Hongjoong ~Fainting~
Hongjoong's POV
When I woke up in the morning I felt, off in a way. I can't really describe it, all I know is that there was thing niggling feeling in the back of my mind, telling me something was slightly wrong. I shrugged it off and got up quickly, knowing I need to wake up Yeosang and Wooyoung because they wanted to get some early practice in before our main practice later on the day. I walked quietly to their room and opened the door, slipping inside. I went to Yeosang first, given that he was on the bottom bunk. I placed my hand on his shoulder and gently shook it a few times. Yeosang's eyes immediately opened and he blinked a few times before glancing at me.
"Hyung," he said sleepily.
"Hey Sang, it's time to get up. You and Youngie wanted to get some extra practice in so you were gonna go down with me today remember," I said softly. He blinked again before nodding and sitting up. I moved off to the side so he could get up and go over to grab his clothes. He's generally easy to wake up and doesn't stay in bed for an hour like a certain younger and louder person does. Once Yeosang was heading out to the bathroom to get ready, I climbed up the ladder onto Wooyoung's bed. He was laying spreading eagle on his back on the bed, mouth slightly agape as he breathed in and out softly. I chuckled and crawled onto the bed, being careful not accidentally kick or knee him while I was moving. That wouldn't be a very nice way to wake up at all. I went to shake him awake but I paused where I was hovering above him as I felt a weird sensation in my head. My mind felt a little fuzzy, sort of hazy. I blinked my eyes slowly, the feeling getting more prominent.
I blinked, all I did was blink but the next moment I could tell something had changed. I felt a gentle hand brushing through my hair. A hand in my hair? I was literally just hovering above a sleeping Wooyoung, who could even have gotten close in less than a second.
"Hyungie, Hongjoong Hyung wake up." Wake up? What do you mean wake up? Why is Wooyoung telling me to wake up when I came here to wake up? I blinked my eyes open and furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. I wasn't hovering over Wooyoung, I was laying on top of him, my head resting on his chest as he had one hand in my hair and the other resting gently on my hip. I glanced up at Wooyoung who was just looking up at me fondly as he giggled and ruffled my hair.
"You're supposed to be waking me up Hyung, not falling asleep yourself," he said with a playful grin. I don't, I don't understand what's going on. How did I fall asleep in a second? It takes me over half an hour to an hour to get to sleep usually and I wasn't even tired. I sat up, sitting back and resting gently on Wooyoung's legs as he sat up as well. I raised my hand and placed it on the side of my head in confusion. I don't remember falling asleep and I certainly do not know how long it's actually and that worries me a bit but right now I need to focus on getting Wooyoung up.
"Are you ok Hyung," Wooyoung asked, tilting his head slightly to the side in concern.
"I'm fine. Sorry about that Young-ah, time to wake up," I said, laughing it off to make him a bit more relaxed. He giggled and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into a slightly chaotic hug.
"Let me go Wooyoung," I grumbled, pushing him weakly. To be honest, I don't mind it too much but if I agree too much then they'll always want one.
"Hyung you literally fell asleep on me a few minutes go and you were cuddling me like I was your pillow. Don't get all high and mighty now," he chuckled as he pulled away.
"Whatever, come on now, we need to go," I said softly as I climbed down the ladder of his bed. Wooyoung followed me and I held my arms out, helping him safely hop down the last few steps.
"Sangie's already getting ready so hurry up please Youngie," I said. He grinned and pat my head before rushing off to go and get ready. I frowned and leant back against the ladder, running a hand through my hand with a puff. I still don't really know what happened but it's a one time thing so I just shrugged it off.
It was during practice the next time that I felt something off once again. We had a 10 minute break between practice to have a drink of water. I went over to my bag by the wall and sat down, leaning against it and letting out a puff of air. I grabbed my drink bottle and started gulping down my water. It was while I was drinking that the weird hazy feeling came back. I placed my drink bottle down in confusion and once again blinked a few times. I shook my head slightly but it went really fuzzy and I felt it loll back but I didn't even feel it hit the wall.
