The Silence After the Music
There is a song that only gives and never takes
Sung on high from the boughs of the oaks
A warbling, wandering music it makes
From high trills to low croaks.
He sings for the pleasure of all, those who listen
From those high oaken boughs in summer heat
While dew beads on grass glitter and glisten
Singing his song from soul sung sweet.
Sits he singing joyously upon his branch unawares
Blind to footsteps crunching leaves underfoot
Tall figure, dark shadows in the sunlight
Stepping over fallen twig and root.
His song is cut short with a sudden shot of thunder
Whistling tune of pleasure and peace fading
As feathers fallen fly upwards as ashes tossed asunder
Beneath the oak boughs of the forest shading.
A silence is all the remains, a cold and subtle silence
And the wind that whistles alone without company
A sad forgotten sound brought on by man's violence
That from this world hast ripped a voice of honey.
It is a sin to have silenced so sweet and charming a voice
To have stolen the world of a piece of its beauty
That would he have stayed, if he had a choice
And till death did his sworn duty.
So listen to which voice you hear beneath the sunlit boughs
And listen long and well if the tune be honey sweet
For then the listener's soul shall be aroused
When the mockingbird under oaken trees they meet.
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