San ~Migraine Part 2~
San's POV
I was woken up by the sound of my alarm ringing beside my bed and I groaned, rolling over and burying my head into my pillow to try and block out the noise. Every ring of the alarm felt like it was vibrating through me, pulsing inside my head. It got too uncomfortable, so I quickly reached out and shut off the alarm before burrowing back under the covers once again. I slipped my arms under the pillow and relaxed back into the bed as best as I could. It was quiet for a few minutes as I was starting to drift off to sleep once again. That quiet and sleep was interrupted by the sound of the door slamming open.
"Come on Sannie, wakey, wakey time. Why aren't you out of bed yet," Wooyoung said loudly, making me groan. I love Wooyoung to death but the boy doesn't know the meaning of silence and quiet.
"Sannie," Wooyoung whined and a few seconds later I groaned once again as I felt him flop onto my back. The movement made my head pound and my stomach feel uncomfortable but I could feel Wooyoung relaxing on top of me so I let it go. I rolled over slightly and opened my arms, allowing Wooyoung to role down so he was laying on the bed and curl up into them. We've been working really hard lately and it's clear everyone has been getting tired so a few more minutes rest for him won't hurt. I wrapped one arm around his waist while slipping the other under his head and curling it up to hold the back of his head gently. I felt Wooyoung let out a yawn before he curled closer, tucking his head into my neck and letting out a breath. My head was still pounding so there was no way I would be able to get anymore sleep despite how tired I am. I felt Wooyoung's breathing start to even out slowly as he relaxed against me and I could tell he was about to fall asleep when the door was once again swung open.
"Seriously?" I lifted my head slightly, glancing over the top of Wooyoung's to see Hongjoong standing in the doorway with his arms crossed over his chest and a frown on his face.
"Get up now. I sent you in to wake up San not to fall asleep with him," Hongjoong said. Wooyoung whined and rolled over, facing Hongjoong.
"But he looked so cute and cuddly and he was so comfortable. You can't blame me, I have weaknesses that he played into," Wooyoung said. I would have retorted that I was just laying here and did nothing to persuade him but they were being loud enough as it was and I couldn't find it in myself to talk so I remained quiet.
"It doesn't matter how cute and cuddly he was. We have a KCON to attend and a performance to run over beforehand. We have like 15 minutes until we're supposed to be leaving so you two need to hurry up. I'll make a protein shake for each of you because there's no time for breakfast but hurry up, let's go," Hongjoong said, clapping loudly. I winced as the sound rebounded through my skull again and I instinctively tightened my grip around Wooyoung.
"I don't think Sannie is too keen on that," Wooyoung said with a chuckle. Hongjoong didn't reply straight away, just frowned slightly before coming closer.
"Youngie, get your ass out of bed and go get ready, now," Hongjoong said sternly. Wooyoung huffed but knew not to push it so he slipped out of bed and stood up.
"So rude," he said before leaving the room. I sighed, knowing there was no choice but for me to get up now. I went to sit up but Hongjoong suddenly sat on the edge of the bed and placed his hand on my chest, pushing me back down gently. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, the confusion growing even more as he moved his hand up to brush through my hair. It felt nice, the way his fingernails raked against my scalp lightly and my eyes instinctively slipped closed.
"Are you doing ok," Hongjoong asked softly and I quickly peeled my eyes back open.
"I'm fine, just a little tired. Why," I lied, pushing back the pain to sit up slightly.
"You aren't usually hard to wake up unless you aren't feeling the best," Hongjoong said, cupping my face delicately. I fought back the instinct to lean into the touch and instead sat up properly.
"I'm fine Hyung, really. Just tired is all, I didn't get the best sleep last night," I said.
"How come? Did something happen," he asked worriedly. I really hate worrying the others, especially Hongjoong because he has so much more added stress than the rest of us with his leader duties.
"Just one of those nights where I needed something to hold," I said with a shrug.
"Oh. You could have come and gotten one of us. Are you ok to perform today," he asked me and my eyes widened. There is no way I am going to sit out KCON, in LA no less, that is absurd.
"Of course I am Hyung. I'm tired, not dying. I will be fine Hyung," I said quickly.
"Promise me," he asked.
"Yes, I promise. Now I need to get ready right," I asked him.
"Yeah. Just, come talk to me if you aren't ok. I know we've been really busy lately but you can still reach out. Now you aren't the only one I'm telling this so don't worry too much," Hongjoong said.
