Hongjoong ~Sick or Not Sick~
Hongjoong's POV
I was in my studio, finishing off some songs as usual and I lost track of time a little bit, not realising how long I was there for as I was engaged and in the zone. I was snapped out of that zone when I heard a knock on the studio door. I spun around on my chair and pulled off my headphones, walking to the door and opening it to see who was there. It opened to show a sleepy Seonghwa, snuggled up in some sweatpants and a fluffy hoodie. He walked straight into the room without saying anything, yawning and rubbing his eyes. I glanced up at the clock on the wall and was shocked to see it was already 2am. Seonghwa has this thing sometimes where he will stay awake and wait for me to come home and if I take too long, he'll come and get me. Which means he's awake right now because of me when he should be getting some rest. I rushed over to him quickly and slipped my arms around him, hugging him softly. Seonghwa hugged me back, leaning heavily against me and dropping his head onto my shoulder. I could tell he was exhausted and I felt guilty for keeping him up for so long.
"I'm sorry for staying so long, I lost track of time," I apologized.
"S'okay, but home and rest now," he whispered tiredly.
"I will, I promise. I'm just going to save my work and then we'll go," I promised quickly. Seonghwa nodded and pulled away, moving over to lean against the doorway. I hurriedly rushed over to my computer and saved what I was working on before shutting it down. I put away my headphones as well and pushed my chair in before moving back to Seonghwa. I slipped my hand into his and guided him from the room as I called my manager to pick us up.
10 minutes later and we were both sitting in our managers car and being driven back to the dorms. I sat by the window and Seonghwa shuffled over to sit in the middle next to me. A few minutes into the drive, there was a sudden weight on my shoulder and I turned my head to see Seonghwa sleeping soundly, his head on my shoulder. I sighed softly and rested my head against his, moving my thumb to rub gentle circles on the back of his hand. Seonghwa let out a sigh and cuddled closer to me in his slip, nuzzling his head further into my neck. Before long, we were arriving back to the dorm and I gently shook his shoulder to wake him up. He whined softly and slipped his eyes open slightly, glancing around though still half asleep. I unbuckled him and helped him out of the car, thanking the manager before guiding him into the dorm. He was about 20% awake and 80% asleep, stumbling and leaning heavily against me. As we walked past the kitchen, Seonghwa yawned and lazily pat my shoulder.
"You need to eat," he mumbled.
"I will," I replied softly. I guided him into our room and over to his bed, laying him down gently and making sure he didn't hit his head on anything. I moved him around so I could lift up his blanket and tucked it over the top of him. I ruffled his hair before standing back up and going to leave but I was stopped suddenly when his hand wrapped around my wrist. I chuckled, knowing what he wanted and pulling my wrist from his grip. He whined and his eyes slipped open slightly as he lifted his arms, making grabby hands towards me. I smiled fondly as I quickly slipped out of my jeans before climbing onto the bed and flopping next to him, wrapping my arms around him. He was quickly to snuggle up to me, wrapping an arm around my waist and letting out a soft hum. I stayed still as he moved around got comfortable, allowing him to rest his head on my chest. I lifted my hand and slipped it into his hair, running it through softly to lull him to sleep before closing my eyes and sleeping myself.
The next day I was back in the studio at 4pm after an early dance practice, only this time I was with Maddox having some fun.
"Ooo, what about using this sound in a song," he asked, pressing play on it. I burst out loud as it was the most random audio that we would definitely not be able to use and he giggled.
"Hyungie that's horrible," I said in between laughs.
"It's not that bad," he said, before laughing again himself. I dropped my head into my hands that were braced on my desk before taking a few breathes to calm down slightly. I lifted my head back up and moved my arms but in doing so I knocked my pencil off my desk. I giggled and leant down quickly to grab it but I was too busy laughing and didn't pay enough attention, causing me to smash my nose into the side of the desk because I misjudged the distance. I cried out and fell from my chair, grabbing my nose and feeling something sticky. My eyes welled up with tears at the feeling, and I whimpered. Maddox was beside me within seconds and he cursed.
"Shit, Joongie," he said. He rushed off before returning with a bunch of tissue. He moved my hand and replaced it with a bunch of tissues.
"It's bleeding," he said softly. I groaned and let the tears fall, sliding down my face.
"Joongie, baby, don't cry," he said quickly, wrapping me up in a gentle hug. I chuckled slightly through my tears and pat his arm lightly.
