Jongho ~Burden~
Jongho's POV
I get nightmares sometimes and while they aren't too frequent, all of the boys know about them and have seen me have one at least once or twice. Wooyoung and Yeosang are my roommates so they've definitely witnessed their fair share of my nightmares but they've also turned into heavier sleepers so they don't wake them up as everyone knows I go to Hongjoong or Seonghwa to help after my nightmares. That was no different tonight. I woke up sweaty and shaking although thankfully I didn't scream this time. I panted and looked around widely, my heart pounding in my chest. I threw the blankets off my body, allowing the cool air to hit my skin but it didn't help to cool me off much, nor did it calm my heartrate. I filled with the hem of my shirt for a few seconds, biting my lip before finally getting up out of bed. I quietly walked over to the door, making sure not to wake up Wooyoung or Yeosang as I slipped out. I closed the door before silently walking down the hall to Seonghwa and Hongjoong's room. Their door was slightly open and I could see the light peeking through which means they're still awake. I don't really know why they're still awake, considering it's the middle of the night but it wouldn't surprise me if Hongjoong only just got back from the studio and Seonghwa waited up for him. I was about to open the door and walk inside when I heard them talking, more specifically saying my name. I know I probably shouldn't but I did, I leant forwards and placed my ear by the door to hear what they were saying.
"Jongho's still having problems with his knee Hwa, I don't want to push him too far," Hongjoong said with a sigh. Push me too far? What does he mean by that? They'd never push me too much, in fact the boys have been telling me to sit out of practice lately.
"I know, and I don't either Joong, he's our Maknae and we're supposed to look after him," Seonghwa replied.
"He needs more of a break. Another comeback so soon isn't going to be good for him," Hongjoong said.
"You're telling me this? I agree Joongie, we need to push it back at least a few weeks, a little longer if possible. Do you think you could talk to PD-Nim and see if you can try and convince him to delay our next comeback," Seonghwa said. Oh my god, I'm going to be the reason we have to delay the comeback we've been practicing for a lot lately. I-I'm becoming a burden.
"I will, I'll tell him Jjongie needs more time to heal," Hongjoong said. NO. This is what I was afraid of. It's already a hassle that I've been needing to sit out of practices, now I'm going to be delaying the comeback as well. I can't go in there now. They need their sleep, and me going in there and whining about something so stupid is going to be even more of a burden. I quickly backed away from the door and shook my head before walking back to my room. I slipped back inside, glancing at Yeosang's bed where he was sleeping soundly before looking at Wooyoung's bed. I almost jumped in fright when I saw that there were two people there in the bed. That was until I realised that it was just San cuddled up to him, something that is actually quite common to see. San usually ends up cuddled with someone, most of the time Wooyoung but sometimes one of the other's. I let out a small breath and moved to my bed, slipping under the covers as I lay down and rested my head on my pillow. I was still anxious from the nightmare earlier but I tried to relax and go back to sleep. Unfortunately I've never really been able to fall back asleep after a nightmare unless I was close to someone. The one and only time I'm ever willing to cuddle someone, the ONLY time. My nerves were all over the place and I was jittery, continuously worrying about getting another nightmare if I went back to sleep. I let out a soft groan before quickly getting back up and leaving the room once again. I went the opposite way down the hall this time, walking to the dining room. It was dark but it was quiet and cool so I sat down on one of the chairs. I anxiously drummed my fingers on the table, unsure what else to do. I put my elbow on the table and leant my head on the palm of my hand. There wasn't really much I could do and before long, my eyes begun getting a little droopy. I tried my hardest to keep awake but my eyes continued to slip closed and it was beginning to become a struggle to reopen them.
"Jjongie, Jjong wake up for me please." I groaned and shifted slightly, a small whimper slipping out as my neck was a little stiff.
"Jongho, hey, wake up aegi." My eyes slowly slipped open and I just made out the features of San. Why is San by my bed? And why is my bed so hard? I blinked in confusion, sitting up as I felt something hard under my hands.
"Hyung," I said sleepily. That's when I realised I must've fallen asleep on the dining table.
"What're you doing out here Jongho? It's the middle of the night and you're sleeping out here," he said quietly.
"M'sorry. I think I fell asleep by accident," I replied.
"But what are you doing out here Jongho? You should be in bed," he said gently as he ruffled my hair softly.