"I won't. And I really am fine," I promised him, even if it was a lie.
"Ok, good. Now hurry up and get ready," Hongjoong said, whacking the back of my head softly. Despite how softly he hit it, it still made pain shoot through and I had to physically stop myself from crying out by instead gripping my thigh tightly. My nails dug into my thigh and it hurt but it was enough to centralize the pain and I let out a slow breath, watching as Hongjoong left the room. As soon as the door was shut, I let out a groan and dropped my head into my hands, rubbing my temple lightly. I wasn't feeling the best and I could feel the telltale signs of a headache coming along. Hopefully it was just a headache and not a migraine. I can really not deal with a migraine right now, not before KCON. I drew in yet another deep breath before slowly pushing myself to my feet. I tried not to move too quickly but I knew I still needed to hurry up as we were going to be late if I took to long. We will be getting changed into our stage outfits at the venue so I just changed into some comfortable pants and a hoodie. Once I was changed, I quickly slipped out of my room and into the bathroom that was thankfully free, locking it behind myself. I went to the sink and opened the cabinet above, rummaging through until my hand landed on the packet of Panadol. I quickly slipped out two pills and slipped them into my mouth before turning on the tap and leaning down, scooping some water into my mouth to swallow the pills down. It wasn't the most sanitary but if someone saw me swallowing Panadol, they would all start stressing and I really don't want that, not now. KCON is important and we're performing so I need to be fine for this.
"San, hurry up we need to go," Hongjoong called out. I quickly shoved the box back into the cabinet and closed it before leaving the bathroom and heading to the front of the house where everyone was already waiting.
"Here," Seonghwa said, holding out a protein shake for me. I thanked him quietly as I grabbed the shake from him. We all left the house and headed over to the van waiting out front. When I got into the van, I passed by the seat beside Wooyoung that I usually sit in and instead went to the back of the van, hoping to get some peace and quiet on the drive at least. As much as I love sitting with Wooyoung, I can not deal with him talking loudly to me the entire ride to the venue. I saw Wooyoung glance back at me and go to get up but before he could, Yeosang sat down beside me and I let out a quiet breath of relief. Yeosang is usually quiet during car trips and he keeps to himself which is good for me.
"Alright boys, the drive will take about half an hour. Given that we're on a tight schedule, we will need to go straight inside and get changed. We won't have hair and makeup down until after our run throughs," Hongjoong explained.
"Got it. We'll make sure we stay focused," Yunho said.
"Good. We're ready to go Hyung-nim," Hongjoong said before he sat down as well and we drove off. I started to feel tired a few minutes into the drive, something that was expected with how I was feeling in the morning. My head drooped slightly and I leant it against the side of the van to try and rest my eyes but that ended quickly when every jolt shot of the van shot through my head and worsened the pain. I quickly pulled my head back up and tried leaning it back against the headrest but that was just too uncomfortable for my neck. I huffed before leaning to the opposite side and instead resting my head against Yeosang's shoulder. I was worried he might shake me off as he usually does but he only really does that in public, not behind closed doors. Thankfully, Yeosang didn't push me away, in fact he surprised me by wrapping his arm around my shoulder and pulling me closer despite not looking away from his phone that he was scrolling through. I snuggled my head closer and let me eyes slip closed as I relaxed my weight against him. It didn't take long for me to slowly drift off into a light nap against his shoulder.
"San, it's time to get up. We're about two minutes away." I yawned and slipped my eyes open at Yeosang's voice and his gentle shaking of my shoulder.
"Sorry. Thank you for letting me nap," I said as I sat up straighter.
"It's no big deal. Hongjoong mentioned that you didn't sleep very well last night," Yeosang said with a small smile. Of course he did, cos Hongjoong can't stop himself from worrying about everyone.
"He shouldn't stress so much, I'm fine. I just needed a little nap," I said with a shrug.
"Good, cos we need to get going," Yeosang said with a nod as the van stopped. It was fast paced after that, all of us hurrying into the building while our security team blocked the screaming fans from getting near us. I had hoped after taking some Panadol and having a nap that I would be feeling better but after hearing the yells and screams from the fans, my head was once again pounding. I took slow, even breaths as we walked into the buildings and through the halls, keeping my head down to try and block out the light as it only made my headache worse. It was like the Panadol didn't even help at all and I was feeling worse now than I was before the nap.