The second I opened my eyes, I found I was looking up at the ceiling and there were hushed voices around me. I moved slightly and realised my head was in someone's lap, that's why it was so cushioned. I felt panic bubble in my throat at the unfamiliar position, not understanding how I got there. I sat up quickly, my breath catching slightly as I looked around the room. Arms wrapped around me instantly and there was a quiet voice shushing me by my ear. Yunho.
"We're still in the practice room Hyung, you just fell asleep. We didn't want to wake you though," Yunho said softly. Ok, I'm fine, everything's fine, I'm still in the practice room. I tried to even out my breathing a bit but I was too confused and panicked as to what the hell was happening. I wasn't even tired. I just blinked and I was waking up in a different position. Seonghwa knelt down beside me and grabbed my hands in his, squeezing gently. It was calming and I managed to take a few deep breaths to keep calm. Once my breathing was even again, I let go of his hands and stood up.
"Sorry for falling asleep guys, I didn't even realise I did," I said quickly. I'm not even sure I actually fell asleep.
"That's ok Hyung, we know how hard you work so you're bound to get tired," San said with a gentle smile.
"Yeah, I was just a bit tired. Let's keep going," I said, giving them a small smile. I can't tell them about my concerns and confusion, they already have a lot going on, no need to stress anyone out even more.
The next day, I found myself seated in my chair, by my computer working at about 10pm. It's not late for me, by far not late in terms of the times I usually work for. I was making ok progress on the song I was doing when my head begun to feel that now slightly familiar hazy feeling. I shook my head a few times before trying to continue on with my work but my eyesight was fuzzy and I couldn't focus on any images. I grabbed my mouse and moved it to try and see if it was the screen that was unfocused but the haze turned into a small sharp pain and I closed my eyes quickly.
I opened my eyes once again to someone gently shaking my shoulder and I turned my head to see Maddox knelt beside my chair I was on. Wait Maddox? How did he get here? It wasn't hard to tell that I had blanked out again but this time it seemed like longer. Afterall Maddox couldn't have gotten here that quickly. I'm still in my chair which is a bonus and as I looked around, I noted my work was untouched from when I was last working. There was a tap on my shoulder and I quickly turned back to Maddox who was still watching me.
"You should go home Joongie, you're too tired," he said in a soft whisper, lifting his hand and running his fingers through my hair. My eyes slipped closed subconsciously and I leant into the soothing touch before I quickly caught myself. I pulled away and shook my head quickly.
"I'm fine, I'm not tired," I told him. Which is the truth, I really don't feel tired at all.
"Joong-ah, you're clearly exhausted. You work too much, too the point that you just fell asleep at your desk," he said gently.
"I didn't fall asleep," I told him. Again, the truth but he just raised an eyebrow up at me.
"You definitely fell asleep, given the fact that I just walked in and I found you asleep in your desk chair," he deadpanned. I sighed and turned away, biting my lip slightly in frustration. I don't understand what's going on, how this could be happening. This is the third time, clearly there's some sort of pattern or something? But what? What could cause me to essentially pass out. Maddox might have some answers.
"Hyung have you ever passed out before," I asked, turning back to him. His eyes immediately went wide and he jumped up, grabbing my head gently and moving it back and forth as he inspected it. Right, not the best way to go about asking that question, now he's gone into overprotective Hyung mode. Time to backtrack a little so he doesn't totally freak out and tell Seonghwa and then Seonghwa goes into extremely overprotective and smothering Hyung mode.
"I'm not asking because I passed out, I'm asking because one of the members almost did and it worried me," I lied quickly. Maddox knelt back down with a slight frown at my words.
"Who was it," he asked. Ok, probably thought that through a little bit more. Which member is known to put in extra hours and work hard, and occasionally neglect his health but not scare him so much that he would rush over to check on them.
"It uh, it was Yunho but he's fine now," I said quickly.
"Maybe I should check in on him when I next see him," he said worriedly. Not quite what I was hoping for but I'm not the leader for nothing, I can think on the fly.
"You don't need to Hyung, he's ok now. I probably shouldn't have even told you in the first place without permission," I said, biting my lip nervously.
"Right, I understand. So, what did you wanna know," he asked me.
"What happens when you pass out," I asked, causing him to frown slightly.