"I had a nightmare. I didn't really want to go back to bed alone," I admitted. His eyes softened and he cooed gently as he pulled my off the chair and into his arms. I snuggled down into his hold and tucked my head under his chin.
"Jongho, why didn't you go to Hwa Hyung or Joongie Hyung like you usually do? They would've been fine with you coming to them, even if it's the middle of the night," he said.
"I can't. I bother them too much already," I said shaking my head.
"What do you mean you bother them too much? You aren't a bother Jjongie," San said, pulling back quickly to look at me.
"I am a bother. I don't want to be even more of a bother though," I said sadly.
"What do you mean," San asked in confusion. How does he not know?
"Hyungs were talking earlier, when I went to go see them after my nightmare. They're thinking about postponing our comeback for a few weeks, maybe even a month," I told him.
"Oh, why," he asked in surprise.
"Because of my. Because of my knee. I've already been a burden in practices, having to sit out. And now we're having to postpone the comeback because of me as well," I said sadly.
"Jongho, we don't care abo-."
"I'm just a burden Sannie Hyung," I said sadly, my eyes welling up with tears.
"My aegi could never be a burden." I whimpered and turned my head to the side to see Seonghwa kneeling down beside us.
"I-I didn't mean to, to make us have to push back the c-comeback," I sniffled, clenching San's shirt in my hands.
Seonghwa's POV
"Joong, Joongie," I whispered shaking his shoulder from where he was laying on top of me.
"What Hwa, I was sleeping," he mumbled.
"I know but you're on top of me and I need to get up," I said.
"Why," he whined.
"Because I just heard a noise which means one of the kids are awake and it's the middle of the night. I want to go make sure they're alright," I told him.
"Which means you need to move," I added, giving him a slight shove. He groaned but rolled over to the side so I could get up.
"Hurry up, I want to sleep," he grumbled.
"Glad to see you care about the kids," I said rolling my eyes. He giggled and I scoffed before walking out the room to try and figure out who was awake. I heard hushed whispers from the dining room so I made my way over quietly, not wanting to wake anyone else up. Why there's people having a chat in the middle of the night when we have an early morning is beyond me.
"I am a bother. I don't want to be even more of a bother though." Huh? Why is Jongho saying he's a bother?
"What do you mean." That's definitely San.
"Hyungs were talking earlier, when I went to go see them after my nightmare. They're thinking about postponing our comeback for a few weeks, maybe even a month," Jongho said. Shit, he had another nightmare? And he came to Hongjoong and I but then left. Why wouldn't he come in and talk to us and what's so bad about postponing our next comeback? I mean we did have one not long ago, it's not like we need another one so soon anyway.
"Oh, why," San asked.
"Because of my. Because of my knee. I've already been a burden in practices, having to sit out. And now we're having to postpone the comeback because of me as well," Jongho said and I could hear the sadness in his voice. Crap, this is not what we wanted. We were just discussing things and we were going to talk to Jongho about it in the next few days so this wouldn't happen.
"Jongho, we don't care abo-."
"I'm just a burden Sannie Hyung," Jongho said and that's when I had enough. I could hear how upset he was and I could tell he was almost in tears. I quickly rushed over an knelt beside the two cuddled up on the floor.
"My aegi could never be a burden," I said softly. Jongho whimpered and turned to look at me. Even in the dark, I could tell that he had teary eyes.
"I-I didn't mean to, to make us have to push back the c-comeback," Jongho said with a sniffle. My heart broke at the uncertainty and guilt in his voice, completely misplaced might I had. He hasn't done anything wrong, nothing at all. Before I could say anything else, there was movement to my left.
"Sannie, why don't you head back to bed alright. Seonghwa and I will look after Jongho," Hongjoong said softly as he placed his hand on San's shoulder. The younger nodded and placed a soft kiss on Jongho's head before gently pulling away. Jongho whined and clutched to him but Hongjoong quickly swooped in and scooped Jongho into his arms. I heard the maknae sniffle but he moved and clutched onto Hongjoong instead, cuddling up to him.
"Get some sleep Sannie," I whispered. He nodded before walking off quickly.
"What's going on aegi, what's got you so down," Hongjoong whispered, running his fingers through the youngers hair. That prompted Jongho to immediately burst into tears and start apologizing profusely.
"Hey, hey, shh," I said softly as I ran my hand up and down his back.
"Jjongie, what're you sorry for," Hongjoong asked.
"I d-didn't mean to. M'sorry," Jongho sobbed.