"Alright everyone. You have 5 minutes to get changed and out onto that stage. We have a set limit for how long we have to do some run throughs before another groups needs the stage so hurry," our manager said. We all split off to go get changed, finding our set bags. I ripped my hoodie off almost straight away, only realising how hot I was once I had it off and felt a few beads of sweat dripping down my neck. I winced and quickly wiped it with my hoodie before I discarded it off to the ground beside my bag.
"Hey Sannie, you got a minute," Wooyoung asked, startling me slightly as he popped up beside me.
"Uh, not really. We need to get ready Wooyoung," I pointed out slowly.
"I know. It's just, are you feeling ok? You were hard to get up this morning and you ignored me in the van. Did I um, did I do something to upset you? If I did, I'm really sorr-."
"Hey, stop that," I cut in softly, disregarding my bag to stand up and grab Wooyoung's hands softly. Wooyoung doesn't really like when people are angry at him, it unsettles him and he gets really unfocused and that is definitely not something we need right now.
"I'm not angry with you Wooyoung, nor upset, not at all. I was just a little tired and didn't want to ruin your mood by being such a downer," I said.
"Oh. Oh, that makes sense. I'm sorry for jumping to conclusions. Are you feeling better now," he asked me.
"Oh yeah, I'm fine. I napped on the drive up so it's all good," I said with a nod.
"Ok good," Wooyoung said with a smile, giving me a hug before hurrying off to get ready. As soon as he was gone, I finally let my shoulders sag and winced slightly before grabbing my bag and heading into one of the change rooms. I peeled off my shirt and pants, feeling how sticky with sweat they were. I grabbed out my towel and used it to wipe down my body, trying to remove as much of the sweat as I could before I changed into my outfit. I cringed once it was on, wishing I had a short-sleeved outfit for some more circulation but alas, it was a long sleeve. I stood up after I finished putting on my shoes but was suddenly hit with a wave of dizziness and I stumbled, crashing into the wall before I could get my footing. I let out a groaned and placed my hand against the wall, pushing myself back up quickly. Not even two seconds later there was a knock on the door.
"Sannie, you ok in there?" I swear Seonghwa has super hearing when it comes to one of his boys possibly being in trouble.
"Sorry, I couldn't get my shoe on because it was being stubborn and I smacked into the wall," I said, forcing out a giggle. I heard Seonghwa snort outside the door and I let out a breath of relief that he seemed to buy it. I quickly wiped my forehead with my sleeve before leaving the room, meeting up with the others who were all ready to head out.
"Is everyone changed and ready," our Manager asked.
"Yes we're ready," Hongjoong said with a nod.
"Alright, let's go. Follow me out to the stage," Manager said before walking off. We followed him out to halls, walking through until we eventually ended up backstage.
"Everyone get into your positions. When the music starts, we go," Hongjoong said. The Panadol definitely did not work at all and I could feel my headache increasing with each second but I remained quiet. Today is a big day and we all need to be on the ball, I really don't want to worry the others.
"Come on boys, you need to go harder, really push the performance side of it. There's going to be a big audience tonight with many other idols watching. We want to show them what real performers look like," Hongjoong called out as we took a break between run throughs. We only have an hour slot to practice the four songs we will be performing which means we've been going at it hard nonstop. That also means that the slight headache I had previously been sporting has now become a raging headache, teetering on the edge of becoming a migraine. I tried desperately to draw in deep breaths, to try to calm down but it was getting hard to breathe so I found myself taking short, gasping breaths.
"San? You doing ok?" I paused what I was doing and turned to see Yunho walking up with a frown on his face. I tried to regulate my breathing, to at least hide how hard it was for me but I could tell from the look on his face that he had caught it. He walked over and put his hand on my chest quickly, slipping it under my jacket to rest on my skin.
"Are you having trouble breathing," he asked me worriedly. There was no point trying to hide it now as he already knew but I could twist it to hide the real issue.
"Went t-too hard," I panted out. It isn't uncommon for us to push ourselves to the limit, especially me so it's something he would believe despite how we haven't been practicing for too long yet. Yunho hummed before stepping closer, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me into a firm embrace. I went willingly, ducking my head into his chest and letting my eyes slip closed as I listened to the steady, comforting sound of his heart beating beneath my ear. It was calming and it dulled the pounding in my head, allowing me to finally relax and slow down my breathing. Yunho's hugs are always great, so gentle yet strong at the same time. They make you feel safe and secure. I felt his hand lightly tracing up and down my back, relaxing me further and I finally managed to draw in a deep breath, letting it out once again in relief.