"I'm fine, I'm just crying because my nose made my eyes all watery. You know that weird feeling when you knock your nose and your eyes just water really badly," I said. Maddox let out a breath of relief and helped me up.
"Hold the tissues," he said. I quickly reached up and grabbed the tissues, holding them in place to soak up the blood. I remember once someone saying tilting your head back will stop the bleeding quicker, so I tilted mine back. Maddox turned back around and lunged forwards quickly.
"Hongjoong, don't ever do that," he said sternly, tilting my head back down.
"Don't ever do that Hongjoong, it might cause the blood to run down your throat and into your stomach," Maddox said.
"Oh, sorry," I said quietly. Clearly what that person said was wrong.
"That's ok, I just want to make sure you're ok," he said, grabbing and squeezing my shoulder softly in reassurance.
"Come on, we should go to the bathroom, so we don't get blood everywhere you clumsy minion," he said. I whined in annoyance, but he just grinned and helped me out of the room. We were walking down the halls towards the bathroom when another door opened and Wooyoung walked out. He turned around and his eyes landed on us, making him gasp in shock as he no doubt saw the blood on the tissues. He ran forwards quickly, stopping in front of me.
"Hyung what happened? What's wrong? Why's your nose bleeding? Does it hu-."
"Hey, hey, calm down I'm fine," I interrupted quickly, placing my free hand on his shoulder to slow him down.
"It's just a nosebleed Young-ah," I said. He bit his lip nervously before moving forwards and hugging me tightly. I let him hug me for a bit as I know how worried he get's whenever he thinks one of us are hurt. I wrapped my free arm around him and awkwardly pat him on the back softly a few times.
"Alright Wooyoung, it's time to go. I need to get Hongjoong to the bathroom," Maddox said, shooing Wooyoung away softly. Wooyoung pouted but let go of me and made his way down the hall. Maddox and I continued on our way to the bathroom to fix up my blood nose.
I remained in my studio until around midnight that night, setting an alarm to make sure I went back when I was supposed to, not wanting a repeat of the night before. Maddox took me home this time though as he was also still hanging around the company.
"Get a proper sleep tonight Joong and don't go banging your nose on anymore desks alright," he said.
"I won't, I promise Hyung," I said, patting his shoulder before leaving the car. I walked inside the dorm and yawned, stretching slightly to loosen my muscles. I went to the kitchen and poured myself a glass of water, drinking it quickly and putting it into the sink. I made my way to the loungeroom, prepared to flop down on the couch and just sleep there but luckily I looked before I did, otherwise I would've landed right on top of a sleeping Wooyoung. He was curled up in the corner of the couch, his head resting on the arm of it, his face lax as he slept. I smiled softly and squatted down beside the couch. I would love to just let him sleep but the couch is uncomfortable, especially with the way that he was sleeping and it would definitely give him a sore neck in the morning. I slipped my hand into his and squeezed is softly continuously. After doing it about three times, he started to shift and his eyes slipped open.
"Hyung," he said softly, his voice thick with sleep.
"Hey sleepy-head, let's get you up and into bed alright. If you sleep here, you're going to be very sore in the morning," I said softly, pulling him up off the couch. He shook his head quickly before wrapping his arms around my neck and latching on tightly. I tried to pull away, but he just whined and held me even tighter. Great, I've got a little leech now. I sighed and kissed the top of his head softly, patting his back slowly.
"You need to go to sleep Wooyoung-ah," I told him.
"Can I sleep next to you Hyung," he asked me suddenly. I was caught off guard, not expecting the question as Wooyoung never asks to sleep with me. It's usually San, Yeosang, Yunho or Seonghwa but never me. Probably because I'm not a very affectionate person.
"Go sleep with Sannie if you wanna be close to someone," I told him.
"I don't wanna sleep with Sannie, I wanna sleep with you," he said and I could practically picture the pout he was most likely sporting.
"Why," I asked him.
"B-Because I was scared for you earlier. I wanna make sure you're ok," he said, his voice small. I was confused about what he was talking about but then I laughed when I realised what he was talking about. All this over me being clumsy and getting a nosebleed.
"Alright, up you hop," I said, tapping the back of his legs. He quickly tightened his hold around my neck and jumped up, allowing me to slip my arms under his thighs to hold him up.