"Well I've only passed out once in my life. I was working for a long time and I neglected to eat so I passed out," he told me. So not eat, along with working too long. None of those were problems for me when these weird blanks happened.
"Was it definitely because you didn't eat a lot," I asked, hoping there was maybe some other scenario but he nodded.
"Although it can also be from not drinking enough or overexerting yourself too much," he said. Ok, two more things but they both don't fit either. I've been eating, drinking and haven't been overworking myself. I mean I blanked out once barely 5 minutes after I woke up. This isn't really helping much.
"Thank you Hyung," I said quietly.
"Of course," he said before standing up with a sigh.
"Get some rest please Joong-ah," he said gently.
"I will. I'll save this and head home, promise," I said. That's a complete lie but oh well. He smiled and pat my head softly before leaving the room. The minute he left, I turned back to my computer and continued on with my work, pushing the fainting into the back of my mind. I don't have any answers or explanations so there's no use dwelling on it.
Two nights later was Sunday and every Sunday without fail is our game night. It's the one night I will never stay back late because it's our bonding and relaxing night. It was a night like many other Sunday's, our loud boys screaming and the quieter one's watching happily. Currently, Wooyoung and Mingi were playing a fighting video game and screaming at the TV. I mean what do you expect when it's those two, never a quiet moment. I was sitting on the couch, leaning slightly against Seonghwa as we watched the other boys giggle and take sides.
"Who do you think will win," I asked him quietly.
"There's no way I'm picking side Joongie. That's like choosing one kid over another," he chuckled. Trying to act like he doesn't play favourites huh. We'll see about that.
"Who would you pick out of Yeosang and Wooyoung," I asked. He barely even blinked before replying.
"Yeosang." I chuckled and shook my head as he grinned. We both turned back to the TV, noting that Mingi was in fact winning. We watched for a few minutes before I felt that familiar hazy feeling coming from the back of my mind. When that happens, it's usually a few seconds, 10 at tops before my mind, I guess, blanks. I don't want to cause a scene by falling off the couch suddenly so I made the split second decision to lean closer to Seonghwa in order to hopefully have my momentum make me fall that way. Hopefully. That was my last thought as my eyes slipped closed and everything went black.
When I came to once again, the boys were still playing video games, given the cheering but it was a little bit quieter than before. I know some time has passed as I'm definitely not in the same position as I was when I blacked out. I blinked my eyes open to see the ceiling above me so that means I'm laying down. I went to move and maybe get up but something around my waist tightened and I realised there were arms around me. There was a gentle sensation on the back on my neck and it made me relax instantly. Ah, I'm laying down on Seonghwa, only he knows that kissing the back of my neck helps me relax. He is surprisingly comfortable, I thought I was laying on the couch not resting and cuddled up on top of him. I turned my head and glanced up at him, raising an eyebrow. He smiled softly and lifted one of his hands to ruffle through my hair.
"You fell asleep against me darling, so I thought I'd get you into a more comfortable position," he explained gently. I frowned as I was once again reminded about my little blank out despite the fact that there's nothing wrong with me.
"Everything ok," he asked quietly. I can think about that later, right now I'm really comfortable and I'd prefer to just cuddle up to Seonghwa for once. I pushed it to the back of my mind once again, closing my eyes and relaxing back against Seonghwa's chest.
"M'fine," I mumbled tiredly.
"Ok. Sleep darling," he whispered softly. I heard a few goodnights sent to me from the other boys but I was quickly being lulled to actual sleep by Seonghwa's steady heartbeat and his fingers gently running through my hair.
The next day we were filming some content for Atiny. We were all sitting around the table and talking together as we waited for the time we had to actually start filming.
"Can we talk about what happened last week with Young-ah," Mingi asked. By what happened with Young-ah, he's referring to how Wooyoung set a frying pan handle on fire and set off the fire alarms. Yeosang completely freaked out and got worried Wooyoung was hurt so he wouldn't leave him alone for the next two days, it was actually kind of sweet.
"Nope, we don't have to talk about it," Wooyoung said, his face flushing in embarrassment.
