At Least That's How the Nerd Would've Told It.
"Kacchan and I can defeat any villain when we work together as the #1 and #2 heroes. And that's the story of how I became the world's greatest hero..."
"At least..."
"That's how the nerd would've told it..."
"If he were still here..."
I look up at the crowd of teary-eyed people as I finish the story. Tears ran down my face and my voice cracks as I continue. "I've known Izuku Midorya for as long as I can remember and he was my best friend. That being said I never acted like it. Izuku got diagnosed quirkless and I bullied him for that. I would beat him, talk him down, trash his stuff. Even though I did all that he continued to fallow me and be my friend."
I look around at all the shocked faces but the ones that mattered most were my parent's and auntie Inko's. I knew I messed up and I didn't mean for things to go this far, but I was trying to protect him with every beating, insult, and burned object, I was trying to protect him.
"We were 4 when I started to tease him and it was little things, but as we got older he still wouldn't let go of his dream to become a hero. So, I intensified the bullying it got physical and others also joined in. I didn't bully him because I hated him or judged him for being quirk less I did it because I thought pursuing his dream would lead to him getting killed." I explain as the tears that were already streaming down my face got heavier and my voice creaking and shaking with every word. "I didn't want any of this, this is what I was trying to stop, but instead of it being his dream to kill him, it was me. The day Izuku took his life will haunt me forever." I cry out as that day replays in my head.
Two weeks ago
We just got done with class and I found out Deku wants to enroll in UA. When will that d*** nerd learn he'll get himself killed. I walk over to him as he's packing up to go home. He's about to put a notebook in his giant yellow bag but I snatched it away before he could and read the title.
"Oooooo what you got there Katsuki." One of the idiots say. I hold up the notebook that read Hero Analysis for the Future.
"HAHAHA the quirk less loser actually thinks he can become a hero how cute." The other one says. As I explode his notebook and throw it out the window.
I smirk as I put my hand on Deku's shoulder and start heating up my quirk and cringing at myself. I lean in close with a sinister smile on my face and say. "Don't even think about applying to UA or else." I let go of his shoulder and start to walk away. I feel he's determination to punch my face in I turn and set off small explosions. "You got a problem." I threaten. He immediately cowers as I turn to walk out. 'I know he'll never give this dream up maybe if I try that he'll give up.' I thought as I turn to him again. "You know if you really want to be a hero so bad there might be another way." I say about to hate myself for my next words. "just pray that you'll be born with a quirk in your next life and take a swan dive off the roof of the building." I say and walk away. 'Keep it together Katsuki don't break your act. Keep it together.' I kept tell myself. I didn't know that those words would cost me the thing I hold dearest to my heart, my best friend.
Izuku's POV
'take a swan dive off the roof.'
Those words played in my mind like a broken record.
'So he really does hate me that much. Why did I think he could change?' I thought to myself.
'You should take his advice.'
Great the voices are back. Why won't they just leave me alone.
"You're such a useless Deku. Just jump already. No one will miss you. You'll be doing everyone a favor.'
'No your wrong! I'm not useless and mom would miss me, I know she would... right?'
'Please, your burdening everyone. Just be a good boy and jump. No one will care. No one will notice.'
The tears won't stop running down my face. I feel like I'm in a dark room and the walls are closing in om me.
"B-but I don't want to die. I-I wan-want to be a hero." I say as if someone other than my demons were listening.
'You?! A hero? Yeah right! You're a pathetic loser who doesn't have a quirk. REMEMBER!!!'
'maybe your right. I can't do anything right. Even my "best friend" thinks so.'
'DO it, no one will care.'
my eyes now glued to the floor like it's the most interesting thing ever. Then before I knew what was going on I had reached the roof. Upon opening the door, I see the incredible view. It's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.
'at least I get to see something beautiful one last time.'
I close the heavy door leading to the roof and make my way to the edge. I take a quick look and decide it will fit my needs. I take a step back only long enough to take off my vibrant, worn down, old red shoes. I set them to the side and take my spot on the ledge of the building. The light breeze runs past me as I say a quick prayer to mom.
