Chapter One
Ello my children of the dark. Imma back! And I'm here to fuck shit up! Anyway here's the 1st chappie to my new story, Asylum. Enjoy and stay frosty.
(Arthur POV)
I sat on the couch as my three older brothers surrounded me. My oldest brother, Allistor wore a irritated look. Patrick sat there glaring at me. And Dylan looked at me pleadingly like the motherhen he was.
"I'm not bloody going!" I said bagging my fist on the coffee table. Allistor let out a growl as he grabbed my collar pulling me up to his face. Normally when he does this its because we're brawling it out.
I flinched in fear out of pure instinct. "You hear my Arthur. Do you fucking hear me!? You have to go! Your a fucking lunatic!" He said furiously. I had the eager need to spit in his face, but that was to perilous.
"Allistor stop it!" Dylan yelled. Allistor set me down as he glared at me, I met it with the same anger.
"Look Artie. We need you too, at least for two months, please?" Patrick asked with strange kindness towards me. I groaned out. I knew I wasn't going to win, I never do against them.
I sat up quickly, trying not to let the tears out. "It's not fair!" I screamed. "You can't call me crazy! You can't!" I let out a choked sob. "W-when we were kids you guys said you seen them, you said you did! But now since I do still I'm crazy!? It's not fair!" I felt the tears sliding down my cheeks.
"A-artie..." Patrick whispered.
"No! I'm not crazy! I hate you! All of you!" I screamed as I ran out out room. I turned seeing Dylan's face with pain filled eyes. I turned as I ran down the wall. I could hear voices. One was Allistor calling after me. The others were mumbles, mumbles that echoed through the walls. I couldn't make them out.
I slammed my door, sliding down it. I let out a few pained sobs as I pulled my knees to my chest. I'm not crazy.
I walked along the noise filled airport as my brothers carried my bags. I was awfully quite, and I know it bothered them. So I did it to spite them.
"Flight ninety four will be taking off in ten minutes." We heard a voice speak. I looked down. I didn't want to leave England, my freedom, and even my brothers. Dylan kissed my forehead. "Their going to help to Art. So we can be a happy family, okay?" I nodded.
Patrick looked me in the eyes and ruffled my hair. "We'll send letters Arthur. We'll miss you, it's just two months." I smiled a little. Allistor pulled my into a hug. "Be safe Arthur. Please? We love you." I hugged back as my other two brothers joined.
I rubbed my teary eyes. "I love you guys to..." I said flushed, I was never good with emotions. I waved goodbye, as I aborded my flight. Sitting down by a window. I had never been on a plane before. And to tell you the truth I was excited.
Just before the plane took off a teenager sat next to me. I was hoping to be alone, but I didn't really mind. "Caio my names Feliciano, what's yours?" He said with a cherry smile.
He had auburn hair with one curl astray on the side. He had big light brown eyes with rosy cheeks. He smiled happily.
"Arthur Kirkland, nice to meet you." I said. He tilted his head. "So where are you going?" He asked. "Sunshine Hills. How about you?" I said trying not to let him know I was a mental patient. His smile grew larger as he nodded his head. "Me too!"
I looked at him, obviously he knew what it was. "What's wrong with you?" He shook his head. "Nothing. I'm here to visit my big brother. He has Explosive disorder." He said. "You might meet him."
I nodded, interesting. A brother? I wonder what Explosive disorder is?
For the rest of the flight Feliciano fell asleep. Snoozing lightly. I looked out of the window. It was a breathtaking sight. I hummed lightly as I slowly started to drift off into dreamless sleep.
I was awaken by Feliciano as the flight landed. I got off, quickly gathering my stuff and headed through the American airport. I smelt of coffee, and stupidity.
I walked out, rubbing my eyes as the sunshine hurt them. I seen a cab waiting for me. I opened the door, getting in. The drive was short but for me it was long because I was anxious. What if they all try to kill me!?
I was escorted in by large looking men in pale mint suits. I was signed in and handed a white gown. I looked around the room.
This was going to be a hell filled two months.
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