When Did It All Go Wrong?
"Hey Lucy," Mira pokes her head into my cubicle. "You got free time?"
"Just... finished!" I say as I quickly type out the rest of my report.
She holds up a piece of paper. "Care to go out and buy a couple things for me?"
"Sure." I take the memo and read the list. Shouldn't be too hard to find. "I'll be back in an hour or so."
I go to the store, and there's a huge buff tan guy behind the counter. He has spiky white hair and a scar on his face. I honestly think he's pretty scary until he smiles widely. "Welcome to Supermart, have a super time shopping with us!"
I show him the memo and he kindly tells me which aisle to find everything in.
"Do you work at Dragneel Inc.?" The clerk asks while ringing up my order.
I stiffen in confusion. How did he know?
He notices my discomfort and laughs. "Sorry, didn't mean to bother you. It's just, I'd recognize Nee-chan's handwriting anywhere."
"Your sister?"
"My name is Elfman Strauss." He introduces himself. Strauss... wait, that's Mira's last name!
I gasp."You're Mira's baby brother?!"
"That's right!" Elfman puffs out his chest proudly. I had pictured him a bit smaller.
"I'm Lucy." I laugh and shake his hand.
"Lucy Heartfilia? Nee-chan talks about you all the time. How are things going with Natsu?"
I blush. "I have nothing to do with Natsu!"
Elfman tilts his head. "But you confessed to him, didn't you? You guys're in love with each other."
I fan myself trying to cool off. What on earth has Mira been spouting? "I confessed to E.N.D, not Natsu. It was mostly just to get it off my chest. I'd never actually date someone I've never met."
Elfman frowns, his brows pinching together. "But Lucy, Natsu is E.N.D."
Natsu... is E.N.D?
"You didn't know that?" Elfman asks, confused.
I'm trapped in an echo chamber. E.N.D is Natsu. Oh. Oh Mavis. It's so sudden. So unexpected. It just kinda happened this way.
My world has flipped upside down.
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