Chapter 31
Jesus Jackson, what did you eat to be so unhealthy?, Jinyoung thought, as he walked to school, sniffling.
"JACKSON!!!", Yuoungjae yelled, seeing Jinyoung walk inside of the classroom.
He went for a hug, but Jinyoung stopped him. "Do. Not. Hug. Me.", he said and sneezed.
"But, you're cuteee!"
"Wanna die?"
Jinyoung looked around and realized something.
"Where is he?"
"Where's who?", Youngjae asked happily.
"Jimin. Where's Jimin."
"Oh, he went somewhere. Did something happen with him?"
"Why do you ask?"
"He just seemed like he was in a really bad mood so I wondered if something happened with the two of you."
"Really?! What a relief!"
Why is he not talking like crazy right now? This makes me nervous.
Why is Jaebum in a bad mood, tho? I mean, it's not like that was the first time that I brushed him off.
He didn't sound like himself over the phone...
... That was after he talked to Yugyeom, too. Something definitely happened.
"Youngjae!", Jinyoung snapped.
"Do you know where Jimin is?"
Jinyoung started walking towards the door.
"Jackson where are you going?", Youngjae asked.
"To look for him. And don't follow me."
"Well... Whatever! Good luck! ~♥~"
Jinyoung started running through the school. He only stopped when he noticed other's dark hair.
"Jimin!", He started walking towards him, and Jaebum started walking to him as well. "I need to talk t-", but Jaebum just continued next to him, not stopping.
Jaebum grabbed his hand and stopped him from walking. He was behind him, and he whispered to him.
Jinyoung couldn't believe it. He called him Jackson.
"I lost the bet", Jinyoung continued "and as I promised, I won't clinge to you anymore."
Jaebum let go of Jinyoung's hand and then
He was gone.
"JACKSON!", Youngjae yelled, leaning closer to other's face.
"What's up? Why are you so zoned out?", Youngjae leaned his hands on the table that Jinyoung was sitting behind.
"Um... It's nothing. Anyways, where's Jimin?"
"Huh? Oh, I don't know. He never came back to class. Didn't you go and look for him? Did something happen?
"No, not really. But, Youngjae why are you here? Shouldn't you be in class?", Jinyoung asked, confused.
"What are you talking about? It rang ages ago! Pay attention!"
"Huh? It did? Right... It did..."
Jinyoung stood up and went outside. "See you later."
*3 days later*
It's been three days.
It's been three days since me and that idiot talked and he stopped going to school.
Why isn't he here?
Did he really just say those things and disappear like that?
After spending all that time messing with me?
It isn't even funny.
Jinyoung was standing at the bridge where they first kissed, his head in his hands.
If I'd won the bet against him, I thought it would be easy to just cut him off.
And now that he cut me off...
I feel like I am creeping closer and closer to the edge of a cliff.
What am I supposed to do?
Jinyoung felt a hand around him and he hoped that it was his but...
"Why are you so serious?!", Youngjae yelled Mark was next to him.
"Ugh! You! I am happy on my own! Stop following me!"
"Are you kidding me?!
You were at my house this morning!
You followed me in the bathroom!
And then, after school, you came to my house making a huge deal about coming in!
It is called 'stalking' Youngjae! Stalking!!!"
"But, you should be thanking me right now!", Youngjae said, smiling.
"We saved you from bumping into a lamppost~
And from crossing the street on a red light~
And from falling down the stairs~
And walking into a female bathroom~
Are you seriously calling your guardian angel a stalker?"
"Um... Thanks? But why aren't you searching for Jimin? Aren't you guys worried?", Jinyoung, scratching the back of his neck, clearly uncomfortable.
"Honestly, I am more worried about you. You've been very strange since you went looking for Jimin."
"Can you just please stop following me around?"
"I couldn't even if I wanted to. I'm doing a favor for Jimin ♥"
"What are you saying?"
"Jimin told us to not let you out of our sight ♥!"
"Wait, he said that? Why?"
"Probably because he's worried about you!"
"That's not what I'm asking. I mean, if he is cutting me off, why did he ask you t- oh", Jinyoung realized. Damn.
"I'm sorry I yelled at you, I'm just so stressed.", Jinyoung said, suddenly chaging his mood.
"It's fine, I understand. But, Jackson this is so unlike you.", Youngjae said with a soft smile.
"You're using your head, even tho you're not really good at it! I mean, it's clear in classes!", Youngjae said with a smile.
"Youngjae that's not ni-", Mark tried to stop him, but the shorter just continued talking.
"Instead of using your head, you should go with your guts! Why are you glaring at me like that Mark? It's true! I have to tell him! He'd never figure it out on his own!", Youngjae continued smiling.
Jinyoung gripped his cheeks with both of his hands, thightly. "That's the point. I'm dense! But I know when you're trying to pick a fig-"
Jinyoung was cut off by Mark's sudden words. "Jimin would never do anything like that without a reason."
Jinyoung let go of Youngjae. "I get that you trust him. But, I don't. He kept something from me. And how can I trust him then?"
"Jackson! Did you ask him about it? Did you ever ask him? Jimin has no reason to tell you, unless you have shown your interest in what he has to say. He wouldn't say anything unless you asked him about it. That's why you should follow your gut and comfort him!", Youngjae yelled happily, his hands waving around.
Jaebum never tried to avoid me.
I was avoiding him, ignoring him and running away.
I should've listened to what he had to say first.
I'm despicable.
Am I really that stupid?"
Oh yeah, totally.", he said with an honest smile.
"Well... Thanks! Now I know what to do.", Jinyoung said and started walking away. "I have something I need to do! See you later!"
End of the chapter 💕
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