"That's it, deep breaths," Yunho whispered soothingly. He held me for a few more seconds before sadly letting go and stepping back. I held back at a whine at the action, having to leave the comfort of his arms.
"Don't go to hard Sannie, we still have the actual performance to do," he said with a chuckle. I gave him a weak smile and nodded.
"Alright, break time is over, let's get back into it," Hongjoong yelled out, making me wince. This is just great.
"We're going through Wonderland," Mingi said and we all got into position. The music started to play and all the comfort from Yunho slipped away in an instant at the loud sound. I bit my lip as I danced, trying to keep a straight face despite the sweat slipping down my head. It got to the part in the song where I step up on the dancers back and the movement made my stomach jolt and my head swim. I didn't even have time to react before my footing slipped and I went crashing to the side. Before I could hit the ground however, I felt arms encircling my waist and a scream of my name. My fall was cushioned by the arms but my vision went black for a few seconds as I felt hands on my face. I blinked quickly, thankful that my vision came back just as quick as it had gone and I found Hongjoong's concerned face hovering above mine. Great, just what I wanted to avoid. I don't want them worrying about me right now, not when we've got KCON in a few hours. I cracked a small grin and forced out a chuckle.
"Whoops," I said, making Hongjoong's face darkened.
"Whoops? Whoops! San you just fell and nearly gave yourself a concussion and all you have to say is whoops," Hongjoong yelled angrily, and I flinched at the volume. Hongjoong still looked angry, but his hands were telling a different story, the way they shakily but gently cupped my face, his thumbs rubbing over my cheeks lightly. He wasn't angry, he was scared.
"I'm sorry, I lost my footing and I slipped," I lied.
"San, you're really lucky Juyeon Hyung caught you just then. You didn't even brace your fall," Seonghwa said softly.
"Sorry, it kind of just caught me off guard. I didn't have enough time to react," I said.
"It's ok. Just as long as you're alright," Hongjoong said worriedly.
"I'm fine," I said with a small nod, not wanting to shake my head too much.
"Alright. I think we're done for now. We should go and get our hair and makeup done," Hongjoong said as he stood up. His hand slipped into mine and he tugged me up beside him as well. Everyone muttered in agreement before they started to head out. I went to remove my hand from Hongjoong's grasp, but he instantly clung tighter to it. I glanced at him but he was deliberately looking away. He was still worried about me but didn't want to admit it. The least I can do to try to ease the worry is give him the silent comfort that I am ok. We walked back through the halls together, heading back into our room where everyone was getting ready.
"Hyung, I'm ok," I said softly. Hongjoong glanced at me before smiling, letting go of my hand to instead pat my head softly before he walked off to get ready. I went over to my bag and tugged out my towel, wiping the sweat from my face and neck as best as I could. I then grabbed my water bottle and glanced around the room to make sure no one was looking before pulling out some more Panadol. It probably isn't the best idea to have some more when it's only been a couple of hours but the first two did nothing. I went into one of the change rooms and swallowed down two pills before walking out once again.
"San-ssi please come and sit down so I can do your makeup," one of the makeup artists requested. I went over as asked and settled down into the chair, letting my eyes slip closed and hoping I would be able to relax for a little bit. Having my eyes closed and blocking out the bright lights helped to dull some of the pain as it stopped my eyes from feeling like they were pulsing in my skull. We're all already used to getting hair and makeup done so I was able to relax for a bit as it was getting done, doing my best to block out the noise from the others. Thankfully no one was too loud as we tend to focus more when it comes closer to performances, try to get into the zone beforehand.
Before long, it was already time for us to go out an perform. We were giving the privilege of being the opening act but to me, it felt like a curse. Though I guess getting it done sooner rather than later would be better as the loud noises will only make things worse. By the time we were standing backstage, my stomach was feeling uneasy, my ears were ringing and the headache was the worst it had been all day.
"Is everyone ready to go," Hongjoong asked as we went over everything, making sure our outfits were done up properly and our mics and in-ears were working.
"All good," Jongho said with a nod.