"We can definitely talk about it," I said, grinning at the younger boy who pouted. Yunho beside me laughed at him as well. I went to chuckle but paused abruptly when I begin to feel hazy. Shit, shit, no, no, no. We're in the middle of filming, I can't blank now. Unfortunately, I didn't get a chance to think much because as usual, I had barely a few seconds before I blanked. I just hoped Yunho would be quick enough to realise and I wouldn't hit my head or anything.
I came back into consciousness to the sound of multiple people calling my name in rushed and panicked tones. My eyelids felt a little heavy and I couldn't quite open them up right away.
"Hongjoong? Joongie please, open your eyes or something." I felt bad because Seonghwa sounded so worried and nervous.
"Hyung should we, should we call an ambulance or something." Even Jongho sounds really worried. Why the hell did I have to blank in the middle of a recording studio in front of everyone.
"Hongjoong, it's Seonghwa. Can you please try to open you eyes for me, please," Seonghwa whispered worriedly. It sounded like his voice almost broke at the end and my stomach dropped. Seonghwa doesn't get frazzled easily, especially in front of the kids which means he's really worried. I struggled slightly but I managed to open my eyes, blinking to see Seonghwa knelt beside me, his eyebrows furrowed in concern as he looked down at me. Ok, so I'm on the ground laying down, but my head is pillowed by some sort of jacket. I noticed the extremely concerned look in Seonghwa's eyes as he just watched me. Right, I should let them know I'm ok. I sat up quickly before standing right after.
"Sorry," I apologized quickly. I noted that my head wasn't sore at all so someone must of caught me or I didn't fall and the boys just put me on the floor to be safer. I turned around to see that Seonghwa had stood and all of them were looking at me like I was crazy.
"What," I asked with a frown.
"Do you even know what just happened," Wooyoung asked quickly. Ah, right. They won't brush it off that easily.
"We were just talking and laughing and then you just leant against me. I thought you were giving me a hug so I hugged you back but then you almost fell. I caught you but you were out like a light," Yunho said quickly.
"We thought you fell asleep Hyung, but then you wouldn't wake up. It kind of scared us," Mingi said in a quiet voice.
"I'm sorry. I'm ok, I just passed out again." See, there goes my stupid unfiltered mouth that likes to pop up at the worst possible scenarios. Why would I say that?
"Again," Seonghwa exclaimed with wide eyes. Whoops.
"Don't worry I'm fine, we can start filming," I said quickly, trying to calm them down and reassure them. I went to make my way back over to the table but Yeosang's hand quickly enclosed around my wrist.
"How many times have you fainted," he asked me with a frown.
"Um, I," I paused, unsure what to say. I've already let slip it's happened multiple times but I'm not sure if I should tell them what's happening because they will freak out.
"Joong." I glanced over at Seonghwa, his eyes pleading at me to give him some answers. It wouldn't be right to continue lying to them now.
"That would be the fifth time now," I said quietly, hearing multiple gasps in response.
"When," San asked hurriedly. I thought back throughout the week, remembering what happened the first time.
"The first time was earlier this week. I went to wake up Wooyoung but I dunno, something happened and I guess I passed out on top of him," I said with a shrug.
"Wait seriously? I thought you just fell asleep," Wooyoung said with a frown but I just shrugged.
"It's me, I would never fall asleep like that, especially when I'm helping get one of you guys ready," I pointed out. Wooyoung pouted and I could tell he felt bad for not realising but there wasn't really anyone he could so I reached over and squeezed his shoulder in reassurance.
"The second time was that day in the practice room, when you guys waited for me to wake up, I actually passed out," I admitted.
"I swear you just fell asleep. You looked so calm, like you just fell asleep," Jongho piped up. I just gently shook my head in reply.
"You guys don't know about the third time because it was while I was in the studio. I was working when it happened and Maddox found me and thought I just fell asleep," I told them. Seonghwa frowned and I saw his jaw clench slightly as he looked away. He's going to hate me for hiding this from him when I've always promised to tell him if something is wrong. I sighed and continued on.
"The fourth time was actually last night, during our games," I said quietly.
"I am such an idiot," Seonghwa said with a gasp. What? Why?
"Why," I asked with a frown.
