Chapter 17
At this point, Jinyoung couldn't feel anything. He just punched people the hardest he could. He could hear, though he didn't want to, because all the same stuff was being repeated.
"You fucking bastard"
And on and on. He fought back the best that he could, but his new body was quite slow and weak.
Most of the guys backed off, because they weren't used to Jackson being a good fighter. He basically scared them.
He scared them by basically sitting on Namjoon, while choking him."I have something to ask you", he whispered in a dangerous tone "Who did you get that CD from?"
"Fuck! Like I would know!"
"Aww... You think you can remember if I hit you a bit more?"
"No! No! No! No! I really don't know! Someone just put it in my locker for fuck's sake!"
He sounds like he's telling the truth. But if that's the case, in the end I haven't found out anything
"You. You know my nickname right? I don't particularly like the nickname Mad dog, but I actually don't let go once I've bitten, okay?", Jinyoung leaned very close to Namjoon.
"If you ever bother me again like this, next time I'll be the one to hunt you down. So if you want to live your life peacefully you better stay out of my way from now on.", Jinyoung said, very satisfied.
"Get away from that monster"
And with that, they were gone.
Jinyoung was left panting on the floor, trying to breathe. Everything hurts. Everything.
I can't even move my fingers. What do I do now? Do I have to crawl-?
His thoughts were stopped by the sound of steps that were becoming louder and louder.
"I thought I told you that I'll chase you around forever if you bother me again.", Jinyoung was way too tired for this.
Suddenly, the steps stopped. "Ah, if you could do that, I would happily welcome it.", a way too familiar voice to Jinyoung said. Not Namjoon. Jaebum.
Jinyoung was very confused. "Did I get hit in the head in the wrong place...?"
"Park Jimin, why are you here...?", Jinyoung said, still laying on the floor, Jaebum staring down at him.
Jaebum looked around the room and saw the broken CD on the floor. "Did you watch the video?", he asked. "Ah I guess I didn't have to ask you that. You're probably only here looking like this because you watched it."
"You are talking as if you knew I was going to come here?", Jinyoung said, still lying on the floor.
"That's because, I knew it. I knew that they got the video, that you'll get blackmailed with it, and that you'll hide that from me and come here."
"What...? How did you...? Wait! Did you...? You were the one that gave them the video?"
Jaebum kneeled down so he was closer to Jinyoung's face. "No, it wasn't me, but it is true that I didn't tell you although I knew about it."
"Were you the type of person to listen even if I tell you? You would've come here anyway even if you did listen to me."
Jaebum kneeled in the way that both of his knees were on different sides of Jinyoung, he was basically on top of him, with hands next to other boy's face.
"Also, I wanted to confirm your reaction.", he continued.
"That's right. Why did you come here even though you knew it was a trap?"
Jaebum put one of his hands on the other's cheek, his thumb in the corner of his lips.
"What do you mean 'why'?", Jinyoung said, confused by the other boy's sudden action "I just wanted to know who did this."
"Are my questions to heavy for you? Should I make them easier?", Jaebum said, putting his thumb inside of Jinyoung's mouth, opening it slightly. "Is it because you're scared of the video getting spread around? No, that can't be it. That's not like you."
He continued as he leaned his head closer, finger still inside of his mouth. "Or is it because you act heartless, but you can't ignore others' misfortunes. And you're weak to affection-", he leaned so close, his nose was touching Jinyoung's cheek.
"-Because, you're Park Jinyoung?"
End of the chapter 💕
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