"Alright. Remember, once our performance is finished and we bow, we'll head over to our seats to watch the other groups perform," Hongjoong instructed and we all nodded in confirmation. I took long, deep breaths to try to steady myself. It's only four songs. I just need to get through four songs and the hardest part is over, I can do this.
"You ready," Hongjoong asked as he pat my shoulder.
"Good to go Captain," I said with a nod, seeing him grin in reply. The music started to play and I held back a flinch, slipping my in-ear in properly and walking out onto the stage. The lights were blinding and it made my head spin so I did my best to keep my eyes towards the ground but that just made me feel nauseous. I looked back up and did my best to just focus on the music. No matter how awful I was feeling, I could not let Atiny down and I could not let the boys down. We've been practicing for this for far to long to just give in to the pain now. I got through the first three songs relatively fine despite everything but then it was time for Guerilla. I was already sweating badly, could feel it dripping down my face and there were spots in my vision but I kept going. I was scared for a second that I would drop Hongjoong during our part but I put all of my effort into keeping him up. I stumbled slightly while moving to my next position but I managed to blend it in well and keep going. My vision was continuing to get more hazy and black dots were spotting it but I still managed to find the will to continue. No matter what, I will not be passing out on this stage. Not in front of everyone watching and not in front of the boys. I can do this. I can last one more song and then I can have a break. When it got to the last few chords of the song, I stood where I was, panting harshly and trying to catch my breath while also trying to blink away the black dots in my vision. We bowed down to the crowds and my stomach jolted as I was hit by a sudden bout of vertigo but I still managed to remain on my feet. Everyone immediately started to leave the stage as the MC's walked on to announce the next performance and I quickly followed along, blinking quickly to try and clear my vision so I could actually see where I was going and wouldn't fall. I managed to catch up to Hongjoong as we were heading towards our table, knowing I needed to get away to try and compose myself before going back out.
"I really need to go to the toilet," I told him quickly and quietly. Thankfully it was best to be quiet about it, otherwise I don't think I would have been able to keep my voice steady.
"Ok, but be quick, or as quick as you can. The toilets are on the other side of the building so just go there and then come straight back," he said and I nodded, peeling off from the rest of them and heading through the door that lead to the halls. As soon as the door was closed behind me and I could see that I was in an empty hall, I collapsed to my knees, my hands coming up to hold my head as I let out a whimper, followed by a sob. I closed my eyes to try block out the light again but it didn't help much. I can't really just sit in the middle of the hall so I grabbed the rail on the wall and tugged myself up, wiping the tears from my eyes. I stumbled my way through the halls heading towards the other end of the building where the toilets were. It took me around 10 minutes to get there as I was barely able to walk for majority of the way.
When the door to the bathrooms finally came into sight, I pushed myself off the wall and over to it, opening the door and going inside. I made my way over to one of the sinks, gripping tightly to the basin to try and keep myself on my feet. My vision was going in and our and I was begging to shiver despite still feeling the sweat cling to my body. The lights felt like they were burning down on my skin as well and my ears were ringing. If I could actually see properly, I knew I would be a sorry sight. I tried to focus on my breathing, thinking that would be the first place to start but I didn't even get three pants in before my vision blacked completely and I felt myself falling...
??? POV
I was on the toilet when I heard the door slam open, making me jump slightly in surprise. The door slammed closed just as hard and I could heard the sounds of harsh panting, as if someone had just run a marathon. Perhaps one of the performances were already done? I quickly finished what I was doing and stood up, pulling up my pants. As that happened, there was a sudden crash and then a thump. I gasped in shock and quickly flushed the toilet, hearing another toilet flush at the same time before I swung the door to the stall open and looked around for the source of the noise. When I looked down, my eyes widened as they landed on someone collapsed on the floor.
"Holy shit. San Sunbaenim." I jumped at the voice, watching as another person rushed forwards and knelt down beside the redhead male and realised they were right, it was San. I nervously stepped out of the stall, unsure what to do but worried for my Sunbaenim who was quite clearly unconscious on the ground. The other person who had rushed to his side jumped up suddenly and turned to me with wide eyes. I recognised him as a new group, newer than ours, ZEROBASEONE but I couldn't remember which member it was.
"What do we do," he asked me.
"O-Oh, uh. I don't, I don't know," I stuttered out nervously. How am I supposed to know what to do when an Idol is unconscious on a bathroom floor, I've never had that happen to me before.
