
"Young-ah, wake up," I said, moving my hand to his shoulder and shaking it gently. His eyes finally slowly opened and a small smile slipped onto his face as he looked at me.
"Hey Youngie, what're you doing here," I asked softly.
"You realise this is my bed right," I added.
"Mhmm," he hummed, grabbing my hand and linking our fingers. I froze and bit my lip nervously before trying to pull my hand from his, remembering what he said a few days ago. He didn't let me though. In fact, he yanked my hand and rolled me over so I was beside him and the wall. He rolled over and wrapped his arms around me, nuzzling his head into my neck.
"Wooyoung, what're you doing," I asked in confusion.
"Hugging you," he whispered.
"Please don't leave me. Please just stay and let me cuddle you. I want to cuddle you, no, I need to cuddle you," he said softly.
"What do you mean? I thought you hated my hugs and they were, you know, annoying," I said nervously. Wooyoung looked up at me with a frown before sitting up and moving so he was straddling my waist. He used one hand to pin my shoulder down and the other to cup my face gently.
"I was joking then Sannie. I know, stupid thing to joke about and I'm sorry I didn't realise it upset you so much," he said gently as he rubbed my cheek with my thumb.
"So it isn't annoying," I asked nervously.
"Not at all Sannie. It never was and it never will be. You hugs, your skinship, it's like it reenergizes me in a way," he explained. Wait, so he thinks the same as me? I thought, he said, didn't he hate it?
"I've gotten used to you hugging me all the time and without it, it makes me feel weird. Your hugs make me feel happier, lighter in a way. And without them these past few days, I've been feeling a little down," he said.
"B-But you said it was annoying," I said shakily, my eyes welling up slightly.
"I know, I know I did Jagiya but I didn't mean it ok. I am so sorry for making it seem like I hated it when I don't. I promise I love it, I love you ok," he said quickly. I let out a small sniffle before finally letting the tears fall as I reached up and clutched to his shirt.
"Hey, shh, it's ok," he whispered softly before leaning down and placing a kiss to my forehead softly. I let out a sob at how gentle he was and finally being able to be close and hug one of the other members. Not to mention the relief I felt that he didn't mean what he said during the interview. Wooyoung gently lowered himself down so he was basically laying on top of me and he wrapped his arms around me softly. I let out another sob and wrapped my arms around him tightly. I relaxed in his arms and nuzzled my head into his neck, sniffling but managing to take a deep breath. I felt relieved that Wooyoung doesn't find my cuddles annoying because he's the one I can usually go to whenever I need a cuddle.
"None of us meant what we said ok. We all love your cuddles, we just didn't realise how much it hurt for you to hear us say that, joking or not," he told me.
"It's ok, I'm just glad it wasn't true," I sniffled.
"Can you, can you please stay," I asked him quietly.
"Of course I will Sannie. I'll be here when you wake up ok. And I'll give you all the cuddles you need from now on alright," he said, placing a kiss to my cheek. He snuggled down and tucked his head onto my chest, rubbing circles into my hips. I let out a small breath, wrapping my arms tighter around his waist.
"I love you Youngie," I whispered, letting my eyes slip closed.
"I love you too Sannie. Now get's some sleep, I promise I'll be here when you wake up," he whispered. I nodded sleepily before finally letting my eyes slip closed as I drifted off.
This was requested by my good friend Harry_1276 and I hope you like it
Thank you for reading and I hope you all enjoyed it!
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