The peace is suddenly broken when I hear a girl yelling. I couldn't make out what she said, but I didn't care. I take a final breath and lead myself off the ledge. I feel the wind run passed me as I fall. I open my eyes and am surprised at what I see. Kacchan was running towards me, and to say he looked scared was a huge understatement, he looked down right petrified.
Suddenly there is an immense pain running all over my body. Its extremely difficult to breath and my vison is blurred and going black, but I didn't miss the sight of kacchan frozen, tears running down his face, terror, shock, and... regret? He looked so lost. I wanted to reach out and comfort him but I couldn't feel my body. My eyes feel heavy, it's like I need sleep after a week of insomnia. This is it, I'm going to leave this world for the next. I'm sorry mom I wish you a long happy life. I'm sorry kacchan I wish we could have been friends again... goodbye.
Katsuki's POV
When I walk out of the school building everything was normal till I heard a girl scream. "Look someone's on the roof! Are they about to jump!?!?!" my head wipes around as I stare up at the top of the building. Sure, enough there Deku was at the edge of the building. A crowd started to gather as everyone tried to figure out what was happening. My heart rate increases and my words are caught in my throat. I see Deku bring a foot forward over the edge.
Suddenly I find my voice and yell. "IZUKU! STOP! DON'T DO IT!" but I was to late. He leans over the edge and starts to fall. I watch in utter horror as he plummets to the ground. Time stops my heart sinks as I start running to try and catch him.
I stand there, frozen at the scene in front of me. My eyes wide, my mouth agape, sweat rolling down my forehead. Right there in front of me lay Izuku's bloody, crushed, limp body. Blood pooled from it along with blood splatters on the ground and the right side of my body. All of a sudden, I feel extreme nausea and bile rise up from my stomach. I cover my mouth as I turn from the scene and empty my stomach on the side. My throat hurts, my head is spinning, my stomach twists. 'This isn't happening. This isn't happening. This. Isn't. happening' I tell myself as I look at Izuku again. My eyes start to burn as the tears start flowing and won't stop, but I could care less as I make no move to stop them. The world around me disappears as I scream in agony, and despair.
The crowd is staring at me as I cry remembering that day. I wish I could take it all back, every insult, beating, disrobed object, all of it. I get my feet moving and walk to Inko and bow. "I so sorry for causing Izuku and you so much pain I wish mire then anything to take it all back, but I can't, I'm no better than a villain. I should have been the one to take a swan dive." I tell her head still down, tears still flowing. I suddenly feel warm kind arms wrap around me.
"Katsuki please stop I don't think Izuku would have liked it if you ended your life. And you are so much better than a villain I mean look at you, you're a mess from all of this that shows you are no villain. Izuku's probably looking down on us right now and smiling from your speech." She says in the softest voice. Whatever composure I had left broke, my knees buckle and I fall to the ground tears hot and heavy. Inko wraps me in a tight hug and my parents join the hug all of us crying.
I start to calm down as I lean further into mom. She runs her fingers through my hair trying to calm me. I feel my eyes get heavy and I can feel all the emotional exhaustion from the past two weeks. My eyes slowly close and the world starts fading out. The last thing I here before I lose all consciousness was my mom telling me everything is going to be alright, then everything goes black.
I jolt up in bed and look around. I was in my dorm room at UA. I run a hand through my hair and notice it was shaking. Then everything from my dream floods back to me. I quickly get out of my bed and march my way down the hall. I came to a stop and knocked on the door and when it opens I quickly wrapped him in a hug.
"Wow kacchan what happened are you ok." Deku asks taken aback. I tighten the hug slightly.
"I'm sorry I'm so so sorry for everything." I whisper. I feel Deku relax in my hold and he slowly puts his arms around me.
"It's ok kacchan, it's all going to be ok." He soothes. He pulls back a little and brings his hand to my face and brings it out so he can see it better. He smiles softly and wipes away the tears I didn't know were there. "Come on kacchan we have school tomorrow." He says as he leads me into his room. We lay down on his bed and cuddle as we both drift off to sleep for the rest of the night.
The end
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