"You can sleep with me," I said, carrying him over to my room. He squirmed happily in my arms and I quickly put him down, opening the door to my room. He went inside quickly and quietly, going onto my bed and slipping under the sheets. I quickly got changed, making sure not to make too much noise as Seonghwa was asleep and then I dropped down on the bed beside him. He quickly latched on to me, clinging on tightly. I don't usually cuddle with anyone, except sometimes Seonghwa and it's even more rare for me to cuddle someone to sleep but I'm fine to let it go this once and I hugged him back. He shuffled closer and tucked his head into my neck and we slowly drifted off to sleep together.
A few days later, I got a phone call from my mum in the middle of a break in practice. Mum doesn't usually call me unless we've discussed it beforehand. I quickly stepped outside and answered the call.
"Hi mum, everything ok," I asked.
"Hongjoong-ah, my sweet boy," she said softly. I bit my lip nervously.
"What's happened," I asked, knowing there was definitely an issue.
"First of all I want you to know that your dad is going to be completely fine but he got into a car accident and he broke his leg. I wanted to make sure you heard it from me, so you didn't stress too much," she told me. I was shocked but also relieved to know he was going to be fine.
"Is he still in hospital," I asked her.
"Yes, he is. He's getting a cast put on," she told me.
"When does he get out," I asked.
"They want to keep him overnight but they'll let him out in the morning," she replied. I nodded slowly to myself, thinking to myself for a bit.
"I'll be down there tonight and I'll be with him when he leaves tomorrow, to make sure he get's home and everything is ok," I said.
"Oh Sweetheart, you can't do that. You have your job, you can't just leave suddenly," she said softly.
"I'm good mum, KQ is good, our CEO will be fine with it. We don't have schedules for a little while so I can take half a day off," I told her.
"I promise I'll be there to see dad. I'm going to call our manager now," I said.
"Ok, I will look forward to seeing my baby. I love you," she said.
"I love you too mum. I'll see you tonight," I replied before hanging up. I then quickly called our manager and explained what happened, asking whether I could get some time to go see my parents. He promised he would look into it before hanging up and I quickly went back to practice.
Practice was good and we got through a lot by the end of it.
"Well done boys, practice is done. I don't want anyone staying back today, no overworking yourselves," I said.
"That includes you as well Hongjoong," Seonghwa said, helping San stretch out his back slightly. I rolled my eyes and walked over to my bag. The door to the dance room suddenly opened and our manager walked on.
"Hongjoong, a word please," he said. I nodded and walked over to him quickly.
"You've got the all clear to see your parents for the day. Your flight is booked for in about 2 hours," he told me.
"Thank you manager-nim. I should get to the hospital in about 3 hours," I said with a nod. He nodded before leaving. I was happy that I was given the all clear to go see my parents for a day even given the circumstances. I turned back around to see Wooyoung standing a few metres away, watching me with furrowed eyebrows.
"Young-ah," I questioned, raising an eyebrow.
"Is everything ok," he asked, walking closer. I nodded quickly, not wanting the others to know what happened and start worrying over nothing.
"Everything's fine, I'm just going to go visit my parents for the day tomorrow," I said. He nibbled on his bottom lip and nodded slowly before lunging forwards and kissing my cheek. He ran off quickly after that, going over to San and despite being caught off-guard, I decided to let it go. I'm not affectionate but most of the others are so I'm not going to tell them off every time they show their emotions through affection.
I managed to get to the hospital in time to spend about two hours with my dad. He was doing just fine but was very happy to see me, as I was happy to see my parents as well. If I perhaps laid in the bed with my dad and cuddled up to his side for a few hours, no one else has to know.
"I'll see you tomorrow morning to help get you discharged and home," I told my dad as I gave him a tight hug.
"It's good to see you Hongjoong, almost makes breaking my leg worth it," my dad said.
"Dad," I said, whacking his shoulder softly. He chuckled and ruffled my hair softly.
"Go back home and get some sleep. Your bed's still ready for you," he told me.
"Ok, thanks dad," I said. Mum and I left the hospital and went back home, sitting on either side of the couch to talk to each other.
"How's everything been going with you lately Sweetheart," she asked me.
"Great. I really love what we're doing," I said, smiling happily.
"I'm glad. Have you been sleeping properly and eating well," she asked.
"Yeah. I mean I get distracted sometimes but Seonghwa usually makes sure I get enough sleep and eat properly. If I stay back at the studio too many days in a row, he'll come and drag me out of it," I said with a chuckle.