"I should have realised you hadn't fallen asleep. We were talking moments before you leant against me. It always takes you a while to get to sleep, your brain is too active. You would never be able to fall asleep in less than 10 seconds," he said with a groan, burying his face in his hand.
"It's fine Hwa, I was actually comfortable," I said, trying to make him feel a bit better.
"Hyung nothing you just said is fine whatsoever," Yeosang said firmly.
"What do you mean," I asked. I'm ok, things happen. Sure I didn't tell them but that doesn't mean there's anything wrong.
"Do you seriously not find anything wrong with the fact that you just admitted to passing out multiple times. Not only that, but once when you were alone and anything could've happened," Seonghwa said, a hint of anger in his voice. Ok, I get that they're upset I didn't tell them but we still need to continue with the video.
"No," I said with a raised eyebrow. San scoffed and I glanced over at where he was standing by Wooyoung and Yunho.
"Hyung Wooyoung passed out yesterday while we were in the middle of dancing. He overdid it and didn't drink enough water," San said. He what!? I rushed over to Wooyoung quickly, worried he may have hurt himself. I mean San is very protective over him but he may not have caught him in time.
"Are you ok aegi? You didn't hurt yourself did you," I asked, biting my lip nervously. I checked his head gently but he stepped back and grabbed my hands, pulling them back down but still holding onto them.
"I didn't actually pass out Hyung," he said softly. Huh?
"But Sannie said you did," I said in confusion.
"Hongjoong Hyung, what was the first thought you had when you heard Youngie passed out," Yeosang asked me. I am so confused at what's happening right now.
"I was worried because he passed out obviously. That kind of means something's wrong and he could've gotten hurt," I said, before trailing off. Right, I get it now. They aren't as upset about me telling them, but worried about the fact that I've passed out numerous time.
"We should have a little talk, come sit down," I said with a sigh. They looked a bit apprehensive but they still went back and sat down in their seats. I went to go sit down in mine but Seonghwa suddenly wrapped his arms around my waist and tugged me onto his lap. I turned my head and looked at him questioningly.
"Just in case you pass out," he said quickly, his arms tightening slightly. I could tell he was worried and just wanted me to be close so I let it be and faced the other's once again.
"Look, I know you guys are worried about me but I really am fine. It doesn't hurt, I barely even feel a thing. I don't know what's causing me to pass out, it's nothing like dehydration or not eating enough, or sleep. I honestly don't know what it is, so you guys won't ever, there's nothing to do really," I explained to them.
"Do you know it's going to happen before you actually pass out," Jongho asked.
"For few seconds at most, yeah. I'll be doing something and then there will just be this hazy feeling in the back of my mind, sort of like I'm slowly sinking under water. Then it just goes blank," I told them.
"Have you been to the doctors yet? Why wouldn't you tell us," Yunho asked.
"No I haven't and I dunno, I just never really thought about it," I said with a shrug.
"That's bullshit," Seonghwa said suddenly. I spun around to look at him, my eyes wide in shock.
"You've been around us almost every time this has happened, when we thought you were sleeping. Any one of those times, you could've correct us and told us what was happening," he said. Ok, valid.
"I just didn't want to worry you all when we're all already working so hard," I said with a sigh.
"Why do you have to be such a considerate leader," Wooyoung whined with a pout, making me chuckle.
"It's not just being a leader, it's what happens when you're older. You don't want to worry the younger ones with your problems," I told him.
"Seonghwa Hyung doesn't hide stuff from us and he's older," Jongho said. Ha. Ha ha, that's hilarious. That is the funniest joke I've heard all day.
"Yes he do-." Before I could finish the sentence, Seonghwa quickly jabbed my ribs to get me to stop, whispering to shut up in my ear. I kept a grin from my face. He is definitely a hypocrite if that's the way he's leaning. He never hides stuff, he's worse than me.
"I'll be fine guys," I repeated, being met immediately by protests from the other's. I yelped when Seonghwa suddenly grabbed my hips, lifting me up and spinning me around so I was straddling his lap, facing him. I quickly glanced away from him, trying to avoid his eyes. Because trust me, once you make eye contact with Seonghwa, you are like one or two steps away from caving.