"He thinks he's being a burden because we're thinking about postponing the comeback. He heard us talking earlier," I explained quickly and quietly to Hongjoong. His eyes widened but he nodded his head quickly in thanks.
"Jongho, you aren't a burden. Not a burden at all and you never will be," Hongjoong said firmly.
"But the comeback is getting postponed because of me," Jongho whimpered.
"No aegi no. We care about you, we love you so much and we want to make sure you're healthy. We all need a break Jjongie, not just you. We just had a comeback and a new mini album, we don't need to have one so soon," Hongjoong said.
"We've been working so hard lately Jjong, even you and we all need a break. This isn't because of you Jongho, we were just worried about your knee as well so we were talking about," I explained. Jongho let out another small sob but didn't say anything, just cried into Hongjoong shoulder as I rubbed his back.
"I-I had a nightmare," Jongho whimpered after he calmed down slightly.
"It's ok. It was just a nightmare, it wasn't real," I said softly, scooting closer so I could wrap an arm around his waist.
"Do you want to tell us about it," Hongjoong asked. Sometimes Jongho will come to us just for comfort but other times he will want to discuss his nightmare and get some reassurance from us. It just depends on what kind of nightmare it was and how he's feeling.
"C-Can I talk about it," he asked nervously.
"Of course, we're here for you. We'll always be here ok," I replied quickly.
"It was, I was holding us back. I got hurt and I couldn't dance, and then, then you guys got mad. You k-kept yelling at me for dragging us down. And you g-guys hated me and k-kicked me out," Jongho said, bursting into tears again. My heart broke hearing his cries and I moved over so I could hug him tighter. I absolutely hate hearing the other members cry but it's so much worse when it's Jongho because he's our baby, our maknae and he has a hard time showing his emotions.
"That's never going to happen Jongho, NEVER ok. And we would never ever think like that," Hongjoong said firmly. Jongho nodded his head but he was still crying.
"Joong, let's take this to our room now," I told him. He nodded and let me stand up and scoop Jongho into my arms. I quickly carried him into our room and Hongjoong closed the door behind us. We all sat down, with Jongho in between Hongjoong and I as we hugged Jongho tightly.
"We will always be here for you Jjongie, no matter what and you will never be a burden to us. No matter how many times you come to us after a nightmare, even if it's 2am in the morning and even if you need breaks to get back to your full health," Hongjoong said softly. Jongho sniffled but nodded his head before resting is on my shoulder and grabbing my hand. I quickly squeezed his in reassurance. He let out a small breath and relaxed a little.
"C-Can I sleep with you guys tonight please," he asked quietly.
"Of course you can Jongho, you can sleep here whenever you want," I replied quickly.
"Do you want to sleep with both of us? Or just one of us," Hongjoong asked.
"Both," he replied.
"Sure, let's lie down," I said. I quickly laid down and open my arms for him to lay in. A few seconds later he lay down beside me and snuggled into my hold. Hongjoong quickly turned off the light before slipping in on the other side of Jongho and cuddling to his back tightly. It was a tight fit but Hongjoong is quite small so we all managed to fit.
"Jongho," Hongjoong said softly, Jongho humming in reply.
"Please don't ever hesitate to come to us for help again ok. I was really worried when I walked out and you were upset," he whispered.
"Sorry Hyung," Jongho replied.
"There's no need to be sorry Jjong, just remember we love you and we're here to look after you alright," I said gently. He gave me a small smile before closing his eyes and snuggling his head into my chest.
"I love you too Hyungs," he whispered. I looked over the top of Jongho's head to see Hongjoong. He gave me a small smile and slipped his hand into mine, giving it a soft squeeze. We stayed quiet until Jongho's breathing evened out and he relaxed in our holds.
"And you were complaining about me waking up," I said quietly, making sure not to wake up the Maknae.
"I didn't realise Jongho had a nightmare. Plus I was half asleep and confused, I went out the second I actually registered what you said," he replied rolling his eyes.
"We need to keep an eye on him, thinking he's a burden is not good," I said.
"I know. I'll have a proper talk with him tomorrow. I'll have Mingi there as well to help explain it isn't anything bad," he replied.
"Alright. Get some sleep Joong, you already don't get enough as it is," I told said. He giggled slightly in reply but snuggled closer and let his eyes slip closed. We'll be ok.
I kind of wanted to have a chapter where there was a bit off fluff, so you got this
Thank you for reading and I hope you all enjoyed it!
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