"So the boys, they're all looking after you? Keeping you safe and happy," she asked me.
"They're younger than me mum, apart from Hwa so it's not expected for them to look after me. But yeah, they do look after me whenever they think I need it. You know I'm not really one for skinship but if Sannie notices I'm upset, he'll just sit with me in the studio, sometimes on the couch but he'll mainly just sit on my lap," I admitted, going slightly red as she pinched my cheeks an cooed.
"That's adorable Joongie baby. Sannie was always such a Darling," she said softly. I went to reply but my phone suddenly started to ring. I was confused and quickly tugged it from my back pocket, wondering who was calling close to 11pm. It was Wooyoung.
"Answer it," my mum said, giving me a small smile. I nodded and answered it, placing it against my ear.
"Young-ah, why're you still awake? You should be getting some rest while we have the chance to," I scolded softly, making sure not to be too firm so it didn't come across too harsh. Wooyoung was quite for a few seconds before he replied.
"Just wanted to make sure you were ok," he said quietly. I smiled softly at his words, touched that he worried for me.
"I'm fine, I promise. I'm just visiting my parents remember," I replied.
"I love you very much Hyung," he said quietly.
"I know that Youngie. I love you too," I replied, confused by how he's acting.
"Look after yourself," he whispered and I heard him yawn in the background, clearly tired.
"I promise I will. Now why don't you tuck yourself nice and tight into bed, close your eyes and get some sleep," I said softly.
"M'kay, bye Hyungie," he said.
"Bye sweetie," I replied before finally hanging up. I put my phone away before looking back to my mum, seeing her smiling fondly.
"What," I asked in confusion.
"It's cute, how you are with the younger boys, with Wooyoung. From what I've seen, he can be hard to handle but it's clear how much he loves you and the others. I want you to continue to act like this with him ok, even if he has too much energy as time goes on. You're a good boy and you need to help guide him in life, make sure he remains as happy as he is now," she told me.
"Of course I will mum. The boys are as much family to me as you are," I replied quickly. She smiled happily and pat my knee softly.
"Good. I'm thankful they're there to look after you and keep you from overworking," she said.
"Hwa takes that job very seriously," I said with a nod.
"I'm glad. Now listen to your own advice and get some sleep," she said.
I went back home the next day, making it back home in time for dinner that Wooyoung and Seonghwa were preparing.
"Alright guys, dinner is ready so get the table set," Seonghwa called out. I stood up from where I was sitting on the couch, walking towards the kitchen but I was stopped by Yunho.
"You just go sit down Hyung, we'll set the table," he said.
"No it's fine, I'll help," I said, shaking my head.
"Just sit down Hyung, we're setting the table," San said. I was confused but walked over to the table. I jumped slightly when there was hurried footsteps and I looked to see Mingi running past me and pulling out my chair.
"Here Hyung," he said, motioning to the chair. I raised an eyebrow in confusion but sat down slowly. Everyone else set the table while Wooyoung and Seonghwa put the food on the table.
"I've got it Hyung," Yeosang said I went to start making my food. He swiped my plate away from in front of me. I froze and watched with wide and confused eyes as he put my food on my plate with the help of Yunho. I was even more confused than earlier but I let it go once again and just gave him a small smile of appreciation. No one brought up anything about my trip to see my parents which surprised me because I expected them to ask about why I did it all of a sudden but I just shrugged it off. Once dinner was finished, we all put our dishes into the dishwasher and Jongho got it started. It was only 9pm so that means there's plenty of time to head to the studio and get some work done.
"Alright guys, I'm going to head out and get some work done in the studio," I called out as I walked towards the front door.
"DON'T GO." I froze and spun around with wide eyes as everyone suddenly started protesting and there were rushed footsteps. Seonghwa walked over to me quickly and grabbed my hand, pulling me away from the door, making me squeak.
"Wh-What? Hwa, what're you doing," I asked in confusion.
"I want you to stay home for tonight," he said.
"What, why? I want to go to the studio and work on some songs," I said as he continued to pull me away.
"You need rest," he said, shaking his head.
"I don't, I'm not even tired," I said with a frown.
"Just get some more sleep tonight," he said.
"Park Seonghwa, look at me right now," I said sternly. He froze and sighed before turning to face me.