"But he's unconscious. Oh my god, he's unconscious. San Sunbaenim is unconscious. He's like my Idol and of course the first time I meet him, he's unconscious. Maybe he unconsciously knew I was in here and to avoid me, he knocked himself out," the boy rushed out. I frowned in confusion at that and tilted my head.
"I highly doubt that is what happened. San Sunbaenim is known for going hard in dances, it's likely he tired himself out," I pointed out.
"Maybe. But like, he's unconscious right now," the boy said quickly.
"Yeah, I didn't notice," I said rolling my eyes and making him frown.
"Look, he's your Hyung, your Sunbae group from your company so you should know what to do," he told me.
"How does him being from the same company mean that I'd know what to do right now," I asked as I shuffled closer and glanced down.
"I don't know. But you've been in the industry for longer than I have so you should have more knowledge than me," he said.
"By like three months. Plus, aren't you older than me," I asked as I knelt down beside San. I may not know what to do but the least I can do is at least try to help.
"I don't know. How old are you," he asked me.
"17," I replied.
"Oh, well, yeah, you're younger," he said, kneeling down on the opposite side of San.
"Do you have your phone on you," I asked him as I shrugged off my jacket and gently lifted San's head to rest on top of it so it wasn't on the cold, hard floor.
"Uh, no I don't. I wasn't supposed to be gone that long," he said quietly.
"I don't have mine either. What should we do," I asked.
"Um, maybe wait a bit and see if he wakes up. Everyone else is on the other side of the building and I don't really want to just leave him here," he said with a frown. I nodded, agreeing with that statement.
"Hey, did you hear two bangs," he asked after a few seconds of silence.
"Yeah," I replied, glancing around the room.
"You don't think he hit his head do you," he asked nervously. I frowned and gently placed my hands on San's head, feeling around for any bumps or signs of blood but thankfully there were none.
"I don't think so, I can't feel anything," I said.
"It feels weird to just sit here doing nothing. Maybe we should do something else to help him," the boy said quietly.
"Maybe. What should we do though," I asked. He hesitated for a second before pressing the back of his hand to San's forehead.
"He's really hot," he said.
"Are you seriously thirsting over our Sunbaenim when he's unconscious," I said with a frown.
"What, no. I mean, he is but no, I meant his skin," the boy said, grabbing my hand and pressing it against San's forehead where I felt that he was indeed burning.
"Do you think it could be from performing," I asked.
"I don't think so. He's far too hot for that. I think maybe he has a fever," he said, scrunching up his nose.
"Should we take off his jacket," he asked me.
"Maybe. Is that what you're supposed to do when someone has a fever," I asked.
"I don't know. I've never really looked after others, except maybe Yujin cos he's a baby. But my Hyung's usually do the looking after," he said with a shrug. I bit my lip nervously before nodding.
"I think that might be a good idea. Help me get it off but we have to try not to jostle him around too much," I said and he nodded. The two of us worked together to gently peel the jacket from San's body, leaving him in a white tank top.
"Grab some paper towel and we'll wipe him down. It's got to be uncomfortable to be that sweaty," I said. He nodded and stood up grabbing out a handful of paper towel before sitting down again and passing some to me. Together, we wiped down all of San's exposed skin as best as we could. I then wet a spare piece and gently rested it on his forehead.
"What now," he asked.
"I don't know why you keep asking me and expecting me to know the answer, I have no idea," I huffed.
"Geez, no need to get huffy. I just want to make sure he's ok," he said with a frown.
"And so do I but this is as far as my knowledge goes," I said with a sigh.
"Ok, how abou-AH!" I jolted as the boy suddenly yelped and leapt over San, crashing into me and knocking us both to the floor. I sat up quickly and rubbed the back of my head, glancing at him as he grabbed my shoulder and hid behind my back.
"What on Earth are you doing," I asked him.
"San Sunbaenim is waking up," he whispered. I raised an eyebrow before turning back to San and seeing that he did indeed seem to be waking up, his head shifting slightly.
"Ok, but why are you hiding behind me," I asked slowly.
"Because you know him so you can talk to him," he said quickly. Right. I nibbled my bottom lip nervously before letting out a breath to gain some confidence. Sure, we're from the same company and they held us out in practice a bit but I've never really had a proper conversation with him. I cleared my throat before shifting forwards.
"Um, uh, S-San Sunbaenim," I said gently, trying to gain his attention. His eyes had slipped open but I wasn't too sure he was actually seeing what was happening as they were slightly glazed over and looking up at the ceiling.