"Joongie, look at me please," he said softly. Ok nope, I much prefer angry Seonghwa over gentle and worried Seonghwa. I groaned but gave up and looked over to him.
"You need to go to the hospital darling. We need to find out if something really is wrong because fainting for no reason, especially that many times isn't normal," he said gently. I absolutely hate hospitals, they take up too much time and they don't always help. Luckily I know a weakness for Seonghwa, perks of being his best friend. I will slightly bruise my ego and dignity to get out of going to the hospital if possible.
"But why, can't I just stay," I whined, puffing my cheeks slightly and pouting. His eyes softened and I internally grinned but then they hardened and he straightened out, glaring at me slightly.
"I'm not that much of a pushover," he said with a frown. There were a few scoffs and I forced myself to not smile as Seonghwa looked bewildered at the reaction from the other's.
"Hyung you're a complete pushover when it comes to Hongjoong Hyung acting all cute and cuddly," Yunho said rolling his eyes.
"That is so not true," Seonghwa said indignantly. Oh, Park Seonghwa, you will eat your words. A plan started to form in my mind.
"It so is true. You are such a pushover," Jongho said.
"I am not," Seonghwa huffed. Oh really? I grinned to myself before moving forward and cuddling closer to him, grabbing his shirt in my hand softly as I nuzzled my face into his neck. Seonghwa stopped mid argument and hugged me tighter.
"You alright darling," he asked gently. I fought back a smile, knowing he would it against his neck before shaking my head slightly.
"I'm tired Hwa," I mumbled as he begun to rub my back.
"That's ok, do you want to head home early so you can get some rest? It must be a bit tiring," he said softly. I quickly leaned back with a grin, meeting Seonghwa's puzzled face.
"See, pushover," I said happily.
"Oh my god, seriously. Well I'm sorry for worrying about your well-being," he said rolling his eyes.
"I'm fine Hwa, stop worrying so much," I giggled. He frowned and pulled me closer in his arms and I went without complaint, knowing I'd annoyed him enough.
"Hongjoong Hyung, we'll feel better knowing you've seen a doctor to at try to figure out what's wrong or at least how to look after you when something happen," Mingi said. I could tell that the other's were also really worried and if getting checked up will help ease their worry, then I'll do it gladly.
"Ok, I'll go, but not today. We have a break in a couple of days, I'll go then alright," I said, giving a slight compromise.
"Thanks Hyung."
"Fine." That was a little aggressive from Jongho.
"Thanks Joong," Seonghwa said, squeezing my hips gently in excitement. I rolled my eyes but was internally glad that they seemed happier.
"Whatever, now we have a video to film, so let's get to work," I said, getting up off Seonghwa's lap and sitting down in my own seat.
Everything went fine for the rest of the day, it wasn't until dance practice the next day that it happened again. We were in the middle of going through the choreo for 'Eternal Sunshine' when I begun to get the hazy feeling. I knew it was merely seconds before I collapsed and it was dangerous while standing. It was just before my chuckle part which meant Seonghwa was directly in front of me. I cried out his name, stumbling closer as he spun around in confusion. The last thing I noted before my mind blank, was Seonghwa moving forwards and wrapping his arms around my waist.
I woke up to gentle fingers running through my hair and the sound of low music in the background. I opened my eyes, looking to the side slightly to see the boys dancing diligently but trying to keep quieter, the music volume turned lower than usual. I didn't actually look up but I knew the lap I was sitting in was Seonghwa's and it was his chest I was leaning against. I moved my head and nuzzled it closer underneath Seonghwa's chin.
"Thank you," I whispered quietly, earning a delicate kiss to the top of my head.
"How're you feeling," he asked gently.
"I'm fine, I just need a second," I said with a shrug.
"Take as long as you need. You've only missed about 15 minutes of practice," he told me. I nodded and closed my eyes, clenching his shirt in my fist as I thought about what happened. If I didn't managed to get Seonghwa's attention or he didn't catch me, I would've fallen and possibly hurt myself. If I get hurt, especially badly, it would be a major setback for the entire group.
"Don't overthink too much," Seonghwa said, interrupting my thoughts.