"Please just stay and get some rest tonight Joong. If not for you, then for me," he pleaded. I was beyond confused at this point but one look in Seonghwa's eyes and I could see the worry and fear in his eyes. I have no idea what could worry him or make him scared that has to do with me at the studio but whatever it is, I don't want to add to it and I don't want him being this worried.
"Ok, I'll stay," I said quietly, gently pulling my wrist from his hand and grabbing his hand, giving it a light squeeze. He let out a breath and gave me a small smile, which clearly meant I made the right decision to calm him down. We both went into our room and got ready for bed, the earliest I've gotten ready for bed in close to 2 years probably. It felt weird, but I got dressed and slipped into my bed. Seonghwa turned off the light once he was ready and got into his bed as well. I closed my eyes and tried to get to sleep but it wasn't really working so I basically just laid there. It was like that for around half an hour before I heard the sound of movement on the other side of the room, padded footsteps and then my bed dipped slightly. I was facing the wall but I shuffled forwards a bit to give him more space as he laid down and cuddled up to my back, wrapping his arm around my waist.
"Why're you sleeping in my bed," I asked him, breaking the silence.
"I wanna be close to you," he whispered. Ok, what is going on.
"Why're you acting so weird," I questioned him.
"I'm not acting weird," he replied.
"You're sleeping with me because you want to be close to me," I pointed out.
"Joongie," he said quietly, sounding a little off. I sighed and turned around, tucking my head into his neck and wrapping my arm around his waist.
"Talk to me Hwa," I said softly.
"I love you," he whispered. I sighed, realising this was a conversation he didn't want to have and it's bedtime so it can wait, I don't want to push him.
"I love you too. Let's get some sleep," I said gently. He nodded in the dark and cuddled me closer. We stayed quiet after that and slowly drifted off to sleep in each other's arms.
It's been a week and I am officially fed up with how the other boys have been acting with me. It's like they think I'm glass and can break at any moment, they're walking on eggshells around me. They keep stopping me from staying back late after practices and they worry about every little thing. They push me to eat more, drink more, rest more and it's frustrating me so much but I don't want to blow up with them, I've tried so hard not to but there's only so much I can take. We were currently in the middle of practice and I begun to get a headache, something that unfortunately happens often enough that I am used to it. On the next break we took, I walked over to my bag and took out some Panadol, swallowing it with some water quickly to help get rid of the headache. San must've noticed because he came over to me quickly.
"Hyung you have a headache, you should really sit out for the rest of practice," he said. I was still in the middle of drinking my water so when I got surprised, I started to choke on it, coughing and spluttering. This immediately caught everyone's attention and they rushed over.
"Hyung are you ok," Yunho asked.
"What happened," Yeosang asked.
"Can you breathe," Mingi asked. Everyone was touching me and checking me over and I snapped.
"JUST STOP," I yelled, slapping their hands away and stepping back quickly. Everyone stopped moving and went silent as I recapped my bottle and threw it off to the side.
"What the hell is going on," I asked sternly, frowned as I looked between all of them. They looked nervous, shifting slightly but no one said anything.
"I'm not glass guys, I don't need to sit out of practice for a stupid little headache," I said angrily.
"It isn't the headache that worries us, it's why you're having one," Yunho spoke up. Huh? Why I'm having a headache? It's not like it's something new.
"I get headaches all the time," I said slowly. The others all looked between each other before turning back to me.
"We don't, know if we should, you know, bring up your condition," Jongho said quietly. My what now?
"My condition? What condition? I don't have a condition," I asked, my mind reeling in confusion.
"The headaches, the hospital visits," Wooyoung said. I was quiet for a few seconds, hoping someone would enlighten me better but no one did.
"What're you talking about," I asked.
"You got a random nosebleed and were really pale. You've been tired lately and then the manager organised this random hospital visit out of nowhere in your home town and then you lied about it and said you just went to visit you parents," Wooyoung said.
"You can tell us you're sick Hyung, we can take it," Mingi said, his voice a little small. I was quiet, their words running over in my mind and I realised just how big the miscommunication was. Before I could stop myself, I burst out laughing. Everyone else was understandably confused as I probably looked like I was laughing like a maniac.
"What's wrong," Seonghwa asked. I took a deep breath to calm down my laughing and straightened out.
"I was working with Maddox Hyung in my studio and I knocked a pencil off my desk. I moved to quickly to pick it up and I accidentally hit my nose on the side of the desk, that's how my nose starting bleeding. I overwork sometimes so I get tired and pale but this is something we already know and you all are already on my ass about anyway. And I did go see my parents, in fact I went to see my father because he got into a car accident, broke his leg and ended up in hospital. I went to make sure he was definitely ok," I explained. I watched over their faces, noticing as the realisation dawned on them at different times, chuckling as it was pretty funny.