"Sunbaenim," I repeated but he still didn't react.
"H-Hyung," I said softly. This got a reaction from him and his head shifted slightly, his eyes blinking.
"Hyung," I repeated firmer and finally his head lolled to the side and his eyes landed on me.
"Un'er," he slurred softly.
"Yeah. Yeah Hyung, it's me. Do you know where you are right now," I asked him gently. He groaned and shifted slightly and I suddenly felt his hand brush against my own. I jumped in slight shock and but shakily slipped my hand into his, not sure if that was what he was wanting. It seemed to be though as his hand grasp mine instantly, slipping his fingers through mine. I heard the boy behind me huff into my ear but he didn't say anything.
"KCON, LA. I went into the bathroom I think," San spoke up finally.
"Yeah, you're in the bathroom Hyung. I was in one of the stalls and heard a loud noise. When I came out, you were on the floor," I explained to him.
"Hurts," he whimpered.
"What hurts," I asked him quickly as I leant forwards.
"The lights. I've got a migraine," he said.
"Lights. Get the lights," I said quickly. The boy quickly got up and rushed over to the light switch, flicking it off and immediately pitching the room into darkness.
"Ok, now we just can't see at all," I said.
"What, you said to turn them off."
"Gyuvin," San slowly and there was a squeak and a thump from the other boy. Right, that's his name.
"Gyuvin, you ok," I called out into the darkness.
"Yes," he said.
"You sure," I asked him.
"San Sunbaenim knows my name, from my voice," he whispered.
"You've got a pretty distinct voice," San said.
"Oh my god, I think I'm gonna faint."
"Before you do, prop the door open with your shoe so we can get some light but not too much that it will hurt San Hyung," I said. A few seconds later, the bathroom door was opened and some light poked through.
"How bad is the migraine," I asked quietly.
"Pretty bad. I've had them once or twice before. How long was I out," San asked.
"Uh, about 5 minutes I would say," I replied.
"Ok. It shouldn't be too long then," he said with a sigh.
"Too long for what," Gyuvin asked. Just as he sat that the door was swung open and I looked to see a figure standing in the doorway.
"San, you here," a voice asked quietly.
"I'm here Hyung," San replied with a sigh. Oh thank god, someone who will know what they're doing. Wait. Is that Hongjoong?
"Why are the lights off in a public bathroom," Hongjoong asked.
"Migraine," San said quietly.
"What," Hongjoong gasped and rushed inside. I yelped as he accidentally stepped on my ankle, my arms automatically thrusting out to catch Hongjoong as he fell down. Thankfully I was able to catch him so most of his weight fell on me rather than the floor.
"Shit. Who else is in here," he asked.
"Uh, the body you fell on was me, Hunter," I said.
"Oh my god, Hunter. Baby, are you ok," he rushed out and I felt his hands feeling around before cupping my face gently. I found myself glad that the lights were on so that he wouldn't be able to see the blush on my face.
"Gyuvin is also here," I said quickly.
"From ZEROBASEONE," Hongjoong asked.
"This is the greatest day of my life," Gyuvin gasped.
"What're you two doing in here," Hongjoong asked.
"We were going to the bathroom and then we heard a b-."
"Then I came in here and they realised I had a migraine and they helped me," San cut in quickly.
"Well yes, that and you fainted. It scared the shit out of us," I said, hearing a groan from San and then silence.
"Choi San," Hongjoong said sternly after a few seconds.
"Yes Hyung," San said quietly.
"Did you faint? And were you just trying to hide it from me," Hongjoong asked.
"No," San said quietly and Hongjoong coughed.
"Maybe, yes. I've been trying not to worry you," San admitted quietly. Oh. Oh, damn. This is one of those things.
"Wait, oh my god. Sannie, have you had a migraine all day? You were hard to wake up and then you've been quiet all day. San, you told me you were just tired," Hongjoong said loudly and I felt San's hand clench in mine.
"Um, Hongjoong Sunbaenim," I said quietly. I was a little nervous because it can be considered rude to do what I'm about to do but San's hurting and I don't think Hongjoong would want that.
"Yes," Hongjoong said.
"Maybe, if you could, just try to keep your voice down a little. I think the sound makes it worse for San Hyung," I said nervously.
"Right, of course. Thank you for reminding me," Hongjoong said quietly.