"We should continue practicing," I said with a sigh.
"Will you be ok," he asked softly as we stood up. I nodded and got back into position, the other's sending me small smiles of encouragement.
1 day later and about a day or two before I was actually supposed to head to the hospital to get checked up. I was hoping after the incident at practice, I might be able to go the rest of the time without having another incident but apparently my body had other plans for me. And of course it had to happen when I was alone with one of the kids...
"So what, you just drag this over here, and then click on this here and it merges together," Yeosang asked quietly as he mimicked my previous showed him.
"Yeah, good job Sang," I said, patting his head softly. He did a little happy shiver in his seat and I chuckled slightly at his cuteness. Yeosang is someone who practically lives for praises, more so than the other members.
"So what's next," he asked. I was about to reply when the annoying, stupid, hazy feeling was back yet again and I groaned instead.
"Sorry Sang, don't panic please aegi," I said, not being able to wait for his reply before I blanked.
When I woke up once again, I immediately knew I was in a bed, cuddled up against someone's side. I originally thought it would've been Seonghwa but they were shorter than him. Judging by his build and the fact that he was rubbing gentle circles into my hipbones, much like he does whenever Wooyoung falls asleep in his bed, it was Yeosang. I opened my eyes and glanced up from where my head was resting on his shoulder, and saw it was indeed Yeosang and he was looking up at the ceiling. I could tell he was thinking about something and given that he probably carried me to the van, helped drive me home, carried me to my bed and stayed with me, he had probably been thinking for a while. I felt bad for making him have to deal with that and possibly scaring him slightly.
"I'm sorry Yeosang," I said quietly. His head snapped down to look at me and to my surprise, a small smile bloomed over his face as he placed a gentle kiss to the top of my head. He pulled me closer and rested his head against mine, as we just laid in silence for a few minutes. The silence was broken when the door opened and Seonghwa walked inside. We went to sit up but he sat on the edge of the bed and stopped us.
"Stay like that, it's fine," he said. I bit my lip nervously, worried I may have upset them with what happened. Seonghwa sighed softly and slipped his hand into mine.
"You've been out for over an hour Joong, it's a lot longer than last time," he said softly.
"I'm sorry," I said guiltily.
"Don't be, it's not you fault this is happening. But I will have to ask if you'll go to the hospital tomorrow morning," he asked gently.
"What about practice," I asked with a small frown.
"You can miss out on one practice Joong-ah. You scared Yeosang a l-."
"Hyung," Yeosang whined in interruption. See this what I was worried about. I turned around to face Yeosang who was frowning but smiled as soon as I looked at him.
"It's fine Hyung," he said softly.
"No Yeosang, don't lie. It scared you when he collapsed in your arms. I don't want to wait for you to pass out at a really bad moment," Seonghwa said. He does have a point, and I don't want to scare any of the other's.
"I'll go. I don't want to keep worrying anyone," I said.
"That's not the point Hongjoong. It's got nothing to do with worrying someone, we just want to make sure you're ok," he said gently.
"Ok, but I'll still go tomorrow morning," I said, squeezing his hand gently.
"Alright, well you get some proper sleep now alright. I'm just going to finish the washing and then I'll head to bed," Seonghwa said. I nodded in reply and he got up before leaving the room. I felt Yeosang started to move, realising he was going to get up and leave.
"Wait Sangie. Can you maybe, stay here," I asked him. He paused and looked over at me with wide eyes.
"Are you sure," he asked slowly.
"Of course," I replied. He smiled happily and settled back down, wrapped his arms back around my waist and tugging me close. I rested my head onto his chest and let my eyes slip closed relaxing against the younger boy.
"Get some rest Hyung, you've got a hospital appointment in the morning," he whispered. I nodded and slowly drifted off in his arms. Even if the doctors can't help too much, I know the boys will look after me.
This was requested by gyuguwu and I hope you liked it even if it wasn't my best fic. I apologize for the long wait
I want to apologize for this chapter, I kind of struggled with ideas for it for some reason. I know you may have wanted to have the hospital part but I'm not sure what the actual diagnosis would be so I didn't add it
Despite this, I hope you guys were still able to enjoy it anyway
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