"Is that why you guys have been treating me like glass for the past week," I asked them.
"We thought you had cancer or something and were trying to hide it from us," Yeosang said with a groan.
"I promise you, I have absolutely nothing wrong with me," I said with a grin. Everyone nodded, looking relieved and I held back another laugh at the absurd hilarity of the situation. Though the smile slipped off my face the minute San's face scrunched up and he burst into tears, dropping his head into his hands and sobbing into them. Wooyoung immediately hugged him to try and console him but he just cried harder.
"Oh baby," I said softly, moving forwards and pulling him out of Wooyoung's arms and into mine. He wrapped his arms around me immediately and clung to me tightly.
"Why're you crying baby," I asked softly. San has a very sensitive soul and is get's upset quite easily.
"I thought you were dying," he sobbed out. Ok, who even came to that decision in the first place? I held back a chuckle, knowing it wasn't the appropriate time. I held him tightly and kissed the top of his head, rubbing his back to console him. He clutched tighter to me, sobbing into my shoulder.
"Everything's going to be ok, I'm fine," I told him firmly, leaving no room for miscommunication. He cried but nodded and I held him a little closer to me to reassure him. Wooyoung suddenly rushed forwards and collided with us, hugging us tightly and prompting the others to move forwards and soon enough we were all hugging in the middle of the room. We were hugging for a few seconds before I heard Wooyoung beginning to sniffle. I sighed softly and moved my hand over, resting it on Wooyoung's head and running my fingers through his hair, making him relax as he leaned into my hand. We continued to hug for a few minutes before San and Wooyoung finally managed to calm down. We remained hugging for a little bit longer before I finally pulled away. I kept my arm wrapped around San though, holding him close as once again, I know how sensitive he is. It was too quiet so I decided to speak up.
"You are all stupid," I said.
"I agree," Jongho said with a nod. San sniffled and nuzzled his head into my neck, as I pat his back softly.
"You're mean," Wooyoung said with a pout but I knew he didn't mean it.
"Why did you guys just ask me instead of immediately drawing to the absolute worst scenario," I asked them.
"We were just worried," Seonghwa said with a sigh.
"You just randomly thought I was dying," I said incredulously.
"You were being weird and secretive," Mingi pointed out.
"I was being my normal self," I deadpanned.
"Well I'm just glad you're going to be ok," Yeosang spoke up.
"I am, I am perfectly fine," I said with a nod. I leant my head softly against San's for a second before lowering my head slightly so my lips were beside his ear.
"I'm fine and I'm not going anywhere. You're stuck with me," I whispered to him. San turned around to face me fully, hugging me properly as he wrapped his arms around my neck. I chuckled softly and hugged his waist, giving it a little squeeze before pulling away. San let go and stepped back, wiping his eyes quickly.
"I'm sorry for being so dramatic," he apologized.
"It's completely fine," I said, ruffling his hair gently.
"I promise I am completely fine but why don't we take the rest of the day off," I proposed. The boys all cheered happily at that and I smiled softly.
"We can have a movie marathon together. I'll talk to manager-nim and tell him about the change of plans," I said. Everyone quickly rushed off to get packing and ready, except Seonghwa who walked over to me. I sighed and held out my hand, letting him grab it. He walked closer and rested his forehead against mine, drawing in a deep breath.
"You're an idiot and you jumped to conclusions too quickly Hwa. If you had of just asked, you wouldn't have been so worried," I said.
"You could've asked," he whispered.
"I didn't want to push your boundaries," I replied.
"I know. I mean this week hasn't been all that bad though. You've been too worried about making sure I wasn't turning into a stress head and letting me do whatever I want and I've been worried you're dying which means lots and lots of free cuddles for me," he said with a giggle. I groaned and whacked his chest before moving closer and hugging him softly.
"I'm an idiot, but I'm so, so glad you're ok. I love you so much," he whispered, holding me tightly. I smiled softly into his shoulder and gave his waist a gentle squeeze.
"I love you too you idiot," I said softly.
This was requested by my bestie 3shinjirarenai3 and I sincerely hope you enjoy it :)
Thank you everyone for reading and I hope you're all doing well
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