"Sannie, Sweetheart, do you think you can move? I don't want you laying on the bathroom floor. I can take you to our room and you can nap on the couch in the dark until the end of KCON," Hongjoong said softly.
"I'm not sure if I can move very well," San admitted softly.
"Hunter and I can carry him Sunbaenim. We're strong enough between the two of us to make sure he doesn't get hurt," Gyuvin spoke up from behind us suddenly.
"Are you sure," Hongjoong asked.
"Yes. We can do it," I said, squeezing San's head softly.
"San, are you ok with that," Hongjoong asked him.
"Yes Hyung," San replied.
"Alright. Gyuvin come here and help Hunter get San up but make sure the two of you are careful ok," Hongjoong said. I heard Gyuvin shuffling around quietly before he was beside me. We worked together in the dark to slip one hand under his knees and one under his back for each of us.
"Three, two, one and up," I whispered before both of us stood up with San held securely in our arms.
"Do you have him," Hongjoong asked us.
"Yeah, we've got him," I said as I felt San weakly wrap his arm around his neck.
"Alright, follow me," Hongjoong said. I nodded and both Gyuvin and I moved quickly but gently, carrying San through the halls behind Hongjoong as he let out a groan.
"Almost there," Hongjoong said after a minute or two and San let out a pitiful whine.
"Here we are," Hongjoong said, opening up the door for us to walk through. We went in quickly before gently laying San down on the couch as Hongjoong turned off some of the lights, leaving only a few on so we would still be able to see. Hongjoong let out a light chuckle and I glanced at him in confusion.
"You two did really good. You even put a cold compress on him and made sure he wouldn't overheat. You're naturals," Hongjoong said gently.
"God no, we were terrified. Or at least, I was," Gyuvin said.
"Yeah, I agree with him. I had no idea what to do, I was just winging it honestly," I admitted with a weak chuckle as I watched Hongjoong get San situated and comfortable.
"Well you two did good. San is going to be ok now, he just needs to get some rest. I'm going to take you two back to your tables. Your groups are probably wondering where you two are," Hongjoong said.
"Right, that might be a good idea," I said with a nod.
"Wait. Do you guys want a hug first," San said quietly.
"Oh no. No, you're hurt you don't have to do that," Gyuvin said quickly but Hongjoong let out a laugh.
"He loves cuddles, it will make him feel better," Hongjoong said.
"Are you sure," Gyuvin said slowly.
"Of course, go ahead. If I didn't think he was comfortable with it, I wouldn't let you near him," Hongjoong said with a nod. Gyuvin grinned happily before shyly shuffling over and leaning down. He wrapped his arms around San's neck, hovering over him and hugging him gently. San let out a hum, his arms loosely wrapping around Gyuvin's waist, patting it softly.
"Don't be a stranger Gyu and don't ever be scared to say hello to me. It's an honour that you consider me a role model and I will do my best to live up to it," San whispered.
"You have nothing to live up for, you're amazing San Sunbaenim," Gyuvin said softly.
"It's Hyung," San said.
"Thank you San Hyung," Gyuvin said before pulling back. I nervously fiddled with my fingers before moving forwards again.
"I hope you feel better soon Hyung," I whispered as I hugged him briefly before pulling back.
"Thank you, I appreciate you helping me and I'm sorry for worrying you," San said, giving me a lazy smile before his eyes slipped closed.
"Come on guys, let's go back so San can rest," Hongjoong said. I nodded and the three of us quietly left the room.
"Thank you again for taking care of San, I appreciate it. Especially because you're new to the industry and it can be daunting around elders, especially when they're hurt an you're alone," Hongjoong said as we paused in front of the door to the open room where we could hear music.
"It's no problem, we were glad to help no matter how much we were panicking," I said as we walked inside. We broke off as ATEEZ's table weren't near ours but Gyuvin and I went in the same direction.
"So, does this make us new best friends," Gyuvin whispered to me, making me chuckle.
"Yeah, I guess it does," I said softly. What an interesting day. I helped my Sunbaenim and made a new friend in the process.
Here is another oneshot for you all following along San getting Migraines. I saw a comment from literally two years ago about an idea for a oneshot and I like the basis of the idea so I went with it but mixed up quite a few of the details but I hope you all enjoyed it.
What were your favourite parts of this oneshot?
At what point did you figure out who the two people were in the ??? POV?
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